Tim Tyson shared his 2010 K12 Online presentation, The Classroom Teacher as 21st Century Instructional Leader. He elaborated on his ideas and encouraged all to get involved and speak out. The original video is above. The audio of the show is below with audio from the video included.
2010-12-13 20:13:13 [Message] Cathyjo -> puentesalmundo: how do i turn of the tag cloud that is in fornt of the chat window??
2010-12-13 20:15:12 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: Hoping this is where the Tyson talk will be....refreshing memory on ETT settings.
2010-12-13 20:15:36 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: Color selected
2010-12-13 20:49:13 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: Hi - we have a K12 Online show shortly - are you here for that (which would be great!)
2010-12-13 20:49:19 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: Hi Susan!
2010-12-13 20:49:32 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: This webpage is messed up for me!
2010-12-13 20:50:23 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I got bumped out. :-(
2010-12-13 20:50:43 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I think dave, Cathy Jo are still logged in from last night's show
2010-12-13 20:51:14 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I'm afraid people won't notice the puentesalmundo when they log in and be in the wrong room
2010-12-13 20:52:26 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: is Tim going to log in here to participate in the chat?
2010-12-13 20:52:42 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: nope im here for tonight--first time in forever
2010-12-13 20:53:32 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: Should I hear aything yet?
2010-12-13 20:54:46 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: The ETT page has a tag cloud over the chat winodw, so I opened my chat and my vid in speatate winodws (using a mac, btw)
2010-12-13 20:54:47 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: We start at 9:00
2010-12-13 20:55:09 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: despite ppor typos i hope u cld translate that LOL
2010-12-13 20:57:17 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: that happened to me too Cathy Jo! I finally got rid of it by going to Safari
2010-12-13 20:57:22 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: :-)
2010-12-13 20:57:22 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: @Cathy Jo I find Safari works better
2010-12-13 20:57:28 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: Mac here too!
2010-12-13 20:57:45 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: usually Firefox and Chrome are fine but not tonight
2010-12-13 20:57:57 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: Whatever works right? ;) should I hear something?
2010-12-13 20:58:04 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: is Ti our fantastic presenter--Tim Tyson?
2010-12-13 20:58:06 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: oh i hear it now
2010-12-13 20:58:08 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: no audio yet
2010-12-13 20:58:13 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: it will be on ustream
2010-12-13 20:58:26 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: Sheila is streaming but having an issue with video
2010-12-13 20:58:32 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: coming soon
2010-12-13 20:58:35 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: ok
2010-12-13 20:58:39 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: oh no!! the tech gremlins are at work!
2010-12-13 20:58:40 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: i had a short segment
2010-12-13 20:58:52 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: we are patient--all have been there
2010-12-13 20:59:03 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: absolutely!
2010-12-13 20:59:11 [Message] Ti -> EdTechTalk: Hi Peggy!
2010-12-13 20:59:26 [Message] Ti -> EdTechTalk: I must be Ti tonight and not Tim, but this is Tim Tyson!
2010-12-13 20:59:36 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: Hi there!!! Very unique login :-)
2010-12-13 20:59:44 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: it's so great to see you!!!!!
2010-12-13 20:59:55 [Message] Ti -> EdTechTalk: Too eager to hit the enter key. :)
2010-12-13 21:00:08 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I've certainly been there, done that!
2010-12-13 21:00:18 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I had to try 3 different browsers tonight to get in
2010-12-13 21:00:19 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: We all seem to be producing typos
2010-12-13 21:00:30 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: I'm va Gelder suddenly
2010-12-13 21:01:00 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I started using one of your blog tips today Tim. Using Preview to capture screenshots as images. What a great tip!
2010-12-13 21:01:08 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: TI is "incognito"
2010-12-13 21:01:17 [Message] Ti -> EdTechTalk: Glad it worked for you.
2010-12-13 21:01:32 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: it worked perfectly and I don't know how I missed it after all these years!
2010-12-13 21:01:34 [Message] Paul Mc -> puentesalmundo: Is this the right room and time for Tim Tyson event??
2010-12-13 21:01:51 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: and I started following you on Appolicious :-) Fantstic iphone app!
2010-12-13 21:02:24 [Message] Peter -> puentesalmundo: It's now 6pm PST - no image...
2010-12-13 21:02:58 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I have a feeling teachers are really busy this week counting down the days until break! I bet lots are planning on viewing the recording.
