EdTechWeekly #124

Post-Show description: 

The whole EdTechWeekly gang was back this week to review the latest news and resources in educational technology. If you missed the show, no worries! You can join us next Sunday for the next live show or review the recordings at http://edtechtalk.com/.

EdTechWeekly #124
April 19, 2009



 Chat Log Below


18:55:41 JenM -> Hi, all!
18:56:02 JenM -> Glad to be back after the Dave and Jeff show last week!
18:56:20 sheila -> Hi all!
18:57:11 matt montagne -> hey y'all
18:57:52 ds -> hey gang
18:59:06 ds -> stop making sense
18:59:16 JenM -> how is doug?!
18:59:37 ds -> very well JMad, how 'bout u?
19:01:04 ds -> lol
19:01:16 matt montagne -> I thought dave was going with a Mac??
19:01:17 JenM -> great, doug!
19:01:52 ds -> lol again
19:02:31 matt montagne -> I'm a mac fan, and I
19:03:24 matt montagne -> I'm a mac fan and I'll be the first to tell you about how they bork out from time to time
19:04:01 ds -> good audio from all
19:04:21 sheila -> false start . .
19:04:58 sroseman -> greetings all
19:05:08 ds -> go guest478 go
19:05:24 ds -> and JMad in Chi-town!
19:05:25 matt montagne -> Dave's mic does sound good
19:05:55 mrsdurff -> dave doesn't cry
19:06:01 dave -> http://search.twitter.com/search?q=mbp
19:06:33 matt montagne -> twitterfall is a nice way to see these searches too
19:07:12 sheila -> Are people being paid for twits now?
19:07:15 sroseman -> be sure to get a 3 year warranty
19:07:18 JenM -> Oprah joins the twitter ranks ... http://mashable.com/2009/04/18/social-media-wrapup/
19:07:23 sheila -> tweets/
19:07:33 sheila -> ?
19:07:35 gary -> Not Oprah!!!!!!!
19:07:50 gary -> Enough!
19:07:54 mrsdurff -> ashton who? oprah who?
19:08:03 ds -> I was following @aplusk b4 oprahization :)
19:08:27 mrsdurff -> go matt!@
19:08:41 JL -> http://earthbridges.net/
19:08:49 sheila -> Matt who? ;)
19:09:20 mrsdurff -> i never heard of him
19:09:28 mrsdurff -> drew
19:09:32 mrsdurff -> U.K.
19:09:43 Lisa_W -> http://herebeforeoprah.com/
19:09:48 JenM -> very cool, matt!
19:10:05 mrsdurff -> you dave would show up
19:10:18 JL -> schedule here: http://earthbridges.wikispaces.com/Earth+Day+2009
19:10:26 dave -> i'm trying to build a frickin' green computer and failing
19:11:07 gary -> @Lisa_W - and often difficult to connect to.
19:11:09 JenM -> thank you, @lisa_w
19:11:39 Lisa_W -> I think most of us are over because we were all HBO
19:11:47 JohnS -> Doodle: http://doodle.com/
19:12:26 matt montagne -> thanks y'all...should be fun...thanks for your support of Earthcast09!!!
19:13:42 dave -> http://higheredtech.wufoo.com/forms/ed-tech-usage-in-higher-education/
19:15:05 JenM -> YouTube costing Google a bundle ... http://slate.com/id/2216162
19:15:50 ds -> good deal for advertising for Google, YouTube price tag
19:16:13 jeffmason -> shoud have seen this coming
19:17:09 JL -> http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2009/04/15/university-creates-first-how-to...
19:17:19 JL -> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/19/AR200904...
19:17:50 ds -> no question
19:17:58 ds -> re Google and $$$ spent
19:18:08 ds -> xactly, they aren't losing anything
19:18:14 JL -> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandteleco...
19:18:48 ds -> lol
19:19:18 ds -> and from the Swedes no less
19:19:18 JohnS -> Webslides: http://slides.diigo.com/
19:19:21 jeffmason -> and $millions too the plantiffs
19:19:26 JohnS -> Slideshow of this week's contributed links: http://slides.diigo.com/widget/slides?sid=13937
19:20:54 dave -> http://www.thejournal.com/articles/24206_1
19:22:05 JenM -> Ebay businesses on the block ... http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/04/14/stumbleupon-a-case-study-in-the-eff... ... and ... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123974180039718079.html
19:22:10 ds -> all VT, all the time
19:22:53 ds -> I'd pay for skype--hey wait a sec, I already do....
19:23:22 matt montagne -> can't wait till google voice...
19:24:07 matt montagne -> hope none of the Earthcaster computers turn into a supernode this Wednesday!!
19:24:32 gary -> Our family shares Skype to keep in touch via phone - two at university in two locations - worth the value.
19:25:02 JL -> http://mfeldstein.com/desire2learn-challenges-blackboard-with-1-million-... http://fm.schmoller.net/2009/04/blackboard-v-desire2learn-round-up.html
