Gary McFarlane


 With Dave or Jen unavailable, John & Jeff recruit participants from the chat room to join in for an easy going, no pressure EdTechSomething.  Thanks to Gary, Cathy, Sue, Leonard, & Sheila

EdTechWeekly #151
January 24, 2010
Without Dave or Jen, John & Jeff recruit participants from the chat room to join in for an easy going, no pressure EdTechSomething.  Thanks to Gary, Cathy, Sue, Leonard, & Sheila

Chat Log Below


EdTechSomething - Science Network Edition

EdTechSomething - Science Network Edition
with Gary

EdTechSomething - Science Network Edition
July 19, 2009

Chat Log Below


EdTechSomething - Librarian roles, Value of Big Names, & Student Teacher Horror Stories

 (streamed in place of EdTechWeekly)


Participants: Cathy Evanoff, Jennifer Wagner,  Peggy George, Jamie, Lisa Parisi, Gary McFarlane, & Jeff Lebow

Topics: Role of librarians, NECC reflections,  Next week's EdTechScienceSomething, the ETT newsletter, 'Big Names' in EdTech, Compentence of the latest generation of student teachers, and a few student teacher horror stories. 
July 12, 2009
(streamed in place of EdTechWeekly)

Participants: Cathy Evanoff, Jennifer Wagner,  Peggy George, Jamie, Lisa Parisi, Gary McFarlane, & Jeff Lebow

Topics: Role of librarians, NECC reflections,  Next week's EdTechScienceSomething, the ETT newsletter, 'Big Names' in EdTech, Compentence of the latest generation of student teachers, and a few student teacher horror stories.

EdTechHangout - NECC reflections, roadkill mooseburgers, & backchannel literacy

As EdechWeekly begins its summer hiatus, we go on air for an EdTechHangout.  

Topics covered include NECC reflections, why Dave uses coarsesalt as his Skype ID,  Albertan scorpions,  deep sea ducks, roadkill mooseburgers,  Michael Jackson  overload,  getting to EdTech Step#1, proprietary keynotes,  teachers as lame presenters,  back channel literacy, concerns, & ettiquette,  multitasking challenges,  & possibilities for upcoming EdTechTalk Summer Specials. 

(Not EdTechWeekly)
July 5, 2009

As EdechWeekly begins its summer hiatus, we go on air for an EdTechHangout.  
Topics covered include: NECC reflections, why Dave uses coarsesalt as his Skype ID,  Albertan scorpions,  deep sea ducks, roadkill mooseburgers,  Michael Jackson  overload,  getting to EdTech Step#1, proprietary keynotes,  teachers as lame presenters,  back channel literacy, concerns, & ettiquette,  multitasking challenges,  & possibilities for upcoming EdTechTalk Summer Specials.

Participants include: Gary McFarlane, Sue Roseman, Alice Mercer, Bethany  Smith, Dave Cormier, & Jeff Lebow

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