21st Century Learning #88: Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS
21st Century Learning #88
Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS
December 11, 2008
Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS, joined us this week to discuss the vision of NAIS, the future of Independent Schools, best practices, creating more transparent conferences, and much more.
Join us on December 18, 2008 for our holiday special.
Chat transcript to be posted on Friday, 12/12/08.
21st Century Learning #88
Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS
December 11, 2008
Patrick Bassett, President of NAIS, joined us this week to discuss the vision of NAIS, the future of Independent Schools, best practices, creating more transparent conferences, and much more.
Join us on December 18, 2008 for our holiday special.
Click here for the chat transcript.
2008-12-11 13:50:47 alex.ragone -> Wow -- Look at this chat room.
2008-12-11 13:50:52 alex.ragone -> I wonder why you are all here?
2008-12-11 13:51:24 arvind -> hi all, welcome to 21st Century Learning
2008-12-11 13:51:51 arvind -> good to see so many people here!
2008-12-11 13:52:15 alfredtwo -> will there be audio or video?
2008-12-11 13:52:34 alex.ragone -> audio -- in a few moments. Just finishing things up.
2008-12-11 13:52:37 alex.ragone -> Set up that is
2008-12-11 13:53:32 arvind -> we're going to be broadcasting at 2:00pm EST, so on the hour
2008-12-11 13:53:35 arvind -> Fred, here live!
2008-12-11 13:53:45 fredbartels -> laurie too :-)
2008-12-11 13:53:53 alex.ragone -> Fred and Laurie -- Yeah!
2008-12-11 13:53:57 arvind -> we're broadcasting now, so if people could test the stream that'd be great!
2008-12-11 13:55:49 arvind -> let us know if you can hear audio, folks
2008-12-11 13:55:59 fredbartels -> coming thru here
2008-12-11 13:56:48 Susan Morgan -> Hi guys, I hear you
2008-12-11 13:57:21 arvind -> thanks Susan
2008-12-11 13:57:27 wstites -> iChat... no SKYPE
2008-12-11 13:58:17 VinnieVrotny -> Hey folks. Here via text only, as we are getting ready for a meeting with our head about our 2009-10 budget.
2008-12-11 13:58:48 VinnieVrotny -> Looks like a great crew here, am sorry I will be missing the live conversation
2008-12-11 13:59:34 Bill Campbell -> You can add one more. Two people listening here. :)
2008-12-11 14:01:10 dburns -> Hello all - working fine here - Doug Burns (Saint Andrew's-Sewanee School)
2008-12-11 14:02:06 VinnieVrotny -> Wow, looks like a great group of folks here. Yes us!
2008-12-11 14:02:18 VinnieVrotny -> Welcome Peter
2008-12-11 14:02:46 peterbaron -> Hi!
2008-12-11 14:02:47 VinnieVrotny -> Welcome Doug. Glad you are here
2008-12-11 14:03:21 arvind -> Vinnie, glad you're here in the chat, at least :)
2008-12-11 14:03:33 dburns -> Thanks - glad to be here, first time doing anything like this
2008-12-11 14:03:48 VinnieVrotny -> Yes, I am glad to be here as well. Looking forward to hearing the audio later.
2008-12-11 14:04:12 alex.ragone -> Yeah -- Vinnie.
2008-12-11 14:04:35 VinnieVrotny -> Hey, Alex. It is a great day to be a co-host at 21st Century Learning
2008-12-11 14:04:55 arvind -> dburns, welcome, glad you're here
2008-12-11 14:05:16 capohanka -> We used to play Soccer against Stuart Hall!
2008-12-11 14:05:49 alex.ragone -> Nice -- we picked a good one
2008-12-11 14:06:01 alex.ragone -> :) :)
2008-12-11 14:06:06 arvind -> amazing!
2008-12-11 14:06:25 capohanka -> dburns...welcome...how did you find it?
2008-12-11 14:06:25 arvind -> any other folks here using Disrupting Class to push thinking at their schools?
