
EdTechTalk21 #157 -- 2011-2012 School Year

EdTechTalk21 #157
We're Back! What's Happening and Where We're Going...
October 5, 2011

We're back and have lots of great news and goals for the year.  We'll be broadcasting on Wednesday's at 1:30 EST.  See you all there!  

EdTechTalk21 #1574564135255_23e3aee2ac
We're Back! What's Happening and Where We're Going...
October 5, 2011

We're back and have lots of great news and goals for the year.  We'll be broadcasting on Wednesday's at 1:30 EST.  See you all there!  

Teachers Teaching Teachers #265 - Seven Teachers from Seven States have a Conversation about Conversations - 9.28.11

On this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, these seven teachers:

met in a Google+ Hangout to talk about our classrooms, about http://youthvoices, and more! Monika Hardy also talks about the BIF Summit http://businessinnovationfactory.com/bif-7 that she recently attended with students as well as developments at the Innovation Lab.


On this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers, these seven teachers:

meet in a Google+ Hangout to talk about our classrooms, about http://youthvoices, and more! Monika Hardy also talks about the BIF Summit http://businessinnovationfactory.com/bif-7 that she recently attended with students as well as developments at the Innovation Lab.


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