
EdTechWeekly #11
December 10, 2006

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 Cathy E  we hear you
 Cathy E  yes
 Cathy E  We like that we are doing it and you are not Ha HA
 Cathy E  evanoffca
 lee  very good
 lee  can hear everything fine
 lee  brb
 Brad Hicks  Hi guys
 dave  Mr. Hicks.
 dave  greetings
 lee  hi all
 Brad Hicks  Just starting? or already been on for a while
 lee  just started
 JenM  actually, really haven't "started" ;) just playing so far ;)
 Brad Hicks  so have you guys installed dimdim on the worldbridges server?
 lee  What site are you on?
 lee  oh dimdim
 Brad Hicks  sorry lee, they are using talkshoe I think
 Jeff  http://incsub.org/awards/
 Brad Hicks  does talkshoe work internationally
 Brad Hicks  ?
 lee  yea
 lee  yea Brad!
 JenM  http://livelook.net/ password:58233
 Brad Hicks  I can't take much credit for that - paul reid is the main driver behind Digital Chalkie - and its a group blog - my contribution is a small one
 dave  http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/learning.now/2006/08/educatorranking_we...
 Brad Hicks  so where do i get rate my student?
 Jeff  http://www.platial.com/mapkit/
 dave  http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=927632
 Jeff  http://edtechtalk.com/mapkit
 lee  nice picture dave !
 dave  mmm... not sure where they got that
 lee  :)
 cathy e  Nice comments dave
 JenM  http://www.xfruits.com/
 dave  http://chimprawk.blogspot.com/2006/06/social-networking-five-sites-you-n...
 JenM  http://xfruits.com/jmaddrell/?id=11248 my rss to pdf of my blog
 Jeff  http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/releases/sunbird0.3.html
 JenM  http://www.linkedin.com/
 dave  http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.pdf
 Jeff  http://hakia.com/about.html
 dave  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_web
 Jeff  http://www.retrevo.com/
 dave  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_generic_and_genericized_trademarks
 JenM  http://10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html
 dave  http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
 Jeff  http://www.webvastu.com/
 JenM  http://www.dudertown.com/
 Jeff  http://www.wired.com/news/technology/internet/0,72272-0.html?tw=wn_index_9
 lee  http://del.icio.us/drupal
 JenM  http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobatconnect/compare/
 Jeff  http://www.savetheinternet.com/blog/2006/12/08/congress-closes-telco-bil...
 JenM  http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk for:edtechtalk
 JenM  http://www.stikkit.com/
 dave  http://www.valuesofn.com/screencasts/web20http://www.valuesofn.com/scree...
 JenM  http://www.darcynorman.net/2006/12/06/dreamtube
 Jeff  https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
 Jeff  http://incsub.org/awards/
 JenniferW  I agree -- I only knew 4 of them
 sendkathy  does anyone have a list of their favs on delicious?
 sendkathy  yes
 sendkathy  Well where do you keep your list
 JenniferW  I am not a faithful del.ici.ious user
 cathy e  I'm glad to see David Warlick on the list :)
 JenniferW  and I only had ONE of the nominees as part of my bloglines account
 Jeff  http://edtechtalk.com/edtechtalk.opml
 JenniferW  oops 2
 JenniferW  one of the nominees -- Beth Little (Kittle?) I just heard of last week through Discovery Educators
 JenniferW  and I think her readership is small but she has the DEN membership behind her to vote.
 sharonp  featured edublog... cool idea
 JenM  http://educational.blogs.com/
 JenniferW  I look at blogrolls to see what others are reading
 sendkathy  I took one of Jens courses and also two others in flash. I got a lot our of it.
 Jeff  http://www.lvsonline.com/
 sendkathy  yes, but the first time you \pay an ectra one time charge of 25
 sendkathy  it ranges
 sendkathy  I had a nice small flash class of 6
 JenniferW  do you kathy?? I didn't know
 sendkathy  what?
