IHAQ#16 - More questions about set up of a course or project website


I Have A Question#16
September 14, 2014 

Featured Question:
Jen has more questions surrounding the set up of a course or project website. While there is likely no "perfect" platform or solution, we contemplate important needs and key decisions.


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hello ETT world
Hi all!
No, just hanging out today while I correct. Listening is good!
Hi everyone!
Hi Peggy
Hey Peggy!
Hi, Peggy!
Maria Colussa
Hello all!
Maria Colussa
Greetings from Argentina
Hello Maria
Maria Colussa
that´s the idea, to make our lives easier
Vanessa Vaile
I don't have a video or sound
anyone else have audio/video issues?
Maria Colussa
Nop everything is fine in the Southern hemisphere
Vanessa Vaile
I can watch and listen on you tube but not here, http://edtechtalk.com/live/ihaq
everything is fine for me :-)
Maria Colussa
Hi Peggy!
Vanessa, have you tried refreshing http://edtechtalk.com/live/ihaq ?
I got the error message, refreshed and all is fine now.
Hello all ... been so long I forgot how to get here
Maria Colussa
Hello Carol!
ah, finally accepted me :)
hooray Carol!!
Hi and thanks Peggy ... for the url
can you track assignments/tasks on Schoology?
Vanessa Vaile
Jeff, refreshed several times
yes, Peggy. Sorry for the tech issues Vanessa.
still not seeing the chat window, Vanessa? I had the same problem with in a podcast last hour. but when I logged into this one it came up fine. Which browser are you using? I'm using Firefox which just had an update.
hahaha! solving problems is so easy here!!!
Hooray! Dave has sound connection
I think using Weebly for that is a great idea! simple, free, easy to use
Vanessa Vaile
Peggy, is fine. It's the video. I opened YouTube to get it because it is not running here
the clients don't need access to the entire course do they?
This was our first iteration ... https://sites.google.com/site/oerforccr/
Maria Colussa
hahaha! Archaeaologistis! I am imagining them trying to figure out my things!!
I recognize the Drupal face :-)
I agree with Dave.... use Moodle :-)
Maria Colussa
Once I tried to use Moodle and I found it very difficult, should I try it again?
Yes, I a=gree about Moodle
I agree with Maria
I learned to use Moodle so that's saying something... :-) I like it!
not pretty, but simple
You guys (ladies) are awesome! I feel like this is a therapy session :)
Not really that simple anymore, either. Enrollment methods alone confuse most of my teachers. And it's really hard on the servers.
keep it simple Jen :-) Moodle will do what you want :-)
:) therapy for all
great point about ability to track with Moodle!
You can make Moodle as complicated or simple as you want
Vanessa Vaile
I have a serious LMS allergy -- prefer open indie arrangements like Lisa Lane's for POTcert and Laura Gibbs' http://anatomy.lauragibbs.net/
Me, too, Vanessa!!!
Me three.
Vanessa Vaile
but then I am de-institutionalized and running something less formal than courses
Lisa's site is lovely
Vanessa Vaile
yes, and she's been tweaking it for several years
I prefer indie, and not able to use Moodle anymore ... but it is one way to go
I think that's a compelling argument re need for funding in the future.
Vanessa Vaile
Carol and Jeff, take a look at Laura Gibbs' too
Thanks, Vanessa ... will do
Maria Colussa
Thanks Vanessa, I´ll check it out later
Maria Colussa
I have been using Blogger to blog, not to teach, and still I find trouble embedding badges for eg
Vanessa Vaile
Who else here is in Connected Courses?
is that Lisa's site that you posted earlier? livingarchives?
Dave's site circa 2007
Maria Colussa
I am doing a Coursera course on Online Teaching https://www.coursera.org/course/ltto
Maria, any consensus there about what to use?
Maria Colussa
nop, it really is up to the teachers what platform to choose, not many new things out there
great summary Dave :-) can't wait to hear what she decides :-)
Vanessa Vaile
just not the same without Dave though
my vote is for Moodle :-)
Mine too, for now, anyway
report back Jen :-)
thanks Vanessa
Well, this was fun ... as always :) thanks
yes EdTechBrainstorm!!!! bring it back!
Thanks very much all
Maria Colussa
thank you!
Thank you EVERYONE!! Seems the old issues / problems / needs never go away :)
Thanks all!
do you have a question for next week?
Good night/morning!


point of clarification...

While still not as easy as duplicating a course for a new cohort in Moodle, it does appear that Wordpress provides some flexibility in backup and reinstall options....