Jeff Utecht and Daneah with students from International School Bangkok: Operation Smile
Jeff Utecht and wife Daneah share their students from International School Bangkok with us for an evening of inspiration and hope as their students relate their experiences with a very special project: Operation Smile. Daneah and two of the students have created videos to capture the visit the students had with young patients who experienced facial reconstructive surgery in Thailand.
The Chat:
[18:23] <PeggyG> here we go!!! :-)
[18:24] <PeggyG> WOW3 :-)
[18:24] == kathym [i=4b452a2c@gateway/web/
[18:24] == kathym [i=4b452a2c@gateway/web/
[18:25] <PeggyG> this is nice that we can just stay in the chat between shows
[18:25] == kathym [i=4b452a2c@gateway/web/
[18:26] == Aron_ [i=189613ef@gateway/web/
[18:27] <sharonp> So excited about this
[18:27] == timslim_ [n=timslim@125-237-67-230.
[18:27] == kathym_ [i=4b452a2c@gateway/web/
[18:28] == JL2 [i=4b4330a3@gateway/web/
[18:28] == JohnSchinker [i=47483d38@gateway/web/
[18:28] <sharonp> Just setting things up folks....
[18:29] == dawn [i=188a2cba@gateway/web/
[18:30] == mrsjgarcia [i=be57191b@gateway/web/
[18:30] == cheri [i=43af34d3@gateway/web/
[18:30] == Aron_ [i=189613ef@gateway/web/
[18:30] == sanju [i=7c7959c4@gateway/web/
[18:31] == sanju [i=7c7959c4@gateway/web/
[18:31] == kathym_ [i=4b452a2c@gateway/web/
[18:32] <cheri> welcome everyone
[18:32] == tsbray [i=3d64f431@gateway/web/
[18:32] == cheri [i=43af34d3@gateway/web/
[18:33] == cheri [i=43af34d3@gateway/web/
[18:33] == cheri [i=43af34d3@gateway/web/
[18:33] <cheri> This is so fun!!!
[18:33] <PeggyG> I'm so excited to have Jeff, Daneah and their middle school students here tonight!!
[18:34] <cheri> alright
[18:34] <timslim_> technical question - if I just want to listen - i should just use the edtech stream.
[18:34] <PeggyG> I love my PLN!! I saw Jeff's tweet about Operation Smile, immediately went to his blog and knew we had to have them as our guests on the show!!
[18:34] == Lorna [i=d879983b@gateway/web/
[18:34] <timslim_> but if want to ask a question - is should skype in?
[18:34] <timslim_> is that correct?
[18:35] <PeggyG> It is so fantastic to have the students with us!! Night for us but morning for them in Thailand
[18:35] <cheri> you can write your questinos ehre
[18:35] == lnitsche [i=45f27aea@gateway/web/
[18:35] <timslim_> or is the mebeam site being used?
[18:35] <jutecht> You can ask a question here and the kids will do the best they can to grab them and answer them
[18:35] <cheri> questions here in chat
[18:35] <timslim_> cool - questions here
[18:35] <timslim_> thanks
[18:35] <PeggyG> what an inspiration! you students are fantastic!!
[18:35] <cheri> Wonderful!
[18:36] <PeggyG> we'll be sharing their links, videos, etc. throughout the show
[18:36] <tsbray> The video is coming through here in Korea, but no sound... :-(
[18:36] <cheri> I can see the video - Hi students!!
[18:37] <sharonp> Aren't they great? I think our students are just longing to make an impact on the world - these kids really display that quality
[18:37] <PeggyG> the videos created by the students are so amazing! highly motivational and made me WANT to donate to Operation Smile! I did it immediately!!
[18:37] == kathym [i=4b452a2c@gateway/web/
[18:37] <cheri> can you hear now?
[18:38] <cheri> The students should be talking now
[18:38] <tsbray> Yes, sound is fine now.
[18:38] <cheri> great!!
[18:38] <PeggyG> what fun! a truly international group!
[18:38] <PeggyG> what a great mission statement!