 JenniferW  pay a reg fee
 sendkathy  The cost is a one time charge of 25 and then 25 for each subsequent classes. You get credit for referrals and can earn a free class.
 sendkathy  They always send you a notice about the regitration dates
 sendkathy  They have a server for you to upload your work
 sendkathy  You can pay an extra 5 to be 'certified'
 sendkathy  small world
 JenM  http://ed2go.com/
 sendkathy  Our system would if you wrote a proposal to do it
 sendkathy  It has to meet all of the requirements
 cathy e  My system would too if there was a prior approval signed by staff dev person in central office
 sendkathy  what is we had a blog weekly blog review
 sendkathy  yes
 sendkathy  must break for dinner , brb
 JenniferW  Sorry-- I am not finding any other online learning websites like LvsOnline.com
 charbeck1  Why does Stephen hve a dislike of sooo many people?
 JenniferW  I am stunned though -- I didn't realize WILL didn't make it
 JenniferW  do you think EVERYONE thought he would be nominated
 JenniferW  so no one nominated him??
 JenniferW  I am finding Stephen to be complex but knowledgeable
 lee  how did edtechtalk not get nominated?
 charbeck1  thanks
 JenniferW  I have to remember his GOOD attributes or I get bugged by his grumpiness
 JenniferW  I agree LEE
 charbeck1  thousands of subscribers
 JenniferW  I have 10 in bloglines -- that is my limit :)
 charbeck1  4000+
 dave  http://cribchronicles.com/
 JenniferW  lol - if I add someone, I take someone out :)
 charbeck1  correction for will 3429 subscribers
 Brad Hicks  If we start getting hung up on why certain people weren't nominated perhaps we shouldn't be bothering with such awards. Perhaps it is better to have these awards purely as a newcomer's each year. otherwise do we just become an introspective network?
 Brad Hicks  at least with newcomer's the network has a chance for refreshing and expansion
 JenniferW  That is what I posted on Will's blog -- I am more intrigued with the NEW Users
 JenniferW  and seeing their perspective
 Brad Hicks  not to ndervalue people like Stephen and Will - but they have an established readership and profile
 charbeck1  Define tech-learning crowd?
 JenniferW  Brad -- I don't mean to be a grump -- I just think a TOP 5 is good enough for me
 Brad Hicks  and as dave said those people will blog regardless
 charbeck1  When people leave comments on your siteThen you go and learn from them.
 Jeff  http://edublogosphere.com/
 JenniferW  and WILL has a "expectation" on why people should blog. And if I adhered to his "why people should blog" I would never blog again.
 sharonp  I don't know, there is a part of me that just wants to blog for reasons other than self-promotion
 lee  I love how happy you all look!
 JenniferW  time to add color
 lee  good point Brad!
 lee  I do agree now that you mention it that way
 JenniferW  Sharon -- did you hear Will's point on WHY to blog at GAETC???
 Brad Hicks  one of the things you have to say for Stephen is that he covers a broad range of material- much more than most i read
 sharonp  took notes on it.... but what point?
 JenniferW  I shall stay MUTED tomorrow night 100%
 lee  i think stephen has a very distinct personal point of view
 lee  that does not always come off as "nice"
 sharonp  let me check my own blog where I posted notes on his talk....
 lee  but its real for sure
 JenniferW  that you should BLOG if you have something to say -- it needs to have substance -- it needs to have a reason.
 JenniferW  like an agenda to post
 sharonp  http://www.mtl-peters.net/blog/?p=97
 JenniferW  he doesn't seem to support casual teaching bloggin
 JenniferW  like -- he would call mine FLUFF
 charbeck1  Is there a skype chat going on?
 JenniferW  but other's seem to like mine
 sharonp  He said roughly - The blog is an extremely important part of his life. He considers himself a blog snob. To him, blogs are more than journals – the link is a powerful thing – small pieces loosely joined (a book) – when we have links we evaluate it by where those links take us – very specific genre of writing – because of the linking and connecting – intellectual sweat for him (takes time and energy).
 lee  bye dave
 sharonp  He said roughly - The blog is an extremely important part of his life. He considers himself a blog snob. To him, blogs are more than journals – the link is a powerful thing – small pieces loosely joined (a book) – when we have links we evaluate it by where those links take us – very specific genre of writing – because of the linking and connecting – intellectual sweat for him (takes time and energy).
