ETT Conversations Live at NECC 2009
Cruise Director Lisa Parisi speaks with EdTechTalkers at the NECC Bloggers Cafe (newsletter team, please write a worthy blurb)
June 28, 2009
Cruise Director Lisa Parisi speaks with EdTechTalkers at the NECC Bloggers Cafe
Chat Log Below
21:02:51 derrallg -> howdy
21:02:51 derrallg -> I can hear you Jeff
21:03:20 derrallg -> Oh Lisa please be modest
21:04:36 derrallg -> that's what Paul sounds like
21:06:10 nancy pratt -> Hi all!
21:06:36 nancy pratt -> We can see you really well!!!
21:07:47 nancy pratt -> Hi Cheryl!!!!
21:09:23 nancy pratt -> So much fun to see all of you!!!!!
21:10:12 nancy pratt -> Hi Sally...!
21:10:33 sharonbetts -> a great young presenter - putting Sally on air
21:10:53 nancy pratt -> That is wonderful. How old are you Sally?
21:11:13 sharonbetts -> Hi Jen - see you are still with us.
21:11:21 JenW -> yes, tiny chat crashed
21:11:29 JenW -> or I closed it :)
21:11:53 JenW -> wow, a student at NECC
21:12:08 sharonbetts -> Itttsss Vicki
21:12:08 csitterley -> Cool project Sarah
21:12:12 nancy pratt -> No Way!
21:12:20 nancy pratt -> Hi Vicky!
21:12:32 derrallg -> I want to hear Paul Wood's voice again
21:12:36 sharonbetts -> there are quite a few children at NECC (now to be called ISTE) this year
21:12:59 sharonbetts -> what do you want Paul to say?
21:13:01 nancy pratt -> they are changing the name of NECC to ISTE?
21:13:17 sharonbetts -> yes they are changing the name - going international in name also
21:13:30 nancy pratt -> That is so interesting!
21:13:50 derrallg -> @sharonbetts Enjoyed the sound of his voice for the intro
21:13:54 sharonbetts -> it is international and I think the name change is good
21:14:03 nancy pratt -> Yes, I agree...
21:14:12 sharonbetts -> yes, but he wants to know what you want him to say.... he is sitting behind me
21:14:43 derrallg -> How about his reflections about the Gladwell keynote
21:15:27 sharonbetts -> @derralig he says he had none - I think he just doesn't want to talk again.
21:15:50 derrallg -> How about his favorite Texas BBQ food
21:15:56 csitterley -> Hi Lisa-hope you are enjoying NECC
21:16:18 George H -> Is that Vicki?
21:16:21 LisaThumann -> If anyone wants Paul to speak again - it will cost Chocolate or drinks - your choice :)
21:16:24 derrallg -> yes
21:16:27 sharonbetts -> that was Vicki
21:16:27 nancy pratt -> Thanks for visiting Vicki!!!
21:16:37 LisaThumann -> Yes - Connie - very much. Thanks
21:16:38 courosa -> thanks Vicki
21:16:50 JenW -> I would like to see PAUL
21:16:59 JenW -> and will send chocolate later
21:17:11 George H -> catchy
21:17:15 sharonbetts -> new announcements from Glogster -
21:17:27 LisaThumann -> Jen - Paul said to settle down - but I'll see what I can do - I h
21:17:30 LisaThumann -> ave his laptop.
21:17:31 JenW -> wish twitter would do that to
21:17:37 JenW ->
21:17:52 derrallg -> Loved glogster
21:17:57 nancy pratt -> that would be so good, @jenW
21:18:05 JenW -> tell Paul I only asked -- did not become rowdy (yet)
21:18:05 courosa -> synergy is good and bad
21:18:23 George H -> vokis are great
21:18:33 derrallg -> @JenW if anyone can get him to talk you can :)
21:18:38 JenW -> what microphone are they using
21:18:46 George H -> it sounds like the voice of God
21:18:47 JenW -> or what is that black box you are passing around
21:18:52 derrallg -> oh I wish I was there
21:19:00 JenW -> me too derrall
21:19:13 George H -> in a good way
21:19:15 courosa -> i think that's you Jeff ... your echo
21:19:20 derrallg -> That's your voice Jeff
21:19:22 George H -> jeff=God
21:19:35 George H -> smite someone
21:19:39 JenW -> paul paul paul paul
21:19:39 courosa -> angela
21:19:48 derrallg -> yeah Paul
21:19:53 marragem -> feeling strange being in the chat. Normally I'm 5000km away but I'm right here in the Bloggers cafe watching live. Way cool
21:19:55 LisaThumann -> There you go - Paul!
