Teachers Teaching Teachers #201 - Horizon Report 2010 K-12 Edition, with Rachel Smith, Alan Levine, and Scott Newcomb - 05.19.10

Post-Show description: 

Our guests for this podcast were Rachel Smith @nimah and Alan Levine @cogdog vice-presidents of the New Media Consortium. They are the principal writers of the 2010 K-12 Edition of the Horizon Report and they joined us on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers.  We supplemented their descriptions with examples from our classrooms. For example, check out the work fourth-grade teacher Scott Newcomb is doing with smartphones in Ohio.

Cloud Computing… Collaborative Environments… Game-Based Learning… Mobiles… Augmented Reality… Flexible Displays…

After enjoying and learning from the conversation at Seedlings-2010-05-06 with Lucy Gray and the K12 Horizon Report, we thought we would do a follow-up to their inspiring show. (Thanks Alice, Bob, and Cheryl! And double-thanks to Alice for helping to broadcast this episode.)

2010-K12-Horizon-Cover-320.jpg Our guests for this podcast were Rachel Smith @nimah and Alan Levine @cogdog vice-presidents of the New Media Consortium. They are the principal writers of the 2010 K-12 Edition of the Horizon Report and they joined us on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers.  We supplemented their descriptions with examples from our classrooms. For example, check out the work fourth-grade teacher Scott Newcomb is doing with smartphones in Ohio.

Are you working on the horizons of change? We’d love to hear your story in the comments below.

Rachel Smith's picture Rachel Smith NMC, VP, NMC Services http://www.nmc.org

Rachel S. Smith is the Vice President, NMC Services for the New Media Consortium (NMC), an international consortium of more than 260 world-class universities, colleges, museums, research centers, and technology companies dedicated to using new technologies to inspire, energize, stimulate, and support learning and creative expression. She is recognized for her work in making new technologies approachable for higher education faculty and staff through talks, trainings, and written materials. A specialist in project coordination, user interface design, and visual facilitation, Rachel leads the NMC’s fee-based services units, directs the NMC’s involvement in projects such as the open source Pachyderm project, and directs all NMC internal and external publications. She serves as an interorganizational liaison, bringing together NMC members from around the globe to develop new projects. Rachel authors instructional materials, guides, and monographs on the creative and technical aspects of teaching with technology.

Alan Levine's picture Alan Levine  NMC, Vice President, Community and CTO http://www.nmc.org/

Alan Levine is the Vice President of Community and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the New Media Consortium, where he leads efforts to research and integrate those cool new 2.0, 3.0,… technologies. Before this, he spent 14 years evangelizing technology for the Maricopa Community Colleges, where he hoisted the first web server in the system way back in 1993. Alan was a key contributor to significant efforts such as Ocotillo, a faculty-led initiative that promotes innovation and drives change, created the , a virtual warehouse of innovation that pioneered the use of RSS in syndicating learning object content, and developed Feed2JS, an open source software shared for allowing people to easily incorportate RSS content into web pages. Alan works from home in the tiny town of Strawberry, Arizona, and continues to bark and growl about his work at CogDogBlog.

And that’s not all! We also invited teachers like Scott Newcomb to join us on this webcast to tell stories from your classroom! Examples of teachers looking for change on the horizon:
  • Scott Newcomb, a fourth grade teacher in St. Marys, Ohio.  He and his colleagues have been involved in a Mobile Learning project for the last two years. They have been using smartphones in the classroom.  Every student in their school district from 3rd grade to 6th grade has their own mobile learning device!  They will be adding seventh grade next year.  Their goal is to have a mobile learning device in every students’ hand from 3rd grade to 12th grade! Check out their school’s mobile learning website: http://www.smriders.net/Mobile_Learning/ Next year, they will have over 900 mobile learning devices in their school district!
  • You! We invite you to read the K 12 Horizon report and add your examples to the comments for this post.

Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.

20:53:19 Barbar (Bee) Dieu: Hi Paul! Hope I got it right :-)
20:53:25 Paul Allison: Yes!
20:53:31 Paul Allison: So good to see you.
20:53:41 Paul Allison: Where are you?
20:53:43 Barbar (Bee) Dieu: same here
20:53:52 Barbar (Bee) Dieu: in S√£o Paulo
20:54:00 Barbar (Bee) Dieu: Hi Alan
20:54:06 Barbar (Bee) Dieu: Good to see you!
20:54:28 Paul Allison: Welcome.
20:54:36 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Hi folks
20:54:42 Barbar (Bee) Dieu: Hi Rachel
20:55:07 Paul Allison: We are working on getting everybody in.