2008-12-11 14:06:49 capohanka -> I have it waiting, wrapped, to be opened on Dec 25th
2008-12-11 14:07:04 arvind -> capohanka, ha ha! Merry Christmas!
2008-12-11 14:07:12 VinnieVrotny -> We are actually using Wagner's Global Achievement Gap and getting more traction
2008-12-11 14:07:13 Steve Taffee -> Our administrative team is reading it. One of the best books I have read in the pas decade.
2008-12-11 14:07:24 sarah h -> just had to email my director since I just got it for him.
2008-12-11 14:07:30 VinnieVrotny -> @capohanka a gift for yourself?
2008-12-11 14:07:31 sarah h -> Hope he'll join in this chat!
2008-12-11 14:07:47 dburns -> Not yet - I'll recommend it for faculty reading soon
2008-12-11 14:08:08 capohanka -> yes. I got it when borders had the 25% teacher day and my sons are making me wait until christmas to open it. should've read it at borders before I left. :)
2008-12-11 14:08:16 Jill Brown -> It's on my iPod to listen to over break.
2008-12-11 14:08:22 David -> Our Admin team is reading it at my behest. And I am reading Wagner's book
2008-12-11 14:08:29 VinnieVrotny -> @caphanka well, wonder if that gift is going to be returned?
2008-12-11 14:08:34 capohanka -> i didn't think to get it for my iPod. Good idea?
2008-12-11 14:08:39 Susan Morgan -> Finished it a few weeks ago, surprised that Siemens was so negative
2008-12-11 14:08:57 jramsden -> My H.O.S. will be reading it over break. We'll bring discussions to our admin team retreat in January.
2008-12-11 14:09:03 athrockmorton -> iI have used Wagner's book as a launching pad for several school discussions
2008-12-11 14:09:46 alex.ragone -> http://flickr.com/photos/alexragone/2986762550/
2008-12-11 14:09:53 athrockmorton -> i am such a slow reader. is disrupting class really good?
2008-12-11 14:09:55 alex.ragone -> The books I gave to my admins and dept.
2008-12-11 14:10:13 capohanka -> alex...love that photo...good memories of 31 days too
2008-12-11 14:10:42 Susan Morgan -> Hi Albert...it's been a long time.
2008-12-11 14:10:59 athrockmorton -> morgan? is that new?
2008-12-11 14:11:13 Susan Morgan -> Oh yeah....Grace, Carter, Morgan, take your pick:)
2008-12-11 14:11:25 capohanka -> We call her lovingly Susan Grace Carter Morgan at our school.
2008-12-11 14:11:29 athrockmorton -> good to "see" you!
2008-12-11 14:11:33 Steve Taffee -> We use Pat's 5 aspects of sustainability all the time here to talk about our future goals.
2008-12-11 14:11:48 arvind -> Holton Arms podcasts with the Smithsonian: http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/interact/podcasts/holton/index.cfm
2008-12-11 14:11:54 sarah h -> yes, Albert it is that good! It's really a pretty fast read too.
2008-12-11 14:12:13 arvind -> Online science fair, fantastic!
2008-12-11 14:12:20 jramsden -> Here is a great contest that Oracle runs - http://www.thinkquest.org/en/
2008-12-11 14:12:43 Susan Morgan -> I agree...important, which is why I wonder why George Siemens was critical. Thinks it lacks innovative thinking about learning...
2008-12-11 14:12:44 alex.ragone -> We participate in thinkquest.
2008-12-11 14:13:34 athrockmorton -> we dod a bi lingual CSI, science, mocktrial cross discipline event
2008-12-11 14:14:08 arvind -> 8 year olds invent wedgie-proof underwear: http://www.nationalledger.com/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi?archive=19&nu...
2008-12-11 14:14:59 Susan Morgan -> I am eager to see how our school does with its 20/20 challenge
2008-12-11 14:15:59 Jill Brown -> We had Jenifer Fox author of "Your Child's Strengths" speak at our school (Albuquerque Academy). She is a great speaker!
