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The Jen Slides --- The Originals

Hey folks... So, the goal here is to do 'something' with these slides. You can do the same thing i did (5 minute limit with Jing) or remix in some other way... make sure to tag it 'The Jen Slides' Have fun!!!


ELT Live - 'Start of the Semester - Korean University Edition'

ELT  Live Webcast
'Start  of the Semester - University Edition'
August 28, 2014
A Group of University Instructors in Korea 'hangout' and discuss our approaches to the first week or two of classes and what projects and goals we're working on for this coming semester. 

Jeff Lebow (you)'s profile photoLauren Harvey's profile photoSunny Lim's profile photoDaniel Craig's profile photobrian dean's profile photo

Links Mentioned

Next Show: Tuesday, September 2, 2014  8pmKST, 1100GMT Global Times
Event Pages: Google+  
Topic: Hows, Whats, and Whys (or why nots) of class websites and other online resources. 

Chat Log Below


'Changing Education' by Erika Auger

From TTT participant, Erika Auger 

Changing Education from Erika Auger on Vimeo.


Passion Driven Learning and Project Based Learning styles are two very unique and brilliant ways to teach out students. Can we make this the new way of learning?

Education has been the same for multiple years, why is everyone so afraid of change?

Why can't we make change happen faster?

More from Erika at:  internatpassioncouncil.webs.com  and passiondschool.blogspot.com

Nancy White on 'Community' for Change11 MOOC

Nancy White on 'Community' for Change11 MOOC
October 31, 2011

Multiplicity of groups... how do we work creatively with multimembership? What is the role of the transversal? 

Change11 Week#8: http://change.mooc.ca/week08.htm
Blackboard Collaborate Recording
DTLT Recording (separate event) 
About Nancy: http://www.fullcirc.com/about/

View more presentations from Nancy White

COOLCast - September 28, 2011

Taxonomy upgrade extras:
Collaborative Open Online Learning
 Sept. 28, 2011

Participants:  Kate RobbinsLisa M Lanecarol yeagerLynne HandStephen Dame,  Vance StevensBernie DeKovenmonika hardyOsvaldo Rodriguez, Jeff Lebow

Topics: Alternatives to Elluminate large group meetings, CMC MOOC Overview,  Lack of a MOOC hub, taking the MOOC to the people, and all sorts of other COOL Stuff.

Links of Note:
Change11 MOOC: http://change.mooc.ca/
CMC MOOC: http://www.cdlprojects.com/cmc11blog/
Stanford AI MOOC: http://www.ai-class.com/
Monika's Innovation Lab: http://labconnections.blogspot.com/
Lisa's Pedagogy First Open Course:  Course:http://pedagogyfirst.org/wppf
Vance's Learning2gether: http://learning2gether.posterous.com/
Jeff's Change11 page: http://jefflebow.net/change11
Junto: http://junto.cc/
Big Marker: http://www.bigmarker.com/
HostBBB: http://hostbbb.com/


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