20:55:12 cogdog: Hola Bee
20:55:57 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Hi Bee, how goes?
20:55:59 Paul Allison: You should receive a call from Alice Barr soon.
20:56:29 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): No problem. I'm catching up on tips for my WoW hunter in the meantime ;-)
20:56:50 PeggyG: Hi all! great to catch up with you!
20:57:06 cogdog: Howdy from Arizona, land of the bizarre
20:57:19 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Hiya Peggy!
20:57:38 cogdog: gonna relog so I have a real name in chat
20:58:12 Barbar (Bee) Dieu: Oh..going to relog again as well - must have been hungry and ate the a from Barbara
20:58:22 cogdog: how do i log out? ;-)
20:59:04 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): It's funny, I was about to relog and come back without my real name. I guess I'll stick with it though ;-)
20:59:31 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: Voilà, back with whole name
20:59:47 Alan Levne (cogdog): I kind of liked "barbar"
20:59:50 Paul Allison: Thanks for your patience.
20:59:53 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): It seems to be the fashion
20:59:57 Alan Levne (cogdog): makes me want to sing Beach Boys
21:00:05 Paul Allison: Peggy - Alice needs the new password or something?
21:00:12 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: barbare describes it well...lol
21:00:31 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Hi Kathleen!
21:00:35 Paul Allison: Welcome all.
21:00:43 Paul Allison: We'll start asap.
21:00:46 Kathleen: Hi there.
21:00:48 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: Alan..you were in a hurry - You are Levne
21:01:02 Alan Levne (cogdog): i kant type
21:01:05 Alan Levne (cogdog): one more time
21:01:13 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: lol
21:01:18 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Yay
21:01:18 Kathleen: There is no I in Levine.
21:01:31 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): lol
21:01:40 celiac: Is there audio available yet?
21:01:43 Alan Levine (cogdog): Long day at the keyboard...
21:01:46 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Not yet I think
21:02:02 PeggyG: no audio yet...
21:02:07 celiac: thanks
21:02:20 PeggyG: tweet one more time for this momentous conversation :-)
21:03:05 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: Is there a special # ?
21:03:23 PeggyG: cogdog-are you in Strawberry tonight? I'm in Phoenix
21:03:27 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Hi Shelley and Chris!
21:03:29 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): no audio yet
21:03:30 PeggyG: #edtechtalk
21:03:30 Paul Allison: Alice Barr is broadcasting for TTT tonight - we'll join you shortly.
21:03:40 PeggyG: thanks Paul
21:03:45 Alan Levine (cogdog): Yes, Peggy, I am at home in Strawberry
21:03:57 Alan Levine (cogdog): You live in PHX or visiting?
21:04:04 PeggyG: live in Phoenix
21:04:07 chris sloan: wow, there are a lot of talented educators here
21:04:13 Alan Levine (cogdog): Wow, we are neighbors
21:04:19 PeggyG: absolutely!!
21:04:25 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Hi Lorna, hi Gail
21:04:44 PeggyG: did everyone tweet?? :-) we can break this room :-)
21:04:46 Gail Desler: HEllo Rachel
21:05:14 Gail Desler: Will head back to Tweet in a sec, Peggy.  Need to get audio going first
21:05:22 PeggyG: ok :-)
21:05:26 chris sloan: Rachel and Alan, you probably hear this a lot, but that K12 Horizon Report is excellent.  Lots of things to ponder and links to some interesting stuff
21:05:37 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Thanks, Chris!
21:05:52 Alan Levine (cogdog): Thanks Chris, its all due to everyone who contributes
21:05:55 alicebarr: Chris about to call you OK?
21:06:01 chris sloan: ok
21:06:11 PeggyG: http://k12.wiki.nmc.org/
21:06:23 PeggyG: that's the link to the K12 Horizon Report wiki
21:06:56 Alan Levine (cogdog): http://wp.nmc.org/horizon-k12-2010
21:07:44 PeggyG: thanks Alan-this isn't the greatest chat module for dropping links...
21:07:45 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: Any voice?
21:07:54 PeggyG: have to click and drag on Mac
21:07:55 Alan Levine (cogdog): we are live
21:08:01 PeggyG: no audio yet but coming!!
21:08:09 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: ah ok
21:08:10 alicebarr: Chris I can't get you has your Skype canged?
