EdTech Brainstorm - April 5, 2007

Jennifer Maddrell explains and challenges the EdTechTalk community to a Frame Game.  Also Jeff Lebow, Doug Symington, and Jennifer Maddrell make plans for the NYC Podcamp.  Check back later for all the live interviews from NYC. 

Don’t miss Thrusday April 12, 2007 when Jen M will activate Yugma and Skype while turning a typical face to face discussion into an virtual challenge. Join us Thursday night 9:00 EST for an engaging “Frame Game” encounter. 


Teachers Teaching Teachers #47 - Telling Stories with Technology

The concept of digital storytelling has been around for some time as people began to envision the impact that the visual and aural elements could have on the traditional writing process. Video documentaries, radio reflections and other experiments have blossomed with the Web 2.0 world. There are many publishing sources and many means of expression. But what does it all mean? How can the interactive web be tapped into to bring storytelling and composition to an even deeper level of meaning for the writer and for the audience?

Join guest host Kevin Hodgson, who is the technology liaison of the Western Massachusetts Writing Project, this week on Teachers Teaching Teachers as he seeks to explore some of these questions. Kevin is a sixth grade teacher who has students create digital picture books (last year’s theme — math, and this year’s theme — science) and stop-motion claymation projects (in which his sixth graders collaborate with second graders). He has been exploring the intersection of the world of digital storytelling and the Web 2.0 frontier in recent months with NWP Colleague Bonnie Kaplan through a community Weblog and a new collaborative ABC movie project that features more than a dozen teachers throughout the country who are contributing video segments to a larger collaborative project that uses online tools to plan, produce and distribute a digital story.

The program will try to showcase some different aspects of storytelling and technology, brainstorm some ways that people can get started, and consider what the future holds for telling stories in a digital environment.

Our guests will include Gail Desler, who is part of the ABC Movie Project and a deep thinker on the pedagogy underlying the use of technology in the classroom; and others.

Google Notebook for this episode

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Women of Web 2.0, April 4, 2007 Tuesday night Chat part 2

Here is the part 2 version of George Siemens. This includes the post show where we continued the conversation. The chat is located in part 1. Enjoy this conversation and check out the links.

Women of Web 2.0, April 4, 2007 Tuesday night Chat part 1

Join Jen Wagner, Sharon Peters and Cheryl Oakes as we chat with George Siemens. It is a wonderful listen and learn about Connectivism. George gave us the short version and went through the strategies on how Connectivism would look in the K-12 setting. The chat room was rocking with all kinds of connections people were making as George was speaking. Thanks for listening. This show is in 2 parts!!

 Click here to continue and read the chat!

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EdTechWeekly#24 - Cyberbullying, Jumpcut, K12 HotLinks, & JustinTV

Cyberbullying, Jumpcut, K12 HotLinks, JustinTV, & all sorts of Foolishness...
April 1, 2007

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