Conversations Episode 18

Post-Show description: 
This week Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi talked about our personalities.  How does who we are affect how we teach?  Paul Bogush and Maureen Tumenas joined us in the Skype call.

This week Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi talked about our personalities.  How does who we are affect how we teach?  Paul Bogush and Maureen Tumenas joined us in the Skype call.

Chat Archive:

2008-11-23 11:50:50 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: By the way--I think this conversation is about one of the most overlooked topics in ed.
2008-11-23 11:50:51 [Message] beth holmes -> -Webcast Academy: Yes, everything is perfect! Sorry you are having tech problems this morning!
2008-11-23 11:51:07 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Want in to the skype call Paul?
2008-11-23 11:51:12 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: Sure
2008-11-23 11:51:15 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: I can't get audio. When I click on an icon under EdTech Talk-A, I get booted out if it's WM, and the speaker icon gives me a FF "can't find link" error message.  Now I'll try the RealTime.
2008-11-23 11:51:30 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: sharon you should open it another window
2008-11-23 11:51:43 [Message] sheila -> -Webcast Academy: This is actually the wrong chat room. You will need to log out and then log in and change the choice of chat room to EdTechTAlk.
2008-11-23 11:52:27 [Message] sheila -> -Webcast Academy: Do you know how to do that?
2008-11-23 11:52:30 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: I'm OK now.  RealTime...  (I'm usually the problem child in a group)
2008-11-23 11:52:41 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Glad you have audio, Sharon.
2008-11-23 11:52:45 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: hehe.
2008-11-23 11:52:55 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: We all can be trouble at times Sharon
2008-11-23 11:55:04 [Message] sheila -> -Webcast Academy: Beth- to see the chat, you will need to logout and choose the EdTechTAlk chatroom.
2008-11-23 11:56:35 [Message] sheila -> -Webcast Academy: We're in the edtech talk chat room.
2008-11-23 11:56:41 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: My student teaching & practicums didn't prepare me for middle school block schedules.  My first year of teaching was confusing & overwhelming.
2008-11-23 11:57:09 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Paul- teaching both elementary and Middle school- have to switch back and forth all day :-)
2008-11-23 11:57:09 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: How have you overcome this Sharon?
2008-11-23 11:57:22 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Alec
2008-11-23 11:57:34 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: But now I love having an 80 or 90 minute block of time to teach a lesson.  I visit classrooms now to model lessons w/technology, and these blocks help structure the time
2008-11-23 11:57:39 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: hi lisa
2008-11-23 11:58:01 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Find out your "true colors" personality test
2008-11-23 11:58:27 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: I use 10-15 minutes segments to vary activities and instruction. Keep kids moving; changing activities -- even moving physically
2008-11-23 11:59:39 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for the link, @MariaK
2008-11-23 12:00:38 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Who's eating chips? I hear the bag rustling.
2008-11-23 12:00:53 [Message] beth holmes -> -Webcast Academy: I see the Chat, Sheila.
2008-11-23 12:01:25 [Message] sheila -> -Webcast Academy: But this is the wrong one, I'm just here to send people to the correct one.
2008-11-23 12:01:32 [Message] beth holmes -> -Webcast Academy: Is there a link to the True Colors quiz Lisa mentioned?
2008-11-23 12:01:51 [Message] sheila -> -Webcast Academy: You will need to log out of this one and choose the edtechtalk one.
2008-11-23 12:02:17 [Message] sheila -> -Webcast Academy: Instead of webcast academy chatroom
2008-11-23 12:02:21 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: HOme grown webcasting Sharon..that was my daughter.
2008-11-23 12:02:41 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Even if kids aren't concrete/organized, I do see that they respond well to a teacher being that way.
2008-11-23 12:02:53 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: wb Sheila
2008-11-23 12:02:55 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: good job :)
2008-11-23 12:03:00 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Lost someone will be back . . .
2008-11-23 12:03:57 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: readymade creativity -- good point!  But the content must drive the use of technology!
2008-11-23 12:04:06 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @MariaK - can you drop the link again?
2008-11-23 12:04:16 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: Good point about readymade creativity--I've never thought about it like that, but it is dead on.
2008-11-23 12:04:23 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-11-23 12:04:41 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Had an experience this summer at a conference where the person who was "helping" me made me feel really stupid- so this year am trying to be more tuned in to when I might be doing this to the kids- tend to be sarcastic at times
2008-11-23 12:04:58 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Sarcasm can be a deflator!
2008-11-23 12:05:17 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: THX for link to the True Colors Quiz, Lisa.
