21st Century Learning #114: NEIT2009 Review

21st Century Learning #114
November 17, 2009
NEIT2009 Review

arvind, Vinnie and Alex debrief on the NEIT2009 conference. 

21st Century Learning #114 November 17, 2009 NEIT2009 Review arvind, Vinnie and Alex debrief on the NEIT2009 conference.  <Chat Transcript> [14:02] == alex____ [i=42093c3c@gateway/web/freenode/x-czcwdqzmfukedtkh] has joined #edtechtalk [14:02] <alex____> Hey folks. [14:02] freenode-connect [freenode@freenode/bot/connect] requested CTCP VERSION from alex____: [14:02] <alex____> getting the stream going now. [14:02] <alex____> Thanks for your patience. [14:02] <matt-montagne> hey all...sounds good alex

21st Century Learning #112: Ahsan Karim on NYSAIS, NYCIST, and NEIT

21st Century Learning #112
October 20, 2009
Ahsan Karim on NYSAIS, NYCIST, and NEIT. 

A conversation with Ahsan Karim, Director of Technology at The Buckley School and President of NYCIST.  We discussed the relationships between the New York Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS), the New York Consortium of Independent School Technologists (NYCIST), and the NYSAIS Education and Information Technology Conference (NEIT).  Lots of overlap, the results of which is a rich network of education technologies who have each other at their fingertips, yet realize the importance of face to face meetings.

21st Century Learning #112NEIT2008
October 20, 2009
Ahsan Karim on NYSAIS, NYCIST, and NEIT. 

A conversation with Ahsan Karim, Director of Technology at The Buckley School and President of NYCIST.  We discussed the relationships between the New York Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS), the New York Consortium of Independent School Technologists (NYCIST), and the NYSAIS Education and Information Technology Conference (NEIT).  These organizations have lots of overlap in their membership, creating a rich network of education technologies who have each other at their fingertips, yet balance these online with numerous face to face meetings. 

Photo by arvind

Chat Trans

21st Century Learning #110: H1N1 and School Communication

H1N121st Century Learning #110
September 29, 2009 --
H1N1 Preparedness

After a recenty NYSAIS Professional Development seminar, NYCIST held a meeting discussing H1N1 preparedness.

Alex and arvind discuss what schools are doing to be prepared for closures and high absense rates. 

Resources to find information include Flu.gov, ISTE.

We also discussed the importance of connnectedness of the community.  The importance of creating an online space for students and faculty to continue to keep the community intact.  We asked if Facebook could be that space?

Plus some edtech news from our schools... 

21st Century Learning #110 September 29, 2009 -- H1N1 Preparedness After a recenty NYSAIS Professional Development seminar, NYCIST held a meeting discussing H1N1 preparedness. Alex and arvind discuss what schools are doing to be prepared for closures and high absense rates.  Resources to find information include Flu.gov, ISTE. We also discussed the importance of connnectedness of the community.  The importance of creating an online space for students and faculty to continue to keep the community intact.  We asked if Facebook could be that space?

21st Century Learning #108: 21CL Brainstorm Call in...

Alex and arvid reflect on the end of year and plans for the summer.  They discussed professional development in open space and summer social media projects in Flickr and Shelfari. 

Jose Rodriguez joined us to discuss a the protesters who were hunger striking in the Spring. 

Mark Laura, Executive Director of NYSAIS joined us.

Bill Stites from Montclair Kimberly Academy, in Montclair, New Jersey discussed the use of social media on their  Irish Studies 2009 trip.

21st Century Learning #108Rotary Phone
June 4, 2009 --
A 21st Century Learning Brainstorm Call in...

Alex and arvid reflect on the end of year and plans for the summer.  They discussed professional development in open space and summer social media projects in Flickr and Shelfari. 

Jose Rodriguez joined us to discuss a the protesters who were hunger striking in the Spring. 

Mark Lauria, Executive Director of NYSAIS joined us.

Bill Stites from Montclair Kimberly Academy, in Montclair, New Jersey discussed the use of social media on their  Irish Studies 2009 trip.

21st Century Learning #104: NEIT Teaching With Technology Conference Debriefing

21st Century Learning #104
Teaching with Technology 2009 a NEIT Production
May 7, 2009

A conversation debriefing the NYSAIS Techning with Technology 2009.  TWT2009 was a teacher lead technology professional development conference.  Check out the session information at the wiki here: TWT2009 Schedule and notes. 

What is your favorite technology professional development?


21st Century Learning #104
Teaching with Technology 2009 a NEIT Production
May 7, 2009

A conversation debriefing the NYSAIS Techning with Technology 2009.  TWT2009 was a teacher lead technology professional development conference.  Check out the session information at the wiki here: TWT2009 Schedule and notes

What is your favorite technology professional development?

Photo from BudhasBreakfast:

Click here for the chat transcript



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