21:19:56 sharonbetts -> here is Paul
21:19:58 verybusyma -> Hi Lisa!
21:20:10 LisaThumann -> Hi Verybusy ma
21:20:12 sharonbetts -> we wish you were all here
21:20:27 nancy pratt -> Who's talking now?
21:20:35 JenW -> not sure
21:20:47 csitterley -> Sounds like Maria
21:20:49 JenW -> amanda??
21:20:55 George H -> hi susan
21:20:56 LisaThumann -> it was Susan
21:20:56 sharonbetts -> this is susan van gelder
21:20:59 JenW -> susan van gelder --- :)
21:20:59 nancy pratt -> Hi Susan!
21:21:01 derrallg -> Paul has a great voice for Edtech talk, need to get him streaming
21:21:07 courosa -> hi susan
21:21:14 courosa -> yea Paul!!!
21:21:21 JenW -> smiles
21:21:23 George H -> freestyle, Paul
21:21:27 sharonbetts -> we see him from the bck - he is bit tall for the camera
21:22:02 nancy pratt -> LOL
21:22:05 derrallg -> It's a lot of estrogen
21:22:08 JenW -> is your phone on
21:22:10 sdhamilton20 -> How are things going at NECC?
21:22:12 nancy pratt -> Love it
21:22:14 JenW -> should I call you???
21:22:18 courosa -> nice!
21:22:20 courosa -> thanks Pal
21:22:31 courosa -> hey angela
21:22:31 George H -> angela!
21:22:49 nancy pratt -> Wow!! Angela Meirs--wow!
21:22:53 matt montagne -> durff...isn't Necc right in your backyard??
21:23:02 nancy pratt -> probably spelled that wroing
21:23:02 doriedance -> Hello everybody
21:23:07 nancy pratt -> wrong
21:23:17 doriedance -> thanks for sharing
21:23:20 nancy pratt -> :)
21:23:38 George H -> how about some links to these people's work?
21:23:39 sharonbetts -> they are passing the mic around - get ready for some new voices
21:23:43 JenW -> clapping
21:24:12 LisaThumann -> links? It's 9:30pm We're exhausted and giddy
21:24:15 derrallg -> looks like they are monitoring the tinychat room more than here
21:24:57 JenW -> monitoring -- how??
21:24:57 LisaThumann -> @angelamaiers says hi :)
21:25:16 sharonbetts -> sue waters - so nice to be with her as well
21:25:20 nancy pratt -> Hi there
21:25:21 LisaThumann -> @lizbdavis just texted me and says she's on her way here
21:25:29 JenW -> this is sue waters??
21:25:29 verybusyma -> Hello angela!
21:25:42 courosa -> hi sue
21:25:44 verybusyma -> Wish I was there with everyone.
21:26:14 derrallg -> I'm having the same trouble
21:26:16 George H -> what is the tinychat url?
21:26:17 LisaThumann -> Alec they think you are not there as you are so quiet
21:26:22 JenW -> who was that???
21:26:28 sharonbetts -> clap clap clap
21:26:31 JenW -> I know who this is
21:26:33 JL ->
21:26:39 derrallg ->
21:26:42 courosa -> oh, I'm here
21:26:49 courosa -> YEA ... someone from Saskatchewan!
21:26:51 George H -> @JL thanks
21:27:03 derrallg -> congrats
21:27:10 nancy pratt -> congratulations!
21:27:12 LisaThumann -> Durff!!!!!!
21:27:16 sharonbetts -> how can we monitor tinychat and this chat and the live session -= cray
21:27:16 JenW -> elemetnary teacher award
21:27:52 mrsdurff -> ah
21:27:59 mrsdurff -> much better
21:28:05 JenW -> url??