2010-12-13 21:02:59 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: We are going to stream audio only
2010-12-13 21:03:03 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: Hi Janice
2010-12-13 21:03:16 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: oh no! no video presentation?
2010-12-13 21:03:29 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: technical difficulties
2010-12-13 21:03:31 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: can we just sent people to the link to view it rather than streaming it as audio only
2010-12-13 21:03:37 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: Hearing soeing something...
2010-12-13 21:03:41 [Message] Paul Mc -> puentesalmundo: Hmmm.... Anywhere we can check to see if we have missed something?*)
2010-12-13 21:03:43 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: echo
2010-12-13 21:03:45 [Message] JaniceStearns -> EdTechTalk: Hi Peggy and Susan.
2010-12-13 21:03:59 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I'm hearing the audio too in ustream. But with an echo
2010-12-13 21:04:06 [Message] JaniceStearns -> EdTechTalk: echo echo
2010-12-13 21:04:11 [Message] Peter -> puentesalmundo: Did you mean "echo" literally???
2010-12-13 21:04:20 [Message] Paul Mc -> puentesalmundo: Sure do!!
2010-12-13 21:04:21 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: Hooray!!!! Welcome Dr. Tim!!
2010-12-13 21:04:34 [Message] Jeanne -> puentesalmundo: The echo is terrible.
2010-12-13 21:04:40 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: definitely a big echo!
2010-12-13 21:04:50 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: gotta get that fixed....
2010-12-13 21:05:01 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: someone on the skype call must have it running on the desktop
2010-12-13 21:05:26 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: still there
2010-12-13 21:05:27 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: no
2010-12-13 21:05:28 [Message] JaniceStearns -> EdTechTalk: no
2010-12-13 21:05:31 [Message] Jeanne -> puentesalmundo: no - still there
2010-12-13 21:05:50 [Message] Peter -> puentesalmundo: If I mute ustream audio, I don't hear anything...
2010-12-13 21:05:51 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: repeated about six or seven times LOl Lol Lol
2010-12-13 21:06:12 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: that's just in case you missed it the first time :-)
2010-12-13 21:06:20 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: :)
2010-12-13 21:06:30 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: you want to mute the ustream if you're in the skype call
2010-12-13 21:07:11 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: want to start the skype call again?
2010-12-13 21:07:18 [Message] Jeanne -> puentesalmundo: I am the same as Paul - only this open
2010-12-13 21:07:28 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: we're here for you!! do what you need to do
2010-12-13 21:07:32 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> puentesalmundo: we will be in EdTechTalk for the chat
2010-12-13 21:08:16 [Message] Paul Mc -> puentesalmundo: Much better!
2010-12-13 21:08:54 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: Is everyone hearing the echo?
2010-12-13 21:08:56 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: still hearing the echo on the refresh
2010-12-13 21:09:12 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: lots of gremlins tonight
2010-12-13 21:09:20 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: technology is so fabulous when it works!!
2010-12-13 21:09:45 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: so it must be a setting for Sheila
2010-12-13 21:09:59 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: your voice is so soothing though Tim!!
2010-12-13 21:10:03 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: Yeah!
2010-12-13 21:10:06 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: it's gone!!! Yeah!
2010-12-13 21:10:10 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: YAY!!
2010-12-13 21:10:16 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: but why not??!!!
2010-12-13 21:10:50 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: The studio has a tag cloud that is in the way. I went to edtechtalk.com/live
2010-12-13 21:10:50 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: looks like several in Puentesalmundo--is there a simulacast going on there?
2010-12-13 21:11:09 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I was thrilled to see you presenting for the conference!
2010-12-13 21:11:34 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: no there is no other webcast tonight--that was set as the default and they may not have noticed
2010-12-13 21:11:46 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: they needed to select edtechtalk
2010-12-13 21:11:52 [Message] Sheila -> puentesalmundo: Are you all here for K12 online Echo? If so, please change your chat room to edtechtalk.
2010-12-13 21:12:14 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: I'll bet the teachers there miss you!
2010-12-13 21:12:18 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I loved the interview with Phil Schlechty with Steve Hargadon!! Incredibly inspiring!
