Teachers Teaching Teahers #228 - A curriculum potpourri with teachers, students, and Erick Gordon - 12.08.10

We had a lively conversation on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers .
  • Meet Erick Gordon the new director of the New York City Writing Project and the founder of the Student Press Initiative.
  • Enjoy the perspectives of a couple of the digital photographers who are in Chris Sloan’s school in Salt Lake City, where they had just published their student magazine, the Bulldog Press on MagCloud for the first time.
  • Warm to the thoughts of David Pulling from LSU-Eunice who gives us an update on how his students I-Search papers. In particular we invite you to take a look at this one by Vonda Guidry: Potential Health Effects of Food Contamination From the BP Oil Spill.” Paul Allison’s high school students and Vonda had a productive dialogue in the comments under her discussion post.
  • And of course you don't want to miss Margaret Simon's elementary school students  who have publishing on Voices on the Gulf — and who now have other ideas, as Margaret explains:
    Things are good and busy.  Our gifted students present a historical play each year for first graders in the parish at The Shadows, a plantation home on the bayou.  There is much involved in preparing and performing, so little else goes on.
    My student Kaylie is working on making Clover the Plover a book.  She is illustrating it using Paint on the Promethean board.  I hope to publish it on Lulu as a fundraiser for the Gulf.

And more! Why don’t you drop by too? We invite you to join us every Wednesday at http://EdTechTalk.com/live at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA (World Times).

We had a lively conversation on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers .
  • Meet Erick Gordon the new director of the New York City Writing Project and the founder of the Student Press Initiative.
  • Enjoy the perspectives of a couple of the digital photographers who are in Chris Sloan’s school in Salt Lake City, where they had just published their student magazine, the Bulldog Press on MagCloud for the first time.
  • Warm to the thoughts of David Pulling from LSU-Eunice who gives us an update on how his students I-Search papers. In particular we invite you to take a look at this one by Vonda Guidry: Potential Health Effects of Food Contamination From the BP Oil Spill.” Paul Allison’s high school students and Vonda had a productive dialogue in the comments under her discussion post.
  • And of course you don't want to miss Margaret Simon's elementary school students  who have publishing on Voices on the Gulf — and who now have other ideas, as Margaret explains:
    Things are good and busy.  Our gifted students present a historical play each year for first graders in the parish at The Shadows, a plantation home on the bayou.  There is much involved in preparing and performing, so little else goes on.
    My student Kaylie is working on making Clover the Plover a book.  She is illustrating it using Paint on the Promethean board.  I hope to publish it on Lulu as a fundraiser for the Gulf.

And more! Why don’t you drop by too? We invite you to join us every Wednesday at http://EdTechTalk.com/live at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA (World Times).

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Seedlings 2011-01-06, Show 102, 365 Photo Projects

If you have ever wanted to be creative, try listening to our guests discuss how this project has enhanced their lives and others around them.

Join us as we interview our guests for their 365 photo projects.

Teachers Teaching Teachers #227 Why do we need print publications? 12.1.10

For six years now, we've been publishing, distributing, and discussing student work online at Youth Voices. Recently we've been talking with a group of students who are working collaboratively on producing magazines built out of the content on Youth Voices.

This show follow-ups from TTT #224 - Students and Rick West help us build community - 10.27.10. Chris Sloan described our publishing plans this way to the team of folks at MagCloud:

After many years of publishing our [Judge Memorial in Salt Lake City,Utah] high school newspaper locally on newsprint, my students just published their first school “newspaper” on MagCloud: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128339 We just distributed the issue to the students yesterday, and everybody loves the new format. Just as exciting is the fact that a group of teachers from around the country who I collaborate with are also beginning the process of having our students publish a MagCloud photo magazine created by the digital photography group at youthvoices.net
We are delighted that Lauren Bernsen joined us to talk about using MagCloud in K-12 schools.

MagCloud’slaurenbernsen Marketing Maven: she’s our PR and Marketing guru… When Lauren is not designing our advertisements and collateral, she’s planning our events and trade shows and keeping our social calendar full. A former US-Sailing team member, a prolific chef and our in-house fashionista, Lauren works hard to keep MagCloud busy and looking good! (MagCloud)

For six years now, we've been publishing, distributing, and discussing student work online at Youth Voices. Recently we've been talking with a group of students who are working collaboratively on producing magazines built out of the content on Youth Voices.

This show follow-ups from TTT #224 - Students and Rick West help us build community - 10.27.10. Chris Sloan described our publishing plans this way to the team of folks at MagCloud:

After many years of publishing our [Judge Memorial in Salt Lake City,Utah] high school newspaper locally on newsprint, my students just published their first school “newspaper” on MagCloud: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128339 We just distributed the issue to the students yesterday, and everybody loves the new format. Just as exciting is the fact that a group of teachers from around the country who I collaborate with are also beginning the process of having our students publish a MagCloud photo magazine created by the digital photography group at youthvoices.net
We are delighted that Lauren Bernsen joined us to talk about using MagCloud in K-12 schools.

MagCloud’slaurenbernsen Marketing Maven: she’s our PR and Marketing guru… When Lauren is not designing our advertisements and collateral, she’s planning our events and trade shows and keeping our social calendar full. A former US-Sailing team member, a prolific chef and our in-house fashionista, Lauren works hard to keep MagCloud busy and looking good! (MagCloud)

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

Conversations Episode 87- What does "readiness to learn" really mean?

This week we used an article by Alfie Kohn to try to tackle the question, What does readiness to learn really mean?  We had a great conversation but didn't come up with many answers.  We did come up with our next topic: When we collect data, what data do we want?  What is the purpose of data collection?  We will be back on January 9th to discuss that topic.


This week we used an article by Alfie Kohn to try to tackle the question, What does readiness to learn really mean?  We had a great conversation but didn't come up with many answers.  We did come up with our next topic: When we collect data, what data do we want?  What is the purpose of data collection?  We will be back on January 9th to discuss that topic.

The chat did not archive this week.  

Edtechtalk - Top Ten Edu News events of 2010

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Dave's yearly top ten edu news stories. http://davecormier.com/edblog/2010/12/20/top-10-edu-news-events-of-2010/ 

Links in full post over on my blog. 



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