21st Century Learning #20: Bill Fitzgerald on DrupalEd

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #20
A Conversation with Bill Fitzgerald on Drupal in Education
October 31, 2006
Download mp3 (1:00:08, 28.1 MB)

We had an excellent conversation with Bill Fitzgerald, from FunnyMonkey.com, OpenAcademic.org and the brand spankin new DrupalEd Distribution on how Drupal fits into education. The goal of the show was to create a cookbook for a conference site with Drupal -- we got to it in the last 10 minutes! Thanks to Bill for his time and the excellent conversation.

If you're interested in getting involved in the Drupal Education movement, join the Drupal Documentation Listserv,comment on the DrupalEd Distribution page, and join DrupalEd Drupal.

Past Shows on Drupal, Elgg, and Open Source:

# 11 - Open Source Show
# 17 - The Read/Write Web Conference

Other Drupal Resources:

About Drupal
Drupal Wikipedia Entry
CMS Academy Drupal
Drupal Page at the School Computing Wiki

Chat Transcript:
Alex_Ragone has joined the chat.
DS has joined the chat.
[Alex_Ragone] Hey Doug.
jl has joined the chat.
[DS] Hey Alex
[DS] and all
arvind_grover has joined the chat.
[dave] multitasking bites both ways :)
billf has joined the chat.
[arvind_grover] Welcome Bill Fitzgerald from: http://www.funnymonkey.com/
[dave] yay bill
[dave] bill
[billf] hello, dave
[dave] bill's an expert? :o
[billf] the bar is reeeeeaaaaallll low :)
[dave] digg us too
[arvind_grover] next week at Mohonk mountain house: http://www.mohonk.com/
[arvind_grover] at the NYSAIS tech conference: http://www.nysais.org/page.cfm?p=4&verbose=126&ref=list
[dave] that sounds very interesting
[dave] i might go to that conference :)
[arvind_grover] and Drupal for NYCIST (new york city techies): http://www.nycist.net
[arvind_grover] you really should dave
[arvind_grover] Learn about open id: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenID
JenM has joined the chat.
[dave] yo JM
[JenM] boo!
[Alex] hi jenn!
[dave] there are no average teachers! all teachers rock! yay!!!
[arvind_grover] you're right on that. i misspoke!
[jl] hmmm, guess we should disable that, eh?
[arvind_grover] good question
[dave] yes... suppose we should
[dave] we should get hold of the guy incharge
[DS] lol
[jl] Really like the functionality though - too bad there isn't a way to tighten it up
[jl] Guess we just have to wait for Billf to work his wonders
aerojack has joined the chat.
aerojack has joined subroom: Room1
[arvind_grover] See the Curvirider conference videos including Bill's presentation. Good stuff on Elgg here: http://curverider.co.uk/?p=14#more-14
[Alex] http://www.nycist.net/d
[Alex] Our NYCIST Drupal Install
aerojack has left the chat.
[dave] i just did :)
[dave] hi
[jl] I like the minimalist design
[Alex] Add Aggregator Module --
[dave] me 2
bknauer has joined the chat.
[Alex] Leach Module - imports blog posts
[Alex] Leech?
[dave] leitch
[jl] http://drupal.org/project/leech http://drupal.org/project/leech
[jl] That is something I've been looking for - thanks for the tip
[jl] can you also please explain the meaning of life?
[dave] what's a node?
[JenM] silly dave
[Alex] http://hitchhikr.com/index.php?conf_id=116
[arvind_grover] hey bill, welcome
[arvind_grover] both bills
[Alex] Technorati watch list as a rss feed in nycist.
[Alex] tagadelic
[DS] I like the tagadelic module
[jl] http://drupal.org/project/tagadelic
[billf] http://drupal.org/project/tagadelic
[billf] http://drupal.org/project/issues/tagadelic
DS has left the chat.
[arvind_grover] xampp: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
[arvind_grover] let's you run a web server on your computer in a couple easy steps
[arvind_grover] just run it on some unused computer. great tool
[arvind_grover] then you can install drupal, moodle or anything else with php, mysql
[arvind_grover] elgg, etc
[Alex] zacker.org Doug has joined the chat.
[arvind_grover] Want to learn Drupal? Joint the CMS Academy: http://cmsacademy.net/drupal/
[jl] Does Bill think OpenID is the best way to integrate Elgg-like functionality into Drupal or is there (or will there be) a module that could add the benefits of Elgg without having to actually use an Elgg installation?