21:28:11 derrallg -> @sharonbetts open two windows for browswer
21:28:13 nancy pratt -> excellent! Very cool......
21:28:13 JenW -> for civil war sally??
21:28:19 matt montagne -> what is the URL of the teaching the civil war blog??
21:28:35 nancy pratt -> That is wonderful!
21:28:43 oswego98 -> Very Cool
21:28:51 George H -> w00t
21:28:59 marragem -> @JenW - yes Amanda - marragem
21:29:08 JenW -> could we have the URL now please??
21:29:11 JenW -> :)
21:29:15 George H -> when is the suffleboard?
21:29:15 derrallg -> and here's your concellation prize
21:29:17 JenW -> I will google it
21:29:17 mrsdurff -> she's hired
21:29:20 JenW -> HEY SHARON!!!!
21:29:33 LJ -> Such happy people :-)
21:29:37 2020nexus -> civil war in 4 mins
21:29:39 csitterley -> Hey Nicole
21:29:44 derrallg -> Hi Sharon missing the tweet up this year
21:29:46 nhill -> HI Connie!
21:29:55 courosa -> lot of energy for this late and at the very end of a school year
21:30:09 christine.southard ->
21:30:19 courosa -> LISA
21:30:20 George H -> hey! Thats lisa
21:30:23 2020nexus -> Hi Lisa
21:30:26 George H -> where is pocket clone!
21:30:27 George H -> ?
21:30:33 mrsdurff -> hi thumann
21:30:37 sharonbetts -> pocket clone is there now
21:30:42 nhill -> Hi Lthuman
21:30:43 csitterley -> Hi Pocket Clone and Lisa
21:30:44 George H -> awesome
21:30:48 nhill -> Love the clone!!!
21:30:50 2020nexus -> Sweet dress, PocketClone
21:30:56 George H -> let her hold something
21:30:58 JenW -> can't past the link
21:31:02 nhill -> Cute!
21:31:04 JenW -> but googled it
21:31:06 nancy pratt -> Howdy! Pocket clone.....:)
21:31:27 JenW ->
21:31:29 christine.southard -> Did you see this too?
21:31:30 LisaThumann -> Civil war Sallie =
21:31:44 2020nexus -> Blog post she just mentioned
21:31:48 matt montagne -> thank sfor the links Jdub
21:31:58 George H -> good stuff
21:32:13 nhill -> :)
21:32:15 2020nexus -> Someone's punchy
21:32:20 mrsdurff -> that was cabgirl
21:32:38 derrallg -> It's a good thing there's no drinking involved here
21:32:39 kathymals -> Hey Maria...good to see you!!
21:32:44 mrsdurff -> hi Cabgirl!!
21:32:48 George H -> very well put
21:32:53 LisaThumann -> @2020Nexus Everyone's punchy
21:32:58 nancy pratt -> YOu did great!
21:33:00 Sheila -> It's impressive to be here among the 'greats!'
21:33:09 2020nexus -> I like punchy
21:33:10 mrsdurff -> caffeine
21:33:24 JenW -> we lost audio
21:33:26 courosa -> lost audio
21:33:27 KarenJan -> wish I could be there but I"m across the river (Potomac!)
21:33:31 derrallg -> wow
21:33:33 mrsdurff -> parisi did that
21:33:43 JenW -> edubloggercon was BETTER this year than last
21:33:51 JenW -> not sure about comparison to FIRST year
21:33:51 LisaThumann -> @sheila Everyone is great who is trying to do something. Some are just more recognizeable
21:33:57 George H -> hey a New Yorker!
21:34:21 Sheila -> Hi Karen!
21:34:25 mrsdurff -> are they laughing at JL?
21:34:27 derrallg -> I like Lisa's hair style this NECC
21:34:39 oswego98 -> Tuning in from Upstate NY here
21:34:43 angelamaiers -> Hello Friends!
21:34:48 KarenJan -> Hi, Sheila!
21:34:51 JenW -> who is this
21:34:52 KarenJan -> hi, Angela!
