Featured Question: Jen has more questions surrounding the set up of a course or project website. While there is likely no "perfect" platform or solution, we contemplate important needs and key decisions.
Featured Question: How long will it take for educational technologists to just become educators? i.e. Should we not have had black boardists bookists photocopyists before? (Or maybe we did) from Simon Ensor
Next Week's Question: To Be Determined. Please share your questions and thoughts on our.... IHAQ#13 Event Pages: Google+Facebook
Featured Question: How do we deal with lower skillset learners?
Next Week's Question: To Be Determined. Please share your questions and thoughts on our.... IHAQ#11 Event Pages (please note we'll be streaming 30 minutes early): Google+Facebook
I teach a course at UNH f2f and have tried to add online components. They are reluctant to try much; including a listserv to ask questions privately to the group. So odd to me.
I also worked with adults in a f2f and they did not want to go to any online structures ... said they had enough with their work situations ... strong resistance
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