With Dave or Jen unavailable, John & Jeff recruit participants from the chat room to join in for an easy going, no pressure EdTechSomething. Thanks to Gary, Cathy, Sue, Leonard, & Sheila
January 24, 2010
Without Dave or Jen, John & Jeff recruit participants from the chat room to join in for an easy going, no pressure EdTechSomething. Thanks to Gary, Cathy, Sue, Leonard, & Sheila
Chat Log Below
18:51:24 DaveC -> Hello John, Jeff...
18:51:30 JohnS -> Hi, DaveC
18:51:31 JL -> Hey Dave
18:51:57 JL -> How are things in NH?
18:52:24 DaveC -> It's been pretty bitter actually. Not a lot of snow, maybe 18" or so. But very dry and cold
18:52:34 DaveC -> How are things down south :-)
18:52:59 JL -> More like out East, very East
18:53:21 Sheila -> Evening all!
18:53:32 DaveC -> Evening Sheila
18:53:33 PeggyG -> Hi everyone! So glad to join your party :-)
18:53:35 Gary -> Hello all.
18:54:21 JL -> anyone not want to be a co-host today?
18:54:30 Sheila -> no
18:54:39 Sheila -> no thanks!
18:54:43 DaveC -> I can't, have a student to call at 7:15.
18:54:48 Sheila -> triple negative
18:54:52 DaveC -> hahaha
18:55:03 DaveC -> This is for teaching online.
18:55:06 Gary -> Those double negative things are tricky
18:55:24 DaveC -> Both sounds good from here
18:55:32 PeggyG -> audio sounds good to me
18:56:24 PeggyG -> I'm saving my voice for WOW3 :-)
18:57:16 PeggyG -> how resourceful to look in the archives :-)
18:57:20 Cathy E -> Football on in the background and hubby snoring in the chair - would not make good audio
18:57:50 DaveC -> I used to snore so loud I would wake myself up. Now I sleep in the other room and I don't hear myself anymore.
18:58:03 PeggyG -> Yes! Lucy Gray is our guest tonight! 8:30pm EST
18:58:40 Gary -> Do you need a purpose?
18:59:04 Cathy E -> I do have a new toy....a Droid
18:59:08 Gary -> Not on Skype right now
18:59:16 PeggyG -> what fun CathyE
18:59:40 Cathy E -> I'm in love :)
18:59:59 PeggyG -> we need to hear about your new love, CathyE
19:00:17 Cathy E -> I have to relocate
19:01:06 Gary -> It is on but not sure what I would contribute without prep - could be very strange.
19:02:00 PeggyG -> who says prep is necessary?? :-)
19:03:42 PeggyG -> Hawaii for an educational conference--what fun!
19:04:18 JL -> ready Cathy E?
19:04:41 Cathy E -> one min
19:04:47 JL -> roger that
19:05:28 Sheila -> WD 40!
19:05:49 Sheila -> :)
19:05:54 PeggyG -> Jeff needs a new chair!
19:06:17 PeggyG -> I thought we might need to take up a donation :-)
19:07:24 PeggyG -> comments are even more interesting when you haven't read the article :-)
19:07:30 sroseman -> hello all
19:07:38 PeggyG -> Hi sroseman
19:07:43 Sheila -> Hi!
19:07:49 sroseman -> we need snow here
19:08:40 leonard waks -> I am here trying to find out how the platform works. Am I in the middle of something? I want to hear the 8:30 show.
19:08:40 sroseman -> no visuals!!
19:09:01 PeggyG -> you're early leonard :-) This is EdTech Weekly
19:09:20 PeggyG -> Women of Web 3 will be on with Lucy Gray at 8:30pm EST
19:09:44 leonard waks -> Great, at least I'm in the right place. Should I just go away and come back at 8:30? I am not getting an audio stream right now.
19:09:58 PeggyG -> no Leonard--you should stay for the fun :-)
19:10:10 PeggyG -> click on the ustream play button for audio
19:10:20 leonard waks -> Great, how do I get an audio stream, or maybe some fun??
19:11:02 PeggyG -> @leonard--do you see the ustream player? click on play
19:11:21 leonard waks -> I think I have it. "talk about a few things?" Is that it?
19:11:32 PeggyG -> yes! hooray! Welcome!
19:11:57 JohnS -> Internet 2009 in Numbers: http://royal.pingdom.com/2010/01/22/internet-2009-in-numbers/
19:13:01 leonard waks -> Great. Thanks so much.