2008-12-11 14:16:16 arvind -> NAIS Annual Conference: The Winds of Change: http://www.nais.org/go/annualconference
2008-12-11 14:16:41 Susan Morgan -> Pat lends credibility to this idea since he has been leading this for some time--online with his writing and links back in Central States days. He is not new to these ideas
2008-12-11 14:16:48 David -> How do we lead change when the leadership is often on the wrong side of the paradigm shift?
2008-12-11 14:16:50 alex.ragone -> How do we manage change to overcome change?
2008-12-11 14:17:14 alex.ragone -> NAIS is working on a change leadership book.
2008-12-11 14:17:26 Susan Morgan -> Leadership often focuses on the day to day fires instead of the big picture
2008-12-11 14:17:28 sarah h -> those in leadership are those for whom the current system worked well.
2008-12-11 14:17:43 VinnieVrotny -> Got to go. See you all
2008-12-11 14:17:49 alex.ragone -> Anticipating reactions and prempting them.
2008-12-11 14:17:50 David -> Sarah - absolutely correct
2008-12-11 14:17:52 arvind -> managing change is all about anticipating reactions and ameliorating them
2008-12-11 14:17:59 sarah h -> @susan--it goes back to Stephen Covey, doesn't it?
2008-12-11 14:18:03 arvind -> bye Vinnie!
2008-12-11 14:18:04 arvind -> good luck
2008-12-11 14:18:26 sarah h -> permission to fail. Wow. That is a big one.
2008-12-11 14:18:31 Susan Morgan -> Permission to fail...may help to alleviate fear
2008-12-11 14:18:34 David -> Can we wait for that percolation?
2008-12-11 14:18:35 alex.ragone -> Start small. Band of brothers.
2008-12-11 14:18:38 alex.ragone -> Change leadership.
2008-12-11 14:18:49 Susan Morgan -> @sarah h yes...hadn't thought about that
2008-12-11 14:19:03 athrockmorton -> how many tech directors move on to headship?
2008-12-11 14:19:16 David -> few
2008-12-11 14:19:23 alex.ragone -> @athrockmorton -- We just had one move to assistant head in a NYC school.
2008-12-11 14:19:35 Bill Campbell -> Until recently, how many tech dirs had a seat on the upper-admin team?
2008-12-11 14:19:39 alex.ragone -> The dominant culture is agains that shift right now
2008-12-11 14:19:39 arvind -> Chris Lehman did it, from tech to principal
2008-12-11 14:19:43 capohanka -> susan...maybe we could "adopt an administrator" at our school and try to get them using the 21st cent tools for their own betterment.
2008-12-11 14:19:46 alex.ragone -> Chris Lehmann was a Tech Coordinator.
2008-12-11 14:19:50 capohanka -> maybe they will be more open to it
2008-12-11 14:19:51 jramsden -> But I predict that will change. Much like in industry, we are seeing CIO - CEO...Why not D.O.T. to H.O.S.?
2008-12-11 14:20:00 alex.ragone -> arvind and I are thinking alike as usual
2008-12-11 14:20:06 Susan Morgan -> @carey...yes, that's true, might work
2008-12-11 14:20:13 athrockmorton -> we had a real fight in the tech PGPs to include the one about insisting that tech be represented on the cabinet
2008-12-11 14:20:34 athrockmorton -> "disruptive administration"?
2008-12-11 14:20:36 Susan Morgan -> Chris Lehmann was also an English teacher at Beacon, wasn't he?
2008-12-11 14:20:40 arvind -> hi Dave, welcome
2008-12-11 14:20:41 fredbartels -> robert kegen (harvard) has written a lot about change and change leadership - also hosts a conference on this (from laurie, not fred)
2008-12-11 14:20:52 sarah h -> tech is represented in our operations team, not strategic until just the last couple of weeks.