2010-12-13 21:12:37 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I just bought his book! Leading for Learning
2010-12-13 21:12:38 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: that is what this reminds me of--Schlecty/engaged learning
2010-12-13 21:12:58 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: when I write grants, I use the Design Qualities of the Schlecty model
2010-12-13 21:13:23 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: we can view it online
2010-12-13 21:13:43 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: that's the video link on blip.tv
2010-12-13 21:13:53 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Can you hear it?
2010-12-13 21:14:02 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: his slides are so amazing!! hate to miss them!
2010-12-13 21:14:04 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: Yes
2010-12-13 21:14:06 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: yes can hear great
2010-12-13 21:14:09 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Thanks!
2010-12-13 21:14:19 [Message] Instrlind -> EdTechTalk: Yes
2010-12-13 21:14:36 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: yes
2010-12-13 21:14:57 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: that's one of our big problems--unable to step away from the trees to see the forest!
2010-12-13 21:15:08 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Sorry, guess I enjoy it with video on my screen only! Camtwist is not working for me today. :(
2010-12-13 21:15:29 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: no problem Sheila
2010-12-13 21:15:38 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: Loved that - collaboration of ideas - quest for solutions
2010-12-13 21:16:25 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: these slides are so powerful! if you haven't seen the video be sure to watch it later! model presentation!
2010-12-13 21:16:50 [Message] Instrlind -> EdTechTalk: Where can I see the video later?
2010-12-13 21:17:09 [Message] Instrlind -> EdTechTalk: Thanks!
2010-12-13 21:17:37 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: that's the video on blip.tv
2010-12-13 21:18:01 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: is ther a place to just see slides?
2010-12-13 21:18:02 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Sisu
2010-12-13 21:18:16 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: Thanks for the link.
2010-12-13 21:18:28 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: We are such a "me" society
2010-12-13 21:18:31 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: Sisu was a new term for me in this presentation but it's a powerful term!
2010-12-13 21:19:03 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: It's a statement about our society as well as our education system...
2010-12-13 21:19:04 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Unfortunately, we can only stream audio tonight. Gremlins!
2010-12-13 21:19:08 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: I have vitamins called Sisu :)
2010-12-13 21:19:14 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: David Gergen
2010-12-13 21:20:06 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: mediocre leadership
2010-12-13 21:20:14 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: Isn't that what the testing industry is doing - self-serving not really about the children
2010-12-13 21:20:23 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: AMEN @Susan
2010-12-13 21:20:26 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: I think so Susan!
2010-12-13 21:20:43 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Collective willingness
2010-12-13 21:20:53 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: testing industry and text book industry are too powerful
2010-12-13 21:20:54 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: binary choices
2010-12-13 21:21:11 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: red or blue
2010-12-13 21:21:12 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: adversarial rather than collaborative
2010-12-13 21:21:52 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: AMEN
2010-12-13 21:22:27 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: but our taxpyers are not necessarily supporting us either
2010-12-13 21:22:33 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Reactive - Proactive
2010-12-13 21:22:59 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: People don't see that education benefits all even if you don't have children
2010-12-13 21:24:07 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Liz Coleman TED 2009
2010-12-13 21:24:14 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: so our job is also to educate our communities
2010-12-13 21:24:18 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: that is a huge issue that people who don't currently have children in schools don't want to pay taxes for education
2010-12-13 21:24:27 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Learning more and more about less and less
2010-12-13 21:24:36 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: but they want doctors and accountants etc.
2010-12-13 21:25:00 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: How will we get them if we don't provide children with an education?
2010-12-13 21:25:17 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Wynton Marsalis
2010-12-13 21:25:23 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: most def talented!!
2010-12-13 21:25:46 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: absolutely--arts education critical
2010-12-13 21:26:57 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: maybe we can get some kids to create some PSAs about SISU :-) powerful message!
2010-12-13 21:27:39 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: I like it Peggy!
2010-12-13 21:27:44 [Message] Tim -> EdTechTalk: "We the people" IS sisu!
2010-12-13 21:28:10 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: and to model to students how they can be agents of change
2010-12-13 21:28:12 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: yes but people seem to have forgotten that or tuned it out--maybe they need a new word?
2010-12-13 21:28:50 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: civil dialogue, common ground, essential, national issues
2010-12-13 21:29:13 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: hold media accountable, hold politicians accountable
2010-12-13 21:29:21 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: civil and respectful discourse
2010-12-13 21:29:24 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: or watch John Stewart :)
2010-12-13 21:29:32 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: productive problem solving
2010-12-13 21:30:00 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: (I'm quoting some of the slides for you)
2010-12-13 21:30:02 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: Hi durff
2010-12-13 21:30:09 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: SHH!
