About EdTechtalk
About EdTechTalk
EdTechTalk is a community of educators interested in discussing and learning about the uses of educational technology. We webcast several live shows each week. During shows, listeners can use any common media player (i.e. Windows Media Player, Real Player, or iTunes) to listen to the discussion and use the chat room to make comments and ask questions.
After each show, we post a recording of the discussion as an mp3 file, which can be downloaded directly from the site or subscribed to using our RSS feed. We usually post a chat room transcript and a comment forum where people can continue the discussion (in text) after the show.
Because we have listeners all over the world in many different time zones, we usually list times in GMT. Click on the listed time to find what out what time the show airs in your time zone.
Show Archives
• 21st Century Learning
| • EdTechTalk K-12
| • Making Connections • Parents as Partners • Teachers Teaching Teachers • Women of Web 3 |
Descriptions Our current line-up of shows
Sundays at 7pmEDT/11:00pm GMT
Hosted by John Schinker, Jennifer Maddrell, Dave Cormier, & Jeff Lebow, and features the latest news from the world of edtech and the edublogosphere.
21st Century Learning Webcast Independent School educators, Alex Ragone, arvind grover , and Vinny Vrotny host a web radio show that explores the intersection of education and technology. You can contact Alex, arvind, and Vinny at alex.ragone [at] gmail.com. Watch our video podcast to learn about how we got started with this whole webcasting/blogging effort. |
Women of Web 3 - About First and Third Sundays at 8:30pmEDT/0:30am GMT
Women of Web 3 is for all who are using the tools of the internet whether it be in a classroom setting, leading seminars, authoring books, maintaining blogs or wikis, or just enjoying the tools of the internet in an educational and exciting way. The show is brought to you by Sharon Peters, Cheri Toledo, Peggy George and guest hosts - women who not only love using the tools of the Internet but also love sharing the tools with others.
Teachers Teaching Teachers - About Wednesdays at 9pmEDT/2:00amGMT
Four teachers–Paul Allison, Lee Baber and Susan Ettenheim–are mainly responsible for this blog, podcast, and webcast. Toward the beginning of 2006, a few of us in New York City began to meet via Skype. In the spring of 2006 we began webcasting with the help of Jeff Lebow and Dave Cormier of WorldBridges. Every Wednesday evening at 9:00 EST (Americas) we get together and talk about our teaching. These conversations are archived as a podcast on this blog. Together we are searching for the most effective practices in technology, studying research, and improving our knowledge of new media by using it oursleves. We have two purposes: developing teacher knowledge and leadership in our own schools and districts and putting this knowledge and leadership to work to improve student online reading and writing through the use of blogs, wikis, podcasts and webcasts.
EdTech Brainstorms Thursdays nights(Americas)/Friday (Asia,Oceania) 2amGMT,
Hosted by Doug Symington. Free-form discussions where educators skype in (or call in) to discuss what they're working on and thinking about. Our cyber faculty lounge.
Making Connections Tuesdays at 7pmEDT/11:00pm GMT
Making Connections is a group of educators helping each other understand new ways to integrate technology into the daily lives of teachers and students as well as creating contacts so our classrooms can connect to one another. The show is hosted by Cathy Evanoff from eastern
Add your info to our MindMeister MapMaking Connections.
The original EdTechTalk show was hosted by Dave Cormier & Jeff Lebow, but stopped being webcast regulary shortly after we started producing EdTechWeekly. We still dust off the name occasionally when holding special community discussions and/or events. We also keep threatening to bring it back as a weekly show, so stay tuned.
It's Elementary
Supporting technology in the elementary classroom. Join us as the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Our show is hosted by Lisa Durff, a K12 teacher in Maryland, AND Jose Rodriguez, third grade teacher in Los Angeles CA, AND Alice Mercer, a Elementary computer lab teacher in Sacramento, CA, AND Maria Knee a Kindergarten teacher from Deerfield, NH.
Parents as Partners
Monday 9:00 pm EST Supporting students in the 21st Century. Join us on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month to share best practices in engaging parents and teachers in conversations about families and schools. Bring your experiences and expertise in creating effective learning strategies and connecting parents. The hosts for the show are Lorna Costantini, Matt Montagne and Cindy Seibel. Lorna is an Educational Consultant in St. Catharines Ontario. Matt Montagne is the Academic Technology Coordinator, in Paola Alto, Cindy Seibel is a graduate student and a full-time technology director in a K-12 school district.
Sunday 11:30 AM EST: Conversing about various educational topics. Come join our hosts Lisa Parisi, a fifth grade teacher from Long Island, NY, Maria Knee, a kindergarten teacher from New Hampshire, and Sheila Adams, a seventh grade science teacher from New Hampshire, along with a variety of guests for a rousing discussion each week.
We sometimes webcast other shows that are part of various educational projects and events. EdTechTalk is part of the of the Worldbridges Webcasting Network.
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