19:25:12 matt montagne -> It is bizarre the deregulation that has happened the way it has...I remember when interstate calles here in the US were ridiculously expensive
19:25:52 mrsdurff -> hi kimmi
19:25:53 JL -> http://desire2blog.blogspot.com/2009/04/blackboard-invented-nothing.html
19:26:03 ds -> nice one JS too good
19:26:35 matt montagne -> I wonder what the twitterfeed on blackboard looks like!
19:27:16 steven.kimmi -> Feeding son baby food
19:27:34 JohnS -> 100 Free Online Lectures that Will Make You a Better Teacher: http://www.bestuniversities.com/blog/2009/100-free-online-lectures-that-...
19:28:20 plnaugle -> Sorry to be late.
19:28:22 mrsdurff -> hey alice
19:28:30 alicemercer -> talk about late...
19:28:38 mrsdurff -> hey plnaugle
19:28:40 plnaugle -> Hi Alice and Durff.
19:28:42 matt montagne -> lots of people complaining about blackboard not loading over in the twitter search for "blackboard"
19:29:05 alicemercer -> BlackBoard or a black board?
19:29:10 dave -> http://www.edutopia.org/textbook-publishing-controversy
19:29:11 ds -> manchurian candidate kinda stuff, you mean JMad?
19:29:46 matt montagne -> @alice...blackboard, I believe, is one word
19:29:58 alicemercer -> They are messy...
19:30:07 alicemercer -> Overall, NOT coherent...
19:30:26 matt montagne -> the company name, that is Alice ;-)
19:30:38 gary -> The section below is also interesting - points of view from other countries.
19:30:54 alicemercer -> But, there is not a breadth of content on the web esp at elementary level currently.
19:30:58 JL -> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-youtube-url-tricks-you-should-know-about/
19:31:00 JenM -> Ning news: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-10220136-36.html ... and ... http://www.neccning.org/
19:31:08 alicemercer -> WHICH is not to say there isn't hope for the future.
19:32:42 plnaugle -> Do you think big conferences like NECC will be changing?
19:32:52 alicemercer -> Not like p*rn and other purveyors aren't still getting on Ning, lots of spam comments on NECC ning
19:32:59 ds -> anybody can teach
19:33:01 JL -> http://www.necclive.com/
19:33:02 mrsdurff -> [b] that means you too dave
19:33:03 jeffmason -> NECC unplugged
19:33:09 plnaugle -> Can learn a lot online.
19:33:13 alicemercer -> Hey, it would be nice if NECC had a live blogging policy though!
19:33:23 alicemercer -> Try to get soemthing out....
19:33:34 JL -> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-youtube-url-tricks-you-should-know-about/
19:33:36 alicemercer -> Not sponsored, but there was a tussle about control fo schedule.
19:33:38 ds -> how long b4 the inevitable licensing convo re NECC?
19:34:02 JL -> http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/tutorials/developer-toolbox/xxx-massive-...
19:34:06 Cathy E -> There is nothing better than a good f2f conference.
19:34:09 alicemercer -> @DS, hmm,
19:34:19 alicemercer -> @DS two years I say...
19:34:40 ds -> @alice just remembering the hubbub from last yr
19:34:44 alicemercer -> They already took over the ning
19:34:45 JohnS -> 50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice: http://chronicle.com/free/v55/i32/32b01501.htm?utm_source=cr&utm_medium=... and Geoffrey Pullum on Talk of the Nation: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=103171738  and "Three Grammar Rules You Can (And Should) Break: http://www.copyblogger.com/grammar-rules-to-break/"
19:35:00 alicemercer -> @DS, not that licensing, I meant NECC saying it's our name
19:35:10 mrsdurff -> mmm, is your grammar bad?
19:35:18 steven.kimmi -> And the bananas are gone!
19:35:25 mrsdurff -> hi dsantur
19:35:37 alicemercer -> @DS, licensing, and cr will be okay, we just vote that all content is CC share and share alike, and they can't use it without giving material a CC license, lol
19:35:52 ds -> @alice so many orgs can, and should collab on sessions on how to make yourself totally irrelevant in a connected world....
19:35:53 mrsdurff -> where did the bananas go?
19:35:59 ds -> you do so
19:36:07 dsantur -> :D :D :D Hello..
19:36:08 alicemercer -> roflolpimp
19:36:19 dsantur -> What is the address for the youtube embedding etc..?? missed it
19:36:30 mrsdurff -> the best was the snoring
19:36:33 JL -> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-youtube-url-tricks-you-should-know-about/
19:36:52 dave -> http://publishing2.com/2009/04/11/how-google-stole-control-over-content-...