21:34:54 mrsdurff -> hi southard
21:34:57 2020nexus -> Audio in and out
21:35:00 verybusyma -> Hi angela
21:35:09 angelamaiers -> @KarenJan...where are you?
21:35:20 KarenJan -> at my daughter's in Arlington
21:35:25 derrallg -> Hi Christine
21:35:26 JenW -> this is Christine??
21:35:27 KarenJan -> are you at the blogger's cafe?
21:35:31 mrsdurff -> she teaches with parisi
21:35:34 2020nexus -> Hi KarenJan
21:35:40 KarenJan -> Hi 2020!
21:35:43 JenW -> wow
21:35:46 angelamaiers -> yes and loving every second of it!
21:35:47 sharonbetts -> we are losing some people - hopefully sound is back
21:35:52 LisaThumann -> They made me stop talking
21:35:53 mrsdurff -> coteachers
21:36:01 LJ -> Civil War in 4 min very good.
21:36:01 JenW -> and this is???
21:36:02 2020nexus -> This is like a smackdown. Cool
21:36:11 KarenJan -> so missing the fun
21:36:11 derrallg -> Who is this?
21:36:17 JenW -> please have them say who they are before they start to speak
21:36:20 shawnkball -> Hi Sarah!
21:36:23 sdpankhurst -> tagteam talking :)
21:36:44 mrsdurff -> SarahSutter?
21:36:49 KarenJan -> downloading iTunes on my netbook -no audio yet, what am I missing?
21:36:52 JenW -> ahhh Sarah Sutter
21:36:55 -> Lost audio
21:36:56 angelamaiers -> Hello Miguel! :-))
21:37:01 sharonbetts -> they seem to be having trouble with audio.
21:37:03 -> @angelamaiers howdy
21:37:11 shawnkball -> slow here at Hilton Garden Inn
21:37:13 KarenJan -> Miguel are you at NECC?
21:37:17 derrallg -> go Adina
21:37:19 JenW -> her hair is shorter than edubloggercon
21:37:24 LisaThumann -> yay Adina
21:37:26 sharonbetts -> whose hair
21:37:26 JenW -> adina!!!!
21:37:28 2020nexus -> Hi Adina
21:37:35 -> @KarenJan not at NECC this year...have fun without me and watch out for the East Texas crew!
21:37:36 LJ -> I'm watching from northern NM
21:37:36 LisaThumann -> Lisa P's hair
21:37:43 JenW -> sighs
21:37:48 -> hey, is that Adina?
21:37:54 derrallg -> Yes
21:37:56 JenW -> yes, Adina
21:37:57 JL -> yes
21:38:04 mrsdurff -> hi adina
21:38:12 -> Awesome! So neat to see all of you!
21:38:16 2020nexus -> At least I can be there virtually all the way from Colorado
21:38:17 -> Off to dinner. see ya!
21:38:18 KarenJan -> what was the consensus on the MG keynote?
21:38:26 matt montagne -> what day does NECC end??
21:38:27 -> @KarenJan terrible! ;->
21:38:34 JenW -> was NOT a home run
21:38:44 JenW -> Wednesday Matt
21:38:46 oswego98 -> MG?
21:38:47 2020nexus -> Some people were mad he threw in some very political statements, apparently, but i wasn't there
21:38:47 kadaniels -> Hello - Kristin from MN (at NECC) followed Lisa's tweet here!
21:38:53 JenW -> Malcom Gladwell
21:38:54 -> MG=Gladwell
21:39:00 oswego98 -> thanks :)
21:39:01 KarenJan -> i saw the link to another keynote he gave two weeks ago, said the same things to different group
21:39:04 JenW -> depends who you ask
21:39:17 kadaniels -> should I hear sound?
21:39:19 JenW -> ep
21:39:20 oswego98 -> is the keynote posted online somewhere?
21:39:21 angelamaiers -> Big thumbs down for many, but watching it from the blogger cafe eating popcorn and M & M's was very cool!
21:39:24 2020nexus -> I also heard it was a canned speech
21:39:33 JenW -> actually we found 4 links to past sessions
21:39:40 mrsdurff -> libdavis recorded keynote
21:39:44 -> Great to see you, Lisa!!
