Seedlings @EdTechTalk with Lisa Thumann
Our show was all about an interview with Lisa Thumann, senior technology specialist from Rutgers University and a Google Certified Teacher. Lisa talked about Personal Learning Networks, Collective Intelligence, and of course all the many links Lisa shared with us.
Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as we interview Lisa Thumann, Senior Technology Specialist from Rutgers University and a Google Certified
Teacher. Lisa talks about Personal Learning Networks, Collective
Intelligence, and the current state of using digital tools throughout all content areas.
- Thumann Resources
- CMSCE Rutgers Univ.
- UDL at CMSCE Rutgers Univ.
- Google Teacher Academy Agenda and Resources
- Google for Educator — Apps for Education
Delicious Geek of the Week Links:
19:29:56 bobsprankle -> - hi all!
19:29:57 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Hello Louise, welcome and Steve and Shelia!!!!
19:30:00 alicebarr -> - Hi all welcome! Can you hear us/
19:30:06 sheila -> - Hi there!
19:30:11 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - You can choose a color if you would like to stand out!
19:30:20 stevesoko -> - Ok there is my audio - hello all
19:30:41 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - I think there is Steve!
19:31:13 sheila -> - Google certified! Wahoo!
19:31:18 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Do you hear sound Edtechtalk A
19:31:22 sheila -> - yes
19:31:26 bobsprankle -> - yay
19:31:28 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Yeah, Shelia you so need to do this!
19:31:28 Louise Maine -> - yes
19:31:51 LisaThumann -> - Hi everyone!
19:31:58 sheila -> - Would love to ... next round maybe
19:32:03 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Shelia sound check please
19:32:07 sheila -> - yes
19:32:11 sheila -> - sound is good
19:32:31 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - excellent thanks Shelia
19:32:34 sheila -> - Can hear everyone fine
19:32:36 stevesoko -> - I have your audio on Ed Tech Talk A
19:32:43 sheila -> - heard the yawn too!
19:33:18 sheila -> - Hi Peggy!
19:33:22 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - hello Peggy G
19:33:41 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - yeah GCT
19:33:46 sheila -> - ohh! new vocab word!
19:33:52 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Hello Maureen, welcome
19:34:09 PeggyG -> - Hi all! Can't stay for whole session due to the Diigo Education webinar but wanted to be here as long as possible :-)
19:34:15 Louise Maine -> - Yeah GCT's!
19:34:29 PeggyG -> - Congrats to all of the Google Educators!!
19:34:36 bobsprankle -> - clapppppp!
19:34:36 Maureen/bcdtech -> - Hi Cheryl
19:34:43 stevesoko -> - I am leaving w/ Peggy (sadly) - promised a colleague I'd go
19:34:47 LisaThumann -> - Yay GCTS!!!!!
19:35:20 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Welcome to all in the chatroom!
19:35:21 Louise Maine -> - Hey Cheryl, Alice, and Lisa!
19:35:22 PeggyG -> - I'm a huge fan of Lisa's!! :-)
19:35:42 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Thanks Peggy, you are so kind to all our guests
19:35:43 LisaThumann -> - Thank Peggy
19:35:52 stevesoko -> - Good job GCT's
19:36:16 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Yes we were going to announce the webinar for digiio, remind us
19:36:47 PeggyG -> - what fun! tell you to go and you go :-) Great job!
19:37:13 PeggyG -> - will do
19:37:14 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Please feel free and encouraged to go and support Digiio, we will podcast this as you know.
19:38:02 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - If you have questions for Lisa T, please add them here in the chat
19:38:18 PeggyG -> - collective intelligence is the key!!
19:38:33 bobsprankle -> - def, peggy... we are so lucky to live in these times
19:39:38 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - hello kditzler, welcome to our show
19:39:39 bobsprankle -> - welcome, kditzler!
19:40:05 kditzler -> - Thanks!
19:41:06 PeggyG -> - There was an outstanding webinar on CoSN this week that emphasized exactly what you are saying. They talked about importance of tech support for supts.
19:41:10 bobsprankle -> - content first... tools secondary
19:41:38 PeggyG -> - They said they need to hear how technology will help improve student achievement and need their tech leaders to educate them.
19:41:56 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Peggy, do you have a link to a recording?
19:42:01 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Welcome hello!
19:42:02 bobsprankle -> - hello hello
19:44:16 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Raise you hand for sustained professional development here at Edtechtalk!!!
19:44:33 bobsprankle -> - :D
19:45:25 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Excellent qualifier, one stop workshop is about the tool.
19:45:39 LisaThumann -> - is the sie for my Center
19:46:17 PeggyG -> - sorry. tried to drop the link for the CoSN webinar but lot my connection. Can't get the tool bar to cooperate and let me remove it from the page. :-(
19:46:26 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Universal Design for Learning, go Lisa!
19:46:39 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - thanks for looking Peggy
19:47:14 PeggyG -> - You can read about the webinar here and download the slides.
19:48:01 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Thanks Peggy for this link! about a recent conference related to teaching and learning!
19:48:20 LisaThumann -> -
19:51:29 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - What a great resource this is Lisa!thanks
19:51:40 bobsprankle -> - excellent!
19:52:42 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - does anyone know text to speech for foreign language? spanish or french
19:52:54 sheila -> - I'm back after a phone call. . .
19:53:01 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - welcome back
19:53:12 PeggyG -> - I love that Macs have such great integrated tools for text to speech!
19:53:32 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - yes Peggy, are there french and spanish voices?
