Conversations Episode 44

Post-Show description: 

This week Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi discussed what summer vacation really means to educators.  We also moved into a discussion about the first days of school in an elementary classroom.  Sheila Adams was actually enjoying her vacation this week and did not join us for the show.

This week Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi discussed what summer vacation really means to educators.  We also moved into a discussion about the first days of school in an elementary classroom.  Sheila Adams was actually enjoying her vacation this week and did not join us for the show.


2009-07-26 11:22:29  Sheryl : Hi Lisa!

2009-07-26 11:27:21  Lisa Parisi : Setting up now.  Audio will start in a couple of minutes.
2009-07-26 11:27:27  Lisa Parisi : Hello Mr Boyer.
2009-07-26 11:27:35  mrboyer : hello
2009-07-26 11:29:29  Lisa Parisi : Hello Jamie
2009-07-26 11:29:41  Lisa Parisi : Hello Cheri
2009-07-26 11:29:51  connect2jamie : Hi all! 
2009-07-26 11:30:04  Cheri T : Hi Lisa
2009-07-26 11:30:16  Cheri T : I only have a couple of minutes - off to church in a little while
2009-07-26 11:30:25  Cheri T : I just wanted to come by and say hi
2009-07-26 11:30:38  Lisa Parisi : Just coming by?  Not staying
2009-07-26 11:30:50  Cheri T : and thank everyone for sharing the link to my survey
2009-07-26 11:30:57  MariaK : Hi Cheri - I've already been to church - went early - what's your problem?:D 
2009-07-26 11:31:01  Cheri T : at 850 responses
2009-07-26 11:31:09  Cheri T : Hahahahaa Maria
2009-07-26 11:31:13  Cheri T : i slept in
2009-07-26 11:31:16  Cheri T : lazy bones
2009-07-26 11:31:17  Lisa Parisi : Stream is up and running on ETTA
2009-07-26 11:31:53  MariaK : no ustream today - will be a delay in ettA
2009-07-26 11:31:59  Lisa Parisi : Can anyone hear us in ETTA?
2009-07-26 11:32:00  Cheri T : I just checked again - it's actually 875
2009-07-26 11:32:03  Cheri T : yahoo
2009-07-26 11:32:27  Lisa Parisi : Hello @melynch
2009-07-26 11:32:29  Cheri T : i can hear you
2009-07-26 11:32:30  connect2jamie : yes--etta is p
2009-07-26 11:32:32  connect2jamie : ok
2009-07-26 11:32:33  melynch : hello
2009-07-26 11:32:48  connect2jamie : I can hear you!
2009-07-26 11:32:54  melynch : i don't hear anything but this is my first time here.
2009-07-26 11:32:57  Cheri T : i hear giggling again ... must be your group
2009-07-26 11:32:59  Lisa Parisi : Hello @aforgrave and @thegilch
2009-07-26 11:33:12  thegilch : hello!
2009-07-26 11:33:24  Lisa Parisi : @melynch Click on an icon under EdTechTalkA on the right side bar.
2009-07-26 11:33:29  aforgrave : good morning -- 
2009-07-26 11:33:36  connect2jamie : @melynch click on EdTechTalk A up at top right in blue bar
2009-07-26 11:33:37  Cheri T : i can't believe it's almost August
2009-07-26 11:34:01  Cheri T : riiiiiiiiight
2009-07-26 11:34:28  Cheri T : went on bike ride yesterday ... but only as a break from getting courses ready for Aug
2009-07-26 11:34:34  MariaK : What do you all do in the summer?
2009-07-26 11:34:40  Cheri T : @Lisa, you're echoing
2009-07-26 11:35:03  melynch : that worked Lisa thanks
2009-07-26 11:35:24  Lisa Parisi : Great
2009-07-26 11:36:17  Lisa Parisi :
2009-07-26 11:36:23  connect2jamie : I'm still getting an echo w/ Lisa
2009-07-26 11:36:51  MariaK :
2009-07-26 11:37:22  Lisa Parisi : I'm working on the echo.
2009-07-26 11:37:34  colleenk : Hi Everyone!
2009-07-26 11:37:39  Lisa Parisi : Hello Colleen
2009-07-26 11:37:47  MariaK :
2009-07-26 11:38:51  Cheri T : what do elementary school teachers do on the first day of class?
2009-07-26 11:38:59  Cheri T : say k-2
2009-07-26 11:39:06  Cheri T : 3-4
2009-07-26 11:39:33  Cheri T : i can still hear the echo
