Digital Writing Sandbox

TTT#359 Scaffolding the Blogging Process with Teachers in the Dakota Writing Project's Digital Writing Sandbox 7.31.13

Michelle Rogge Gannon and I invite you to join us on this episode of TTT (which was recorded 7.31.13). Earlier in the summer, Michelle wrote:

Some of the teachers in the Dakota Writing Project Digital Writing Sandbox are asking for resources on scaffolding the blogging process and on evaluating blog entries. I wondered if you might have some resources that you would be willing to share or if you could point to some that might be useful.

"Scaffolding the blogging process and evaluating blog entries" sounded like a great discussion to for Teachers Teaching Teachers, so we invited Michelle and her colleagues to join us toward the end of July.

In addition to these questions, we also asked about anything that these teachers are learning together in the Dakota Writing Project Sandbox, which is described on their web site :

Taking a 21st-century approach, the Dakota Writing Project Digital Writing Marathon provides educators with a thoughtful, intensive, collaborative exploration of a variety of technology environments and strategies for integrating writing and adapting these technologies appropriately for the classroom. The marathon is offered entirely online, with both synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous communication and activities, with the majority of online work occurring in July 2013, January 2014, and May 2014. The marathon is taught by Dakota Writing Project teacher-consultants with extensive experience in integrating writing and technology for the classroom.

It was a lot of fun to meet and speak with these wonderful educators:

Jennifer Harvey's profile photo Jennifer Harvey Anne Moege's profile photo Anne Moege Michelle Rogge Gannon's profile photo Michelle Rogge Gannon
Valerie Burton's profile photo Valerie Burton Steve Gors's profile photo Steve Gors Samantha Peil's profile photoSamantha Peil


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