TTT#386 Celebrating Open Education Week 2014 w/ Karen Fasimpaur, Verena Roberts, Greg McVerry, Ian O'Bryne, Nate Otto 3.12.14

On this episode of TTT we celebrate Open Education Week 2014 with:

We talk about open learning and open educational resources in K-12 education. We discuss the benefits and challenges of open resources, such as the new K-12 OER Community of Practice, and how online spaces like this and others might be used to support educators in opening up their practice.

K-12 Open Educational Resources Community of Practice from Karen Fasimpaur on Vimeo.


Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast,
and to find links to several of the resources shared during this episode of TTT.

Links to cool resources - some mentioned during the webcast:

Open Education Week -  #OpenEducationWk

K-12 OER Community of Practice -
Creative Commons -
Mozilla webmaker work -
DS106 Assignment Bank:
    Prototype of new assignment bank:
    Daily create
David Price's book: Open: How we'll work, live and learn in the future
Open Ed Week Organizing Committee 
Open Education Week 2014 Planning Committee
Alek Tarkowski, Creative Commons, Poland
Andreia Inamorato dos Santos, IPTS, European Commission, Spain
Chahira Nouira, United Nations University, Germany
Daryono Daryono, Open University of Indonesia
Griff Richards, the African Virtual University, Kenya
Igor Lesko, OCW Consortium, South Africa
Karen Fasimpaur, K12 Open Ed, USA
Marcela Morales, OCW Consortium, Mexico
Marian Wan, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Mary Lou Forward, OCW Consortium, USA
Meena Hwang, OCW Consortium, South Korea
Megan Beckett, Siyavula, South Africa
Nicole Allen, SPARC, USA
Paul Stacey, Creative Commons, Canada
Robin Donaldson, Florida Virtual Campus, USA
Rory McGreal, Athabasca University, Canada
Tim Seal, Open University, UK
Una Daly, OCW Consortium, USA
Community building ideas:
  • proof of concept - examples
  • make it fun (#walkmyworld, clmooc)
  • opt in
  • passion based
  • personalized
  • culture
  • projects - make bank for OER? correlation work?

