Dave Cormier

TTT#309 Badges:Peril/Possibility P. Rawsthorne, A. Zellner, V. Gennarelli, E. Eidman-Aadahl, S. Grant, S. Lee, D. Cormier 8.8.12

Our goal in this--and the next--episode of TTT teachersteachingteachers.org/feed/podcast is to join those who are developing a practical, pedagogical discourse between the heckling and the hype around badges. Our conversations are open and wide-ranging, but we have a few questions that must be answered soon, as the fall semester starts up around the US:

  • Does it make sense to wrap Youth Voices youthvoices.net with badges?
  • How would it work?
  • What impacts might there be on different kinds students?
  • How do I start?

Of course, it's impossible to pull apart the different philosophical, political, and psychological threads that seem to attach themselves to badges, but the educators in this conversation begin to bring some clarity to the questions involved.

In this episode,


Peter Rawsthorne's profile photoAndrea Zellner's profile photoVanessa Gennarelli's profile photoElyse Eidman-Aadahl's profile photoSheryl Grant's profile photoSunny Lee's profile photodave cormier's profile photo

There's only so much that this many thoughtful participants can say in an hour, but we hope that there are a few moments while you are listening when you find yourself wanting to enter the conversation. Let us know what you are thinking by posting a comment below. And join us next week as we continue our conversations about badges on TTT with these thoughtful educators:

We'll continue these conversations live at edtechtalk.com/ttt on Wednesday, 15 August at 4PM ET / 1PM PT/ World Times: goo.gl/tERfa. NOTICE THE EARLIER TIME.

We’ll continue to focus on incorporating badges into K-12 education and beyond. There’s so much to say on the topic.

What’s your favorite blog post, video, article, resource about Badges? Please add a couple of links in the comments below. We want to be open and flexile about all of the ways people are talking about the issues involved. And, we are interested in keeping it real. We’ve been developing some ideas around badges for Youth Voices youthvoices.net, and there's more about this on P2PU goo.gl/oKQ1R.

See you on Wednesday.

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

EdTechWeekly#209 - What are the big themes in Edtech?

February 26, 2012

Technology Integration Specialist, Drew McAllister joins Dave, John, & Jeff to discuss his efforts to share the big themes of EdTech with his staff as he transitions to a new position.

Follow-up posts from Drew
Some Summary Thoughts
Does technology make teenagers into zombies?

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EdTechWeekly#206 - Tech Overload & The Purpose of Education

December 11, 2011

The whole gang is together again as we cover Dave's recent lack of focus, John's visit to 21st Century Skills Ohio, and Jen's Imminent Doctorhood.  

COOLCast - w/ Dave Cormier on Rhizomatic Learning

COOLCast w/ Dave Cormier on Rhizomatic Learning
Novemer 10, 2011

Dave Cormier's final stop on his Week#9 Change11 Tour discussing Rhizomatic Learning. 


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