2008-12-11 14:21:07 Susan Morgan -> @albert We still "discuss" this here :)
2008-12-11 14:21:16 dburns -> We've had tech director on admin team for many years - essential
2008-12-11 14:21:27 jramsden -> @athrockmorton: I'm presenting @ NAIS on just that topic with Curt Lieneck and Keith Gillete. It's crucial - we believe.
2008-12-11 14:21:39 arvind -> NAIS's online program:
2008-12-11 14:21:47 alex.ragone -> Lawyers.
2008-12-11 14:21:48 arvind -> http://digital.virtualmarketingpartners.com/vmp/nais/annual-conference-2...
2008-12-11 14:21:59 alex.ragone -> Big speakers cost big bucks.
2008-12-11 14:22:14 sarah h -> Hi Jason, Sarah Hanawald here. I didn't know you knew Curt. Good topic for NAIS.
2008-12-11 14:22:39 jramsden -> @albert; @susan @sarah h...title "Geek to Great: Improving IT Leadership in Independent Schools"
2008-12-11 14:22:40 Steve Taffee -> Administrators can't be passive with regard to trying and championing new technologies.
2008-12-11 14:22:56 Susan Morgan -> @jason thanks
2008-12-11 14:23:18 sarah h -> ha! love it!
2008-12-11 14:23:21 jramsden -> @sarah H...met him at NAIS last year and then on ISENET and moved forward the the topic.
2008-12-11 14:24:09 Susan Morgan -> Sound in and out...is it me?
2008-12-11 14:24:12 Bill Campbell -> Audio is going in and out. Is it just me?
2008-12-11 14:24:14 sarah h -> me too
2008-12-11 14:24:21 athrockmorton -> me too
2008-12-11 14:24:23 alex.ragone -> having some issues. Gettign better.
2008-12-11 14:24:23 jramsden -> Audio - same problem here.
2008-12-11 14:24:24 alex.ragone -> Sorry.
2008-12-11 14:24:24 Jill Brown -> Nope, not just you.
2008-12-11 14:24:29 dburns -> @sasweb.org - same here
2008-12-11 14:24:29 arvind -> audio coming back now, sorry
2008-12-11 14:24:38 alex.ragone -> Seems to be better.
2008-12-11 14:24:46 athrockmorton -> disruptive technology!
2008-12-11 14:24:54 Susan Morgan -> :)
2008-12-11 14:25:04 VinnieVrotny -> back for a brief bit so I can capture the chat room and review later
2008-12-11 14:25:11 arvind -> Teachers of the Future - get your head to nominate you to NAIS!
2008-12-11 14:25:15 Susan Morgan -> Great news NAIS
2008-12-11 14:25:48 arvind -> I would love a future, a wikinomics future, as teachers as academic entrepreneurs, to ally themselves with NAIS
2008-12-11 14:25:51 arvind -> from Pat
2008-12-11 14:25:53 Steve Taffee -> NAIS carries a lot of weight with our administrators. This is great news, Pat!
2008-12-11 14:26:08 alex.ragone -> Academics -- getting faculty lectures out there in the iTunes directory.
2008-12-11 14:26:30 alex.ragone -> All the teachers on the webcast 12-20 minute segments. Get them up there.
2008-12-11 14:27:04 Susan Morgan -> Alex, this is what we talked about on Elluminate in fellows discussion!
2008-12-11 14:27:09 arvind -> world's best lesson on the first ammendment - get paid for it!
2008-12-11 14:27:12 Susan Morgan -> Well, not for a cost:(
2008-12-11 14:27:20 capohanka -> teachers really like free stuff
2008-12-11 14:27:26 sarah h -> academic entrepreneurs. Cool
2008-12-11 14:27:27 dburns -> Question for Pat – As we and our kids are more and more on-line and plugged in, do we need to worry about less and less face-to-face time with and among them? I’m thinking about one idea in Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink – that we learn much from face to face interaction that we’re not even aware of…
2008-12-11 14:27:33 capohanka -> oh, if I got a cut...i'm okay with that
2008-12-11 14:27:40 capohanka -> i know French!
