Teachers Teaching Teachers

TTT#324 Session at NCTE - Open Learning: Empowering Teachers Through Professional Development - Chair, Karen Fasimpaur 11.17.12

Enjoy this special episode of TTT, recorded in Las Vagas. We live-streamed our session and this is a recording of that event. Here's the program description:

This panel will discuss innovative models of professional development that include peer collaboration, self-directed learning, active involvement, and learning communities. We will give models for using social media for professional activities and we'll share a wide variety of resources and brainstorm how to involve teachers in driving their own personal learning to improve student learning and the profession as a whole.

  • Chair: Karen Fasimpaur K12 Open Ed, Portal, Arizona -
  • Speaker: Paul Allison The Bronx Academy Senior High School, New York -
  • Speaker: Harry Brake American School Foundation Librarian, Mexico City, Mexico -
  • Speaker: Christina Cantrill National Writing Project, Berkeley, California -
  • Speaker: Paul Oh National Writing Project, Berkeley, California -

Karen's reflections and notes, posted on her blog K12 Open Ed on November 26, 2012:

Last week, I had the privilege of facilitating a panel at NCTE called “Open Learning: Empowering Teachers Through Professional Development.”

Anyone who knows me knows that I have become a big believer in open models of professional learning through spaces like Twitter, P2PU, TTT, Digital Is, and others. This session was all about that. (Slides below. Also, we live streamed the session, thanks to Paul Allison, and the video is here.)

To me, these new models of professional learning are all about value, openness, self-direction, agency, and authenticity. It’s time to reject PD that doesn’t achieve these goals.

At the end of the session, we asked everyone to choose a few words that summarized what they thought the future of professional learning should be. Here they are.


Please add a comment with your own thoughts on this and join us in one of the many online spaces to explore this further.

TTT#322 Reclaiming the public in public education (IDEA) w/ Allie Desmet, Beth Sanders, Sam Chaltain, Gregory HIll - 11.07.12

Learn more about the Institute for Democratic Education in America (IDEA) democraticeducation.org on this episode of TTT , with our guests:

From the IDEA site:

Democratic education is not a type of school or research-based practice. It isn’t one kind of learning program or philosophy. It is a frame. It’s a way of gathering together a vast and powerful set of ideas, philosophies of learning, research, school models, teaching practices, policies, and community visions so that a powerful story can be told that reclaims the “public” in public education—that is, education owned by all of us.

This is an ongoing discussion on TTT and we invite you to join us any Wednesday evening to reclaim the public in public education. Come on over to TTT edtechtalk.com/ttt at 9PM ET/6PM PT

Until the nuanced story is clear, truthful and told by and large by those who are experiencing the greatest suffering (ie: young people), the solutions generated will not be the ones our city needs. —Jayeesha Dutta

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.

TTT#321 Exploring EduCon 2013 with Meenoo Rami, Chad Sansing, Mary Beth Hertz, Paul Oh, Sam Reed, Chris Lehmann 9.31.12




On this episode of TTT, we learn more about EduCon2013 with our guests:

Meenoo Rami, Chad Sansing, Mary Beth Hertz, Paul Oh, Sam Reed, and Chris Lehmann

Paul Allison's profile photoMeenoo Rami's profile photoChad Sansing's profile photoMaryBeth Hertz's profile photoPaul Oh's profile photosam reed's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoChris Lehmann's profile photo

What's EduCon? http://educonphilly.org

"Educon is both a conversation and a conference."

It is an innovation conference where we can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas - from the very practical to the big dreams.

The Axioms: The guiding principles behind Educon:

1) Our schools must be inquiry-driven, thoughtful and empowering for all members
2) Our schools must be about co-creating - together with our students - the 21st Century Citizen
3) Technology must serve pedagogy, not the other way around
4) Technology must enable students to research, create, communicate and collaborate
5) Learning can - and must - be networked

Questions? Comments? Email: [email protected]

Register to attend EduCon 2.5 educonphilly.org

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.

TTT#323 - Reclaiming the public in public education (part#2)

Teachers Teaching Teachers #323
Reclaiming the public in public education (part#2)

November 14, 2012


Jeff Lebow's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoCristian Buendia's profile photoGregory Hill's profile photoerika auger's profile photoBeth Sanders's profile photo

Links Mentioned

The Disruption Department:  http://thedisruptiondepartment.org/

Gregory's Cookie Cheat Tweeter:  http://thedisruptiondepartment.org/node/148
“People need to have the power to solve their own problems” - Kosta Grammatis
Kosta Grammatis believes if you provide a person with a mobile  device and access to the internet their learning space can be anywhere.  Support a person’s curiosity to question, reason and create within whatever space they are in and their learning can become anything.  Learners of the 21st century need these things: a space, a device, a  connection, a facilitator, a motive. Yet over 5 billion people on this  planet don't have internet access.
#sschat Social Studies Tweetchat   http://sschat.ning.com/

TTT#320 Visioning New Curriculum K12OnlineConf. w/ Karen Fasimpaur, Paul Oh, Christina Cantrill, Sue King Bonita Deamicis 10.24

On this episode of TTT, we re-mix Karen Fasimpaur's Keynote for the K12 Online Conference strand: Visioning New Curriculum.

Paul Allison's profile photoSue King's profile photoPaul Oh's profile photoKaren Fasimpaur's profile photoChris Sloan's profile photoChristina Cantrill's profile photomonika hardy's profile photoBonita Deamicis's profile photo

Welcome to day one of the 2012 K-12 Online Conference! All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Presentation Title: Visioning New Curriculum

Presentation Description: This keynote session by Karen Fasimpaur for the “Visioning New Curriculum” strand talks about the unique opportunities presented by Common Core, digital tools, openness, and innovation. The time for one-size-fits-all, top-down curriculum is over. This session gives examples of curriculum that is personalized, real world, iterative, and collaborative. It is time for a new era in curriculum — one that is digital, open, innovative, and built by and for our community. This video includes reflection questions which can be explored collaboratively athttps://p2pu.org/en/groups/k12-online-2012/ The ideas in this video were developed collaboratively with a group of many people much smarter than me. Thanks to everyone who played along. This process was a testament to the power of collaboration and of creation as way to reflect and learn.

iPod video http://blip.tv/file/get/K12online-VisioningNewCurriculum681.m4v

mp3 audio http://blip.tv/file/get/K12online-VisioningNewCurriculum464.mp3




Link to presentation’s supporting documents


Additional InformationP2PU K12 Online group – https://p2pu.org/en/groups/k12-online-2012/

Maker Faire – http://makerfaire.com

Junior FIRST LEGO League –http://www.juniorfirstlegoleague.org

Supercomputing Challenge – http://www.challenge.nm.org

National Writing Project – http://www.nwp.org

Youth Voices – http://youthvoices.net

NanoWrimo – http://www.nanowrimo.org

P2PU – http://www.p2pu.org

Common Core State Standards – http://www.corestandards.org

SETDA “Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in a Digital Age” – http://setda.org/web/guest/outofprint

OER for K-12 – http://content.k12opened.com

PhET Simulations – http://phet.colorado.edu

YouthVoices curriculum challenges and grid – http://youthvoices.net/play

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.


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