21:08:23 chris sloan: You've got me.  I'm on
21:08:29 Alan Levine (cogdog): yeah peggy no paste
21:08:29 PeggyG: I'm not hearing it yet
21:09:07 PeggyG: the best way to drop links is to open the chat and float it then you can click/drag the url into the chat window
21:09:09 Alan Levine (cogdog): you should hear a dog barking
21:09:27 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: hahaha
21:09:52 PeggyG: still showing server status as down
21:10:09 Alan Levine (cogdog): we are tinkering
21:10:23 PeggyG: ok-no problem! I'm not going any where :-)
21:10:24 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): we sound pretty silly right now anyway :-)
21:10:30 alicebarr: peggy I can't seem to get broadcast going
21:10:35 alicebarr: not connecting
21:10:53 PeggyG: Lorna can you help?
21:11:13 Paul Allison: http://wp.nmc.org/horizon-k12-2010/
21:11:19 PeggyG: hey-want to come into an elluminate room? :-) we could move instantly...
21:11:51 Gail Desler: Is audio working?
21:11:53 Paul Allison: I'd rather get this going if possible.
21:11:56 PeggyG: ok
21:12:01 Paul Allison: We're working on the audio.
21:12:08 Paul Allison: Old dogs...
21:12:27 PeggyG: I'll just sit here and pray for the Phoenix Suns!! Game 2 about to begin!! Go Suns!
21:12:40 Lorna: can you hear us now?
21:12:41 Gail Desler: Ok, thanks, Paul (cause audio issues are usually user issues on part;-)
21:12:48 PeggyG: no audio yet
21:12:53 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Hi Connie
21:13:02 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: Welcome Connie
21:13:10 PeggyG: yeah! got it now
21:13:20 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Anyone have any questions about the report you want to type in chat while we get set up?
21:13:25 PeggyG: Lorna to the rescue!
21:13:36 Connie Sitterley: Hi everyone-Sounds like ed tech weekly was still on the air-
21:13:42 Connie Sitterley: I can hear you now
21:13:50 Lorna: I have kept an older version of nicecast :)
21:13:50 chris sloan: Thanks Lorna
21:13:51 celia: :)
21:13:53 PeggyG: there comes the dog!
21:13:59 alicebarr: Lorna You Rock! Thank you!
21:14:01 Gail Desler: Rachel, what is a question you would like to be asked about the report?
21:14:04 PeggyG: great
21:14:11 PeggyG: remember the 30 sec delay
21:14:27 PeggyG: here we go!
21:14:54 Lorna: lost the call
21:15:13 PeggyG: please explain more about what you're looking for with examples...
21:15:15 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Hi Dean!
21:15:22 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Gail, that's a good question... hm...
21:15:25 PeggyG: how funny!
21:15:31 Alan Levine (cogdog): Exmaples of projects that fir the topics in this years report
21:15:48 shareski: I heard dogs barking
21:15:57 Alan Levine (cogdog): thats because dean is here
21:16:01 PeggyG: a one page description--no video, audio, images, etc?
21:16:03 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: I'm using all the Google suite with my little ones this year + VoiceThread
21:16:34 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): When we collect examples, we really just need a link and a sentence.
21:16:38 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Then we do the rest
21:16:53 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): They do need to fit under one of the six topics we're writing about though.
21:17:00 PeggyG: ah-link -that makes sense
21:17:14 Connie Sitterley: I hear Lorna
21:17:16 PeggyG: audio is back now
21:17:20 PeggyG: can hear Lorna
21:17:25 PeggyG: no one else
21:17:28 Connie Sitterley: Correction- I heard Lorna
21:17:40 Connie Sitterley: OK Lorna is back
21:17:50 Alan Levine (cogdog): three is the charm
21:17:51 Lorna: skype is acting up
21:17:54 Alan Levine (cogdog): third try
21:18:08 Alan Levine (cogdog): the intertubes are sluggish
21:18:15 PeggyG: they sure are!!
21:18:27 celia: silence
21:18:34 Gail Desler: Still no audio?
21:18:37 Alan Levine (cogdog): they are working on the audio
21:18:40 Paul Allison: Yes we are gearing up one more time.
21:18:53 Connie Sitterley: Patience.....
21:18:56 Paul Allison: Have your read this? http://wp.nmc.org/horizon-k12-2010/
21:19:15 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): I like "It's gremlin night." Someone said that earlier -- I would attribute it but I'm not sure who it was
21:19:19 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): great phrase though
21:19:35 shareski: So, what are you guys middle names? ;)
21:19:39 PeggyG: it will be great to have the examples to accompany the report!
21:19:40 Gail Desler: Yes, Paul, have gone through most of the report
21:19:42 Alan Levine (cogdog): I think a black cat crossed my path
21:19:50 PeggyG: you're funny shareski!
