EdTechWeekly #0

Sept. 17, 2006
Download mp3 (37:24, 17.1MB)

The pilot episode of EdTechTalk's latest spinoff - a 'rapid fire' round up of news and noteworthy resources.

This week's Del.icio.us Links .
  1. Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day
    Great blog with links to the author's favorite e-learning "pick of the day"

  2. Lonelygirl15' creators admit to YouTube fiction
    New Media 'TRUST' issue - The Truth about 'ficticious reality'
  3. WorldCat [OCLC]
    Search for resources at local libraries

  4. meebo me widget!
    Instant message widget to place on your own web page to "chat" with site visitors

  5. About TED
    Love the way interesting video content is presented.

  6. Opinity
    How does one assess 'trustworthyness' online?

  7.  OpenAcademic.org - blending Moodle, Drupal, Mediawiki, Elgg

  8. Mozilla Patches Critical Firefox, Thunderbird Flaws
    At least we don't have to wait a month before getting it patched

  9. LibriVox

  10. k12 Online Conference
    Upcoming Edublogging/EdTechy gathering - Oct. 23-27 and Oct. 30- Nov. 3

  11. Vyew.com - Free Web-Based Collaboration
    Free web-based collaboration platform

  12. IHMC CmapTools - Download CmapTools

  13. Google Notebook
    Google's friendly little answer to keeping up with your To Do list

  14. Writely - The Web Word Processor
    Web based collaborative word processing

  15. Innovate - August/September 2006 Volume 2, Issue 6
    Journal of online education

Chat Transcript

17:55:51 suriawang: Hello, everyon!
17:55:57 JL: Hello Suri
17:56:03 JL: Skypecast at: https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
17:56:03 JenM: Hello
17:56:59 JL: http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk
17:58:09 Cathy_Evanoff: Stream is good
18:00:18 suriawang: OK!
18:00:41 dave: suriawang
18:01:03 dave: i recognize that
18:01:18 dave: name
18:02:48 dave: how'v ya been?
18:04:47 dave: what an entertaining name...
18:04:49 dave: down
18:04:53 JL: http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk
18:05:00 Down_With_Education: i hate education. I think all people should revert to monkeys
18:05:16 dave: agreed
18:05:20 suriawang: Sorry! I was zoned out. Yes, Suriawang is Dave Warlick, and David Warlick is Suriawang
18:05:45 dave: you stickin' aruond for the next show too dave?
18:06:32 Down_With_Education: just kidding
18:06:40 suriawang: What's the next show?
18:07:20 dave: http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechTalk64
18:08:07 stetheman: hi all :)
18:08:11 dave: two minutes...
18:08:29 dave: mmm...
18:08:32 dave: he's going over time
18:09:01 stetheman: see if you can beat him for not going over
18:09:09 dave: i'll get 'em
18:09:13 stetheman: haha
18:09:42 Tinus: Test ... Hello everyone *)
18:09:49 stetheman: hi Tinus
18:11:04 stetheman: what is the link for that sorry?
18:11:18 suriawang: Is it software that you install on your own server?
18:11:23 dave: nope
18:11:32 dave: http://vyew.com/content/
18:11:33 suriawang: It's a web site you go to?
18:11:39 suriawang: k
18:11:40 dave: yup
18:11:42 stetheman: thanks dave
18:11:45 JenM: http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/
18:11:59 JL: a bit late with this link http://news.com.com/2061-10802_3-6115452.html
18:12:07 stetheman: haha
18:12:40 JL: http://www.k12onlineconference.org/
18:13:08 suriawang: jumping up and down!
18:13:38 suriawang: No just excited
18:14:54 Tinus: I'm just amazed how wel this works !
18:15:27 suriawang: I have something to add if you get a slow moment!
18:16:18 JenM: http://cmap.ihmc.us/download/
18:16:24 dave: http://openacademic.org/
18:16:38 Cathy_Evanoff: David W- I love your new blog on elgg http://elgg.net/dwarlick/weblog/
18:17:19 suriawang: http://shambles.net/web2/comingofage/http://shambles.net/web2/comingofage/
18:17:37 JL: http://www.google.com/googlenotebook/overview.html
18:18:21 suriawang: Yes, but I've moved it go blogger. I couldn't get the RSS to work reliably
18:19:21 JasonR: http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk
18:19:54 JasonR: And it allows annotation
18:19:59 Cathy_Evanoff: Has anyone had any trouble getting back into delicious after setting up and account?
18:20:18 JasonR: I set one up for VirtualBridges, no problems so far
18:20:25 dave: me neither
18:20:48 JenM: http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/default.jsp
18:22:59 JenM: http://librivox.org/
18:23:21 JasonR: Drupal CMS Academy Open House http://cmsacademy.net/drupal/node/26
18:23:33 stetheman: neat :)
18:23:35 JL: http://www.opinity.com/index.php
18:25:50 suriawang: Me too!
18:25:58 JenM: me, too!
18:26:00 JasonR: Is this like woofie? A respect based economy? http://sparkyb.net/thoughts/entry/71.html
18:26:23 suriawang: I have something...
18:26:37 JasonR: http://www.flock.com/ ?
18:26:58 JenM: http://www30.meebo.com/
18:27:02 stetheman: nope
18:27:09 Tinus: nope
18:27:27 Tinus: oh yes back again
18:28:27 stetheman: gtg cya all
18:28:48 JL: http://www.terry-freedman.org.uk/db/web2/
18:30:34 JenM: :)
18:31:35 JasonR: Can you reiterate the difference between EdTecdh Weekly and EdTechTalk
18:31:38 JenM: edu-nerds
18:32:15 robmcd: i dont see the skypecast on skype, is it over ?
18:32:32 dave: next one starts in 20 minutes or so
18:32:41 robmcd: dave: ty
18:32:41 dave: this one is still on though
18:32:53 robmcd: i'm listening
18:32:59 JenM: https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
18:33:00 dave: the skypecast link is above the chatroom
18:33:29 JasonR: edtechweekly.com?
18:33:36 JasonR: You need another URL :)
18:33:49 robmcd: Jen the link shows the profile.. but no join link
18:35:28 suriawang: How about iTV from Apple. Does anyone else see this as something big?
18:35:31 robmcd: we settle for nother less than perfection.. opps I'm using windows.. I take that back
18:35:43 dave: ha.
18:36:03 Cathy_Evanoff: You guys are doing a wonderful job!
18:36:25 dave: you're a very kind listener :)
18:36:26 JenM: http://www.innovateonline.info/index.php?
18:36:39 lee: yes, great job
18:37:15 lee: Yes, I do
18:37:48 JasonR: I find the Innovate website EXTREMELY slow lately
18:37:58 JasonR: Unusable even
18:39:02 dave: http://hitchhikr.com/
18:42:19 dave: http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/
18:42:36 robmcd: does anyone know of s/w where i can share screen thru the web to someone, or a group ?
18:43:07 robmcd: great show


Audio icon EdTechWeekly0-2006-09-17.mp30 bytes


Hey Folks, I love to new format, and Jen, welcome. You bring a wonderful perspective to the show. Bravo! - Alex Ragone