TTT#335 Play Youth Voices "It's not a game" Anthony Flores, Christina Cantrill, Emily Goligoski, Karen Fasimpaur, Paul Oh 2/6/13

On this episode of TTT, we finish Digital Learning Day with a conversation about open badges.

Paul Allison takes some time to reflect on a the use of badges in his high school English class, and look who joins him:

Paul Allison's profile photoPaul Oh's profile photoChristina Cantrill's profile photoKaren Fasimpaur's profile photoEmily Goligoski's profile photoAnthony Flores's profile photomonika hardy's profile photo

+Anthony Flores One of the first students to earn 15 badges and earn a credit in English:

+Emily Goligoski, Open Badges Design & Community Lead at the Mozilla foundation who can help us think about Mozilla's Open Badge Infrastructure and Badge Backpacks.

+Paul Oh, Senior Program Associate at National Writing Project, involved in many technology projects.

+Christina Cantrill who works with the National Writing Project and directs the Digital Is project

+Karen Fasimpaur who currently runs a small educational technology company that works with mobile technology integration in schools. She also runs the K12 Open Ed web site more!

+monika hardy, and +Paul Allison are on this episode as hosts, although Paul asked Karen if she would facilitate this episode of TTT because he wanted to talk about his experiments with badges, using P2PU, Open Badge Backpacks, and Youth Voices.

Enjoy listening to us trying figure out what we've been up to!

Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast.

February 6, 2013

20:59Paul: hey all
20:59Paul: Paul A, can you invite me into the hangout?
21:00Paul: if there's room?
21:02karen (@kfasimpaur): there's room...hang on
21:05unnamedHi all!
21:05karen (@kfasimpaur): Greeting all!
21:05karen (@kfasimpaur): We are live.
21:07Emily Goligoski, Mozilla: Hi Paul and Christina
21:09Emily Goligoski, Mozilla: Congrats Anthony--thanks for sharing these with us
21:45karen (@kfasimpaur): Hi Bonnie. Any questions for our group?
21:46unnamedI am just learning about it and Tin Can API
21:47karen (@kfasimpaur): Welcome. Chime in on chat if you have questions or comments.
21:47unnamedI think it has a lot of potential for acknowledging a process of learning (badge set) and then accreditation can come from another place.
21:47unnamed(oops both pink is from me bonnie @Ms._J
21:47karen (@kfasimpaur): :)
21:48unnamedHow do young people see badges? Is it motivating?
21:49unnamed(from Bonnie)
21:49karen (@kfasimpaur): I think badges might be a great piece of an eportfolio.
21:55karen (@kfasimpaur): This grid is hugely important in all this.
22:01unnamed(Bonnie) You folks know about the emerging Tin Can API that can help track the learning process and it can be tracked?
22:01unnamedIt uses subject verb object semantic tracking..
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): I don't know much about that.
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): Probably Emily or Vanessa (who isn't here) might be good people to ask.
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): R u on Twitter, Bonnie?
22:02karen (@kfasimpaur): We can ask them there.
22:02unnamed@miksamedia or @Ms_J
22:03karen (@kfasimpaur): Cool.
22:04unnamed@Ms_J (Bonnie)... How do I keep this conversation going? Are there groups? Contacts? twitter ?
22:04karen (@kfasimpaur): We're here on TTT every week.
22:05unnamedThe IRONY!
22:05karen (@kfasimpaur): We're also all on Twitter. I'll follow you there and can connect you w/others too if you want
22:05karen (@kfasimpaur): Also see
22:05unnamedthanks !
22:05karen (@kfasimpaur): Glad to connect with you.