21:19:51 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Saint Clair
21:20:08 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Gail, I guess my favorite question is "which topic do you like best?"
21:20:08 Connie Sitterley: @shareski Aerona
21:20:14 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): oh, that's pretty
21:20:27 Gail Desler: @Rachel...and your answser is....
21:20:29 shareski: Aerona, never heard that one before, nice. Family name?
21:20:40 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): game-based learning, this year
21:20:45 PeggyG: my middle name is Joyce :-)
21:20:46 Connie Sitterley: Seneca Indian-my great great grandma
21:20:49 Alan Levine (cogdog): Oi... "Herman" (my grandfathers) and I heard every Muenter joke as a kid
21:20:57 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): harsh!
21:21:00 Alan Levine (cogdog): Munster that is
21:21:05 Gail Desler: Ok, the one section I haven't read:-) @Rachel
21:21:07 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): no one ever gets mine right
21:21:21 shareski: @Rachel, Myrtle?
21:21:24 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): actually, *I* didn't even get it right
21:21:30 Alan Levine (cogdog): Dean ??? Shareski
21:21:32 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): no, I said it earlier, but I spelled it wrong, lol
21:21:35 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): it's St. Clair
21:21:45 Alan Levine (cogdog): Now thats classy
21:21:50 Connie Sitterley: I rarely told people my middle-too easy to change the n to an m....
21:22:04 PeggyG: hearing Lorna now
21:22:09 shareski: I changed my to "The Doctor"
21:22:16 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): hah
21:22:16 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: no sound here
21:22:44 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Gail, which topic did you like best, of the ones you read?
21:22:48 Gail Desler: Rachel, have you had feedback yet on any impact from the report?
21:22:49 PeggyG: she said try again and then disappeared
21:22:56 alicebarr: can you hear us?
21:23:10 celia: No audio
21:23:12 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): I can't, Alice
21:23:21 Connie Sitterley: No audio here
21:23:22 Gail Desler: @Rachel - the Challenges section - so much food for thought and conversation
21:23:51 chris sloan: @Rachel.  At first the cloud-based computing thing didn't do much for me.  I thought "what's there to say about it."  But the bits about using the cloud capacity and how it hasn't been reached yet made me pause
21:24:07 Connie Sitterley: I hear Lorna and Alice
21:24:12 PeggyG: my favorite is the collaborative environment--most people are relating to that
21:24:12 celia: me too
21:24:18 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): That one appeared last year, too, which doesn't happen a lot -- although this year there were 3 repeats
21:24:19 Connie Sitterley: I hear Paul
21:24:50 Gail Desler: The collaborative environment - such a hard concept to push at our Title 1, test-driven sites
21:24:51 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: not me
21:25:02 chris sloan: I suppose the cloud reference I made is also closely related to collaborative environments too
21:25:06 PeggyG: I think people tend to go to the section that seems doable for them--scaffolding :-)
21:25:07 Connie Sitterley: that happened to Ed Tech Weekly a couple times at the beginning of their show also
21:25:11 PeggyG: hearing everyone now
21:25:23 shareski: I hear jack.
21:25:32 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: :(
21:25:32 Gail Desler: ARe we Talk A or B?
21:25:35 PeggyG: A
21:25:40 Lorna: aq
21:25:42 Lorna: A
21:25:50 PeggyG: go Paul
21:25:56 PeggyG: I'm hearing everyone
21:26:53 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: :-)
21:27:44 PeggyG: awesome team assembled here!!
21:28:36 Paul Allison: http://wp.nmc.org/horizon-k12-2010/
21:28:50 PeggyG: Hi Matt
21:28:58 PeggyG: we're just getting going :-)
21:29:03 Lorna: Hi Matt
21:29:24 PeggyG: I really apreciate having the K12 version
21:29:24 matt montagne: hi peggy et al
21:29:28 Gail Desler: Heading off to Listening Help link
21:29:57 alicebarr: Gail do you need help with Listening?
21:30:22 PeggyG: http://edtechtalk.com:8000/  try this Gail
21:30:26 Gail Desler: @alicebarr -yes, I'm audio-challenged,
21:30:35 PeggyG: click on Listen on that link
21:30:39 matt montagne: hi lorna!!