2008-11-23 12:05:36 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: But I'm sarcastic myself, so I understand.  Some kids "get it" and are OK with it, but some still take things literally and you must be willing to explain the humor!
2008-11-23 12:06:25 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: along with organization--I feel so jealous of teachers who manage to have smooth routines and tidy desks.
2008-11-23 12:06:41 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: i GOT sarcasm when i was in grade 5.
2008-11-23 12:06:55 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: it really would tick me off :D
2008-11-23 12:07:01 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: online communication without body language and body feedback -- we must tread lightly there.
2008-11-23 12:07:19 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Sharon...causes some problems at times
2008-11-23 12:07:45 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Sarcasm is very passive aggressive.
2008-11-23 12:08:16 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Good point Paul!
2008-11-23 12:08:22 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: If we use sarcasm at all, we must be able to "read" the responses so we can explain or re-phrase our communication immediately and respond to their interpretations
2008-11-23 12:08:25 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: It's like a slap - without physical contact.
2008-11-23 12:09:49 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Perception vs. intention ---- the danger of sarcasm. I must remember that.
2008-11-23 12:10:47 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Typically, those who use sarcasm do not intend to hurt.
2008-11-23 12:10:54 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I taught most of my current students when they were in K, then had them again 1st-3rd and now again 6-9. I think it makes a difference in how I view the kids and how they view me. It's a longer term relationship now being a "special".
2008-11-23 12:11:07 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: but it doesn't do whats intended beth
2008-11-23 12:11:45 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: I understand and agree. I cannot use sarcasm. It damages every time.
2008-11-23 12:13:13 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Creating an environment that is supportive and pleasant is so crucial!  Kids are wounded by peer pressure/bullying/social jockeying for positions.
2008-11-23 12:13:22 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: It also depends on the grade level beth, but its not a good idea to use it anyways
2008-11-23 12:13:44 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Joel.
2008-11-23 12:14:12 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: I always loved school - at all levels. I had great teachers and loved the social aspects!
2008-11-23 12:14:13 [Message] joelz -> -EdTechTalk: Good morning
2008-11-23 12:14:18 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: School always seemed to be rules, rules, rules!
2008-11-23 12:14:30 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: The teachers I remember are the ones who cared about me and not the ones who taught me great facts.
2008-11-23 12:14:41 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Rules and requirements that didn't have anything to do with ME.
2008-11-23 12:14:45 [Message] joelz -> -EdTechTalk: A whole lot of school is based on the deficit model of instruction...
2008-11-23 12:14:58 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: lets be honest here, nobody of us enjoyed school
2008-11-23 12:14:59 [Message] minhaaj -> -EdTechTalk: :D
2008-11-23 12:15:17 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: I enjoyed school and still enjoy it.
2008-11-23 12:15:25 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: It's difficult to make a classroom of 25 a caring, personal environment. Takes gifted, incredibly patient & resourceful teachers.
2008-11-23 12:15:33 [Message] joelz -> -EdTechTalk: Students don't have the knowledge and skills to make it in life, and teachers need to fix that
2008-11-23 12:15:34 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Sometimes, i don't enjoy school, even now - there are things about the institution of school that bothers me.
2008-11-23 12:16:04 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: I try to keep my classroom responsive to students.
2008-11-23 12:16:07 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I liked school til maybe senior year- didn't want to take stuff that I wasn't interested in. But most of my school life I was a good little student
2008-11-23 12:16:54 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: I was a rebel and challenged my teachers.  Some of them still liked me.  lol
2008-11-23 12:17:01 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: School as an institution is NOT perfect - but it is an awesome venue for learning if the student is valued and understood.
2008-11-23 12:17:09 [Message] joelz -> -EdTechTalk: @sharon_elin I heard a speaker call that triple a treatment: acceptance, approval, affection
2008-11-23 12:17:20 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Another thing that influences our personalities is our generation type.
2008-11-23 12:17:23 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for the link, @joelz
2008-11-23 12:17:33 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Noise is good
2008-11-23 12:17:41 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: "Happy" noise
2008-11-23 12:18:03 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Use your eyes -- good!
2008-11-23 12:18:09 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Sheila...more about generation type, please.
2008-11-23 12:19:22 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: For example, the silent generation. Older people who don't question authority from the depression era.
2008-11-23 12:19:56 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: I've asked for 3 minutes of total silence once in a while, and kids enjoy that.  They get focused, then they can ease back into their "noise" after that brief break in the flow.
2008-11-23 12:20:24 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: More of a work ethic with another type. Younger generations want more variety, change jobs frequently.