[18:38] <sharonp> super impressed with their global vision
[18:39] == lnitsche [i=45f27aea@gateway/web/
[18:39] <tsbray> I'm happy to see that a school is managing to do global citizenship, it is part of our mission at KIS, but not sure we are doing much about it. Congratulations!
[18:39] <PeggyG> that's a high turnover-40% every year
[18:40] <cheri> Yea Illinois
[18:40] <PeggyG> keep in touch with facebook, email and skype--love it!!
[18:40] <PeggyG> Tell us more about how you use the Smartboards
[18:41] <PeggyG> do students and teachers both use the Smartboards?
[18:41] <cheri> What would you want to have that you do not have?
[18:41] <sharonp> Recently bumped into a former neighbour who spent a year in Bangkok - all 3 of her kids went to International School of Bangkok and LOVED it!
[18:41] <PeggyG> Do your parents use technology too to follow what you are learning/doing in school?
[18:42] == durff [i=445394b2@gateway/web/
[18:42] <Lorna> power pool?
[18:42] <sharonp> neato, Panthernet....
[18:43] <PeggyG> thanks! was wondering about Panthernet--Moodle in your school :-)
[18:43] <Lorna> do parents have an individual sign in
[18:43] == mrsjgarcia [i=be57191b@gateway/web/
[18:43] <Lorna> or do they use their student's
[18:43] <tsbray> Do you have Moodle on your server? Or do you have it on a company's server?
[18:43] <cheri> tell us more about Project Smile
[18:43] <PeggyG> I know you have a really incredible library in your school but I think you call it a learning hub. Can you tell us more about that?
[18:44] <PeggyG> We're ready to hear about Operation Smile
[18:45] == timslim [n=timslim@125-237-67-230.
[18:45] == timslim_ has changed nick to timslim
[18:45] == durff [i=445394b2@gateway/web/
[18:46] <tsbray> I think it is wonderful that you are helping people and impacting our world in a positive way through Operation Smile.
[18:46] <PeggyG> Let's take a look at that Operation Smile video to get a better idea about it
[18:46] <sharonp> this is about empowerment for everyone involved...
[18:46] <cheri> There we are
[18:46] <cheri> wonderful
[18:47] <PeggyG> are you hearing the audio with the video?
[18:47] <PeggyG> ok it's coming
[18:47] <cheri> Video ... take 2 ...
[18:47] == kathym [i=4b452a2c@gateway/web/
[18:48] <timslim> video only here
[18:48] <jutecht>
[18:48] <PeggyG> thanks Jeff
[18:48] <cheri> there we go
[18:48] <PeggyG> there comes the sound :-)
[18:48] == argg [i=43eac151@gateway/web/
[18:49] <kathym> Yeah Sheila!
[18:49] <cheri> You're awesome Sheila!
[18:49] <PeggyG> I love all of the bubbles in this video!! I'll bet it really made the kids happy!
[18:49] == sharonp [i=18caaf33@gateway/web/
[18:50] == sharon [i=18caaf33@gateway/web/
[18:50] == dawn [i=188a2cba@gateway/web/
[18:50] <sharon> can everyone see and hear the video?
[18:50] <sharon> ETT was crashing my FF!
[18:51] <cheri> good enough for now
[18:51] <cheri> Clapping!!
[18:51] <argg> we want Ms JUtecht !
[18:52] <kathym> very impressive.
[18:52] <PeggyG>
[18:52] == matt_montagne [i=62cf0242@gateway/web/
[18:52] <matt_montagne> hey all
[18:52] <PeggyG> This is another student video:
[18:52] <cheri> wonderful
[18:52] <matt_montagne> got sheila rocking the stream!
[18:52] <tsbray> Thanks for this! It is wonderful, but now I have a meeting.
[18:52] <sharon> I was going to ask what you used to create the video - iMovie 09 + what kind of camera and who took the footage?
[18:52] <cheri> Yea!!