2009-07-26 11:39:37  aforgrave : yes --- just opened another browser window to stop having to re-login ...
2009-07-26 11:39:37  Cheri T : hahaha
2009-07-26 11:39:41  Cheri T : gotta run in a short time
2009-07-26 11:39:44  Cheri T : :-)
2009-07-26 11:39:50  MariaK : working on that
2009-07-26 11:40:30  Cheri T : It is amazing - so much information, so many good examples and how-to's
2009-07-26 11:41:13  connect2jamie : K12Online is awesome! I've gone back to presentations there again and again. 
2009-07-26 11:41:39  connect2jamie : Synchronous events are cool too!
2009-07-26 11:42:19  Cheri T : I didn't like the orange
2009-07-26 11:42:45  Cheri T : oh, that's better ;) 
2009-07-26 11:43:01  connect2jamie : I always forget to change my color! Colors are so much more fun!
2009-07-26 11:43:21  Lisa Parisi : You look much better in green Cheri. ;)
2009-07-26 11:43:33  Cheri T : It's all good - plus it gives everyone an opportunity to present
2009-07-26 11:43:39  Lisa Parisi : Peggy what is happening?
2009-07-26 11:43:41  Cheri T : it brings out the color of my eyes
2009-07-26 11:43:45  Lisa Parisi : LOL
2009-07-26 11:43:50  melynch : how do you change colors
2009-07-26 11:44:02  connect2jamie : @Cheri :D 
2009-07-26 11:44:08  Lisa Parisi : Click on the color palate on the bottom, melynch
2009-07-26 11:44:16  Cheri T : @melynch - click on the palette tool on the left bottom
2009-07-26 11:44:30  Cheri T : next to b for bold
2009-07-26 11:44:37  Lisa Parisi : Palette...knew that didn't look right
2009-07-26 11:45:00  melynch : thanks again lisa - I met you at NECC09 I am Mary Ellen
2009-07-26 11:45:07  Lisa Parisi : Hello Mary Ellen
2009-07-26 11:45:16  Lisa Parisi : So glad you are here today.
2009-07-26 11:45:22  melynch : me too
2009-07-26 11:45:40  melynch : i've been learning a lot this summer, too
2009-07-26 11:47:16  Cheri T : I've gotta run, I'll listen to the archive for the answer to my question - bye all
2009-07-26 11:47:31  Lisa Parisi : Bye Cheri.  Enjoy the day.
2009-07-26 11:47:41  Cheri T : I'll be sending it out on Twitter too ;-)
2009-07-26 11:49:01  wbasinger : What is BLC?
2009-07-26 11:49:09  melynch : what is BLC?
2009-07-26 11:49:46  colleenk : BLC is a conference put on by Alan November.
2009-07-26 11:49:57  colleenk : Building Learning Communities
2009-07-26 11:49:58  aforgrave :
2009-07-26 11:50:10  Lisa Parisi : Thank you.  Can't seem to get a link in here today.                                                                                                
2009-07-26 11:50:24  melynch : thanks
2009-07-26 11:50:47  aforgrave : copy/paste didn't seem to work ...
2009-07-26 11:51:07  melynch : how can you tell who is talking?  I recognize when Lisa speaks.
2009-07-26 11:51:20  MariaK : this is maria the other speaker
2009-07-26 11:51:28  melynch : hi Maria
2009-07-26 11:51:51  MariaK : hello Mary ellen
2009-07-26 11:52:08  Lisa Parisi : ANyone want in on the call?
2009-07-26 11:52:16  melynch : This is great... do you meet here every sunday morning?
2009-07-26 11:52:32  melynch : hi Spedteacher
2009-07-26 11:52:33  Lisa Parisi : Well, during the year yes...summer is week by week
2009-07-26 11:52:37  Lisa Parisi : Hi Spedteacher
2009-07-26 11:56:20  connect2jamie : That is a wonderful way to start kinder, Marie! 
2009-07-26 11:59:18  wbasinger : The current speaker has a wierd echo when she speaks.
2009-07-26 11:59:38  Lisa Parisi : I'm sorry about the echo.  I don't hear it so I can't figure out how to fix it.
2009-07-26 12:00:00  connect2jamie : oops! Gotta go! Thanks Lisa and Marie! 
2009-07-26 12:00:12  Lisa Parisi : Bye Jamie
2009-07-26 12:01:04  spedteacher : sorry for coming and going so often; browser problems. Firefox 3.5 keeps crashing on this site.
2009-07-26 12:02:07  colleenk : Company has arrived. Will listen to the rest later. Thanks!
