
EdTechTalk21 #157 -- 2011-2012 School Year

EdTechTalk21 #157
We're Back! What's Happening and Where We're Going...
October 5, 2011

We're back and have lots of great news and goals for the year.  We'll be broadcasting on Wednesday's at 1:30 EST.  See you all there!  

EdTechTalk21 #1574564135255_23e3aee2ac
We're Back! What's Happening and Where We're Going...
October 5, 2011

We're back and have lots of great news and goals for the year.  We'll be broadcasting on Wednesday's at 1:30 EST.  See you all there!  

ETT21 #137: 2010 Goals Show

ETT21 #137: 2010 Goals Show                  
September 15, 2010

iPads, GTD, NYASIS Think Tank 2010, NEIT2010, Switch, Professional Development, (TPACK Technology Content and Pedagogy) and more...

ETT21 #137: 2010 Goals Show      Goal            
September 15, 2010

iPads, GTD, NYASIS Think Tank 2010, NEIT2010, Switch, Professional Development, (TPACK Technology Content and Pedagogy) and more...

21st Century Learning #110: H1N1 and School Communication

H1N121st Century Learning #110
September 29, 2009 --
H1N1 Preparedness

After a recenty NYSAIS Professional Development seminar, NYCIST held a meeting discussing H1N1 preparedness.

Alex and arvind discuss what schools are doing to be prepared for closures and high absense rates. 

Resources to find information include Flu.gov, ISTE.

We also discussed the importance of connnectedness of the community.  The importance of creating an online space for students and faculty to continue to keep the community intact.  We asked if Facebook could be that space?

Plus some edtech news from our schools... 

21st Century Learning #110 September 29, 2009 -- H1N1 Preparedness After a recenty NYSAIS Professional Development seminar, NYCIST held a meeting discussing H1N1 preparedness. Alex and arvind discuss what schools are doing to be prepared for closures and high absense rates.  Resources to find information include Flu.gov, ISTE. We also discussed the importance of connnectedness of the community.  The importance of creating an online space for students and faculty to continue to keep the community intact.  We asked if Facebook could be that space?

21st Century Learning #109: Goals

21st Century Learning #109Goals
September 22, 2009 --

Vinnie and Alex get back to it and spend some time reviewing their goals for the year!


photo from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeoliveri/524238889/

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

21st Century Learning #109Goals
September 22, 2009 --

Vinnie and Alex get back to it and spend some time reviewing their goals for the year!


photo from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeoliveri/524238889/

Conversations Show 22 01 04 2009

This week Lisa and Maria talked about their goals for 2009. Thank you, Dave Cormier for joining us and adding to the conversation.

This week Lisa and Maria talked about their goals for 2009. Thank you, Dave Cormier for joining us and adding to the conversation.


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