2008-12-11 14:27:44 sarah h -> Just emailed my head and told him that PB told him to nominate me.
2008-12-11 14:27:49 athrockmorton -> 99 cents---sounds like teacher pay :)
2008-12-11 14:28:04 sarah h -> Neglected to mention the global nature of the directive;)
2008-12-11 14:28:15 jramsden -> @sarah h; I second that nomination!
2008-12-11 14:28:24 arvind -> from Pat: we make sure our board meetings stay strategic
2008-12-11 14:28:30 alex.ragone -> Nice.
2008-12-11 14:28:46 alex.ragone -> Love the conversations in the chat. Thanks all.
2008-12-11 14:28:50 arvind -> sarah, awesome!
2008-12-11 14:28:52 Jill Brown -> Lessons on Teachertube too? - Nice to see the classroom management.
2008-12-11 14:29:20 Bill Campbell -> Haven't read b
2008-12-11 14:30:17 arvind -> "we don't call it strategic planning, we call it strategic thinking" - I LOVE this
2008-12-11 14:30:20 Bill Campbell -> Haven't read Blink, but I used to work for a company (pre-WWW) that was researching the fact that we get a lot more through information communication than form meetings. Is it face-to-face or is it the dynamics of the communication?
2008-12-11 14:30:41 Bill Campbell -> That was informal communication (not information comm).
2008-12-11 14:31:04 athrockmorton -> Blink's thesis about thin-slicing encompasses face-to face but not exclusively
2008-12-11 14:31:06 Jill Brown -> RE: Teachertube --video w/ kids tricky. Hmmm.
2008-12-11 14:31:23 alex.ragone -> Revolution will not happen without professional learning communities.
2008-12-11 14:31:32 alex.ragone -> Have to be beyond the corners of our schools.
2008-12-11 14:31:36 arvind -> pat just said professional learning communities, that's exactly what I'm into these days
2008-12-11 14:31:45 alex.ragone -> We try to get 'out' of our schools, huh arvind?
2008-12-11 14:31:53 arvind -> dburns, I'm sorry we can't get to your question, we're out of time with Pat!
2008-12-11 14:32:17 alex.ragone -> We can learn from Finland. Resources did every week. Lesson Planning.
2008-12-11 14:32:20 dburns -> Gladwell talks about "micro-expressions" that are perceived in physical space only
2008-12-11 14:32:26 arvind -> Finland dedicated to professional development. How much time does your school give you each week to work on your prof dev?
2008-12-11 14:32:32 Susan Morgan -> My professional learning community keeps my head spinning these days
2008-12-11 14:32:33 alex.ragone -> Japan teachers do rounds like medicals schools do.
2008-12-11 14:32:37 capohanka -> liked his blog about finland
2008-12-11 14:32:41 dburns -> no problem - thanks!
2008-12-11 14:32:42 capohanka -> on the nais site
2008-12-11 14:32:43 alex.ragone -> I do my learning from 9-11 at night:)
2008-12-11 14:32:48 arvind -> Susan, me too, head spinning
2008-12-11 14:32:54 alex.ragone -> Videatives.com
2008-12-11 14:33:03 alex.ragone -> Going to have to listen to this again.
2008-12-11 14:33:09 David -> Collaboration seems to be the key here which is often athithetical to the organization of school
2008-12-11 14:33:22 sarah h -> @ alex. Yes. prob more than once
2008-12-11 14:33:30 sarah h -> (me, not you)
2008-12-11 14:33:36 arvind -> Pat's blog: http://www.nais.org/about/index.cfm?ItemNumber=147144&sn.ItemNumber=4181...
2008-12-11 14:33:45 Susan Morgan -> @sarah h thanks for all your great links on ning and diigo:)
2008-12-11 14:34:16 sposin -> What was the URL Pat just mentioned?
2008-12-11 14:34:29 sarah h -> http://www.videatives.com/
2008-12-11 14:34:40 sarah h -> thanks Susan! I love following you!