 lee  i have no readers! well one.. terry freedman has been reading mine and vice versa
 sharonp  The point we are at with blogs in classrooms – most of what we are using – are not yet pushing the potential. It is very difficult to find best practices – hard to find spaces where students are using them as places of learning, not just places of journaling. Good blogging starts with reading – from different sources than linking back to them. Reading starts with RSS – good blogging begins with reading – responding, synthesizing, doing critical thinking before they begin the writing process. The idea is to get students to read blogs – and challenge how to vet the authority of a blog.
 lee  but i dont care if people dont read it
 JenM  http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/node/112
 lee  since i dont see myself as a good writer
 JenniferW  lee -- you have readers
 JenM  If no one reads your blog, does it have "meaning"? I posed a similar question in my class discussion and got "feedback" that I want to hang onto. Blogs are often tauted as a means for commentary and assessment. Yet, the benefits of blogging for the sake of journaling or personal reflection can become lost in the process of seeking feedback. While I am motivated by the eyes that may one day read this, I was reminded that there are other reasons - beyond seeking feedback - that make blogging a "meaningful" pursuit. Therefore, to answer my own question . . . "yes" and here is why . . . My original proposal to the class: "...what makes a blog more meaningful than a personal learning journal is that the output is shared (and potentially assessed) within a larger community. When we were introduced to writing our own blogs at NYU, we were also given feeds to other “edubloggers” via a blogroll provided by our instructor. We set up accounts on Bloglines.com to track the posts of other professionals in the field. What
 JenniferW  probably a ton -- just perhaps not subscribers
 lee  hmmm thats something I have not thought of... i guess i was thinking of subscribers only but your right..folks probably read alot of stuff and there is little trace of them having been there
 lee  thanks Jenn
 JenniferW  Lee -- I put a counter on my blog
 JenniferW  so I knew if someone was reading
 JenniferW  I only have 45 subscribers-- but I have had over 3,200 readers since September
 JenniferW  you might wish to add a counter
 sharonp  I sort of agree
 sharonp  it is good for me to be writing
 sendkathy  hey wouldn't it be nice to have a feedback survey on a blog. What if you could check 1-5 disliked - enjoyed alot and will share Then ou wouldn't have to write 'meaningful' response
 lee  i do but i just looked and i have it set to start when republished... ok.. a good duh moment. I changed it.
 lee  imean start back at 0 each time i publish
 lee  .mac does that by default
 charbeck1  How about when you try to get your students to leave comments behind at other blogs have no comments allowed. This is frustrating
 JenniferW  your mac does what???
 JenniferW  sorry lee -- I don't understand
 charbeck1  Too many blurkers not enough commenting. It is such an important part of reading blogs.
 JenniferW  blurker ---- LOL --- nice to see my word hanging out here :)
 lee  i do my blog on my computer..then publish at which time it republishes the whole entire site ..there is a place to choose to have the counter start over at 0 each time it is published... i had not turned that version off so it starts at 0 each time i put up something new
 charbeck1  Just send a Thanks I appreciated your blog. Or do we all read in bloglines.
 lee  blurking again eh?
 sharonp  I read a TON of blogs every week.... but responding takes time - one wants to come off sounding intelligent and appreciative
 JenniferW  Lee -- you use iWeb and dot Mac??
 lee  yes
 JenniferW  I have it -- I haven't utilized it yet though
 sharonp  aggregators rock - changed my life
 sharonp  gotta rev up my poor blog - one more thing to put on my to-do list for the christmas break
 lee  i am trying to use all apple as much as possible to check on its seamless usability
 lee  new word! :)
 JenniferW  http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/ Vicki's blog has cocomments
 lee  brb
 charbeck1  How much room do sidebars have?!!
 charbeck1  Web women not needing men talking about education and .....
 sharonp  chris, I am confused about your comment about web women...
 charbeck1  not needing men might be leading people the wrong way too
 charbeck1  I meant Fabio need not listen unless they are edubloggers!
 sharonp  you need a filter for your fingers?
 cathy e  I don't understand how to vote for the edublog award
 maria  Hi Cathy
 cathy e  duh - I see now - at the bottom of each section
 Jeff  http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechTalk30_Edublog_Awards
 lee  sharon, did you get the calender site address i sent you for the spacecast scheduling?
 sendkathy  is there a category for formal audio blogs? (with written scripts)
 cathy e  hello maria
 sharonp  yes, I did - was there supposed to be something on it?
 sendkathy  edublogcon2007?
