Teachers Teaching Teachers

Teachers Teaching Teachers#16 - Classes Forming Online Communities

Teachers Teaching  Teachers#16
Classes Forming Online Communities

August 16, 2006
Download mp3 (20.2MB, 51:20)

What are your collaborations going to look like this year?

Are they on an Elgg? What exactly is an Elgg? see http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/elgg.php
What is your opening assignment of the year? What assignments might we have in common and how might we work to form online communities?
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Links from tonight’s discussion:

Teachers Teaching Teachers#15 - Sharing Stories with Mapping

Teachers Teaching  Teachers
Sharing Stories with Mapping
August 9, 2006
Download mp3 (22.5MB, 49:07)

Where have you been this summer? What places remind you of events when you see them on a map? What spots hold special memories and why?

Join us to share ways that we have and that we are planning to use Google maps or mapping in our schools. How do our newest technologies encourage us to expand our use and study of mapping in the classroom and in the digital story room?

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