2010-12-13 21:30:18 [Message] Peggy George -> EdTechTalk: so sorry but I have to leave you to host my Mini-geekfest tonight. Thank you so much for sharing this with us tonight Tim!!! I'll have to catch the rest on the recording.
2010-12-13 21:30:30 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: best and brighest become teachers
2010-12-13 21:30:48 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: is she calling me a geek?
2010-12-13 21:30:51 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: University is free in many countries in Europe - they understand that an educated society benefits all
2010-12-13 21:30:52 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: exemplary teacher training focused on problem solving
2010-12-13 21:31:13 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: critical thinking, and research-bassed methodology
2010-12-13 21:31:20 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: We have pockets of that here, don't we?
2010-12-13 21:31:20 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: It's an investment for society not for a single person
2010-12-13 21:31:25 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: relatively small class sizes
2010-12-13 21:31:25 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: there is no such thing as a free lunch
2010-12-13 21:31:31 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: someone is paying
2010-12-13 21:31:47 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: Sweeeet
2010-12-13 21:32:08 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: value there is quite different, no?
2010-12-13 21:32:25 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Lead
2010-12-13 21:32:37 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: While you listen, twitter your followers in here
2010-12-13 21:32:56 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: educational malpractice NOT to share i todays times
2010-12-13 21:34:02 [Message] Susan va Gelder -> EdTechTalk: We are throwing 19th century solutions at education with skills testing.
2010-12-13 21:34:23 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: ILPEC - Individual Learning Plans for Every Child
2010-12-13 21:34:39 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: (Fictitious name)
2010-12-13 21:35:47 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Lead!
2010-12-13 21:36:49 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: back
2010-12-13 21:38:16 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: is school is lucky, my prinicipal doesn't care
2010-12-13 21:38:34 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: Sharing is not a practice that's part of most of our school cultures
2010-12-13 21:39:10 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Just had that conversation today in our tech meeting.
2010-12-13 21:39:31 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: proxies
2010-12-13 21:39:49 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: kidxs use them, need one? ask a kid
2010-12-13 21:39:52 [Message] Cathy Jo -> EdTechTalk: Crud--I have to go. Grrr. Bye yall!
2010-12-13 21:39:57 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: bye
2010-12-13 21:40:53 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for
2010-12-13 21:41:45 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: Canadians are ahead of us
2010-12-13 21:45:57 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: time to run out of Kansas
2010-12-13 21:47:33 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Where did we lose the trust of the public?
2010-12-13 21:48:15 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: After you left your school, did teachers continue to blog?
2010-12-13 21:48:35 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: Yeah
2010-12-13 21:49:07 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: This isn't happening in the school where I work
2010-12-13 21:50:43 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: Would love to stay. Enjoyed the conversation. I still show those movies to educators.
2010-12-13 21:50:51 [Message] Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: Have to go.
2010-12-13 21:52:39 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: it is a big transition
2010-12-13 21:52:51 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: True!
2010-12-13 21:53:29 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: it is a struggle and kids don't believe it until someone comments on their work - someone outside of the school that is
2010-12-13 21:53:37 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: I want candy
2010-12-13 21:54:10 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Being a contributer with value.
2010-12-13 21:55:12 [Message] Instrlind -> EdTechTalk: it is all about instant gratification
2010-12-13 21:57:05 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: they let me out of the asylum for my world debut here on edtechtalk
2010-12-13 21:57:21 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: :)
2010-12-13 21:58:18 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: I think some people don't believe the creativity and thoughtfulness of the students. Question it. :(
2010-12-13 21:58:53 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: Will be passing this on to my school.
2010-12-13 21:58:54 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: the podcast will be popular
2010-12-13 21:59:00 [Message] Instrlind -> EdTechTalk: Thank you for sharing!
2010-12-13 21:59:11 [Message] Sheila -> EdTechTalk: This was great and timely!
2010-12-13 21:59:32 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
2010-12-13 21:59:38 [Message] mrsdurff -> EdTechTalk: night
2010-12-13 21:59:48 [Message] Instrlind -> EdTechTalk: Good night!