 Jeff  http://edublogs.org/
 lee  there is now.. i didnt have it figured out when i first posted it
 charbeck1  ANy one could nominate
 JenniferW  so this site -- http://supportblogging.wikispaces.com/ is different than edublogs
 lee  http://www.calendarhub.com/calendar/91156/month/2006/12
 sendkathy  What do the winners get?
 charbeck1  A bunch of blogs had it as posts
 lee  you should be able to add your sschedule.. i put when i am able to webcast and have kids
 JenniferW  prestige
 charbeck1  there is
 JenniferW  subscribers
 lee  winners get happy :)
 sendkathy  what no badge?
 lee  at least for a day or two! hehe
 sendkathy  american idol?
 charbeck1  There is some kind of check
 sendkathy  very nice
 charbeck1  Everyone thought Faith Hill at the same time
 JenniferW  its called "A Faith Hill" now
 JenniferW  if you display an unexpected emotion
 sendkathy  I like the acceptance speeches on the webby awards. They cannot exceed 5 words!! very creative in some cases
 lee  and all must learn the parade wave
 JenniferW  5 words -- that is cool
 sendkathy  http://www.webbyawards.com/press/speeches.php
 sendkathy  queen wave
 sendkathy  Jeff I think I'm ready to try simple cast can we talk later
 JenniferW  post show???
 maria  I have one question for you
 maria  have you all heard about Seymour Papert?
 sharonp  Logo guru
 maria  yes - in a coma in Hanoi
 maria  yes - as far as I know
 Jeff  http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml%3FarticleID%3D1966...
 Durff  Is Seymour still alive?
 Jeff  http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196602670
 maria  I think so - I just can't find any thing new today
 charbeck1  Thanks everyone. See you all on tuesday
 Jeff  http://www.mydeathspace.com/
 cathy e  I was listening to that twit podcast- I had never thought about it
 Brad Hicks  here we had a well known technology educator whose online resources were maintanied as a sort of memorial after his death
 lee  interesting thought
 charbeck1  Hi again every one. The second when night freefalls will take place in January. http://k12online.wikispaces.com/Free+Fall+Planning+Page+for+January. Is the wiki page. Sorry if this is cutting into a different conversation.
 sendkathy  http://www.nabaztags.com/ anyone heard about these?
 Brad Hicks  http://www.ecawa.asn.au/home/jfuller
 maria  Thank you
 lee  you know.. its something that this whole online community and resource gives ones such a new life in ways so i suppose a new version of death or life ever after will come into play more and more
 lee  yes deeeep
 lee  jeff.. godady the best domain name purchasing co.?
 JenM  nite!
 lee  or are there other ones that are good?
 lee  as good
 JenniferW  260???? wow, I thought 5 was ba
 JenniferW  bad
 JenniferW  I use siteground --
 JenM  http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/node/430 one more thing :)
 lee  say that again
 lee  i may have many
 lee  siteground
 sharonp  If I had been paying attention, I CERTAINLY would have nominated WorldBridges for an award!
 lee  well thats good to know
 JenniferW  Lee I host my site with siteground
 lee  ok
 JenniferW  and I was able to obtain the name there too
 JenniferW  they have fantastico as part of the package
 JenniferW  so I was able to add a drupal soooo easily
 cathy e  I love that bunny- so what other toys do ya'll want for Christmas?
 JenniferW  we host Women of Web 2. with them
 JenniferW  I want an iPod too :)
 lee  yes yea
 lee  what fun
 JenniferW  and the recorder for the ipod -- kathy, what is it called??
 lee  hear hear
 lee  nite
 sendkathy  xtreme mac
 lee  thankkyou
 JenniferW  thanks Kathy
 sendkathy  59.99
 Brad Hicks  just waiting to see what Jason is up to
 sharonp  gotta get back to my marking - Night all!
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