[18:52] <matt_montagne> love the ustream
[18:53] == Sue [i=4ca8773a@gateway/web/
[18:53] == tsbray [i=3d64f431@gateway/web/
[18:53] <PeggyG> that is really impressive Deaneah!!
[18:53] <sharon> fabulous!!
[18:53] <sharon> that is the best kind.... multiple videographers!
[18:53] <PeggyG> the close up photos really told the story!!
[18:53] == Sue [i=4ca8773a@gateway/web/
[18:54] <matt_montagne> is this recorded video??
[18:54] <matt_montagne> or are the kids live??
[18:54] <cheri> kids are live
[18:54] <sharon> I would like to know what was hardest about the trip and what were they most surprised about?
[18:54] <PeggyG> That is such a great story that the students created these videos on their own time--not a required assignment!! Their passion really comes through!
[18:54] <matt_montagne> very cool...were are the kids??
[18:54] <cheri> Bangkok
[18:54] <matt_montagne> ahh...very nic3e
[18:54] <PeggyG> there come mebeam again :-)
[18:55] <argg> chat still not updating - i prefer old chat
[18:55] <sharon> the kids are all in Bangkok, but they traveled a few hours to get to the place where they were involved with Operation Smile
[18:55] <sharon> What will they do differently NOW?
[18:55] <cheri> "Change the world one child at a time"
[18:55] <PeggyG> they make a very compelling case for getting involved with Operation Smile!!
[18:56] <matt_montagne> this is AWESOME!
[18:56] <cheri> Do any of you want to be doctors/nurses to help children like this?
[18:56] <PeggyG> Did this experience make any of you decide you want to become doctors?
[18:56] <kathym> Agree. They are so well spoken and definitely know how to tell their story
[18:57] <matt_montagne> kudos to the WOW team on the stream and pulling in video...nice production here
[18:57] <kathym> ditto
[18:58] <sharon> @matt oh you know us, always trying to break out of the box! Kudos to Peggy and Sheila - not sure *I* would have been brave enough
[18:58] <PeggyG> I have learned so much just by watching all of your videos and browsing around on the Operation Smile website!
[18:58] <PeggyG> Operation Smile:
[18:59] == cheri [i=43af34d3@gateway/web/
[18:59] <timslim> Has it changed how you see/feel about Thailand and its people?
[18:59] <PeggyG> Daneah Galloway Blog:
[18:59] == Cheri [i=43af34d3@gateway/web/
[18:59] <PeggyG> Jeff Utecht Blog: http://www.thethinkingstick.
[19:00] <argg> How do these learners feel now that they are professional presenters on a global scale?
[19:00] <PeggyG> Owain video
[19:00] <sharon> @argg Good question!
[19:00] <PeggyG> Ciel video?
[19:01] == Janice [i=47b1ee72@gateway/web/
[19:01] <PeggyG> Operation Smile Donation Site:
[19:01] <PeggyG> It's very easy to donate on that site :-)
[19:01] == argg has changed nick to Durff
[19:01] <Durff> not aarrg anymore
[19:02] <Cheri> Yea, durff
[19:02] <PeggyG> would love to hear about your Operation Smile school events!
[19:02] <sr_> thanks all
[19:02] == sr_ [i=ae73f71a@gateway/web/
[19:03] <Durff> who wants to wear a uniform?
[19:03] <PeggyG> it is sooooo great seeing all of you on the video!!
[19:03] <PeggyG> interesting! more points for coins than bills :-)
[19:03] <sharon> Ah yes, I have seen this done at schools where I have taught.... we call it Penny Wars
[19:03] <Durff> @Jeff How do these learners feel now that they are professional presenters on a global scale?
[19:04] <Cheri> shows how much the little things (coins) build up
[19:04] <PeggyG> yes I remember penny wars!! clearly a strategy to it!!
[19:04] <timslim> Nice work on the videos.
[19:04] == wakemp [i=60326fda@gateway/web/
[19:04] <Cheri> Has anyone decided to go into medicine to help the children
[19:05] <Durff> @Jeff QT" How do these learners feel now that they are professional presenters on a global scale?