Chat from March 12, 2014 

20:47Paul Allison: Hi all you open people.
20:50karen (@kfasimpaur): Greetings everyone!
20:51karen (@kfasimpaur): Nate, you have the hangout link? hangout link for tonight:
20:51Nate Otto: Now I do
20:51Verena @verenanz: Testing...testing
20:52karen (@kfasimpaur): Hey, Verena. Join the hangout?
20:52Verena @verenanz: No invite....
20:53Verena @verenanz: ?
20:53karen (@kfasimpaur): Greetings all. We'll be going live in a few minutes.
20:57Peggy George: Hi everyone! Was hoping I had the right time tonight :-) AZ is always so confusing!
20:57karen (@kfasimpaur): yes, it is confusing!
20:57Peggy George: Hi Verena! Great to see you here tonight!
20:58Peggy George: Video coming through great!
20:59Peggy George: awesome Titanpad tonight! Thanks for all of the links!
20:59Peggy George: TTT is one long extended conversation!! :-)
21:01Verena @verenanz: HI Peggy!!!! The place to be is with Peggy!
21:02Peggy George: The place to be is with Verena :-) and of course the TTT group!
21:02Greg (@jgmac1106): Open Education Week 2014 Planning Committee Alek Tarkowski, Creative Commons, Poland Andreia Inamorato dos Santos, IPTS, European Commission, Spain Chahira Nouira, United Nations University, Germany Daryono Daryono, Open University of Indonesia Griff Richards, the African Virtual University, Kenya Igor Lesko, OCW Consortium, South Africa Karen Fasimpaur, K12 Open Ed, USA Marcela Morales, OCW Consortium, Mexico Marian Wan, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Mary Lou Forward, OCW Consortium, USA Meena Hwang, OCW Consortium, South Korea Megan Beckett, Siyavula, South Africa Nicole Allen, SPARC, USA Paul Stacey, Creative Commons, Canada Robin Donaldson, Florida Virtual Campus, USA Rory McGreal, Athabasca University, Canada Tim Seal, Open University, UK Una Daly, OCW Consortium, USA
21:02Peggy George: wow! That's impressive!!!!
21:03unnamedGreg: "open as a mindset" +1 love it
21:03Ian (@wiobyrne): How do we get on that list? Wow. Gotta order t-shirts.
21:03Peggy George: :-) good idea Ian!
21:03karen (@kfasimpaur): Email Mary Lou - she's the queen!
21:04Peggy George: I should know this by now... you shouldn't start a TTT session with 89 tabs open! Already added 10 more!
21:04karen (@kfasimpaur): Shout out to Mary Lou Forward for all her great work on Open Ed Week!
21:07Peggy George: hilarious! I'll jump on that grenade first :-)
21:07Peggy George: Western Mass! Woo hoo!! Got both my M.Ed. & Ed.D. at UMass-Amherst!
21:08Ian (@wiobyrne): Same here. BA in English, Masters in Education. PhD at UConn.
21:08Peggy George: love that! open is an attitude!
21:09Peggy George: what a funny group!!! open isn't closed!
21:10Samantha: Does open learning work for all ages?
21:11Peggy George: like that description-- learning and building own learning in places where we can connect with other learners
21:11karen (@kfasimpaur): great question, Sam... will ask this in a few minutes
21:11Peggy George: Samantha, I think open learning can work for all ages
21:12Peggy George: because it is an attitude...
21:12karen (@kfasimpaur): "Who we are as ___"...teachers? adults? -- identity question
21:12Jim Stauffer: Make mistakes openly so those who come after can learn just like we do - great soundbyte
21:13Samantha: I think it could too, but what about in special education?
21:13karen (@kfasimpaur): Openness can mean many things. Doesn't have to mean posting all work openly
21:15Peggy George: Just purchased Danah Boyd's latest book: It's Complicated! Social Lives of Networked Teens. Excellent!
21:15Ian (@wiobyrne): +1 on danah's new book
21:16Peggy George: I love that Danah allows free download for all of her work!
21:16Peggy George: I buy her books because I want to support her!
21:17Peggy George: Excellent points Verena about willingness to take risks to move forward!
21:17unnameddanah on tour - great q&a discussion
21:17Peggy George: thanks!
21:18monika: : )
21:19Jim Stauffer: Consuming Passion
21:19karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi Monika!
21:19monika: hello
21:19Greg (@jgmac1106): +1 Jik Stauffer
21:19Peggy George: Hi monika :-)
21:19Greg (@jgmac1106): Jim*
21:22Peggy George: is it easier to take your words back f2f or online? :-)
21:22Nate: Interesting question, Peggy
21:22monika: open doesn't want to be pushed.. does it?
21:23karen (@kfasimpaur): Easier to take back when there's not a written record :)
21:23Peggy George: I think so too Karen
21:23Peggy George: maybe push them to have an open attitude?
21:27Samantha: I think digital citizenship is important to think about too
21:28Peggy George: I agree Samantha
21:28Peggy George: it's not anonymous--you are violating someone's rights when you violate copyright laws
21:30Verena @verenanz: I like your question @Peggy :) at 19:22
21:31Peggy George: @Verena you're making me think....
21:33Peggy George: some sights block you from using resources that violate copyright laws like youtube
21:33karen (@kfasimpaur): yes
