Valerie Burton

TTT#366 Connected Educator Month w/ Sheri Edwards, Valerie Burton, Jo Paraiso, Joann Boettcher, K. Fasimpaur, Alan Levine 10.02

CEM 2013 is ON! This is the first of five special episodes of TTT we did as part of Connected Educator Month. We gathered for this episode of TTT on October 2 to talk about what it means for each of us to be "connected" -- and how this has changed our work with studnets. Enjoy!

Here's who join us for this episode:

Christina Cantrill's profile photo Christina Cantrill Sheri Edwards's profile photo Sheri Edwards Valerie Burton's profile photo Valerie Burton
Johanna Paraiso's profile photo Johanna Paraiso Joann Boettcher's profile photo Joann Boettcher Karen Fasimpaur's profile photo Karen Fasimpaur Alan Levine's profile photo Alan Levine

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast,
and to find a couple of links to the resources shared during this episode of TTT.

TTT#364 Youth Voices-Sheri Edwards, Jo Paraiso, Andrew Wyndham, Tricia Clarke, Marina Lombardo, Jake Jacobs, Valerie Burton 9.18

On this episode of TTT, we invite you to meet other teachers who have been using Youth Voices this fall to connect their students.

We shared our plans... dreams... ideas... worries...  as we moved into the fall semester.

We hope you enjoy this informal "meet and greet" -- out of which we hope many new connections might grow.

We will be meeting to talk about Youth Voices and how it is (or isn't) fitting into our curriculum often as 2014 kicks off! We gather at EdTechTallk each Wednesday at 9PM Eastern /6PM Pacific.

Please plan to join us when you can.

It has been exciting to see the posts and the comments flying into Youth Voices again this fall!

All that is needed is an hour on Wednesday evening, earbuds, and a Google+ account that you can Hangout on.

Come join us for a conversation that could make all the difference for your students!

Here's who joined us on this episode of TTT:

Sheri Edwards's profile photo Sheri Edwards Johanna Paraiso's profile photo Johanna Paraiso Andrew Wyndham's profile photo Andrew Wyndham Tricia Clarke's profile photo Tricia Clarke
Marina Lombardo's profile photo Marina Lombardo Jake Jacobs's profile photo Jake Jacobs Valerie Burton's profile photo Valerie Burton

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast,
and to find a couple of links to the resources shared during this episode of TTT.

TTT#359 Scaffolding the Blogging Process with Teachers in the Dakota Writing Project's Digital Writing Sandbox 7.31.13

Michelle Rogge Gannon and I invite you to join us on this episode of TTT (which was recorded 7.31.13). Earlier in the summer, Michelle wrote:

Some of the teachers in the Dakota Writing Project Digital Writing Sandbox are asking for resources on scaffolding the blogging process and on evaluating blog entries. I wondered if you might have some resources that you would be willing to share or if you could point to some that might be useful.

"Scaffolding the blogging process and evaluating blog entries" sounded like a great discussion to for Teachers Teaching Teachers, so we invited Michelle and her colleagues to join us toward the end of July.

In addition to these questions, we also asked about anything that these teachers are learning together in the Dakota Writing Project Sandbox, which is described on their web site :

Taking a 21st-century approach, the Dakota Writing Project Digital Writing Marathon provides educators with a thoughtful, intensive, collaborative exploration of a variety of technology environments and strategies for integrating writing and adapting these technologies appropriately for the classroom. The marathon is offered entirely online, with both synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous communication and activities, with the majority of online work occurring in July 2013, January 2014, and May 2014. The marathon is taught by Dakota Writing Project teacher-consultants with extensive experience in integrating writing and technology for the classroom.

It was a lot of fun to meet and speak with these wonderful educators:

Jennifer Harvey's profile photo Jennifer Harvey Anne Moege's profile photo Anne Moege Michelle Rogge Gannon's profile photo Michelle Rogge Gannon
Valerie Burton's profile photo Valerie Burton Steve Gors's profile photo Steve Gors Samantha Peil's profile photoSamantha Peil


TTT#356 Crafting Digital Writing with Audio and Video w/ Troy Hicks, Lindsay Stoetzel, Elana Waugh, Dawn Reed, and more 7.10.13

On this episode of TTT, we are joined by Troy Hicks, author of the new Heinemann book, Crafting Digital Writing Workshop: Composing Texts Across Media and Genres, and three of the teachers who Troy features in the book.

Google+ posts Google+ posts Google+ posts Google+ posts

Troy Hicks is the Director of the Chippewa River Writing Project at Central Michigan University and this is the first of a two-part series exploring the principles and practices described in his new book.

For this first episode, we welcome three teachers from the book to describe how they approach the craft of digital writing with audio, video, and other multimedia tools.

Elana Waugh, Bath Elementary School, explains how her students used mixed media to create a digital book project.

Lindsay Stoetzel, a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, describes how she used podcasts with her middle school students.

Dawn Reed, Okemos High School, discusses the ways that her students use digital video to construct arguments.

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.

TTT#347 Spring Conversations with Valerie Burton, Chad Sansing, and Jo Paraiso - May 1, 2013

On this episode of TTT Monika Hardy and Paul Allison talk with Valerie Burton and Chad Sansing. We are also be joined by Jo Paraiso, whose students in Oakland, CA have been all over Youth Voices recently:

Paul Allison's profile photoChad Sansing's profile photoJo Paraiso's profile photoValerie Burton's profile photomonika hardy's profile photo

What have you been noticing? What dreams are you working to make come true? What connections are you making with people and ideas? What are you doing that's awesome?

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.


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