Jack Zangerle

TTT#318 Youth Voices w/ Paul Allison, Eric Hoefler, Jim Nordlinger, Chris Sloan, Jack Zangerle, Jeremy Hyler, Monika Hardy 10.10

More about Youth Voices on this episode of TTT.

Meet teachers new to the site and teachers who have been using it for almost 10 years.

Find out more about our new approach to using the site that we've begun to describe as a school-based ARG (Alternate Reality Game). Paul Allison reports a bit on this experiment on P2PU - See http://youthvoices.net/play He has already give out over 30 badges, issued by P2PU, collected in Mozilla Open Badge Backpacks http://openbadges.org/en-US and displayed on students' profile pages. Check out this example: http://youthvoices.net/users/karinas#badges And find out more about "the grid" http://youthvoices.net/grid

If you've been waiting for a good time to join the fun on TTT and with Youth Voices, this is your show! We'd love to introduce you to some new and old friends.

Paul Allison's profile photo Eric Hoefler's profile photo Jim Nordlinger's profile photo Chris Sloan's profile photo Jack Zangerle's profile photo Jeremy Hyler's profile photo monika hardy's profile photo

Paul Allison, Eric Hoefler, Jim Nordlinger, Chris Sloan, Jack Zangerle, Jeremy Hyler, Monika Hardy

Teachers Teaching Teachers #281 - National Writing Project Teachers Ready to Celebrate Digital Learning Day on Feb 1 - 1.25.12

This conversation about #NWP teachers in the National Digital Learning Day continued the next day at NWP Radio - on Blog Talk Radio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nwp_radio/2012/01/27/digital-writing-matters

What are your plans for National Digital Learning Day #DLDay on February 1, 2012? http://digitalis.nwp.org/site-blog/what-are-your-plans-national-digital-lea/3369

Enjoy this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, recorded a week before the big day.

+Paul Oh helped us invite this amazing list of guests. They are listed below, along with one thing we've asked them in our conversation about Digital Learning Day.

+Natalie Bernasconi, Central California Writing Project and middle school teacher; presenting the Digital ID wiki http://digital-id.wikispaces.com/Welcome as part of California Digital Learning Day presentations in Sacramento on Feb. 1

+Gail Desler, Area 3 Writing Project and Instructional Technologist in Elk Grove, California; also presenting the Digital ID wiki as part of Digital Learning Day presentations in Sacramento

+Andrea Zellner, Red Cedar Writing Project, doc student at Michigan State University, who is working with Michigan State’s MA in Ed Tech program to “try something new” and document; artifacts from and about the experiences will be found here: http://dlday2012.tumblr.com/

+Leigh Wolf, Program Director for the MA in Ed Tech Program, is coordinating efforts with Andrea; here’s a link to a post at Leigh’s bloghttp://www.leighgraveswolf.com about Digital Learning Day.

+Tom Fox, Northern California Writing Project & National Writing Project, English Professor at Chico State University, will be presenting digital compositions created by his students at the Digital Learning Day presentations in Sacramento

+Jack Zangerle, Hudson Valley Writing Project, 8th Grade ELA teacher in Dover, NY, doing things for Digital Learning Day in his classroom

+Matt Dunleavy, former Tech Liaison of the Tidewater Writing Project in Virginia, and a professor at Radford University, currently working with Chris Dede from Harvard on an Augmented Reality project called EcoMobile, which will be presented in D.C. on Feb. 1 as part of Digital Learning Day activities there.

More on Digital Learning Day: http://www.digitallearningday.org

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

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