Jeremy Hyler

TTT#356 Crafting Digital Writing with Audio and Video w/ Troy Hicks, Lindsay Stoetzel, Elana Waugh, Dawn Reed, and more 7.10.13

On this episode of TTT, we are joined by Troy Hicks, author of the new Heinemann book, Crafting Digital Writing Workshop: Composing Texts Across Media and Genres, and three of the teachers who Troy features in the book.

Google+ posts Google+ posts Google+ posts Google+ posts

Troy Hicks is the Director of the Chippewa River Writing Project at Central Michigan University and this is the first of a two-part series exploring the principles and practices described in his new book.

For this first episode, we welcome three teachers from the book to describe how they approach the craft of digital writing with audio, video, and other multimedia tools.

Elana Waugh, Bath Elementary School, explains how her students used mixed media to create a digital book project.

Lindsay Stoetzel, a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, describes how she used podcasts with her middle school students.

Dawn Reed, Okemos High School, discusses the ways that her students use digital video to construct arguments.

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.

TTT#341 Spring Meet and Greet with Fred Mindlin, Jo Paraiso, Jeremy Hyler, Joel Malley, Jim Nordlinger, and Loren ELF 3.20.13

TTT#341 Spring Meet and Greet with Fred Mindlin, Jo Paraiso, Jerery Hyler, Joel Malley, Jim Nordlinger, and Loren ELF 3.20.13

Share what's new on this week's episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers (TTT). We have an exciting line-up of topics and guests over the next several weeks, and so on this episode we decided to learn from each other.

TTT started with a group of teachers getting together, just sharing what they are noticing, dreaming of, connecting with and doing that was awesome. On this episode of TTT we continue that tradition.

Paul Allison and Monika Hardy are joined by Fred Mindlin, Jo Paraiso, Jerery Hyler, Joel Malley, Jim Nordlinger, and Loren ELF:

We talk a bit about our recent learning experiences at this year's DML conference, introduce new teachers who have just started using Youth Voices, and just basically catch up with each other.

Using Monika Hardy's notion of Detox, we talk about what we are noticing, dreaming of, connecting to, and doing that's awesome.

Enjoy! There are lots of ideas and plans here that we would love to involve you in as well.

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.



TTT#318 Youth Voices w/ Paul Allison, Eric Hoefler, Jim Nordlinger, Chris Sloan, Jack Zangerle, Jeremy Hyler, Monika Hardy 10.10

More about Youth Voices on this episode of TTT.

Meet teachers new to the site and teachers who have been using it for almost 10 years.

Find out more about our new approach to using the site that we've begun to describe as a school-based ARG (Alternate Reality Game). Paul Allison reports a bit on this experiment on P2PU - See He has already give out over 30 badges, issued by P2PU, collected in Mozilla Open Badge Backpacks and displayed on students' profile pages. Check out this example: And find out more about "the grid"

If you've been waiting for a good time to join the fun on TTT and with Youth Voices, this is your show! We'd love to introduce you to some new and old friends.

Paul Allison's profile photo Eric Hoefler's profile photo Jim Nordlinger's profile photo Chris Sloan's profile photo Jack Zangerle's profile photo Jeremy Hyler's profile photo monika hardy's profile photo

Paul Allison, Eric Hoefler, Jim Nordlinger, Chris Sloan, Jack Zangerle, Jeremy Hyler, Monika Hardy

TTT#313 Play Youth Voices with Erick Gordon, Jeremy Hyler, Jennifer Woollven, Len Schiff, Valerie Burton, Fred Haas 9.05.12

On this episode of TTT , we talk about a new endeavor at Youth Voices where students are invited "to become a social media power user through commenting on other players’ posts, responding to literary and informational texts, doing long-term research projects, composing, revising, and publishing with text and media, and becoming a self-directed learner."

We're looking for teachers of English, history and social studies, arts and media, and science to come play with the Common Core Standards on Youth Voices.

Our guests on this episode are:

Erick Gordon's profile photo Erick Gordon Jeremy Hyler's profile photo Jeremy Hyler Chris Sloan's profile photo Chris Sloan Jennifer Woollven's profile photo Jennifer Woollven

Len Schiff's profile photo Len Schiff Valerie Burton's profile photo Valerie Burton monika hardy's profile photo monika hardyFred Haas's profile photo Fred Haas

Click Read More to see the many details of this new game, available at Youth Voices

TTT#305 NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Edition w/ Samantha Adams, Jack West, Jeremy Hyler, and Erin Wilkey Oh 7.11.12

On this episode of TTT (recorded earlier in the summer), join Samantha Adams and Jack West, along with Jeremy Hyler and Erin Wilkey Oh to learn more about mobiles, tablets, games, PLE's, augumented reality, and natural user interfaces.

If you haven't read it yet, after listening to TTT#305 you'll want to read the NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Edition. You can get the report at the NMC site: or you can join the conversation about on the report at the NWP's Digital Is:

Jack West's profile photoErin Wilkey Oh's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoJeremy Hyler's profile photoSamantha Adams's profile photoChris Sloan's profile photo
Our guests include:
  • Samatha Adams, Director of Communications at the New Media Consortium (NMC), and here are some of the things Samantha does athe NMC:
    • Lead writer and researcher for the Horizon Report series (
    • Lead writer/editor - web and print
    • Community manager, social media strategist and analyst
    • Membership, press, and public outreach
    • Webinar production/hosting
    • Content manager for all nmc websites, including and
    • Project analysis and user experience for NMC partners -- mainly large companies
  • Jack West, physics teachers and advisory board member for the NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Report. Advisory Board members are the ones who actually vote in the specific technologies to the report.

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.



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