Teachers Teaching Teachers

TTT#313 Play Youth Voices with Erick Gordon, Jeremy Hyler, Jennifer Woollven, Len Schiff, Valerie Burton, Fred Haas 9.05.12

On this episode of TTT http://www.teachersteachingteachers.org/feed/podcast/ , we talk about a new endeavor at Youth Voices http://youthvoices.net/play where students are invited "to become a social media power user through commenting on other players’ posts, responding to literary and informational texts, doing long-term research projects, composing, revising, and publishing with text and media, and becoming a self-directed learner."

We're looking for teachers of English, history and social studies, arts and media, and science to come play with the Common Core Standards on Youth Voices.

Our guests on this episode are:

Erick Gordon's profile photo Erick Gordon Jeremy Hyler's profile photo Jeremy Hyler Chris Sloan's profile photo Chris Sloan Jennifer Woollven's profile photo Jennifer Woollven

Len Schiff's profile photo Len Schiff Valerie Burton's profile photo Valerie Burton monika hardy's profile photo monika hardyFred Haas's profile photo Fred Haas

Click Read More to see the many details of this new game, available at Youth Voices http://youthvoices.net/play

TTT#307 Jimmy Santiago Baca, Medical Humanities, and Narrative Medicine with Rex Veeder, Sara Wedeman, Michael MacBride 7.25.12

More about Jimmy Santiago Baca, his poetry and his inspiration on this episode of TTT (recorded earlier this summer). We are joined by +Rex Veeder, +Sara Wedeman, and +Michael MacBride.

Rex writes: I am gathering some folks to talk about Medical Humanities and Narrative Medicine and it's relationship to education K through Higher Ed.


The survive and thrive conference and festival as an example of a different kind of conference for writing, art, education, science, and medicine (integrated), and the the Baca/Gleik kickistarter as an example of the principles in action -- how does an event reveal the relationships inherent in putting what we learn into practice?

This was the second of two shows http://edtechtalk.com/node/5118 this summer to help our some of our colleagues reach their Kickstarter goal of raising $50,000 to complete a documentary about Jimmy Santiabo Baca. They went beyoud their goal, and (according to a recent email) are busy at work.

On the earlier show, we met teachers +Denise VanBriggle and +Kym Sheehan as well as filmmaker +Daniel Glick. They told us more about a film project called "A Place to Stand,” which Daniel is making. The three of them used Kickstarter to raise money to finish a feature-length documentary about the life and poetry of Jimmy Santiago Baca http://www.jimmysantiagobaca.com

On a recent post on the National Writing Project's Connect http://connect.nwp.org/national/blog/16429/join-us-support-place-stand-documentary Denise and Kym write:

A Place to Stand is a documentary film (http://kck.st/NsBX8g) about New Mexico poet Jimmy Santiago Baca and his transformation in the 1970s from an illiterate convict to a celebrated poet. Since his release, Jimmy has become one of the foremost Mexican American poets in America.

We're not viewing this as just a film. For us, this is about service. Jimmy’s memoir and poetry have inspired prisoners to leave gangs, drug addicts to stay clean, and countless others to dramatically shift the course of their lives. A Place to Stand will make his inspiring story and poetry available to many who would never find it otherwise. Free copies will be given to detention centers, prisons and schools for at-risk youth, coupled with programming designed to help people find in themselves what Jimmy found through his poetry: a place to stand in life, a sense of self-worth, and a reason to live.


TTT#305 NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Edition w/ Samantha Adams, Jack West, Jeremy Hyler, and Erin Wilkey Oh 7.11.12

On this episode of TTT (recorded earlier in the summer), join Samantha Adams and Jack West, along with Jeremy Hyler and Erin Wilkey Oh to learn more about mobiles, tablets, games, PLE's, augumented reality, and natural user interfaces.

If you haven't read it yet, after listening to TTT#305 you'll want to read the NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Edition. You can get the report at the NMC site: http://www.nmc.org/publications/2012-horizon-report-k12 or you can join the conversation about on the report at the NWP's Digital Is: http://digitalis.nwp.org/resource/3977.