2008-11-23 12:20:45 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Hm-m-m-m. Do we still have depression generation folks in schools? YIKES!
2008-11-23 12:20:54 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: I haven't read much about it, but it's helped me to view different perspectives.
2008-11-23 12:21:16 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Are we experiencing the "ADD" generation?  Hard to focus on one thing at a time?
2008-11-23 12:21:41 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: I agree that the generations are different, Sheila. They have different expectations for school. I see what you mean.
2008-11-23 12:21:55 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: For example, my principal expects to be here for 5 years. Which at first surprised me. I see it differntly and less loyality.
2008-11-23 12:22:37 [Message] sharon_elin -> -EdTechTalk: Bye all; need to go!
2008-11-23 12:22:39 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @Beth - we have older consultants come in for committees
2008-11-23 12:22:42 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Bye Sharon
2008-11-23 12:22:50 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Such a good point about characteristics of different cultures.
2008-11-23 12:24:26 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: @Sheila , they are probably Baby Boomers...children of those who grew up during the Depression. Boomers are far from silent!
2008-11-23 12:26:04 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @Beth - could be; but some are 65 - 70.
2008-11-23 12:26:13 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: Interesting--I do think those male students often connect with their coaches, and I worry about that sometimes too.
2008-11-23 12:26:42 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: @sarah  why do you worry about that?
2008-11-23 12:26:57 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: opps never mind I miss read what you wrote
2008-11-23 12:27:20 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: oh good--I was afraid it seemed like I was headed into territory I'm definitely NOT
2008-11-23 12:27:21 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: YIKES! OK! Are they silent?
2008-11-23 12:27:29 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: My daughters hated group work - they always felt that there were several in the group that were slackers
2008-11-23 12:27:50 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: On reason (IMO) kids hate group work is because the group projects are often poorly designed.
2008-11-23 12:27:55 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: YEs!
2008-11-23 12:28:11 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @beth - you're right, not so much!  :)
2008-11-23 12:28:19 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: Yes Paul
2008-11-23 12:28:23 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk:  I agree that is the key
2008-11-23 12:29:23 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: I'm working with another teacher on how to increase collegiality within our school and globally.  We (teachers at my school) are incredibly poor at working together. 
2008-11-23 12:29:29 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: Maria will Abbi be home for Thanksgiving?
2008-11-23 12:29:33 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: We meet a lot, but we don't work together.
2008-11-23 12:29:39 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: @Sheila Our local school board is heavy on this generation. They are very vocal - sometimes to the detriment of positive change!
2008-11-23 12:30:22 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: How to incorporate those varying styles into a cohesive final product is a "21st century skill" isn't it?
2008-11-23 12:30:27 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: @Cathy - not for thanksgiving but maybe on saturday
2008-11-23 12:30:27 [Message] joelz -> -EdTechTalk: Sigh, missed another Conversation. I'll have to catch it on iTunes.
2008-11-23 12:30:36 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: Can you name one profession that has less contact with one another throughout the day?  I can easily go a week with out having a conversation with another teacher.  At PD we are being spoken to, not speaking to one another.
2008-11-23 12:30:37 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: Give her hugs from me
2008-11-23 12:30:54 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Wow Paul...good point
2008-11-23 12:31:00 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Lisa - that is it - those that don't do their part
2008-11-23 12:31:10 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: There are people in my building whose names Idon't even know
2008-11-23 12:31:15 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: But teachers will give one grade for the group
2008-11-23 12:31:17 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: I never see them or talk to them
2008-11-23 12:31:18 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: doctors--I was astounded during a difficult time several years ago at how I was responsible for telling each doctor what the others had said
2008-11-23 12:31:28 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: so the non-slackers do the project to get the A
2008-11-23 12:31:36 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: @sarah h RIGHT about "21st century skills." Can we as teachers, lead students in collaborative projects if we do not know how to collaborate ourselves?
2008-11-23 12:31:55 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: To me a teacher that does that - re-inforces the slackers of the world
2008-11-23 12:32:30 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: @beth  It seems most "skills" teachers try to teach they don't possess which is why they stick to content.
2008-11-23 12:32:43 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: I think about how successful students are when they are making their Mindstorm robots.  Suddenly, there are no slackers.
2008-11-23 12:32:49 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: PAUL! You are so right!
2008-11-23 12:33:02 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: Paul--you are right--how do we teach what we can't do!
2008-11-23 12:33:21 [Message] joelz -> -EdTechTalk: @paul I agree. Some of the writing I see from teacher is [i]rough[/i]
2008-11-23 12:33:35 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: @ Paul You cannot teach what you don't know. You cannot lead where you won't go!
