Alice Mercer

It's Elementary #5, Oodles of Moodle.

It was another great show with James Gates of Tipline - Gates? Computer Tips taking us through Moodle, and it's features. Jim was excited and passionate about this subject as you'll be able to tell from the show audio.

Jim started with a slideshare on Moodle in the classroom:

  1. He then talked us through the slides which highlighted the features in a moodle.
  2. It's a great walled garden system that has a number of modules that you can pick and choose from.
  3. There is even a great basic wiki, and word list/glossary builder feature.
  4. There is a free moodle services available at

Our Diigo links for this show include some school sites using moodle. Many have guest sign-in that will let you look at pages without editing privileges.

Please join us on September 24th, 2007 for a discussion of social networks in Education with John Pederson.

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It's Elementary #3 Podcasts - Just Listen to Me!

We had a very information packed discussion full of insights and suggestions with our guest, Wes Fryer. Our show included discussion of the following:

  1. We discussed what podcasting is and why you would want to podcast.
  2. Examples from each of our classrooms (Kinder on up) of podcasting and our insights from that experience.
  3. Wesley then shared resources on podcasting.
  4. We then opened up a round table discussion.

Wes made his own podcast of the show, and has show notes on his blog, Moving at the Speed of Creativity.

Other resources from the show:

  • Our show outline can be viewed here
  • Our Diigo links which include more podcasting resources than we could cover in a 30 minute show. Check them out if you'd like more information.

Our next show will be on Monday August 27 at 4 p.m. PDT/6 p.m. CDT/8 p.m. EDT, on the subject of essentials for Web 2.0 in the elementary classroom with our guest, Christopher Shively, from On the Trails to Teaching and Learning. Join us then, at!

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