[arvind_grover] Anyone using Drupal in their school or organization?
[dave] maybe
[Doug] trying to ;)
[Doug] not sure if it
[Alex] organic groups
[Alex] og vocab
[arvind_grover] Organic Groups: http://drupal.org/project/og
[dave] character?
[dave] yes. i have that :)
[arvind_grover] OG Vocab: http://drupal.org/node/64094
[arvind_grover] Google summer of code sponsors open source projects: http://code.google.com/soc/
[JenM] http://code.google.com/soc/drupal/appinfo.html?csaid=84733D67B265C476
[arvind_grover] Education Bridges Elgg site: http://www.educationbridges.net/elgg/
[Alex] views module
[jl] What's Bill's sense for the evolution of Elgg development? It seems like the Drupal Developer community is constantly growing and collaborating to build a better Drupal. Is the same becoming true of Elgg?
[Alex] node access arbitrator.
[Alex] acl module
[dave] What is the meaning of life?
[Alex] user define access to nodes.
[Doug] First or Second?
[dave] ha
[jl] you ready dave?
[jl] we're already on it
[dave] one two three GO!
[Alex] http://groups.drupal.org/drupaled-distro
[jl] http://www.webcastacademy.net/About_Webcast_Academy
[billf] http://buytaert.net/drupal-distributions
[Doug] Bill -- do you plan to focus on v5 with the DrupalEd distro
[billf] Doug -- for some it will be 4.7 -- but 5 will be the main focus
[Doug] thanks
[dave] JM
[JenM] Hi!
[dave] yo yo. props to the J to the M
[JenM] silly Dave
[jl] Basically, Bill can you please design our site :)
[dave] yes.
[dave] and the curriculum
[jl] It's what we all really want to ask
[dave] and... maybe do a little CSS as well
[dave] if you don't mind
[JenM] ditto that and write my final paper
[dave] yeah...
[dave] that's good
[Alex] aggregator, blog module, story, book (about this conference), tracker, statistics, upload.
[Alex] there you go folks!
[arvind_grover] also i have some funny popups on my home computer. can you fix that?
[Alex] cck - contemplate module
[bknauer] you going to post that list to the school comp wiki?
[Alex] views, panels
[Alex] sure.
[bknauer] thanks
[Alex] or link to this post.
[Alex] box grey theme -- and hack
[dave] mmm... code.
[Alex] css ---
[dave] KOR ME (A)
[dave] silly english
[dave] I'm french
[jl] http://drupal.org/project/box_grey
[bknauer] yes!
[Alex] http://drupaled.org/
Doug has left the chat.
Doug has joined the chat.
[Alex] http://drupal.org/mailing-lists
[dave] win2003 is puke-ish
[dave] me no like.
[Doug] thanks for a great show
[dave] thanks gents
[JenM] Thanks guys! Great tips!
[dave] great show
[jl] Thanks much
[arvind_grover] thanks for being here everyone
[bknauer] Thank you!
[jl] All hail Drupalmaster Bill!
[Doug] all hail Bill
[dave] bow before him
[Doug] still working on my gestures
[dave] KOR ME (A)
[dave] practice now
[jl] booo - we don't get to hear the post show
[dave] oh... the cut the stream
[dave] no post show
[Doug] that's harsh
[jl] they're probably talking about us
[dave] poop on that development
[dave] probably
[JenM] turds
[jl] fun being part of the chat room troublemakers
[dave] yes... i quite enjoy it
[Doug] the station module'll catch it right JL
[Doug] the post show that is
[Alex] Thanks to all for you...
[Alex] Post show is over.
[arvind_grover] sorry guys
[Doug] thanks again, have to run, cya all later
Doug has left the chat.
[dave] http://flickr.com/photos/89618789@N00/
[billf] don't be sorry -- they called us (or you, anyways) turds :)
[dave] new oscar photos
[jl] It should have it Doug, but we won't get it until the top of the hour
[arvind_grover] so cute!
[jl] must be from his mother
[JenM] no, you aren't turds! it is used in WI instead of saying "rats" or "darn"!
v[jl] he is a bright eyed cutie
[billf] I like "The Grin"
[jl] Midwest vulgarity - gotta love it
[JenM] and you thought those Canadians were "unique"
[billf] anyhoo -- have a good day, all
[billf] cheers
[dave] tah tah
[Alex] ttys
[JenM] later guys!
bknauer has left the chat.
JenM has left the chat.
[arvind_grover] later
arvind_grover has left the chat.
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