Dave Cormier

The Eight Competencies of Online Interaction: What Should We Be Learning and Doing?

A Presentation by Nancy White & Dave Cormier at NYSAISEdTech2006
November 10, 2006

The Eight Competencies of Online Interaction: What Should We Be Learning and Doing? Presider: Alex Ragone Speakers: Nancy White and Dave Cormier A conversation between David, Nancy and the audience on the eight competencies for online interaction. What should we be developing in ourselves? Our staffs? Students? Think of yourself as Oprah and think up questions for David and Nancy.


A Conversation about Elgg in the Classroom

A Conversation about Elgg in the Classroom
with Dave Cormier, Bud Hunt, and Alex Ragone

October 13, 2006
Download mp3

EdTechBrainstorm #1 - September 1, 2005

EdTech Brainstorm #1 
September 1, 2005

A Brainstorming Session discussing how to use New Media (podcasting, vlogging, webcasting, etc.) in education. Participants included

EdTech Talk#1, Part 2 - June 5, 2005

Ed Tech Talk#1, part2
Worldbridges meets the Webheads

Download mp3 file (20.4MB, 44:41)
Shortly after we finished webcasting the first part of EdTech Talk#1 Buthaina, a 'Webhead', skyped me. Webheads are a group of educators that have been playing with online interactivity for quite a while. She let me know that a bunch of webheads were planning to tune in at the top of the hour, so the webcast stream was re-activated and then the real interactive fun (and challenges) began.
Webhead Links
Thanks very much to all the webheads who participated (or at least tried to participate) in the show. We are very much looking forward to future collaborative adventures in webcasting.


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