21:33Nate: If you infringe on material, you are violating a government-given monopoly right. Whether or not the delineation of that monopoly is fair, infringement is a violation of the law. Some people might feel like being civilly disobedient about that; you might get into a discussion about whether you have to stand up for your disobediance by being willing ot suffer the legal consequences of infringement.
21:33Peggy George: great point Nate
21:34karen (@kfasimpaur): Well put, Nate
21:34Peggy George: I've known many bloggers who get really upset with people who lift entire blog posts word for word with no attribution...rightly so.
21:35Nate: as far as cultural norms are concerned plagiarism is a different beast than copyright infringement. In legal terms, there's some overlap.
21:35Ian (@wiobyrne): Nate..bring this point up
21:36Verena @verenanz: @peggy I like making you think....
21:37Peggy George: unfortunately that is often the mentality--it's ok unless I get caught
21:38Nate: It's natural that copyright and licensing comes up as part of open ed week. I think that shouldn't be the only element of the conversation that we host about the issue, as people who live/believe open.
21:42Jim Stauffer: Model open learning was my first thought when'd Karen asked the question. Now I'm hearing it from the whole hangout
21:42karen (@kfasimpaur): Thanks, Jim.
21:42karen (@kfasimpaur): I'm playing with ways to model online ... community building does this get done effectively?
21:46Nate: Encouraging open practice: "It's about saying that teachers don't have to build everything themselves"
21:47karen (@kfasimpaur): "It doesn't have to be perfect."
21:47Peggy George: wish Open Ed Week didn't have such a long twitter hashtag :-) #openeducationwk
21:47karen (@kfasimpaur): That should be the motto for open....maybe learning in general
21:47Verena @verenanz: #oewk - much better :) and cuter
21:47Peggy George: I love the term coined by Peter Reynolds for doesn't have to be perfect... "....ish"
21:48Peggy George: definitely much better! but noone is using that...
21:48karen (@kfasimpaur): I've suggested Creative COmmons licensing to several K-12 districts and never had pushback
21:48Ian (@wiobyrne): it
21:48Nate: Talking of the #DS106 assignment bank
21:48karen (@kfasimpaur): K-12 wants to share in my experience
21:48karen (@kfasimpaur):
21:49Jim Stauffer: tutor & co-explorer instead of expert - modelling again
21:49Peggy George: I don't see much of that in K12 either--most create and make available openly for remixing
21:49Jim Stauffer: ds106 crowd sourced assignments
21:49Nate: A lot of this material is still socially discovered, rather than through one particular repository or another.
21:51karen (@kfasimpaur): prototype of new assignment bank:
21:52Peggy George: Can't wait to explore those ds106 links!!
21:53Nate: I've seen a lot of situations where people see open practices, think they are a good idea, but don't think _their_ idea is ready to share.
21:53Peggy George: I've seen that too Nate
21:53Verena @verenanz: Totally agree Nate :)
21:54karen (@kfasimpaur): yes
21:54Jim Stauffer: Also see ds106's Daily Create
21:55Nate: I think a lot of creating culture around open learning is sharing the underlying metaphors that help us who have done it understand the space.
21:56karen (@kfasimpaur): How would you share those, Nate?
21:56karen (@kfasimpaur): It's a lot about values
21:57Nate: Well, part of it, as we said earlier is through role models. But metaphors are built for sharing. If we think of learning as "collecting stuff", we'll feel differently about what we should do than if we see learning as "connecting with people and ideas"
21:57Peggy George: do you need to understand the space to participate in open learning?
21:57Nate: No, I think you probably necessarily don't understand it when you start.
21:58Peggy George: I think the people who struggle the most with MOOCs are those who come in with rid expectations about how learning should happen
21:58Peggy George: rigid...
21:59karen (@kfasimpaur): By the way, Nate is @ottonomy
22:00Peggy George: great story about mandatory posting vs optional/open Wonder if more people responded with open or just a few carried on an engaged conversation?
22:00karen (@kfasimpaur): I'm taking notes on commun building at hte bottom of doc if anyone wants to add
22:00Peggy George: very helpful Karen
22:02Peggy George: really important points about the teacher participating in the conversations! students take on the leadership and become the experts
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): Greg is @jgmac1106
22:04Greg (@jgmac1106): Kren sharing my handle so I can finally get attacked by the masses
22:04Greg (@jgmac1106): Karen*
22:05Peggy George: Excellent conversation! Thank you all for your open sharing!!! :-)
22:05Peggy George: love it! showing up is a big thing :-)
22:06Peggy George: I'm loving what's happening with the YouthVoices sharing and the student collaborative Hangouts exploring their research interests
22:06karen (@kfasimpaur): Thanks for being here everyone!
22:06Peggy George: hear hear!!!! Huge thanks to Paul and Monika and Chris for always being here and keeping these conversations going!