
ELT Live Summer Brainstorm#2 - Student Collaboration Projects & Teaching Kids Online

Summer Brainstorm Part#2 
Student Collaboration Projects & Teaching Kids Online
July 23, 2015
Ben & Jeff discuss possibilities of having their composition student sin Mexico and Korea work together online as Bora chimes in with a student perspective.  Maha & Nives discuss tools and strategies for teaching young learners online. 
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Benjamin L. Stewart's profile photo 

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ELT Live 2 - Hows, Whats, and Whys (or why nots) of class websites

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ELT  Live Webcast
' Hows, Whats, and Whys (or why nots) of class websites and other online resources. '
September 2, 2014

Sunny Lim's profile photoStafford Lumsden's profile photoRobert Dickey's profile photoRob McTaggart's profile photoJeff Lebow (you)'s profile photoElizabeth Anne's profile photoDaniel Cross's profile photoDaniel Craig's profile photo

ELT Live - 'Start of the Semester - Korean University Edition'

ELT  Live Webcast
'Start  of the Semester - University Edition'
August 28, 2014
A Group of University Instructors in Korea 'hangout' and discuss our approaches to the first week or two of classes and what projects and goals we're working on for this coming semester. 

Jeff Lebow (you)'s profile photoLauren Harvey's profile photoSunny Lim's profile photoDaniel Craig's profile photobrian dean's profile photo

Links Mentioned

Next Show: Tuesday, September 2, 2014  8pmKST, 1100GMT Global Times
Event Pages: Google+  
Topic: Hows, Whats, and Whys (or why nots) of class websites and other online resources. 

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