2009-07-26 12:02:13  Lisa Parisi : Bye Colleen
2009-07-26 12:03:13  loonyhiker : sorry i am late 
2009-07-26 12:03:22  wbasinger : Do you use mind mapping software when the students brainstorm?
2009-07-26 12:03:22  Lisa Parisi : It's okay, Pat.  Welcome
2009-07-26 12:04:24  aforgrave : chartpaper?
2009-07-26 12:05:03  MariaK : big pieces of paper - so we can read it as a class
2009-07-26 12:05:10  wbasinger : Sometimes I use mind miester.  I sometimes have a student do the typing or the facilitating of the brainstorming session to help make it work.
2009-07-26 12:07:29  loonyhiker : Our teachers go back on Aug 13
2009-07-26 12:10:10  MariaK : We won't be back in the classroom by then but I'll be at school by then setting up and working with teachers
2009-07-26 12:12:51  Lisa Parisi : One more time...does anyone want to join in the skype chat?
2009-07-26 12:15:10  aforgrave : everyone knows learning (for students AND teachers!) only takes place 10 months of the year -- when they're at school .. right?
2009-07-26 12:15:26  Lisa Parisi : of course. ;)
2009-07-26 12:15:49  loonyhiker : of course cuz we don't have a "real job" 
2009-07-26 12:15:57  Lisa Parisi : only part time job
2009-07-26 12:18:06  loonyhiker : i enjoyed flagstaff 
2009-07-26 12:20:22  melynch : @Maria can I follow you on twitter - I teach grade1/2 (we loop and they will be grade 2 this year.
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2009-07-26 12:23:05  MariaK : @melynch Surely - would love the follow-please do.
2009-07-26 12:23:14  MariaK : I'm MariaK
2009-07-26 12:23:20  melynch : thanks
2009-07-26 12:25:40  Tracy : Am I too late here?
2009-07-26 12:26:09  MariaK : just about 5 minutes left
2009-07-26 12:30:36  aforgrave : AR -- read a book, answer 10 multiple choice questions (previous school had scantron bubble-forms) -- intent was to provide motivation for non-readers ..
2009-07-26 12:31:08  Lisa Parisi : Yes, aforgrave
2009-07-26 12:31:41  aforgrave : AR -- provided incentive for some. Different beliefs on part of different teachers. Some kids responded positively.
2009-07-26 12:32:30  Tracy : I do!
2009-07-26 12:32:54  Tracy : My son is entering 5th, and he still loves our reading together time!
2009-07-26 12:33:09  MariaK : I think that's great!
2009-07-26 12:33:55  aforgrave : just watched "The Reader' yesterday -- very powerful, if you haven't seen it.
2009-07-26 12:34:10  Tracy : I read the book first, and then saw the movie...:)
2009-07-26 12:34:38  Tracy : I'm spending my summer brushing up on my math instruction...
2009-07-26 12:34:48  aforgrave : How does the book compare?
2009-07-26 12:35:33  Tracy : The movie actually left me with more questions than the book..
2009-07-26 12:35:43  Tracy : Both were equally good
2009-07-26 12:35:59  aforgrave : @ Tracy -- more questions ... a good thing?
2009-07-26 12:36:06  Tracy : Yes
2009-07-26 12:36:20  Tracy : We watched the movie twice!
2009-07-26 12:36:34  Lisa Parisi :
2009-07-26 12:36:39  loonyhiker : I enjoyed listening! 
2009-07-26 12:36:44  melynch : thanks to you guys... this was great
2009-07-26 12:36:49  aforgrave : When he DOESN'T visit her in prison the first time, is it because he's not wanting to make her acknowledge ?
2009-07-26 12:37:03  loonyhiker : i won't be around until Sept. cuz we r heading up to Nova Scotia
2009-07-26 12:37:12  Tracy : That was one of the questions I had!
2009-07-26 12:37:13  Lisa Parisi : Back in a few weeks.  
2009-07-26 12:37:18  Lisa Parisi : Thanks for coming everyone.
2009-07-26 12:37:20  loonyhiker : hope to meet up w/ some plurk/twitter friends along the way!
2009-07-26 12:37:22  loonyhiker : bye y'all
2009-07-26 12:37:25  aforgrave : Thanks!





What's the new music? Won't catch a cab that way.