
EdTechWeekly#2 - EdTech News Roundup

October 1, 2006
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(contains links to sites mentioned)

EdTechWeekly#1 - EdTech New Roundup

September 24, 2006
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(contains links to sites mentioned)

EdTechWeekly #0

Sept. 17, 2006
Download mp3 (37:24, 17.1MB)

The pilot episode of EdTechTalk's latest spinoff - a 'rapid fire' round up of news and noteworthy resources.

This week's Del.icio.us Links .
  1. Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day
    Great blog with links to the author's favorite e-learning "pick of the day"

  2. Lonelygirl15' creators admit to YouTube fiction
    New Media 'TRUST' issue - The Truth about 'ficticious reality'
  3. WorldCat [OCLC]
    Search for resources at local libraries


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