21:39:44 derrallg -> @kadaniels yes click on the play button on Ustream
21:39:47 mrsdurff -> will post tomorrow
21:39:47 matt montagne -> just read Gladwell's book...he is a big KIPP fan
21:39:56 2020nexus -> Can't find Liz' recording. Anyone have a link?
21:39:59 JenW -> what is KIPP???
21:40:17 mrsdurff -> who you calling a geek?
21:40:27 angelamaiers -> Lookibg forward to going through the Cover it Live chat log on Wes's blog
21:40:27 matt montagne -> w00t! Sheila
21:40:29 KarenJan -> Hi, Paul are you at NECC?
21:40:33 mrsdurff -> hi Sheila!!
21:40:35 derrallg -> @2020nexus I think she said she'd post it tomorrow
21:40:39 LisaThumann -> Liz didn't post it yet - tomorrow
21:40:41 JenW -> Sheila???
21:40:47 derrallg -> Hi Sheila
21:40:49 2020nexus -> I think KIPP is very "back to basics-high discipline charter-type" schools group
21:40:52 KarenJan -> there were at least 4 coverit lives for the keynote
21:40:53 paulbogush -> No Karen...thanks for rubbing it in ;)
21:40:56 2020nexus -> Thank you lisa
21:41:06 2020nexus -> Thank you Derral
21:41:08 oswego98 -> wow
21:41:10 2020nexus -> Derrall
21:41:14 JenW -> I was in a few cover it lives but wandered back out
21:41:16 LJ -> Amazing the huge increase in virtual connection to NECC. Great! and About time!
21:41:18 matt montagne -> KIPP is a school model developed by a couple former Teach for America alumni...I believe it focuses on grades 5-8.
21:41:20 KarenJan -> @paul - ooops, sorry. just got excited at the possibility of seeing you again
21:41:21 tekkieteacher -> I think Mathews (from Challenge Index) is big on Kipp schools
21:41:40 George H -> whats the big one tomorrow?
21:41:46 angelamaiers -> @Matt- there was lots of talk about using KIPP as the model school
21:41:50 derrallg -> I thought "conflicts" was the name of the content
21:41:50 kathymals -> Hey Sheila. You look great!
21:41:55 kadaniels -> @lthumann - I sat next to you today, next to Lee, thanks for the tweet
21:42:02 George H -> make one up
21:42:13 derrallg -> sounds morbid :)
21:42:20 matt montagne -> JDub- KIPP Wikpedia entry:
21:42:23 mrsdurff -> i want to hear cabgirl's thoughts
21:42:27 JenW -> thanks Matt
21:42:38 JenW -> seanb -- it is ending
21:42:40 derrallg -> HOw is Maria's knee, no pun intended?
21:42:42 kathymals -> Maria and Sheila you are awesome!!!
21:42:47 JenW -> unless we have a POST SHOW
21:42:50 2020nexus -> Group picture!
21:42:58 matt montagne -> @angelia...gladwell seems to be a big KIPP fan, that is for certain.
21:42:59 seanb -> Bad timing, eh?
21:43:08 JenW -> kinda sort a
21:43:10 paulbogush -> By the way, more viewers for this than for the other live streams I have watched
21:43:11 George H -> tchau
21:43:13 2020nexus -> Hi Sean, better late than nevere
21:43:14 JenM -> bye ... thanks for sharing!
21:43:15 mrsdurff -> night all!
21:43:17 JenW -> thanks -- this was good
21:43:22 matt montagne -> fun to get a window into NECC...thanks for sharing!
21:43:25 doriedance -> thanks!
21:43:28 2020nexus -> Good night, thank you ETT, for the chat
21:43:29 kathymals -> Hey Jeff how are you doing!
21:43:34 derrallg -> bye that was great love seeing the energy
21:43:45 George H -> end with a foot race down the hall
21:43:53 JenW -> We did the WOW2 show from SL 2 years ago -- remember??
21:43:55 verybusyma -> Thanks ETT fr keeping us in the loop! Wish I could be there.
