Best Practices

21st Century Learning #88: Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS

21st Century Learning #88Patrick Bassett
Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS
December 11, 2008

Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS, joined us this week to discuss the vision of NAIS, the future of Independent Schools, best practices, creating more transparent conferences, and much more.

Join us on December 18, 2008 for our holiday special.  

Chat transcript to be posted on Friday, 12/12/08.



21st Century Learning #88Patrick Bassett
Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS
December 11, 2008

Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS, joined us this week to discuss the vision of NAIS, the future of Independent Schools, best practices, creating more transparent conferences, and much more.

21st Century Learning #33: Designing a Professional Development Day

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EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #33
Desiging a Professional Development Day
arvind interviews Alex about designing a professional development day
February 27, 2007

A discussion of the collaborative design and implementation of a professional development day at Collegiate School.

21st Century Learning: Professional Development Best Practices

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #25
Professional Development Best Practices
December 12, 2006
Download mp3 (28:12, 13.2 MB)

A conversation about Professional Development best practices based the NYCIST Faculty Professional Development Meeting held on December 6, 2006. Highlights from that meeting can be found on the School Computing Wiki.

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