19:13:02 PeggyG -> there are some really intersting stats on that page!
19:13:48 PeggyG -> why no stats on Google sites?
19:14:44 PeggyG -> spammers have really been wreaking havoc on Ning communities lately!
19:15:16 Gary -> Spam is also on the rise in Twitter - spam followers
19:15:31 PeggyG -> yes Gary! very frustrating!
19:15:41 sroseman -> other food for thought http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100121/tc_afp/francemediainternetittwitter...
19:15:55 PeggyG -> the google voicemail text messages can be very interesting--not too accurate!!
19:17:09 Cathy E -> @Page - tell Jeff how much you love your Droid
19:17:28 page -> I LOVE my Droid!
19:17:33 JohnS -> Report: Media use by teens, tweens grows to 53 hours a week: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chicago/ct-met-0120-youth-media...
19:19:13 PeggyG -> teens don't just access the internet in their own homes :-)
19:19:29 Gary -> Understood - smart phones, etc
19:19:56 PeggyG -> unanswered calls in google voice go into voicemail and then send a text message to your email--fun!
19:21:04 sroseman -> iphone does it all
19:21:05 PeggyG -> that would be me--iphone user :-)
19:21:09 page -> she lives way out in the sticks
19:21:12 DaveC -> @Peggy if you have a friends-n-family plan on your cell phone. Add the GV number and you can call almost anyplace for free.
19:21:46 sdpankhurst -> iphone can multitask music but that is about it
19:22:27 Cathy E -> http://www.motorola.com/support/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=20333d8b83184210Vg...
19:22:33 sroseman -> this Wednesday Apple announces new system for the iphone
19:22:34 PeggyG -> really DaveC? I need to learn about that!!!
19:22:39 page -> tons of free apps
19:22:42 page -> google sky map
19:23:15 page -> yes
19:23:16 DaveC -> @Peggy, just call the GV number then have it call out.
19:23:54 PeggyG -> Thanks DaveC!!
19:24:02 Lorna -> anyone figured out how to have GV in canada
19:24:15 leonard waks -> Can anyone help me understand how the speakers get to use the mike? I see some boxy thing to the right of the 'avatar' is fhtt's what the blue thing is. And occasionally I see it come up next to even my own blue thing.
19:24:38 PeggyG -> @leonard--you have to call in to the skype number to talk :-)
19:24:41 JohnS -> WE're on a skype call. We're not asking for the mike in here.
19:24:55 JohnS -> The icon next to your name shows that you're typing.
19:25:01 leonard waks -> OK, cool I don't want to talk right now. What is the skype #
19:25:53 Gary -> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-5-websites-research-weird-science-claims/
19:25:59 leonard waks -> Hello. Do we just skpye "wordbridges"?
19:26:11 PeggyG -> yes leonard
19:26:53 PeggyG -> very interesting site Gary!
19:26:59 sheila -> Thanks, I'll check it out!
19:27:07 PeggyG -> it definitely made me think of Mythbusters :-)
19:29:24 Gary -> Mythbuster - yes - many science teachers must become that
19:30:08 PeggyG -> Mythbusters has turned so many students on to science and math! very motivating!
19:31:04 page -> I love it, Cathy!
19:31:44 leonard waks -> Good, now I've shifted to my head set with the mike, and nothing is working! I think I'll have to reboot the whole system. Bye for now.
19:32:00 JL -> http://henriettami.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/open-to-the-possibilities/
19:33:50 PeggyG -> love the reference to ETT-"open to the possibilities" :-)
19:34:28 sdpankhurst -> agreed
19:34:40 sdpankhurst -> people over ideas - excellent!
19:35:31 PeggyG -> what a great connection--someone who wants to spend money on tech and schools!
19:36:26 PeggyG -> I heard an excellent podcast by Kevin Honeycutt this week about his need to connect both personal and professional in his plurking and tweeting
19:37:07 PeggyG -> he likened it to a teachers lounge where you talk about both personal and professional things
19:37:55 Gary -> http://www.skepticnorth.com/2010/01/how-do-we-know.html
19:39:28 leonard waks -> I am back
19:39:36 sdpankhurst -> yes, information abounds, so does misinformation
19:39:45 PeggyG -> what's the best way to teach students to evaluate online resources?
19:40:27 sdpankhurst -> modelling and explicit teaching of hoax sites
19:40:47 page -> they should but some still don't
19:41:00 PeggyG -> I like the triangulation approach where they check multipe sites to compare information
19:41:13 sdpankhurst -> excellent approach!
