Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.
Paul Allison: Hi Peggy
20:55Peggy George: Hi Paul
20:56Jack West: Hi Peggy
20:56Peggy George: Hi Jack-excited to hear the latest on the K-12 Horizon Report :-)
21:02Peggy George: Hi monika and Erin
21:04Jeremy Hyler: hello
21:04unnamed: Hi all!
21:04Samantha Adams: Testing
21:04Peggy George: Hi Jeremy
21:05Jeremy Hyler: Hi Peggy!
21:05Peggy George: "unnamed" you can change your name at the top :-)
21:05Samantha Adams: That was me, all good now :)
21:05Peggy George: yeah! Hi Samantha :-)
21:05Peggy George: your test was successful!
21:05Erin Wilkey Oh: Hi
21:06Chris Sloan: hello all
21:06Peggy George: Jack's description of Elroy's day reminds me a lot of the story that Travis Allen shares with his iSchool Initiative
21:06Peggy George: Hi Chris-great to see you
21:07Peggy George: I love having the notes and links posted here so we can preview the resources before and during the session. Thanks Paul!
21:08Peggy George: anyone getting the stream yet?
21:13Samantha Adams: Love the National Writing Project!
21:15Peggy George: video and audio streaming great for me now
21:15Jack West: widespread use does not equal majority use.
21:16Peggy George: so true Jack
21:26Peggy George: wish you would all use the Lower Third app so I would know who is talking :-)
21:38Peggy George: yes for me on challenge based learning
21:41Samantha Adams: Ringwood North Primary's amazing Challenge Based Learning Video:
21:41Samantha Adams: The students say it a lot better than I could :)
21:43Jack West: That gives me goose bumps too!
21:43Peggy George: an amazing tool-so glad he's mentioning it 21:44Peggy George: loving these stories!
21:45Jack West: 66% of my students have cell phones
21:45Jack West: 100% of my students have cell phones. Oops.
21:45Jack West: 66% have smart phones.
21:46Jack West: 80 percent of my migrant students had smart phones. Probably because it is there only connection device - in other words no computer at home.
21:46Peggy George: great percentage! :-) makes sense to take advantage of that!
21:46Jeremy Hyler: Celly works with both smart and dumb phones
21:46Peggy George: :-)
21:47Erin Wilkey Oh: love hearing about Jeremy's work in the classroom! the Digital is website has a lot of examples of teachers working with these emerging technologies. 21:48Peggy George: love that site @Erin! :-)
21:48Chris Sloan: Thanks for the links Erin
21:48Samantha Adams: That percentage actually matches the national average pretty well -- 61% of people age 12 and up own a mobile device
21:49Peggy George: yes Samantha! very consistent with the SpeakUp survey results
21:50Jeremy Hyler: Thanks Erin!
21:50Chris Sloan: Is the Maori research in the Horizon Report?
21:51Peggy George: wow! powerful example!
21:52Peggy George: blogging could be part of any of the sections
21:53Jack West: I had an advance copy of the Point England School study with the Maori kids. NOt sure if it is published yet. I will check now.
21:53Chris Sloan: Thanks Jack.
21:55Jack West: here is a link to a blog from the school.
21:55Jack West: couldn't find the report online just now.
21:55Peggy George: thanks Jack!
21:57Jack West: links to your project, Monika?
21:59Jack West: Love the phrase, "Declaration of Independence."
22:00Jack West: Interdependence - oops
22:02Jeremy Hyler: I smell a blog post coming with the topic of personal learning spaces
22:03Peggy George: I loved the presentation by Yong Zhao at ISTE! Very persuasive!
22:04Samantha Adams:
22:04Jack West: here is the link to that keynote on youtube
22:04Samantha Adams: --our itunes collection with amazing talks about tackling wicked problems
22:05Samantha Adams: "Ideas that Matter" - thought leaders in education
22:08Peggy George: how funny! app that makes learning grammar fun for middle schoolers :-)
22:09Jeremy Hyler: Jack is your blog
22:10Jack West: that show is happening this August, and you are all invited..
22:10Peggy George: yes Jeremy-Jack's links are in the notes to the left
22:10Jack West: Yes, Jeremy.
22:10Jeremy Hyler: Thanks Jack
22:11Jack West: Self nomination is the only way I ever get to play.
22:14Peggy George: thank you all! great conversation!