21:31:26 alicebarr: Click on the button below EdTEchTalk A
21:31:55 Connie Sitterley: There is a lag, but sadly many schools are not even ready for year 1
21:32:43 Connie Sitterley: Google Apps for Ed has helped to encourage cloud computing
21:33:03 matt montagne: you are correct connie
21:33:06 Alan Levine (cogdog): Agree Connie, on google apps
21:33:18 PeggyG: many people think that the things in year 1 are more like 4-5 years for them
21:33:22 matt montagne: incredible to think that google apps ed edition schools now have access to Wave
21:33:28 matt montagne: and many other google services on the horizon
21:33:44 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): The six topics this year are cloud computing and collaborative environments (near horizon); game-based learning and mobiles (mid-term horizon); and augmented reality and flexible displays (far horizon)
21:33:45 Connie Sitterley: yes it is-wonder what kind of "fear" that will cause
21:33:55 matt montagne: indeed, connie
21:34:00 PeggyG: yeah!Welcome Scott!
21:34:41 Paul Allison: http://paulallison.tumblr.com/post/611583544/horizon-report-2010-k-12-ed...
21:35:06 Paul Allison: you can find links to Scott's stuff on that link.
21:35:13 matt montagne: I like what Gever Tulley says, "Create pedagoy that integrates new technologies as quickly as they emerge." 
21:35:19 Lorna: How hard was that to do to turn off the phone component - I don't have a smart phone
21:35:26 Alan Levine (cogdog): Gever is brillianr
21:35:39 Alan Levine (cogdog): Lorna- remove sim card
21:35:43 Lorna: ah
21:36:04 Lorna: isn't that simple :)
21:36:12 Alan Levine (cogdog): I am guessing ;-)
21:36:15 shareski: LIke using the old Palm Pilots but with Internet access
21:36:27 Lorna: ty
21:37:07 PeggyG: http://gono.com/
21:37:19 matt montagne: why does the innovation seem to come from elementary schools?!
21:37:35 shareski: I was involved with a classroom using Palm devices in 2007 but knew that without the internet it was a sorely lacking device.
21:37:40 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Matt, are you a teacher? What level?
21:38:05 matt montagne: Rachel, I'm a Grade 6-12 Instructional technology wonk
21:38:11 Connie Sitterley: Is the innovation from the elementary because they are with the same teacher all day-and maybe less pressure for testing
21:38:25 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Wow, job titles have really evolved ;-)
21:38:41 matt montagne: :)
21:38:50 PeggyG: elementary teachers tend to use more integrated learning experiences
21:39:14 tim: Primary school teaching is increasingly integrated - so using technology fits into that approach
21:39:20 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: true Peggy - they have the same students the whole year
21:39:22 tim: at least here in NZ it is
21:39:26 matt montagne: peggy and connie...agreed on both counts. Elementary schools tend to look more like one room school houses...high schools are much more compartmentalized
21:39:33 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): I wonder if it has to do with elementary teachers having longer blocks of time with the kids?
21:39:36 Lorna: Awesome !!
21:39:41 PeggyG: that's what I think--not as constrained by teaching periods and single subject areas
21:40:05 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): assuming it's true... I don't know for sure that innovation belongs to elementary more than secondary
21:41:01 matt montagne: people don't give kids enough credit...they tend not to use school resources to engage in nefarious activities... a few do, but most just go about their business.
21:41:02 PeggyG: Kevin Honeycutt does some awesome presentations where he talks about how kids can use technology for good or bad and we need to teach them how to use it for good (positive digital footprints)
21:41:37 tim: PeggyG - That can be summed up by Spiderman
21:41:40 Connie Sitterley: Sometimes all that it takes is a model
21:41:47 tim: or rather Peter Parker... ;)
21:41:54 tim: With great power comes great responsibility
21:42:03 PeggyG: :-) Tim!!
21:42:15 matt montagne: expect people to do good things, and they do.
21:42:34 PeggyG: the power of modeling!! I completely agree!
21:42:34 Gail Desler: Ah, switched from firefox to IE - I've got audio:D :D :D
21:42:42 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: model model model
21:42:44 PeggyG: yeah Gail!
21:43:09 Gail Desler: @Peggy :D
21:43:21 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: however be aware contexts differ
21:43:21 matt montagne: is there anything you wish the phones could do that they can't do??
21:43:32 celia: Upcoming Conference in Australia - Slide2Learn - all about mobile learning http://slidetolearn.ning.com/
21:43:38 Connie Sitterley: @matt-Yes-be used in schools
21:44:02 matt montagne: that question was  for chris by the way :)
21:44:04 Gail Desler: @celia Thanks for link
21:44:34 PeggyG: tough question Matt because phones are so different
21:45:22 PeggyG: is that conference virtual celia?
