Instructional-Design-Live#3 2010-1-29

Today, Danielle Wozniak, Assistant Professor in the UM School of Social Work, discussed her thoughts on developing online community and utilizing online supplements in her graduate and undergraduate courses.

References: George Lakoff, Metaphors We Live By:

Chat log:

2010-01-29 11:59:07 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: Hi everyone! I'm hearing you fine :-)
2010-01-29 11:59:10 [Message] marlene.zentz -> Room 1: yes, but apparently you can't hear me.
2010-01-29 11:59:48 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: I'm listening in iTunes with the EdTechTalk A channel
2010-01-29 12:00:16 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: remember there's a 30 sec delay between audio and chat :-)
2010-01-29 12:00:36 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: hearing everyone
2010-01-29 12:01:28 [Message] Marian -> Room 1: I hear you
2010-01-29 12:01:36 [Message] linda -> Room 1: can't find how to listen, today
2010-01-29 12:01:53 [Message] linda -> Room 1: web site says it is "of air"
2010-01-29 12:01:56 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: so exciting that you're already up to show #3!! you're a "regular" now :-)
2010-01-29 12:01:57 [Message] linda -> Room 1: "off air"
2010-01-29 12:02:07 [Message] robert -> Room 1: Click on the audio icons in the top right.
2010-01-29 12:02:16 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: @linda-click on the first icon under EdTechTalk A for audio
2010-01-29 12:02:18 [Message] robert -> Room 1: We are not using Ustream
2010-01-29 12:02:45 [Message] robert -> Room 1: @ Peggy ;-)
2010-01-29 12:03:46 [Message] robert -> Room 1:  @linda-click on the first icon under EdTechTalk A for audio
2010-01-29 12:03:47 [Message] linda -> Room 1: thanks, can hear now
2010-01-29 12:03:50 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: tell us more about how you use the wiki
2010-01-29 12:03:56 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: great linda!!
2010-01-29 12:05:03 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: do you have online office hours?
2010-01-29 12:05:43 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: what a fantastic use for the wikis!! valuable resource!
2010-01-29 12:06:12 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: I'm assuming these wikis would be available to students after they graduate and can no longer access Blackboard
2010-01-29 12:07:18 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: such a great point about the power of online learning-expands learning community so students can contribute to actual content and conversation
2010-01-29 12:09:07 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: that was my experience too! much better when instructors aren't the only ones answering questions! :-) students learn more that way and remember it longer
2010-01-29 12:09:59 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: never thought of assigning Netflix as a textbook resource. Brilliant!
2010-01-29 12:13:40 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: allowing students to answer each other's questions is a great formative assessment of what they are understanding :-)
2010-01-29 12:13:53 [Message] linda -> Room 1: Taking an online course now... challenging for students to keep up with all of the discussions, also
2010-01-29 12:15:54 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: is there a link for her online course that is open to outsiders? would love to see it!!
2010-01-29 12:16:03 [Message] linda -> Room 1: exactly what I was thinking!
2010-01-29 12:16:11 [Message] linda -> Room 1: (love to see)
2010-01-29 12:17:22 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: sounds like a much richer learning experience that goes way beyond giving assignments and submitting them electronically
2010-01-29 12:19:04 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: love that story!! humor is such a wonderful tool!
2010-01-29 12:20:41 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1:
2010-01-29 12:20:42 [Message] marlene.zentz -> Room 1: Here's the link to Metaphors We Live By....
2010-01-29 12:20:45 [Message] marlene.zentz -> Room 1:
2010-01-29 12:20:51 [Message] robert -> Room 1: :-)
2010-01-29 12:21:07 [Message] marlene.zentz -> Room 1: Thanks, Peggy!
2010-01-29 12:21:18 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: I don't have to worry about talking :-)
2010-01-29 12:22:59 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: love the idea about podcasts!
2010-01-29 12:23:32 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: students can also provide audio responses to questions in addition to written responses--nice alternative sometimes
2010-01-29 12:25:46 [Message] rogeriopc1 -> Room 1: hi
2010-01-29 12:25:50 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: good point about the variety--when it's very predictable students learn when they can "tune out" :-)
2010-01-29 12:26:03 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: Hi Rogeriopc1-welcome!
2010-01-29 12:26:16 [Message] robert -> Room 1: Hi Simpson in Missoula :-)
2010-01-29 12:26:24 [Message] rogeriopc1 -> Room 1: thanks!
2010-01-29 12:26:34 [Message] sipsoninmisoula -> Room 1: Hi Robert
2010-01-29 12:26:49 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: does Danielle hold online office hours?
2010-01-29 12:27:00 [Message] robert -> Room 1: Audio is the top right . Click on the audio icon
2010-01-29 12:28:04 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: thanks-very helpful!
2010-01-29 12:29:57 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: if any of you are looking for some fantastic, free, online PD opportunities this weekend, be sure to check out EduCon 2.2--fantastic presenters and they are streaming all of it on Elluminate:
2010-01-29 12:30:17 [Message] robert -> Room 1: Thanks, Peggy
2010-01-29 12:30:53 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: such a good question--forming online learning communities!
2010-01-29 12:31:22 [Message] linda -> Room 1: Peggy - thanks for link - EduCon looks quite interesting - do you know if they record for later review?
2010-01-29 12:32:31 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: what a great conversation today!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Learned a lot!
2010-01-29 12:32:34 [Message] linda -> Room 1: Thank you Danielle!
2010-01-29 12:33:01 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: yes everything at EduCon will be recorded and archived for later viewing
2010-01-29 12:33:11 [Message] linda -> Room 1: awesome
2010-01-29 12:33:12 [Message] linda -> Room 1: thanks
2010-01-29 12:33:17 [Message] PeggyG -> Room 1: good thing because there are so many great choices and you can't go to all of them
2010-01-29 12:33:22 [Message] Marian -> Room 1: thank you, bye