2008-11-23 12:33:47 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: Because a group research project culminating in a power point is just so, well, deadly.
2008-11-23 12:34:05 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: If you're teaching the process, grade the process!
2008-11-23 12:34:50 [Message] mcteach -> -EdTechTalk: I also have the kids grade themselves in group work. They can be brutally honest!
2008-11-23 12:35:22 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: That's partly how we come up with the group work grade, McTeach
2008-11-23 12:35:24 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: @ sarah h - LEGO MINDSTORMS- truely - a great tool for learning object oriented programming AND 21st century skills!
2008-11-23 12:35:25 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: So, Lisa do you let the other kids in the group rate each other?
2008-11-23 12:35:31 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: The kids have conversations with us.
2008-11-23 12:36:00 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: We meet with each group weekly to discuss how things are going and what we see andwhat they see
2008-11-23 12:36:09 [Message] mcteach -> -EdTechTalk: How many teachers, do you think, let the kids grade themselves, Lisa?
2008-11-23 12:36:26 [Message] mcteach -> -EdTechTalk: Wow...not a good sentence on my part. Sorry!
2008-11-23 12:36:33 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: After any major group project we have a mini-conference in which they give me their grade and why they should get it.  
2008-11-23 12:36:46 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: I've found the qualities of true cooperative groups very valuable in the classroom.
2008-11-23 12:36:51 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: @msteach  you were reading my mind
2008-11-23 12:37:03 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-11-23 12:37:21 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: The kids also give me their grade for each quarter....shhhhh....don't tell any other teachers.
2008-11-23 12:37:32 [Message] mcteach -> -EdTechTalk: @paulbogush Sorry for the mind invasion! :)
2008-11-23 12:37:56 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: A great description of the learning outcomes that can be developed through group work. P21st C Skills
2008-11-23 12:38:36 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: We do need to teach the skills!
2008-11-23 12:39:00 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: AND you are talking to the choir - there are so many teachers that don't get it
2008-11-23 12:39:13 [Message] mcteach -> -EdTechTalk: @sheila I definitely agree! Wish the parents could see the importance!
2008-11-23 12:40:03 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Wait! Are those skills on the state test? Hmmmm . . . Ok, not going there.
2008-11-23 12:40:17 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: Teach is a tricky word--too often when we teach skills we are "training."  I think it is important to allow something to fail, then reflect on what they can do differently.  THey figure it out, they learn it themselves.
2008-11-23 12:41:15 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Sometimes defining the expectations (learning outcomes) for group work help students focus on their personal contributions. Students need to know our expectations for their learning and performance.
2008-11-23 12:41:28 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: Can you re-post that link to the test
2008-11-23 12:41:48 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-11-23 12:42:06 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: I want to know the results - Paul
2008-11-23 12:43:26 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-11-23 12:43:30 [Message] beth holmes -> -EdTechTalk: Enjoyed the conversation!
2008-11-23 12:43:41 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all!
2008-11-23 12:44:42 [Message] mcteach -> -EdTechTalk: I would definitely be interested in that!
2008-11-23 12:44:49 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: Wow--big time green
2008-11-23 12:45:01 [Message] charliemahoney -> -EdTechTalk: Me too
2008-11-23 12:45:10 [Message] charliemahoney -> -EdTechTalk: 14  Gr  9  Or  9  Bl  4  Gl 
2008-11-23 12:45:53 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: 16 gr  7 or  7 bl  6 yl
2008-11-23 12:46:05 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: Is one of you going to NCETC?
2008-11-23 12:46:18 [Message] sarah h -> -EdTechTalk: David Warlick is going to be there.
2008-11-23 12:46:19 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: 12 - Green 11 - gold  10 - blue  3- blue
2008-11-23 12:46:35 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: oops  3 orange
2008-11-23 12:47:09 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: 11-blue 10-yellow 9-green 6-orange
2008-11-23 12:47:31 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: If you get to teach/learn with the same kids over more than one year- you get to know how to interact with one another- benefits of my crazy schedule!
2008-11-23 12:47:33 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: I'm 16 orange, 0 gold, 11 blue, 9 green
2008-11-23 12:47:48 [Message] charliemahoney -> -EdTechTalk: All of us are pretty strongly green.... hmm
2008-11-23 12:49:50 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: Green thinks of why we should have the party
2008-11-23 12:50:04 [Message] paulbogush -> -EdTechTalk: Without green there would be no party
2008-11-23 12:51:12 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: 13gr  9 bl  8 gold  6 orange
2008-11-23 12:52:42 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you all for coming