19:41:58 PeggyG -> hooray leonard!! keep trying!
19:42:18 PeggyG -> mute your ustream and listen on Skype
19:43:03 JohnS -> A Taxonomy of Reflection: http://peterpappas.blogs.com/copy_paste/2010/01/taxonomy-reflection-crit...
19:43:05 PeggyG -> reflection time is a god thing :-)
19:43:12 PeggyG -> good thing!
19:46:04 Cathy E -> Leonard - tell us where you are from?
19:46:36 Peggyagain -> I was just feeling cocky that my browser hadn't crashed yet and guess what--it crashed!
19:46:39 JL -> Leonard everytime I answer your call gets dropped
19:46:43 sroseman -> http://www.discoverychannel.ca/Showpage.aspx?sid=13287
19:46:54 leonard waks -> I turned off the ustream. Now let's see. I see to be in on the call. NOt sure my mike is working. OK. So I get on for about one second thru skype, and then am disconnected.
19:47:03 JL -> you can also try calling 603-574-4923
19:47:11 leonard waks -> Thanks.
19:48:00 sdpankhurst -> lol
19:48:01 Peggyagain -> hooray leonard! thanks for persevering!
19:48:39 Peggyagain -> love to hear how people connect with ETT!
19:49:19 sheila -> Continuing science theme - Roadkill project - counting starts in March through April. http://roadkill.wikispaces.com
19:49:45 Peggyagain -> I follow all of David Dillard's listserv posts from Temple. Some really good stuff!
19:50:06 Gary -> Thanks for the roadkill link!
19:50:37 sheila -> "Teachable Moments" with earthquake in Haiti - http://www.iris.edu/hq/retm
19:50:40 Lorna -> where is this again pls?
19:51:14 Peggyagain -> very interesting to hear the parent perspective on virtual school
19:51:51 sheila -> Nationally recognized.
19:51:52 Lorna -> wondering still how they managed parent teacher conferences
19:51:59 Lorna -> don't have mo listening ears one
19:52:05 Lorna -> *my
19:52:10 Lorna -> *on
19:52:17 sheila -> We've been doing it for 18 + years. Lots of data, but no food!
19:52:46 Peggyagain -> please tell more about the project Sheila!
19:53:00 leonard waks -> Thanks to all. I'll be back again at 8:30 for women of the web. Meanwhile, my wife is signaling for dinner. Thanks for evrything.
19:53:17 JL -> bon apetit
19:53:34 leonard waks -> Steve's sessions are on many nights, but then not on
19:53:41 Peggyagain -> that sounds like the Classroom 2.0 LIVE sessions on Saturdays :-)
19:53:48 JL -> http://corp.kaltura.com/press/Open-Source-Video-Extension-for-Moodle
19:54:35 Lorna -> very nice
19:54:57 Gary -> http://blog.prezi.com/2010/01/24/new-release-features-educational-licens...
19:55:09 Peggyagain -> kaltura sounds great! I want to add that to my Moodle site!
19:55:34 sdpankhurst -> the edjoy account is free to educators now
19:55:45 sdpankhurst -> in prezi
19:56:03 JL -> http://prezi.com/profile/signup/
19:56:13 Peggyagain -> that happens with so many of the sites--start adding premium options for a fee
19:56:22 sdpankhurst -> teachers needs a school website to sign up
19:57:08 Peggyagain -> how fun Sheila!! google and get roadkill :-) you're famous!
19:57:33 Cathy E -> @Sheila - everytime I see roadkill I think of you!
19:58:44 Peggyagain -> roadkill is rich with data to analyze and predict!! I'll bet the kids love it!
20:00:26 Gary -> http://roadkill.edutel.com/
20:01:22 Peggyagain -> everyone come and join us at WOW3 with Lucy Gray at 8:30pm EST!
20:02:01 Peggyagain -> that would be a great show on the Olympics! Ask Doug!
20:02:33 Peggyagain -> Don't forget the first Echo show for K12Online Conference on Jan. 26 with Jen Wagner :-)
20:02:35 sroseman -> thanks
20:02:41 page -> thanks!
20:02:55 Peggyagain -> thanks everyone! fun conversation!
20:02:55 Gary -> Thanks all!
20:03:12 Peggyagain -> bye everyone
20:03:17 sroseman -> thanks
20:03:39 sdpankhurst -> thanks for the great conversation
20:05:00 JohnS -> Thanks for sticking with us, everyone. Don't forget about Wow3 in about 25 minutes.
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