21:43:58 JenW -> at NECC
21:44:01 JenW -> Durff was there
21:44:03 derrallg -> going into the DEN sounds scary
21:44:14 KarenJan -> is there audio? not getting it
21:44:22 JenW -> not anymore Karen
21:44:30 JenW -> well yes, kinda
21:44:31 derrallg -> @karenjan on Ustream play button
21:44:32 paulbogush -> What kind of gang sign did Maria flash at the end?
21:44:41 George H -> latin kings
21:44:41 LJ -> Long empty hall
21:44:43 KarenJan -> where the ustream link?
21:44:45 George H -> (i think)
21:44:47 JenW -> now this is when it gets fun
21:44:50 mrsdurff -> night NECC - now back to your reg. scheduled Sunday
21:44:55 Sheila -> bye all! Thanks for joining us!
21:44:56 JenW -> when the forget they are on
21:44:58 mrsdurff -> bye folks!!
21:45:00 derrallg -> @karenjan next to chat window
21:45:04 derrallg -> bye
21:45:04 JenW -> and they are out
21:45:09 JenW -> night all
21:45:18 George H -> anything else streaming right now?
21:45:27 LisaThumann -> BYE!!
21:46:11 KarenJan -> finally get audio and it'sover!
21:46:22 KarenJan -> hey LisaP!
21:46:53 LJ -> NECC can't get much bigger (f2f) without permanently making LV site every year. Hope they can offer even MORE virtual options (free and paid) at 2010.
21:47:22 mikeh -> Do any of you have strategies for following NECC online?
21:47:41 LJ -> The fact that there options is great.
21:47:41 jcsedtech -> hello all, mike people have been posting a few links to live streams of the keynotes
21:47:56 LJ -> was good today.
21:48:03 mikeh -> yes, i've read those about the Gladwell keynote...sounds quite a bit like his TED talk
21:48:05 jcsedtech -> i dont remember who but in twitter they were all over
21:48:18 jcsedtech -> that was my 1st time seeing him speak
21:48:39 jcsedtech -> ive heard of him but never read ne books or heard him speak
21:48:56 mikeh -> and what was your impression jcsedtech?
21:49:29 jcsedtech -> not bad at all i like the way he puts things into persepctive and tried to relate to a "general" audience
21:49:45 LJ -> Follow @isteconnects on Twitter
21:49:51 jcsedtech -> but i can see how a lot of people can really disagree with him
21:50:15 mikeh -> a couple of the livebloggers were saying his speech didn't speak directly enough to educating students as such...what do you think of that?
21:50:28 LJ -> Sounds like some of Gladen's more political comments turned some off to rest of message.
21:51:08 jcsedtech -> it wasnt directly but i thought you can relate to education very easily
21:51:35 mikeh -> what were your main takeaways so far as education is concerned, jc?
21:51:43 jcsedtech -> i mean was it a lil bias of course but thats a part of every speakers personality you take what you want from it
21:52:04 jcsedtech -> i really liked what he said about math
21:52:12 LJ -> From Twitter RT @2020Nexus: ISTE's LiveStreaming schedule for #necc09
21:52:26 mikeh -> thanks, LJ, appreciate the link
21:52:41 mikeh -> links, actually :)
21:52:46 jcsedtech -> about it being effort and time not as much of it being a skill or talent
21:53:18 mikeh -> good point, jc
21:54:28 jcsedtech -> if anything thats what i took a lot out of because alot of the things we do/not do is based a lot on effort
21:54:30 mikeh -> LJ, will edtechtalk continue all through the summer?
21:55:08 mikeh -> very true, jc...i always wondered how Harry Wong (who spoke at my school some years ago) could leave all his work at school
21:55:28 mikeh -> LJ, by that I mean, these Sunday evening live events
21:55:56 jcsedtech -> mike im gonna get going i will ttyl
21:56:00 jcsedtech -> enjoy necc!!!
21:56:51 phares -> hello
21:57:01 mikeh -> hi phares
22:01:10 LJ -> Looking a Calendar pull down- Ed Tech Talk has reg schedule through summer.
