Join Matt Montagne, Ben Papelle, Susan Ettenheim, Paul Allison, Chris Sloan, Bill O'Neal, and Hannah Feldman in a reflective conversation about where we have come this year, and where we want to go next year.
We especially look at how to move beyond our initial infatuation with VoiceThread to a more long-lasting relationship that emphasises what VoiceThread probably does best: inspire, generate, and build online conversatons.
Here are a couple of VoiceThreads that were made back in February 2008. Many of us used these to prepare our students for the Many Voices for Darfur project that George Mayo and Wendy Dexler organized in the first week of March 2008.
I present this pair of VoiceThreads as an example. By comparing the presentation that I, Paul Allison, made (top) with the of the kind of collaborative space created by Bill Ferriter (Darth Tater) and his 6th Graders in North Carolina (bottom), we can begin to understand the constructive critique that we build up to on this podcast.
Imagine, if you would, your department meeting webcast live every month or so. At it's core, that's what we aim for at Teachers Teaching Teachers, and there's more.
In this podcast, we go back to the basics, back to the making public our private curriculum discussions. Five National Writing Project teachers and two guests joined together to check what our students were doing and what we were thinking. We work together with a group of sites:
Youth Voices social network of 9th - 12 grade bloggers
Listen to seven National Writing Project teachers plan a Spring Blogging curriculum together.
Find out if seven people can plan a curriculum together over skype. These seven teachers from Writing Projects across the country met and planned a 15-week blogging curriculum that they have started to put together (click read more).
Bob Levin and Gail Desler (Area 3 Writing Project, Sacramento, CA)
Do you have your EdTechTalk stuff yet? Did you know there are T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, buttons, magnets, and tote bags available? They're all based on Wordle interpretations of the EdTechTalk Delicious tags.
What are you waiting for? These are limited edition items. Shop now and avoid the rush!