[19:05] <timslim> @durff - almost every primary school in thailand has a uniform
[19:05] <Durff> yes we do too in USA
[19:06] <Cheri> great!
[19:06] <timslim> guess it makes sense for the international schools to do so as well.
[19:06] <Durff> he is ignoring me
[19:06] <Durff> How do these learners feel now that they are professional presenters on a global scale?\
[19:06] == wakemp [i=60326fda@gateway/web/
[19:06] <PeggyG> how were you able to view things in the operating room?
[19:06] <Durff> ewqw
[19:06] <Durff> ty !
[19:07] <PeggyG> you are definitely famous now!! and such fantastic Operation Smile Ambassadors!!
[19:07] <Durff> they ARE famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:07] == emapey [i=be878de5@gateway/web/
[19:07] <Durff> tell them Jeff
[19:07] <Durff> hi emapay
[19:07] <Cheri> You are doing great!!
[19:08] <emapey> Hi Durff!
[19:08] <PeggyG> I am so in awe of this learning experience they had!! They know the doctors!!! :-)
[19:08] <Durff> these kids are great!
[19:09] <Cheri> iTunes!
[19:09] <PeggyG> all of us can now blog about this show and keep re-telling this story around the world!!
[19:09] <Durff> yup, they ARE going to be in iTunes
[19:09] <Cheri> very cool
[19:10] <Durff> and ustream too
[19:10] <PeggyG> if other schools wanted to get involved with a project like this what advice would you give them?
[19:11] <Durff> how much does this cost /student? does the school pay?
[19:11] <PeggyG> that's really helpful to hear the perspective about seeing things from different points of view!
[19:12] <Durff> QT: How will this experience change who you are as a person?
[19:12] <Cheri> Yea!
[19:12] <Cheri> You'll have more after this broadcast, Ciel
[19:12] <Durff> this isn't just numma numma - this is important
[19:13] <PeggyG> we can all post your videos on our Facebook pages too so more people will hear about it. We'll include the donation link.
[19:13] <PeggyG> thanks--eager to hear about the costs and arrangements
[19:14] == Janice [i=47b1ee72@gateway/web/
[19:15] <PeggyG> what powerful personal motivation on the part of the kids!
[19:15] <Durff> QT: How will this experience change who you are as a person?
[19:16] <matt_montagne> that was great!!!
[19:16] <Durff> i have never heard peggy talk that fast!
[19:16] <Cheri> Did the students raise money to donate?
[19:16] == kcaise [i=48b38871@gateway/web/
[19:16] <Cheri> never mind, wrong paste
[19:17] <Cheri>
[19:17] <Durff> hey kim
[19:17] <kcaise> hi durff, everyone!
[19:17] <Cheri>
[19:18] <sharon>
[19:18] <emapey> the link to first resource??
[19:18] <PeggyG> Jibbigo: Voice translation app for iPhone Speak in English and it translates in Spanish and vice versa.
[19:18] <PeggyG> Phil Tulga: Music Through the Curriculum (Warning-sound starts to play when you click on the link) Playing Fraction Pies (adding fractions to make rhythms)
[19:19] <Cheri>
[19:19] <PeggyG> 50 iTouch and iPhone apps for education:
[19:19] <sharon> and in case you didn't see....
[19:19] <sharon> lol
[19:19] <Cheri> lol
[19:19] <emapey> Thank you that is the link
[19:19] <Durff> QT: How will this experience change who you are as a person?
[19:19] <Cheri> that's why we're wow3 ...
[19:19] <PeggyG> the students have created some fantastic blogs! we'll share the links here so you can explore later
[19:19] <sharon> Cheri has the fastest finger
[19:19] <sharon> fingers
[19:20] <Durff> surely she has more than one finger
[19:20] <PeggyG> Becky:
[19:20] <Cheri> on most daze
[19:20] <Durff> :)
[19:20] <sharon> apologies, my fingers hiccuped
[19:20] <PeggyG> Siska:
[19:20] <Cheri> amazing!