2008-12-11 14:34:46 arvind -> Pat just mentioned http://videatives.com/
2008-12-11 14:34:52 Susan Morgan -> Thanks to you all...agree Arvind. He's been on a long time and that validates the conversation
2008-12-11 14:34:59 sarah h -> you need the www to make it work for some reason
2008-12-11 14:35:01 fredbartels -> thanks for the interview! enjoyed it :-) (Laurie and fred)
2008-12-11 14:35:04 athrockmorton -> thanks--great tak. my first
2008-12-11 14:35:04 Susan Morgan -> :)
2008-12-11 14:35:07 arvind -> alex.ragone via Skype if you want to join the convo
2008-12-11 14:35:24 dburns -> Thank you all - see ya!
2008-12-11 14:35:31 Susan Morgan -> Thanks again guys....gotta run home :(
2008-12-11 14:35:33 Jill Brown -> This was great. Thanks.
2008-12-11 14:35:39 alex.ragone -> Take care, folks.
2008-12-11 14:35:47 sarah h -> great show!
2008-12-11 14:36:19 Bill Campbell -> @arvind You've had a great series of shows so far this year.
2008-12-11 14:36:28 arvind -> thanks, Bill!
2008-12-11 14:36:30 Jill Brown -> I listen to EdTech Talk all the time!
2008-12-11 14:36:44 athrockmorton -> got it from ised
2008-12-11 14:36:56 Jill Brown -> I got the info from ISED, too.
2008-12-11 14:36:58 lauriebartels -> was most encouraging to hear about some of the initiatives Pat mentioned
2008-12-11 14:37:46 jramsden -> I'm here in the chat room as well.
2008-12-11 14:38:05 Bill Campbell -> It was great to hear Pres of NAIS stating the imporance of things I've been hearing and reading among edTech folks lately.
2008-12-11 14:38:15 lauriebartels -> like the concept of japanese rounds to schools. how do we get our heads to let us do rounds of schools as a regular, ongoing part of our practice?
2008-12-11 14:38:19 alfredtwo -> I find out about these sessions on Twitter. Is there an RSS feed I should follow for early info?
2008-12-11 14:38:54 Jill Brown -> ISTE's NECC is dealing with the same issues RE keynotes and presenters.
2008-12-11 14:38:57 arvind -> Alfredtwo our Google Calendar is here: http://edtechtalk.com/calendar
2008-12-11 14:39:06 Bill Campbell -> I hope he can be a conduit to get that on the radar of heads and other admins. This isn't tech stuff but when it comes from a "techie" I don't think it is always valued (even if that techie is on the admin team.)
2008-12-11 14:39:45 lauriebartels -> arvind are you talking about ken robinson's talk?
2008-12-11 14:39:50 Bill Campbell -> I meant it is NOT always valued when it comes through a techie. (y typing is poor today.)
2008-12-11 14:39:59 alex.ragone -> Bill -- NP. Thanks.
2008-12-11 14:40:12 sarah h -> one reason it is hard to "get around" is because we are providing education in 45 minute "doses" everyday rather than chunking. I'm thinkingback to the discussion on ISENET right now.
2008-12-11 14:40:35 sarah h -> @ bill. I totally agree
2008-12-11 14:40:45 arvind -> the amazing session from last year's POCC that I wanted to share was Tarun Tejpal on courage
2008-12-11 14:40:52 athrockmorton -> we still have the factory model of schools--terrible structure for what we should do now
2008-12-11 14:41:50 jramsden -> @alex @arvind; Have you all gone before the NYSAIS heads conference to talk about this (always good to get to Mohonk twice a year:-)? I'm slated to do that hear in NC this January (and Pat will be in attendance). If it goes well I'll share the results on ISENET.
2008-12-11 14:42:27 Bill Campbell -> The PC vs mainframe analogy was great. (at least for me)
2008-12-11 14:42:57 arvind -> Bill, that's really clear, right?
2008-12-11 14:43:04 arvind -> for us techies, anyways :)
2008-12-11 14:43:50 lauriebartels -> alex, i agree completely with what you are saying.
