
Conversations Episode 19

Lisa Parisi and Maria Knee discussed the topic of digital footprints.  Matthew Tabor joined in the conversation, which covered such issues as educator responsibilities, professional vs. personal online personas, and online etiquette.

Lisa Parisi and Maria Knee discussed the topic of digital footprints.  Matthew Tabor joined in the conversation, which covered such issues as educator responsibilities, professional vs. personal online personas, and online etiquette.

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Conversations Episode 18

This week Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi talked about our personalities.  How does who we are affect how we teach?  Paul Bogush and Maureen Tumenas joined us in the Skype call.

This week Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi talked about our personalities.  How does who we are affect how we teach?  Paul Bogush and Maureen Tumenas joined us in the Skype call.

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Conversations Show 17 - 2008 11 16

This week's topic was about attending conferences. We asked and discussed why do you go to conferences, what do you gain by going to a conference, and wandered off track a bit to share experiences. We were joined by Lee Kolbert and Arvind Grover in the skype call as well as many others in the chat room. Arvind shared information about the unconference model from his first hand experiences.

This week's topic was about conferences. We asked and discussed why do you go to conferences, what do you gain by going to a conference, and wandered off track a bit to share experiences. We were joined by Lee Kolbert and Arvind Grover in the skype call as well as many others in the chat room. Arvind shared information about the unconference model from his first hand experiences.

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Conversations Show 16 2008-11-09

This week the show focused on the Presidential election outcome. What can we expect as educators with Barack Obama as president? Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi were joined by Michael Smith, Sylvia Tolisano, and Minhaaj ur Rehman to discuss our ideas.
This week the show focused on the Presidential election outcome. What can we expect as educators with Barack Obama as president?

Conversations Show 15 - 2008 11 02

What would you do with a magic wand to change education? That was the topic for our conversation this week. It was from a question posed to Lisa by David Warlick. Alec Couros and Paul Bogush joined us. Although we didn't stick to this topic per se, there was much conversation around change in education and school. The folks in the chat room kept thing going as well.

What would you do with a magic wand to change education? That was the topic for our conversation this week. It was from a question posed to Lisa by David Warlick. Alec Couros and Paul Bogush joined us. Although we didn't stick to this topic per se, there was much conversation around change in education and school. The folks in the chat room kept thing going as well.

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