Jack West's profile photoErin Wilkey Oh's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoJeremy Hyler's profile photoSamantha Adams's profile photoChris Sloan's profile photo
Our guests include:
  • Samatha Adams, Director of Communications at the New Media Consortium (NMC), and here are some of the things Samantha does athe NMC:
    • Lead writer and researcher for the Horizon Report series (http://www.nmc.org/horizon-project/horizon-reports)
    • Lead writer/editor - web and print
    • Community manager, social media strategist and analyst
    • Membership, press, and public outreach
    • Webinar production/hosting
    • Content manager for all nmc websites, including nmc.org and navigator.nmc.org
    • Project analysis and user experience for NMC partners -- mainly large companies
  • Jack West, physics teachers and advisory board member for the NMC Horizon Report > 2012 K-12 Report. Advisory Board members are the ones who actually vote in the specific technologies to the report.

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.


TTT#312 3rd Space 2 - Dave Cormier, Kirill Kireyev, Kristen Specketer, Mary Reilly, Daniel Craig, Fred Mindlin, Jeff Lebow 8.29


On last week's TTT edtechtalk.com/node/5123 we were joined by some of the participants from a "3rd Space Conference" ourcolab.org/the-invitational-summer-institutes-teachers-teaching-teachers/  in July and others interested in community collaborations. The conversation centered on combining the insights and work of artists and museum professionals with hands-on art making and collaborative curriculum design.
On this episode, we carry on the idea of a 3rd Space, both in regard to physical and mental spaces. We talk about the idea of the entire city as the school, as well as a possible means to ground the chaos in the event an entire city was set free to play with this idea. Imagining a focus more on a networked individualism (B Wellman), than a standard prescription.
Monika Hardy is our host and our guests are: Cristian Buendia, Dave Cormier, Dave Cormier, Kirill Kireyev, Kristen Specketer, Mary Ann Reilly, Daniel Craig, Fred Mindlin, and Jeff Lebow.
monika hardy's profile photodave cormier's profile photoKirill Kireyev's profile photoKristen Specketer's profile photoMary Ann Reilly's profile photoDaniel Craig's profile photoFred Mindlin's profile photoJeff Lebow Google+

TTT#310 Badges-Part 2 Kathryn Godwin, Barry Joseph, Amy Lewark, Samuel Abramovich, Doug Belshaw, Leora Wollner, Myrna Rubel 8.15

We talk about badges again on this episode of +Teachers Teaching Teachers. This is our second show of what promises to be more than a few this fall. On the first TTT about badges and learning goo.gl/97zku, we jumped into an ongoing conversation with educators who are developing a practical, pedagogical discourse between the heckling and the hype around badges.

+Paul Allison @paulallison, +monika hardy @monk51295, +Chris Sloan @csloan hosted, +Peter Rawsthorne @prawsthorne, +Andrea Zellner @AndreaZellner, +Vanessa Gennarelli @VGennarelli, +Elyse Eidman-Aadahl @ElyseEA, +Sheryl Grant @slgrant, +Sunny Lee @threeqube, +dave cormier @davecormier .

There’s only so much that this many thoughtful participants can say in an hour, so we invited everybody back and a few others for this episode of TTT

+Peter Rawsthorne and +Sheryl Grant from the first conversation are joined in this episode by: +Barry Josephgoo.gl/EY6hc, +Doug Belshaw @dajbelshaw– goo.gl/x0x10 and goo.gl/YIued, +Myrna Rubelvimeo.com/41312848, +Samuel Abramovich, +Kathryn Godwin, +Leora Wollner, and +Amy Lewark @fat4thought .

Kathryn Godwin's profile photoBarry Joseph's profile photoAmy Lewark's profile photoSamuel Abramovich's profile photoDoug Belshaw's profile photoLeora Wollner's profile photoSheryl Grant's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoPeter Rawsthorne's profile photo

We welcome you to join us. We’ll continue these conversations about learning and the peril and possibility of badges this fall. We're live at edtechtalk.com/ttt on Wednesdays at 9:00 PM Eastern / 6:00 PM Pacific.

We’ll continue to focus on incorporating badges into K-12 education and beyond. There’s so much to say on the topic. What’s your favorite blog post, video, article, resource about Badges? Please add a couple of links in the comments below. We want to be open and flexile about all of the ways people are talking about the issues involved. And, we are interested in keeping it real. We’ve been developing some ideas around badges for Youth Voices youthvoices.net/play, and there’s more about this on P2PUgoo.gl/oKQ1R.


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