2008-12-11 14:44:02 alex.ragone -> Thanks, Laurie.
2008-12-11 14:44:43 sarah h -> YES!
2008-12-11 14:45:08 Jill Brown -> We need to help kids learn how they learn and give them opportunities to be in control of that with guidance from their teachers.
2008-12-11 14:45:18 lauriebartels -> i am convinced that we are not going to change our "traditional" independent schools from the inside. disrupting class hit home on that one.
2008-12-11 14:46:08 sarah h -> Laurie--you've been doing a lot of interesting thinking on this.
2008-12-11 14:46:26 lauriebartels -> thanks :-)
2008-12-11 14:46:54 Bill Campbell -> @laurie Disrutive change is a hard sell when we appear to be doing right by our students from the point of view of how many IS are measured on the surface (college placement, etc).
2008-12-11 14:46:55 Jill Brown -> Good points!
2008-12-11 14:47:16 Bill Campbell -> I wonder if we need pressure from higher-ed for us to change or do we have to push higher-ed?
2008-12-11 14:47:17 lauriebartels -> i think independent schools can change but it depends on the school, its culture, where in the country it is located, etc
2008-12-11 14:47:44 lauriebartels -> Bill, I agree. It's the "if it's not broke, why fix it" syndrome ;-)
2008-12-11 14:48:00 athrockmorton -> higher ed is more entrenched than IS world--they are pre-guttenberg
2008-12-11 14:48:38 Bill Campbell -> @laurie I've read much of Disrupting Innovation yet, but I guess that fits with the example of IBM developing the PC completely outisde of the main business at the time.
2008-12-11 14:49:00 Bill Campbell -> (That's I haven't read much of Disrupting Class. Boy, I really can't type today.)
2008-12-11 14:49:16 sarah h -> @albert yes. I think about higher ed in how many areas is a phD needed except to get a university job?
2008-12-11 14:49:27 Jill Brown -> Jenifer Fox would be good. Author of "Your Child's Strengths"
2008-12-11 14:49:29 lauriebartels -> I am fascinated by the Greenwich Village High School that is starting up next Sept.
2008-12-11 14:49:35 specialkrb -> yoo hoo!
2008-12-11 14:49:49 alex.ragone -> Hi SPECIALKRB!
2008-12-11 14:50:00 lauriebartels -> I'll check with Fred to find out who you are talking about!
2008-12-11 14:50:04 arvind -> hi karen!
2008-12-11 14:50:15 jramsden -> Scott McLeod? From...http://www.dangerouslyirrelevant.org/
2008-12-11 14:50:15 arvind -> you missed the show! but we're in postshow
2008-12-11 14:50:17 alex.ragone -> How to pull admins into the conversation.
2008-12-11 14:50:22 lauriebartels -> Are there any folks at schools in Europe, Finland, Japan who could be interviewed?
2008-12-11 14:50:23 specialkrb -> andrew is listneing too
2008-12-11 14:50:38 sarah h -> Scott would be good--he could talk about higher ed stuff too
2008-12-11 14:51:03 athrockmorton -> I want to hear from an IS graduate who is working in a "future" industry --someone who understands what the new workplace is like
2008-12-11 14:51:05 Jill Brown -> Don Knezek
2008-12-11 14:51:19 sarah h -> If you interviewed a few, they might want to listen to each other and then get drawn in
2008-12-11 14:51:27 lauriebartels -> What about someone folks from Google or other similar type businesses who are also doing stuff in education?
2008-12-11 14:51:28 arvind -> Scott McLeod on the show a few weeks ago: http://edtechtalk.com/21cl_84
2008-12-11 14:51:40 jramsden -> Opps...missed that one...
2008-12-11 14:51:49 Bill Campbell -> Someone from Lucas Foundation?
2008-12-11 14:51:53 sarah h -> hey, I listened to that show and still seconded Jason. Don't tell
2008-12-11 14:52:07 Deirdre Harrison -> Anyone using grad students onsite, who are getting their teaching degrees online?