22:01:17 glimperis -> Hello everyone
22:01:36 JohnS -> Hi -- y'all are still around?
22:01:54 glimperis -> Are all the poeple here currently at NECC?
22:02:08 glimperis -> I wish i was there. Had to work.
22:02:11 JohnS -> I'm at NECC, but back at the hotel.
22:02:46 mikeh -> Thanks, LJ. I was trying to remember which EdTechTalk "show" had concluded for the summer a couple of weeks ago.
22:02:47 glimperis -> Loks packed from what I have seen so far. I heard almost 20000
22:03:23 glimperis -> Was there any events today?
22:03:23 JohnS -> Women of Web is on hiatus.
22:03:37 LJ -> I attended NECC back in the late 90's Thought it large then, but nothing like today's.
22:04:29 glimperis -> Does anyone here belong to my professional network on Linkedin "technology Integration in Education"?
22:04:57 glimperis -> We have over 1500 members in that group.
22:05:23 glimperis -> We are also on Ning at Any members?
[21:05] guest-3163: Hi MrsDurff!!
[21:05] Jen: hey, all! very fun
[21:06] mrsdurff: hi JEN
[21:06] mrsdurff: !!
[21:06] JLWagner: hey lisa
[21:06] derrallg: chaos
[21:06] derrallg: I'm still blushing
[21:06] mrsdurff: Are they wearing cocktails?
[21:06] mrsdurff: I want photos!!
[21:06] Suzanne: Nicole, HI! it's Suzanne in Colo.
[21:07] Suzanne: We collaborated last year.
[21:07] nhill: HI!
[21:08] Suzanne: Nicole, are you at NECC?
[21:08] nhill: Are you at NECC Suzane?
[21:08] nhill: Yes I am!
[21:08] Suzanne: No, I'm home. No budget for DC
[21:08] Suzanne: I'm jealous
[21:08] nhill: I at the hotel right now...hanging with the family...they tagged along.
[21:08] Suzanne: Cool. Is Paul going to talk?
[21:08] mrsdurff: want to hear paul
[21:09] mrsdurff: drag him up to mic
[21:09] mrsdurff: hi folks!!
[21:09] Suzanne: Hi Mrs. Durff, this is 2020nexus
[21:09] mrsdurff: hi!!
[21:09] nhill: Hi Sarah!
[21:09] Suzanne: Is there a webcam? Can't see it.
[21:10] mrsdurff: no webcam coming thru here
[21:10] nhill: yeah..I only have audio
[21:10] Suzanne: Sorry, refreshed my page
[21:10] mrsdurff: nick noakes!
[21:10] mrsdurff: hi liz
[21:10] mrsdurff: hi matt
[21:10] mattoldenburg: Hello
[21:11] Suzanne: Welcome to our zoo, Matt.
[21:11] mrsdurff: welcome to the chaos
[21:11] mattoldenburg: Haha, wish I was there!
[21:11] ehelfant: hi! hate not being there and trying to catch pieces of things
[21:11] Suzanne: And I sure wished there was a livestream of MGladdwell!
[21:11] mrsdurff: hi miss vicki
[21:12] nhill: Hi Vicki!
[21:12] Suzanne: Is that coolcatteacher?
[21:12] mattoldenburg: Are there going to be livestreams of any kenotes?
[21:12] nhill: Are you all in the blogger cafe?
[21:12] Suzanne: Depends if speaker gives permission
[21:12] mrsdurff: @suzanne - libdavis recorded it
[21:12] Suzanne: Awesome, thanks
[21:13] mrsdurff: that IS coolcat herself
[21:13] mrsdurff: hi colleen
[21:13] Suzanne: Hi colleen
[21:13] colleen: hi all
[21:13] Suzanne: Wow, if Vicki feels alone, I am in Siberia
[21:13] mrsdurff: me too
[21:14] Suzanne: But we're making progress, just slow.
[21:14] mrsdurff: painfully slow
[21:15] Suzanne: You get a lot of politics/brain damage if you live on the leading edge in my area
[21:16] Suzanne: Yay, Ed Tech Talk!
[21:16] mrsdurff: YAY !!
