ETBS - Tech Matters Preview / Worldbridges Town Hall Prep

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ETBS - Tech Matters Preview / Worldbridges Town Hall Prep
July 5, 2007

Chat Log Below

20:58:42  Brad Hicks ->  hey guys just keeping an eye on my boiled eggs for breakfast
21:02:07  Brad Hicks ->  I'll join once my breakfast is ready
21:02:53  DS ->  hey gang, sorry I'm late
21:03:12  jeff ->  np
21:03:28  jeff ->  skype worldbridges to join in
21:05:04  jeff ->  Paul's post
21:10:25  mizmercer ->  Hey dave, got your twitter that you're on.
21:13:07  mizmercer ->  Webcastathon, whoa, that's ambitious
21:14:13  dave ->  MM
21:14:18  mizmercer ->  howdy
21:14:58  mizmercer ->  People, even more expensive than servers
21:15:12  jeff ->  hey alice
21:15:19  mizmercer ->  Howdy Jeff
21:16:22  mizmercer ->  Encouragement? You go Bill!
21:19:06  mizmercer ->  Oh, you are too nice
21:19:26  DS ->  It's true Alice, you've done a great job starting out
21:19:42  DS ->  you are all to be commended, and "break a leg"
21:19:54  mizmercer ->  Have a format, have three people, not just two
21:20:33  Brad Hicks ->   sorry I missed what was on July 18th?
21:21:30  jeff ->  details here:
21:22:39  mizmercer ->  I understand his point about placeholder, etc.
21:23:03  mizmercer ->  I think there is some talk with Jose, and Lisa about doing our show weekly, not 2x a month.
21:24:58  mizmercer ->  Hey, when am I an intern?
21:25:00  mizmercer ->  Hi Maria
21:25:08  MariaK ->  Hi there
21:25:13  MariaK ->  today was fun!
21:25:35  MariaK ->  I need to learn how to do the webcast thing
21:25:45  MariaK ->  I'm an intern wannabe
21:26:06  mizmercer ->  Did you get anything from it?
21:26:38  MariaK ->  I think so - I may have to keep listening to the planning
21:28:12  mizmercer ->  The planning you can leave to Cathy, or do it more free flowing. Since we aren't hands on, and there are three of us. We're a little more scripted.
21:28:33  jeff ->
21:28:54  MariaK ->  I wish that I knew more - I need a webcast academy class
21:29:55  mizmercer ->  Maria, can you skype or following chat room?
21:31:23  MariaK ->  I will read the book, Jeff!
21:34:26  mizmercer ->  If you can do those, that's a help. Learning Yugma, or just taking the controls will help Cathy alot
21:35:02  MariaK ->  I can do those things -I hope that I can be of help to Cathy
21:36:41  Brad Hicks ->  are Arvind and Alex still administering the education bridges Elgg?
21:41:44  mizmercer ->  You WILL
21:44:08  mizmercer ->  Do you all have a lawyer to help wtih 501c3 filing yet?
21:44:29  mizmercer ->  Wow
21:45:56  mizmercer ->  Notices ON are good so folks can see what shows are out there.
21:49:39  mizmercer ->  When is the town hall?
21:50:08  mizmercer ->  Hmm, wonder what we would disagree about?
21:50:34  mizmercer ->  About teaching students using this upcoming election.
21:50:42  mizmercer ->  Like the Broad and Gates foundation.
21:52:02  mizmercer ->  Is town hall this Sunday?
21:52:49  mizmercer ->  I'm willing to be secty, and track commitments?
21:53:02  mizmercer ->  That is helpful I find, and pinning things down
21:54:29  jeff ->
21:56:44  mizmercer ->  I have to leave too. I am willing to buttonhole folks into tasks, and keep track of it during the town hall
21:56:49  mizmercer ->  bye
21:56:56  dave ->  bye bye cuties
21:56:59  dave ->  :)
21:58:08  alex4 ->  Is this a recording?
21:59:03  alex4 ->  It's alex ragone...
21:59:05  alex4 ->  Hello.
21:59:11  DS ->  hey there
22:00:36  alex4 ->  Yes --- we got in.
22:00:43  alex4 ->  Tara says hi!
22:01:32  alex4 ->  Plus two WOW presentations.  We're rocking.
22:01:55  alex4 ->  Our proposal is entitled:  A Network of Homegrown Webcasters.
22:02:16  alex4 ->  Abstract: Abstract: In less than 250 words, please describe what you plan to share and do in your presentation. Clarify how you plan to produce your presentation (podcast, screencast, video, PPT, blog etc.) Remember, your presentation must be viewable online once it is posted to our servers. Indicate if you be able to provide a downloadable version, suitable for "offline" viewing.  We will present the history and development of the EdTechTalk Channel of the Worldbridges Network through screencasts and audio and video interviews of our show hosts.  In little over 2 years, the channel has gone from one weekly webcast to eight weekly interactive webcasts using the newest and most interactive web based media.  EdTechTalk is a professional learning community that is participatory and open.  
22:02:29  alex4 ->  Never filled up the chat room like that before. 
22:03:56  DS ->  sounds great, abstract does
22:05:06  alex4 ->  We'll see if it comes together.
22:05:42  alex4 ->  Night all.
22:05:59  alex4 ->  Jeff...  Audio is going to be at edtech talk?
22:06:04  MariaK ->  goodnight
22:06:05  jeff ->  yep
22:06:06  DS ->  thanks all
22:06:34  jeff ->  yes alex
22:06:43  jeff ->  should get it up by tomorrow a.m.
22:07:24  alex4 ->  Thanks.  I'll listen in the morning.  Prepping for the demo guys. Renovating two bedrooms starting Saturday.
22:15:40  Durff ->  hey, what's going on?
22:15:48  MariaK ->  hey lisa
22:15:48  jeff ->  sorry Lisa, wasn't able to get you in for some reason
22:15:51  Durff ->  thunder, lightening
22:15:56  Durff ->  Monday
22:15:59  jeff ->  we just wrapped up - audio should be online tomorrow a.m.
22:16:04  Durff ->  bye
22:16:05  alex4 ->  Night.
22:16:36  DS ->  thanks all, take care