2008-12-11 14:52:10 Jill Brown -> some of Obama's new admin staffers RE Technology
2008-12-11 14:52:13 arvind -> ha ha, Sarah. Been there, done thart
2008-12-11 14:52:17 lauriebartels -> this has been delightful! nice to be able to "visit" with you during the day. usually we listen over the weekends.
2008-12-11 14:52:18 Bill Campbell -> Next show at 1:00 PM EST?
2008-12-11 14:52:22 arvind -> Jill, great idea!
2008-12-11 14:52:26 arvind -> Next week we'll be an hour earlier
2008-12-11 14:52:34 sarah h -> I usually listen on the elliptical, much better this way
2008-12-11 14:52:35 Deirdre Harrison -> Tim O'Reilly thinkg tech peeps should be getting into this admin
2008-12-11 14:52:39 specialkrb -> thanks. you guys are awesome.
2008-12-11 14:52:52 arvind -> Tim O'Reilly would be great too. He's no Twitter
2008-12-11 14:53:00 arvind -> He's on Twitter I mean
2008-12-11 14:53:04 Deirdre Harrison -> Tim O'Reilly for a NIAS conference...
2008-12-11 14:53:04 Jill Brown -> ISTE folks met with some of them last week. I'll see if I can get some info to you.
2008-12-11 14:53:05 athrockmorton -> this is a wild experience for anewbie to edtech talk
2008-12-11 14:53:09 lauriebartels -> someone from, i think it's called edtech visions? is that what you just said? anyway, they run the project based schools.
2008-12-11 14:53:16 Bill Campbell -> Tell them you had Bassett. That should help.
2008-12-11 14:53:22 jramsden -> Hey...Curt Lienick is at the lab school where the Obama children presently attend.
2008-12-11 14:53:27 arvind -> athrockmorton, join the network! we're fun
2008-12-11 14:53:27 sarah h -> Hi Albert--we met a few times ages ago. (sarah hanawald)
2008-12-11 14:53:49 athrockmorton -> asarah--hey! where are you now?
2008-12-11 14:54:08 alex.ragone -> Peter Gow.
2008-12-11 14:54:09 sarah h -> Still in Greensboro, teaching part time, consulting some, being mom some
2008-12-11 14:54:21 sarah h -> Yes to Peter!
2008-12-11 14:54:24 athrockmorton -> @sarah cool
2008-12-11 14:54:33 Deirdre Harrison -> Tim and Drupal folks
2008-12-11 14:54:33 sarah h -> where are you?
2008-12-11 14:54:36 athrockmorton -> Peter is an info guru
2008-12-11 14:54:39 lauriebartels -> double yes to peter!!!!
2008-12-11 14:54:50 arvind -> thanks for being here everyone!
2008-12-11 14:54:54 arvind -> great time today
2008-12-11 14:55:01 sarah h -> great show, thanks!
2008-12-11 14:55:10 jramsden -> Awesome. Thanks all!
2008-12-11 14:55:16 lauriebartels -> ciao
2008-12-11 14:55:26 arvind -> see y'all another time
2008-12-11 14:55:49 alfredtwo -> I know people at Microsoft who are involved in education :-)
2008-12-11 14:56:34 Deirdre Harrison -> Thanks
2008-12-11 14:56:53 dburns -> Again - thanks to all, great show!
2008-12-11 14:57:17 arvind -> alfredtwo: pass us some info if you can
2008-12-11 14:57:20 Jill Brown -> Didn't find any names, but the title President-Elect Obama's Education Policy Transition Team --
2008-12-11 14:57:39 arvind -> eeducation transition team? ETT? ed tech talk? :)
2008-12-11 14:58:21 Jill Brown -> :) Definately EdTech Talk :)
2008-12-11 14:58:56 Jill Brown -> oops.. Definitely
2008-12-11 14:59:12 Jill Brown -> Thanks! Bye.
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