21:45:45 Connie Sitterley: Mobiles are still not really viable to use thru the phone network in our area-too many with no connectivity
21:45:49 matt montagne: touch interface mobiles are certainly going to change things
21:45:51 celia: Not virtual but I think there will be streaming and recordings
21:46:04 matt montagne: the music making possibilities are sick on the iPad
21:46:10 PeggyG: great! sounds like an excellent conference!
21:46:15 matt montagne: redefining music production
21:46:17 chris sloan: @ Matt.  The phones can do so much.  For now, I'm just realizing that I don't use them enough.  We use them to gather the stuff of our documentaries - photos, audio, video.  So it's not so much that I wish they could do more, it's that I don't feel like I use them to their potential in my own teaching
21:46:25 tim: smartphones/cellphones are a more secondary option imo
21:46:35 celia: iPodTouch is great way to go
21:46:39 matt montagne: well put, Chris...thanks for the reply
21:46:39 tim: although 10 and 11 year olds are continuing to use them.
21:47:09 matt montagne: what about wide area pervasive broadband wireless?? Does the Horizon report touch on that??
21:47:23 matt montagne: I think WiMAX could be huge for schools...
21:47:28 Scott: Check out www.smriders.net/Mobile_Learning/
21:47:39 Alan Levine (cogdog): Not specifically Matt, it is a technology that enables some of the topics
21:48:02 matt montagne: makes sense alan
21:48:10 Alan Levine (cogdog): And I want some!
21:49:26 matt montagne: still lots of FUD regarding cloud computing of course
21:49:27 PeggyG: http://goknow.com/
21:49:52 Alan Levine (cogdog): yes Matt, it seems to become a synonym for the internet ;-)
21:50:01 Gail Desler: @mattmontagne - FUD?
21:50:19 matt montagne: Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt
21:50:37 Gail Desler: Thanks for clarification, Matt.
21:50:54 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: should be replaced by FUN (Frivolous Unantecipated Nonsense)
21:51:08 Alan Levine (cogdog): I like FUN
21:51:20 Alan Levine (cogdog): It describes my life
21:51:21 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: :) :)
21:51:36 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: Serendipity
21:51:42 matt montagne: mine too alan :)
21:51:47 PeggyG: love FUN :-) we need more of that!
21:53:29 Connie Sitterley: Really-the same message continues-if it is important, keep it more than 1 place
21:53:38 matt montagne: Data Liberation Front
21:53:42 matt montagne: agreed, Connie
21:53:57 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: One should be able to pull it out
21:54:14 Lorna: that is the internet making the noise
21:54:20 PeggyG: the skills students learn are important regardless of how long it can be stored on the cloud
21:54:23 matt montagne: and NEVER digitize sensitive information no matter where you store it in the cloud or on a local hard drive information.
21:54:45 PeggyG: there are lots of ways to back up!
21:55:10 Connie Sitterley: @matt some people learn that lesson the hard way
21:55:49 matt montagne: @connie...it is why I'm not upset over facebook lately. I've never considered that to be a safe, secure, and private space
21:56:22 PeggyG: but did you think FB was more private than it is?
21:56:28 Connie Sitterley: @matt-agree about facebook-use it little-more of a twitter fan myself
21:56:37 matt montagne: cloud computing is a HUGE money saver...K12 really needs to look at it.
21:57:08 Gail Desler: @matt - very good point...especially in Calif
21:57:17 matt montagne: schools who build everything in house and don't use cloud resources are spending money in the wrong way
21:57:26 Connie Sitterley: We have had Google Apps for over 2 years-has been great
21:57:30 PeggyG: I agree! schools don't have the resources for equipment or staffing to keep equipment working
21:57:46 Gail Desler: @matt -and not likely to move beyond MS Office
21:57:49 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): http://www.zooburst.com
21:58:19 matt montagne: I like Barbara Bray's post a few months back in LeaderTalk...she says its time schools get out of the computer business...
21:58:21 mrsdurff: my it took forever to open the stream on brand new laptop - had nothing
21:58:41 PeggyG: that really looks like fun! 3D popup books
21:58:44 mrsdurff: but i;m loving this mini with Windows 7\
21:59:01 mrsdurff: still can
21:59:05 mrsdurff: tu[ye
21:59:06 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Zooburst is fun :-)
21:59:06 PeggyG: do you have a link to that Matt?
21:59:12 mrsdurff: as you can see
21:59:18 matt montagne: hold up peggy
22:00:23 matt montagne: http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/LeaderTalk/2009/12/should_schools_be_in_t...
22:00:32 matt montagne: *Barreda, not bray
22:00:44 matt montagne: QR codes are kinda cool
22:00:55 PeggyG: ok-searching for it
22:01:33 mrsdurff: cool!
