Dave Cormier

EdTechWeekly #177

The EdTechWeekly crew takes and old-school look at some of the recent news and resources from the educational technology world.

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EdTechWeekly #177

December 12, 2010 

The EdTechWeekly crew takes and old-school look at some of the recent news and resources from the educational technology world.

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Jen's Links: John's Links:

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EdTechWeekly #176

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EdTechWeekly #176

December 5, 2010  

EdTechWeekly #175

Dave's Link:  Wikileaks. What does it mean for our classrooms? With Australia banning links to the site... where does this lead? Do textbooks of 'controlled content' become more important? Should we be teaching this in courses? Do we have a patriotic duty not to touch this information?

John's Link: Project Red: Do 1:1 right or don't do it at all. We're far enough along now that the novelty of 1:1 programs has worn off, and it's time to look at what effect they really have on a school. With many more schools now looking at 1:1 programs, it's important to look at best practices. For those thinking about 1:1 programs, the CDW 1:1 Readiness Surveyis a great place to start.

Zac Chase:

EdTechWeekly #175

November 28, 2010 

Regular hosts: Dave, John
Guest host: Zac Chase, English Teacher, Science Leadership Academy

EdTechWeekly #174

Dave's Link: As a follow up for last week's "online PhDs are awesome" discussionhttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/10/education/10kaplan.html?_r=1&src=tptw NYT's article on Kaplan and lobbying to go with our own fun at UPEI. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/prince-edward-island/story/2010/11/10/pe-upei-degree-maclaughlan-584.html?ref=rss#socialcomments

Jen's Link: Hard to  NOT  mention the #boycott amazon uproar this week. Jen used the story as an opportunity to try out tweet doc -> http://www.tweetdoc.org. Check out the boycott amazon tweets linked here if you were hiding under a rock on Wednesday and Thursday ... or if you just want to see how tweet doc functions :) ...http://tweetdoc.org/View/6387/Boycott-Amazon

John's Link:  If we're talking about books, there were a couple compelling book-related items that crossed my radar this week. Adrian Hon, founder of Six Apart, addressed book piracy in an Op Ed in the Telegraph a couple weeks ago (Your time is up, publishers. Book piracy is about to arrive on a massive scale). And from Read Write Web comes a piece (Will Your Local Library Lend E-Books? (Or Can They?)) on the impact of e-books on the ability of libraries to legally lend resources. What better topics for one of the few weeks when we don't have a librarian as a guest

EdTechWeekly #174

November 14, 2010 

Regular hosts: Dave, Jen, John 

Dave's Link: As a follow up for last week's "online PhDs are awesome" discussion http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/10/education/10kaplan.html?_r=1&src=tptw NYT's article on Kaplan and lobbying to go with our own fun at UPEI. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/prince-edward-island/story/2010/11/10/pe-upei-degree-maclaughlan-584.html?ref=rss#socialcomments

Jen's Link: Hard to NOT mention the #boycott amazon uproar this week. Jen used the story as an opportunity to try out tweet doc -> http://www.tweetdoc.org. Check out the boycott amazon tweets linked here if you were hiding under a rock on Wednesday and Thursday ... or if you just want to see how tweet doc functions :) ... http://tweetdoc.org/View/6387/Boycott-Amazon

John's Link:  If we're talking about books, there were a couple compelling book-related items that crossed my radar this week. Adrian Hon, founder of Six Apart, addressed book piracy in an Op Ed in the Telegraph a couple weeks ago (Your time is up, publishers. Book piracy is about to arrive on a massive scale). And from Read Write Web comes a piece (Will Your Local Library Lend E-Books? (Or Can They?)) on the impact of e-books on the ability of libraries to legally lend resources. What better topics for one of the few weeks when we don't have a librarian as a guest?

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EdTechWeekly #173

Regular hosts: Dave, Jen, John

Guest hosts: Connie Sitterley, Teacher / Technology Integration Specialist from Pennsylvania

This Week's Menu:

Dave's Link: Leigh Blackall and the open phd. http://leighblackall.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-and-why-ill-do-phd.html and the response from Darren Draper. http://drapestakes.blogspot.com/2010/11/three-questions-for-leighblackal...(Drape's+Takes)

Jen's Link: Mashable recently posted a roster of "website designs" that blew them away in 2010 -> see http://mashable.com/2010/10/31/breakthrough-website-design/ ... so, with some pushing students to create / foster their "online identities" -> see http://twitter.com/#!/shareski/status/29421705996 ... what does "website design" mean to students (and teachers, instructional designers, etc.) in 2010? in 2015?

John's Link: Firesheep

Connie Sitterley: School Leaders' Opinions of 21st Century Skills: http://www.eschoolnews.com/2010/10/20/survey-reveals-school-leaders-opin...

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EdTechWeekly #173 

November 7, 2010 

Regular hosts: Dave, Jen, John

Guest hosts: Connie Sitterley, Teacher / Technology Integration Specialist from Pennsylvania

This Week's Menu:

Dave's Link: Leigh Blackall and the open phd. http://leighblackall.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-and-why-ill-do-phd.html and the response from Darren Draper. http://drapestakes.blogspot.com/2010/11/three-questions-for-leighblackal...(Drape's+Takes)

Jen's Link: Mashable recently posted a roster of "website designs" that blew them away in 2010 -> see http://mashable.com/2010/10/31/breakthrough-website-design/ ... so, with some pushing students to create / foster their "online identities" -> see http://twitter.com/#!/shareski/status/29421705996 ... what does "website design" mean to students (and teachers, instructional designers, etc.) in 2010? in 2015?

John's Link: Firesheep

Connie Sitterley: School Leaders' Opinions of 21st Century Skills: http://www.eschoolnews.com/2010/10/20/survey-reveals-school-leaders-opin...

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