TTT#305 NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Edition w/ Samantha Adams, Jack West, Jeremy Hyler, and Erin Wilkey Oh 7.11.12

On this episode of TTT (recorded earlier in the summer), join Samantha Adams and Jack West, along with Jeremy Hyler and Erin Wilkey Oh to learn more about mobiles, tablets, games, PLE's, augumented reality, and natural user interfaces.

If you haven't read it yet, after listening to TTT#305 you'll want to read the NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Edition. You can get the report at the NMC site: or you can join the conversation about on the report at the NWP's Digital Is:

Jack West's profile photoErin Wilkey Oh's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoJeremy Hyler's profile photoSamantha Adams's profile photoChris Sloan's profile photo
Our guests include:
  • Samatha Adams, Director of Communications at the New Media Consortium (NMC), and here are some of the things Samantha does athe NMC:
    • Lead writer and researcher for the Horizon Report series (
    • Lead writer/editor - web and print
    • Community manager, social media strategist and analyst
    • Membership, press, and public outreach
    • Webinar production/hosting
    • Content manager for all nmc websites, including and
    • Project analysis and user experience for NMC partners -- mainly large companies
  • Jack West, physics teachers and advisory board member for the NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Report. Advisory Board members are the ones who actually vote in the specific technologies to the report.

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.



Paul Allison: Hi Peggy
20:55Peggy George: Hi Paul
20:56Jack West: Hi Peggy
20:56Peggy George: Hi Jack-excited to hear the latest on the K-12 Horizon Report :-)
21:02Peggy George: Hi monika and Erin
21:04Jeremy Hyler: hello
21:04unnamedHi all!
21:04Samantha Adams: Testing
21:04Peggy George: Hi Jeremy
21:05Jeremy Hyler: Hi Peggy!
21:05Peggy George: "unnamed" you can change your name at the top :-)
21:05Samantha Adams: That was me, all good now :)
21:05Peggy George: yeah! Hi Samantha :-)
21:05Peggy George: your test was successful!
21:05Erin Wilkey Oh: Hi
21:06Chris Sloan: hello all
21:06Peggy George: Jack's description of Elroy's day reminds me a lot of the story that Travis Allen shares with his iSchool Initiative
21:06Peggy George: Hi Chris-great to see you
21:07Peggy George: I love having the notes and links posted here so we can preview the resources before and during the session. Thanks Paul!
21:08Peggy George: anyone getting the stream yet?
21:13Samantha Adams: Love the National Writing Project!
21:15Peggy George: video and audio streaming great for me now
21:15Jack West: widespread use does not equal majority use.
21:16Peggy George: so true Jack
21:26Peggy George: wish you would all use the Lower Third app so I would know who is talking :-)
21:38Peggy George: yes for me on challenge based learning
21:41Samantha Adams: Ringwood North Primary's amazing Challenge Based Learning Video:
21:41Samantha Adams: The students say it a lot better than I could :)
21:43Jack West: That gives me goose bumps too!
21:43Peggy George: an amazing tool-so glad he's mentioning it
21:44Peggy George: loving these stories!
21:45Jack West: 66% of my students have cell phones
21:45Jack West: 100% of my students have cell phones. Oops.
21:45Jack West: 66% have smart phones.
21:46Jack West: 80 percent of my migrant students had smart phones. Probably because it is there only connection device - in other words no computer at home.
21:46Peggy George: great percentage! :-) makes sense to take advantage of that!
21:46Jeremy Hyler: Celly works with both smart and dumb phones
21:46Peggy George: :-)
21:47Erin Wilkey Oh: love hearing about Jeremy's work in the classroom! the Digital is website has a lot of examples of teachers working with these emerging technologies.
21:48Peggy George: love that site @Erin! :-)
21:48Erin Wilkey Oh: One of Jeremy's blog posts about his work:
21:48Chris Sloan: Thanks for the links Erin
21:48Samantha Adams: That percentage actually matches the national average pretty well -- 61% of people age 12 and up own a mobile device
21:49Peggy George: yes Samantha! very consistent with the SpeakUp survey results
21:50Jeremy Hyler: Thanks Erin!
21:50Chris Sloan: Is the Maori research in the Horizon Report?
21:51Peggy George: wow! powerful example!
21:52Peggy George: blogging could be part of any of the sections
21:53Jack West: I had an advance copy of the Point England School study with the Maori kids. NOt sure if it is published yet. I will check now.
21:53Chris Sloan: Thanks Jack.
21:55Jack West: here is a link to a blog from the school.
21:55Jack West: couldn't find the report online just now.
21:55Peggy George: thanks Jack!
21:57Jack West: links to your project, Monika?
21:59Jack West: Love the phrase, "Declaration of Independence."
22:00Jack West: Interdependence - oops
22:02Jeremy Hyler: I smell a blog post coming with the topic of personal learning spaces
22:03Peggy George: I loved the presentation by Yong Zhao at ISTE! Very persuasive!
22:04Samantha Adams:
22:04Jack West: here is the link to that keynote on youtube
22:04Samantha Adams: --our itunes collection with amazing talks about tackling wicked problems
22:05Samantha Adams:
22:05Samantha Adams: "Ideas that Matter" - thought leaders in education
22:08Peggy George: how funny! app that makes learning grammar fun for middle schoolers :-)
22:09Jeremy Hyler: Jack is your blog
22:10Jack West: that show is happening this August, and you are all invited..
22:10Jack West:
22:10Peggy George: yes Jeremy-Jack's links are in the notes to the left
22:10Jack West: Yes, Jeremy.
22:10Jeremy Hyler: Thanks Jack
22:11Jack West: Self nomination is the only way I ever get to play.
22:13Samantha Adams:
22:13Samantha Adams:
22:14Peggy George: thank you all! great conversation!