22:01:50 mrsdurff: no it's not
22:01:51 PeggyG: http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/LeaderTalk/2009/12/should_schools_be_in_t...
22:01:58 Gail Desler: @Alan Levine - have you added a zooburst Dominoe story yet?
22:02:03 mrsdurff: the kids will so be in to it
22:02:08 PeggyG: funny Gail!! he should!
22:02:11 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): He totally should!
22:02:29 Alan Levine (cogdog): I am working on it Gail
22:02:35 matt montagne: I wonder if centralized classroom A/V systems will be part of the "classroom of the future"
22:02:45 Gail Desler: excellent, Alan!
22:03:11 PeggyG: that is the teachers' bible for digital storytelling!!
22:03:41 Gail Desler: Nodding in agreement with @PeggyG
22:03:45 Alan Levine (cogdog): Thanks Peggy, it needs some updates, I am hoping to make a new wiki for it so others can contribute
22:03:53 Connie Sitterley: @Alan-your presentations on digital storytelling have been very helpful to teachers
22:04:01 [Action] Alan Levine (cogdog): blushes thanks
22:04:09 PeggyG: for many teachers it is very up-to-date! hearing things for the first time and thrilled!
22:04:38 PeggyG: I just shared it in a webinar this past week and was surprised that people hadn't heard of it!
22:06:03 PeggyG: do you feel the Speak Up results match the kinds of things that appear in the Horizon Report?
22:06:16 matt montagne: "Teaching Entreprenuership" is a big deal in higer ed right now
22:06:38 Connie Sitterley: Had a Superintendent ask for videos of technology being effectively used in classrooms-anyone have good source for that?
22:06:47 mrsdurff: Tchr Entrewhat?
22:07:01 chris sloan: what's teacher enteprenuership?
22:07:15 PeggyG: lots of great videos of tech in classrooms from the UK :-)
22:07:17 mrsdurff: yea, what is it matt?
22:07:27 matt montagne: oops
22:07:42 PeggyG: virtual worlds
22:07:45 alicebarr: @ Matt Apple is pushing that, big show to superintendents at Tech conference
22:07:48 mrsdurff: oops is not an explanation
22:08:08 matt montagne: classes that teach entreprenuership are big in higer ed...eg, just like we try to foster/teach creativity, the goal is to teach entreprenuership in specific classes, depts, etc
22:08:33 matt montagne: getting people to think like and behave as an entreprenuer has value
22:08:44 Gail Desler: The ISTE site has some pretty good examples of effective use of tech in classrooms
22:08:56 mrsdurff: but what about entreprenuership in high schoo?
22:09:01 alicebarr: Alan Lost you in Skype
22:09:13 matt montagne: the cycle of entreprenuership involves risk taking, rapid prototyping, launching early, making mistakes, etc...this is a great process for our schools
22:09:14 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: lone rangersyes but it is difficult to have it widespread in the system
22:09:15 mrsdurff: I have a senior who started his own business
22:09:24 Scott: We will be presenting at ISTE this summer.
22:09:32 Connie Sitterley: I am familiar with the ISTE ones-thanks for the idea about UK-didn't think about that-he may want US classes, but I will try
22:09:33 PeggyG: provocative is different than challenging...
22:09:53 matt montagne: @durff...we're seeing a HUGE number of youth entreprenuers, particularly social entreprenuership. Why?? Because the barriers to entry are lower than they've ever been
22:10:20 Connie Sitterley: @Scott-title of ISTE presentation, please?
22:10:44 mrsdurff: And they have the know-how
22:10:59 Scott: The presentation info is on our website.
22:11:05 matt montagne: definitely
22:11:06 Connie Sitterley: Thanks Scott
22:11:17 Scott: Mobile Learning in a rural community
22:11:18 PeggyG: one of my colleagues provided some videos for her admins to use to learn how to observe teacher tech use in classrooms--not perfect classrooms but definitely generated excellent learning (i.e. a room full of computers not being used isn't a good model)
22:11:38 matt montagne: GREAT webcast!
22:11:39 mrsdurff: angelamaiers has vids on her site
22:11:46 alicebarr: Alec Courous has a great list of videos
22:11:46 Kathleen: Thank you so much. Very interesting back channel, too.
22:11:48 Alan Levine (cogdog): where did we go?
22:12:01 Connie Sitterley: @Peggy Are those vids available?
22:12:04 PeggyG: this has been a great conversation!! thanaks cogdog, Chris, and Rachel!
22:12:05 mrsdurff: over there, over there....