19:37:02 gary -> You mean my German speaking grandmother should not have said "Look the window in"?
19:37:03 alicemercer -> Okay, but I still like serial commas for lists.
19:37:05 jeffmason -> how about "dangling participles?"
19:37:07 dsantur -> ;) Thank you.. will definitely use it..
19:37:29 mrsdurff -> @gary she would say outten the light
19:37:56 gary -> @mrsdurf - and did
19:37:59 mrsdurff -> hi louise
19:38:00 plnaugle -> Or throw papa down the stairs his hat.
19:38:09 Louise Maine -> Hey Durff!
19:38:24 mrsdurff -> now why does that make perfect sense to me?
19:38:31 alicemercer -> BUT, they seem unconcerned with the news media going under, like they have NO place in this...
19:38:38 mrsdurff -> oh, i speak German
19:39:00 JenM -> Podcast suggestions from Gary: http://www.exploratorium.edu/ti/podcasts/index.php
19:39:05 mrsdurff -> we like the snoring
19:39:22 alicemercer -> Favorite ex. of what goes wrong when you don't use serial comma, book dedication:
19:39:24 gary -> When my grandmother got mad at us, she spoke in German (think it was swearing)
19:39:34 mrsdurff -> I do too
19:39:37 JL -> http://broadband.mpi-sws.org/transparency/bttest.php
19:39:38 ds -> earthcast09 link: http://earthbridges.net/event
19:40:13 JL -> http://www.rankmytyping.com/
19:40:46 mrsdurff -> not i
19:40:57 mrsdurff -> i type 2/minute
19:41:17 JohnS -> Fliggo: http://www.fliggo.com/ 
19:41:27 alicemercer -> "I want to thank my father, God and Ayn Rand" making it look like he was Jesus or something.
19:41:44 JohnS -> Voicethread 4 Education Classroom Partners: http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/Classroom+Partners
19:42:03 JohnS -> Twitter Handbook for Teachers: http://www.scribd.com/doc/14062777
19:42:34 JohnS -> Moodle Tutorials: http://www.moodletutorials.org/
19:42:35 mrsdurff -> Hey add to the Earthcast voicethread on http://earthbridges.wikispaces.com/
19:43:07 plnaugle -> That handbook really helped me with Twitter.
19:43:08 dave -> http://openedconference.org/call-for-papers
19:43:22 matt montagne -> thanks, Durff...love the gorilla marketing!
19:43:30 mrsdurff -> :)
19:44:27 mrsdurff -> where is there?
19:44:36 ds -> Vancouver BC
19:45:16 JenM -> Identify - firefox extension: http://lab.madgex.com/identify/
19:45:57 alejandra -> EVO Room 2: [b]hola
19:46:01 alicemercer -> My id would be hecka scary
19:46:03 alejandra -> EVO Room 2: [i]jol
19:46:15 mrsdurff -> i don't want to know
19:46:18 alejandra -> EVO Room 2: :)
19:46:22 ds -> "possibly rate limits on your BitTorrent uploads" on my test--those so and so's
19:46:26 JL -> http://www.kinsa.net/
19:46:37 alejandra -> EVO Room 2: *bird*
19:46:46 JL -> http://theedrevolution.com/
19:46:59 mrsdurff -> hi scott
19:47:07 Scott Shelhart -> Hi Durff!
19:47:15 JL -> http://www.typealyzer.com
19:47:17 alejandra -> EVO Room 2: ghhh
19:47:28 mrsdurff -> no one needs to say it dave
19:47:53 JohnS -> Universcale: http://www.nikon.com/about/feelnikon/universcale/index.htm
19:48:00 alicemercer -> Notice, he does not share the results he got.
19:48:35 alicemercer -> Hey, you all see that whale on your desktop thingy?
19:48:44 mrsdurff -> indeed, as ds would say
19:48:49 JoGold -> @alice Loved it!
19:49:04 JL -> Dave's edblog is INTP "might come across as arrogant, impatient and insensitive to people that need some time to understand what they are talking about"
19:49:15 matt montagne -> hmmm....I think I should of looked at the clock 14 hours ago ;-)
19:49:39 alicemercer -> Yeah, I often find the initials W-T-F coming up...
19:49:48 mrsdurff -> Earthcast information http://earthbridges.wikispaces.com/
19:50:08 plnaugle -> :D Great ob everyone.
19:50:12 matt montagne -> http://tinyurl.com/earthcast09facebook
19:50:17 mrsdurff -> John are you doing that?
19:50:21 mrsdurff -> so cool
19:50:25 ds -> great show crew
19:50:28 JohnS -> yeah, going to Africa.
19:50:35 ds -> thanks all, hope to see you @ earthcast!
19:50:37 mrsdurff -> greeat!!!!!!!!!!!
19:50:38 matt montagne -> http://tinyurl.com/earthcast09voicethread
19:50:41 Louise Maine -> Good  night all!
19:50:44 mrsdurff -> night all
19:50:51 gary -> Thanks again.
19:50:52 JenM -> good night all!!!!
19:51:00 sheila -> THanks all!
19:51:12 ds -> stylin' tunes
19:51:26 sroseman -> Thanks
19:51:36 matt montagne -> agreed DS...good tunes
19:51:56 JL -> Beta Villares - Rico de Bossa Nova
19:53:20 matt montagne -> nite all
19:53:24 JL -> nite
19:53:29 JL -> thanks matt and ttys
19:54:31 JenM -> nite all!