Cathy Evanoff


 With Dave or Jen unavailable, John & Jeff recruit participants from the chat room to join in for an easy going, no pressure EdTechSomething.  Thanks to Gary, Cathy, Sue, Leonard, & Sheila

EdTechWeekly #151
January 24, 2010
Without Dave or Jen, John & Jeff recruit participants from the chat room to join in for an easy going, no pressure EdTechSomething.  Thanks to Gary, Cathy, Sue, Leonard, & Sheila

Chat Log Below


ETBS: techno-dance-party-hang-out

Another old-fashioned ETBS hang-out in which we get together with some Creative Commons-licensed music from Speedsound complements of Jamendo.


We also take Mikogo for a spin and take turns sharing desktops during a "global show and tell." Thanks to all who attended, and those in the chatroom:


EdTechBrainstorm - Community Callibration

EdTechTalk asks, "Where are we at and where do we want to head?" 

Sept. 24, 2009

A Community Callibration
for EdTechTalk and other Worldbridges Communities

Chat Log Below


EdTechSomething - Librarian roles, Value of Big Names, & Student Teacher Horror Stories

 (streamed in place of EdTechWeekly)


Participants: Cathy Evanoff, Jennifer Wagner,  Peggy George, Jamie, Lisa Parisi, Gary McFarlane, & Jeff Lebow

Topics: Role of librarians, NECC reflections,  Next week's EdTechScienceSomething, the ETT newsletter, 'Big Names' in EdTech, Compentence of the latest generation of student teachers, and a few student teacher horror stories. 
July 12, 2009
(streamed in place of EdTechWeekly)

Participants: Cathy Evanoff, Jennifer Wagner,  Peggy George, Jamie, Lisa Parisi, Gary McFarlane, & Jeff Lebow

Topics: Role of librarians, NECC reflections,  Next week's EdTechScienceSomething, the ETT newsletter, 'Big Names' in EdTech, Compentence of the latest generation of student teachers, and a few student teacher horror stories.

EdTechBrainstorm, 2008.01.17

This week we're joined by Brad Hicks and 15 pre-service teachers from Western Australia in a discussion about the educational use of the technology. Cathy Evanoff, Jo McLeay, Cheryl Oakes, Art Gelwicks, Dave Cormier, Jeff Lebow, and Vance Stevens all check in to say hello and contribute to the conversation.

Here are the links contributed during the show:


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