[19:20] <PeggyG> Sanjana:
[19:20] <Durff> my hands hiccup all the time
[19:20] <Cheri> thank you
[19:20] <PeggyG> Ciel:
[19:21] <Cheri> I miss working with middle schoolers - such authenticity
[19:21] <PeggyG> Julie:
[19:21] <PeggyG> Liana:
[19:21] <PeggyG> Siska:
[19:22] <PeggyG> Tasha:
[19:22] <Durff> everyone pick a blog and comment to these fantastic learners!
[19:22] <Cheri> We'll go there now!
[19:22] <PeggyG> Nichole:
[19:22] <PeggyG> these one word descriptions of your blogs are really powerful! thanks!
[19:22] <sharon> Yes, what a great way to build empathy
[19:22] <jutecht> Chris:
[19:23] <jutecht> Owain:
[19:23] <Cheri> 9:22 am Monday in Bankok
[19:23] <PeggyG> :-) their passion comes through in their blogs about other topics too!!
[19:23] <Cheri> Lots of "today" left there
[19:23] <Durff> monday comes too early
[19:23] <kcaise> life changing, awesome
[19:24] <PeggyG> life-changing!! definitely sums it up for all of us after hearing from you!
[19:24] <sharon> I doubt my Monday morning will be this much fun tomorrow!
[19:24] <Durff> the maverick speaks
[19:24] <kcaise> so true peggy
[19:24] <Cheri> Inspiring comes to mind also
[19:24] <kcaise> amazing, definitely
[19:24] <Cheri> I love that
[19:24] <timslim> monday 3pm here. it's been a good day, so you should be sweet for tomorrow
[19:25] <sharon> I love your optimism!
[19:25] <Durff> i'll keep that in mind
[19:25] <PeggyG> we're hearing it here first!! they're promising to this world-wide audience to post something about Operation Smile on their blogs!! Can't wait to see them!
[19:26] <emapey> great blogs!!!!
[19:26] <Cheri> Moving past "the teacher told me"
[19:27] <Cheri> Thank you so much students!!
[19:27] <Cheri> You were wonderful
[19:27] <PeggyG> the students are incredible role models for all of us with blogging!
[19:27] <Durff> thank you learners
[19:27] <emapey> thank you students!!!
[19:27] <Cheri> hurray
[19:27] <timslim> yep
[19:27] <timslim> looking at nwo
[19:27] <timslim> now
[19:27] <PeggyG> that openness is so refreshing and helps all of us to learn from you!!
[19:28] <PeggyG> this has been an incredible learning experience with all of you!! Thank you so much for sharing your stories and experiences!!
[19:28] <Durff> i would expect nothing less from jutecht
[19:28] <kcaise> what a great pick me up!
[19:29] <Cheri> yes 12 hour difference for eastern
[19:29] <Durff> Thank you to all the fantastic learners!!
[19:29] <PeggyG> Thank you Jeff and Daneah!!!!!!!
[19:29] <Lorna> ver impressive - kudos to your students
[19:29] <Lorna> *very
[19:29] <timslim> Thanks very much jeff - lots of cool stuff going on there.
[19:29] <emapey> impressive!!!
[19:30] <timslim> congrats ISB students
[19:30] <Durff> i wish she were my principal
[19:30] <PeggyG> they are definitely world class students!!!
[19:30] <Cheri> thanks everyone
[19:30] == Lorna [i=d879983b@gateway/web/
[19:30] <Cheri> see you the first week in December
[19:30] <PeggyG> Yes our next show will be December 6--please join us!!
[19:31] <emapey> Thank you Cheri!!
[19:31] <PeggyG> we were so lucky that our time zones actually worked out tonight!!
[19:31] <Durff> aw
[19:31] <Cheri> bye everyone
[19:31] <emapey> Thank you!!!
[19:31] <Durff> night
[19:31] <PeggyG> good night and good morning!!!!
[19:31] <emapey> bye all
[19:31] <Durff> wow!
[19:31] <timslim> afternoon from NZ
[19:31] <Cheri> great job everyone
[19:31] <Cheri> thanks chat
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