Teachers Teaching Teachers #107 - What have we learned this year with VoiceThread? 06.04.08

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Join Matt Montagne, Ben Papelle, Susan Ettenheim, Paul Allison, Chris Sloan, Bill O'Neal, and Hannah Feldman in a reflective conversation about where we have come this year, and where we want to go next year.

We especially look at how to move beyond our initial infatuation with VoiceThread to a more long-lasting relationship that emphasises what VoiceThread probably does best: inspire, generate, and build online conversatons.

Here are a couple of VoiceThreads that were made back in February 2008. Many of us used these to prepare our students for the Many Voices for Darfur project that George Mayo and Wendy Dexler organized in the first week of March 2008.

I present this pair of VoiceThreads as an example. By comparing the presentation that I, Paul Allison, made (top) with the of the kind of collaborative space created by Bill Ferriter (Darth Tater) and his 6th Graders in North Carolina (bottom), we can begin to understand the constructive critique that we build up to on this podcast.

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I just learned about VoiceThread and had a difficult time seeing its use in the classroom from the sample videos on the site. The student video at the bottom is fantastic! I love how it allows students to interact and converse online! More importantly, this example shows how I can adapt it for use in my own classroom. Thank you for sharing!