22:12:05 alicebarr: Alan, can't see you in Skype
22:12:09 PeggyG: and Scott!!!
22:12:12 Gail Desler: Thanks @alice and @durff
22:12:15 Connie Sitterley: Thanks for all the suggestions for videos
22:12:17 mrsdurff: :)
22:12:23 Scott: Thanks
22:12:28 Barbara (Bee) Dieu: Thank you all - pleasure to listen and read your perspectives [wave ciao]
22:12:34 PeggyG: yes Connie along with an excellent scoring tool to evaluate the use of tech-I'll have to find it and send it to you
22:12:37 Kathleen: Alan- closing comments now.. R is talking about advisory board...
22:13:00 matt montagne: I nominate Durff ... do I have a second??
22:13:03 Connie Sitterley: Thanks Peggy-csitterley on twitter
22:13:19 Gail Desler: @matt - I'll second Durff's nomination
22:13:24 mrsdurff: WHAT?
22:13:32 mrsdurff: what did I o?
22:13:34 alicebarr: I will third it
22:13:36 matt montagne: we're nominating you for advisory board durff
22:13:38 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): http://go.nmc.org/horizon-board   To nominate yourself or others for the advisory board of any Horizon Report
22:13:49 mrsdurff: Did I ever do anything to you?
22:13:59 matt montagne: :)
22:13:59 Alan Levine (cogdog): my cloud burst
22:14:08 mrsdurff: I will have to know
22:14:13 mrsdurff: now
22:14:22 Gail Desler: Oh, absolutely, Paul
22:14:32 PeggyG: I'll send you the link Connie
22:15:13 mrsdurff: segue that
22:15:15 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): HI Lucy!
22:15:26 Lucy Gray: Hey Rachel! How are you?
22:15:30 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): great
22:15:32 PeggyG: excellent point Alice--we need the "language" to have these conversations--the report helps with that
22:15:33 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): you?
22:15:37 PeggyG: Hi Lucy!
22:15:52 Gail Desler: Thanks everybody.  Great topic!
22:15:55 Lucy Gray: Good! Still talk about your graphic facilliation to people, btw.
22:15:56 chris sloan: Thanks for all you do Rachel, Alan ... and Lucy!
22:15:57 Lucy Gray: Hi Peggy!
22:16:06 Kathleen: bad connection
22:16:08 celia: Thanks everyone - interesting discussion - all relevant in Australia too
22:16:15 Lucy Gray: I need audio... what have I missed?
22:16:19 Gail Desler: @Lucy Gray - thanks for all the Horizon resource in your Seedlings site
22:16:21 mrsdurff: Sign language Alan
22:16:22 Connie Sitterley: Thanks everyone-glad you persevered
22:16:37 chris sloan: It may be late, but what school are you at in Australia Celia
22:16:39 Lucy Gray: That's not me... that's Alice Barr who posted that, I think
22:16:40 PeggyG: thanks everyone! great conversation!
22:16:42 matt montagne: nice show, gang
22:16:57 Gail Desler: Well, then, thanks @AliceBarr
22:16:58 PeggyG: DAVE
22:16:59 celia: small catholic primary (elementary) in Melbourne
22:16:59 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Thanks, everyone!
22:17:02 mrsdurff: ?
22:17:05 mrsdurff: Who?
22:17:06 Lucy Gray: Oh I missed it. Way.
22:17:10 Lucy Gray: Wah rather
22:17:12 Lucy Gray: Oh well.
22:17:25 Gail Desler: Night all
22:17:31 Lucy Gray: If my children only went to bed on time, maybe I wouldn't miss things.
22:17:32 Lucy Gray: :)
22:17:36 PeggyG: good night
22:17:41 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): Lucy, I listened to your talk on the report -- enjoyed it very much
22:17:42 Lucy Gray: I look forward to the archive!
22:17:44 mrsdurff: g'night
22:17:53 Lucy Gray: I hope I did it justice, Rachel.
22:18:01 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): You certainly did!
22:18:02 Lucy Gray: I love the process, love the value of the report
22:18:13 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): That's so great to hear :-)
22:18:13 Lucy Gray: Good!
22:18:24 Lucy Gray: Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help
22:18:29 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): I'm off for the night -- have a good one guys! Thanks, Lucy!
22:18:34 Lucy Gray: night
22:18:34 Lucy Gray: I blogged about it on the O'Reilly Radar, too
22:18:39 Lucy Gray: :)
22:18:41 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): oh awesome, I'll take  alook
22:18:45 Rachel Smith (@ninmah): night!
22:18:49 Lucy Gray: bye