[21:16] Suzanne: Yay Glogster, too! My district blocked it tho
[21:16] nhill: Yeah Glogster!!! Woot!
[21:17] Suzanne: Oh, yeah, he's psychic!
[21:17] Suzanne:
[21:17] nhill: edu. what? someone type internet is spotty at the hotel.
[21:17] nhill: Thanks!
[21:17] Suzanne: I'm psychic too--did you notice? LOL
[21:17] mrsdurff:
[21:18] Suzanne: Sorry nicole, I had it backwards.
[21:18] mrsdurff: we need a good psychic around here
[21:18] mrsdurff: yeah
[21:18] Suzanne: Maybe they can tell me where our stimulus money went in the US
[21:19] mrsdurff: hi lisa thumann
[21:19] mrsdurff: hi paulrwood
[21:19] mrsdurff: hi angelamaiers
[21:19] mrsdurff: hey cabgirl
[21:19] Suzanne: Paul R. Wood, the givingest Twit in the history of the world
[21:19] mrsdurff: that's MariaK
[21:20] Suzanne: The magic invisible camera
[21:21] mrsdurff: i agree
[21:21] mrsdurff: Paul's takeaway? It involves meat
[21:21] nhill: LOve them!!!
[21:21] mrsdurff: LOL
[21:22] Suzanne: Them Texas Longhorns make great steak.
[21:22] mrsdurff: hey angela!!
[21:22] mrsdurff: teacher of my 7th grade
[21:22] derrallg: Hi Angela
[21:22] nhill: I lost the sound. = (
[21:22] Suzanne: Angela, we love and appreciate all the stuff you share online
[21:22] Suzanne: Hi Jeff
[21:22] nhill: back! =)
[21:23] mrsdurff: refresh
[21:23] Suzanne: Welcome Amanda
[21:23] nhill: Mine too Angela!
[21:23] mrsdurff: hey amanda
[21:23] nhill: Thank you Angela!
[21:24] Suzanne: Hi Miguel Guhlin
[21:24] mrsdurff: MIGUEL!!
[21:24] mguhlin: Howdy! You all are having too much fun!
[21:24] derrallg: Hi Miguel
[21:24] Suzanne: Welcome JenM
[21:24] mrsdurff: hi Jen
[21:24] derrallg: bring on the allstar cast
[21:24] mguhlin: No video...hmm. Miss you folks!
[21:24] Suzanne: What time is it there in DC?
[21:24] JenM: Hi ... been lurnking as "jen" ;)
[21:25] nhill: 9:25pm
[21:25] mrsdurff: 9:23pm
[21:25] nhill: Hi Sheila!
[21:25] mrsdurff: hey matt
[21:25] Suzanne: Welcome Sheila, Dorie, MJMontagne
[21:25] mrsdurff: hi sheila
[21:25] Suzanne: Hi Alec Courosa
[21:25] mrsdurff: hi courosa
[21:25] courosa: hey!
[21:25] courosa: two chats
[21:25] nhill: Which is the better chat?
[21:25] Suzanne: Where's the other? I'll tweet the address
[21:26] mjmontagne: hey durff
[21:26] mguhlin: post the link to the edtechtalk chat live
[21:26] mrsdurff: where does he want us?
[21:26] Sheila: Hi Durff!
[21:26] courosa:
[21:26] Sheila: Is my camera working?
[21:26] mrsdurff:
[21:26] Suzanne: Thx.
[21:26] Suzanne: No camera here
[21:26] mguhlin: going to the other there!
[21:26] Jeff: you need to click start broadcasting
[21:26] courosa: just remember ... kathy is from Saskatchewan!
[21:27] Suzanne: Weird, echo. Chat in stereo
[21:27] mrsdurff: ok moving
[21:27] mrsdurff:
[21:27] mrsdurff: c'mon
[21:27] derrallg: @suzanne yep back and forth
[21:27] Suzanne: Thanks, tinychat, I'm switching to
[21:28] GeorgeH: I'm hearing double
[21:28] derrallg: What's the url?
[21:31] sharonbetts: just jumping in to see who is here, but I am busy back in edtechtalk also
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