19:53:46 Maureen/bcdtech -> - @cheryl my kids email- gaggle has a "say it" in Spanish
19:53:55 PeggyG -> - I haven't tried that yet.
19:54:01 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - thanks, Maureen!
19:54:08 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Hi glovely! welcome
19:54:12 sheila -> - Love that idea with voki!
19:54:30 glovely -> - hi sorry to be late
19:54:44 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - no problem, we have the podcast coming tomorrow
19:54:50 PeggyG -> - The webinar is almost ready to start for Diigo so I'll have to leave. I'll definitely check back for the podcast once it published! Lisa, you are an awesome ed teach leader! Great job!
19:55:02 kditzler -> - Love the Voki too-I use it on my webpage, but there are SO many uses for that tool!
19:55:08 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Thanks Peggy, I was just going to announce it.
19:55:33 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Peggy do you have the links for the webinair?
19:56:11 PeggyG -> - I'm so torn!! Hate to leave but I promised I would be there. Thanks for great conversation!
19:56:16 PeggyG -> -
19:56:23 LisaThumann -> - Bye Peggy
19:56:24 bobsprankle -> - have fun Peggy!
19:56:41 Maureen/bcdtech -> - Heading over to diigo, will have to listen to podcast...
19:57:03 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - If anyone is interested, we have great competition this evening, Maggi Tsai is presenting a webinar about Digiio, please attend, then listen to the rest of this in the podcast.
19:57:34 stevesoko -> - Thank you Lisa and Maniacs off to Diigo
19:57:42 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Thanks Steve!
19:58:03 LisaThumann -> -
19:58:38 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - These are the presentations from the recent Goggle Teacher Academy in NYC08. You can attend virtually .
19:59:06 kditzler -> - GTA was great! Learned so much and can't wait to ry new Google tools.
19:59:09 Louise Maine -> - I need to run off to diigo as well.
19:59:34 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Yes GCT who are here, GTA really rocks! They did a great job.
19:59:40 Louise Maine -> - GTA was wonderful. It was so seamless.
19:59:42 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - later, Louise
19:59:50 Louise Maine -> - I agree - Mark is wonderful!
20:00:04 bobsprankle -> - yay for Mark!
20:00:25 kditzler -> - Mark is definitely awesome!
20:00:40 Louise Maine -> - Bye Cheryl, Alice, and Lisa!
20:00:49 LisaThumann -> - Bye Louise
20:00:56 kditzler -> - I love that I can take the info from our day and easily share it with others-great resources!
20:01:50 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - yes, the information is easy to access, easy to share and valuable
20:03:09 glovely -> - gotta run to a HOA meeting - would rather stay here... will catch the podcast
20:03:20 glovely -> - thanks everyone!
20:03:22 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Thanks for coming Glovely, see you again
20:03:44 sheila -> - Curious - what would be the changes for next time?
20:04:03 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - I will ask Shelia
20:04:27 kditzler -> - I'm curious about the changes too
20:04:35 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - me too kditzler!
20:06:31 kditzler -> - I like the idea of using a Goolge Doc as I present a new tech tool to teachers. I do Techie Tuesdays and show new tools-I think I will try that for the next session.
20:06:32 sheila -> - What would be the top 3 must-try Google tools for teachers and for students?
20:06:52 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - good idea Kditzler, okay, shelia
20:08:42 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - top 3 google tools? coming up
20:09:03 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - kditzler? what are your top 3 tools, I'll write mine, how about Alice
20:09:58 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - my top 3, in google docs, under file, you have docs, spreadsheets, look at templates!!!!, google alerts! google sites.
20:10:31 alicebarr -> - top 3 reader, i google, forms
20:10:40 kditzler -> - docs and presentations, forms, sites
20:11:01 LisaThumann -> - googleforms igoogle docs
20:11:20 sheila -> - stopped using igoogle because it took too long to load on my computer.
20:11:43 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - shelia, choose a different theme and it will speed up, I did that last week!
20:11:45 alicebarr -> - everyone see the new themes in gmail today?
20:11:55 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - I have the beach pebbles.
20:12:00 kditzler -> - YES-
20:12:04 kditzler -> - We NEED a chat
20:12:10 sheila -> - will try that!
20:12:28 kditzler -> - I do the same thing with the big red letter!
20:12:31 LisaThumann -> -
20:12:47 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - thanks kditzler!
20:12:51 kditzler -> - And I just mess with what they are typing to get their attention
20:12:57 sheila -> - Noticed the PE teacher was using Google form for a school wide project. So excited!
20:13:21 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - great idea!!Shelia. I used google form for my students today
20:14:13 sheila -> - Is there how to for creating student accounts?
20:14:27 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - yes shelia, go to google educators
20:14:56 sheila -> - Thanks
20:15:13 kditzler -> - Our district got a domain, but I am waiting for the student accounts to be created
20:15:58 LisaThumann -> -
20:16:07 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Here is my geek of the week, click on the link and make your scribble, think of how to use this with your students.
20:16:16 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - oops, not yet
20:17:09 LisaThumann -> -
20:18:37 kditzler -> - cool-I am going to try animasher with my son right now
20:18:50 sheila -> - Like those!
20:21:16 kditzler -> - Thanks for the great ideas, thoughts and conversation-This was my first session-I'll be back for more for sure!
20:21:24 bobsprankle -> -
20:21:29 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - my geek, go to this site
20:23:01 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - How to put a whiteboard in your classroom with scribblar
20:23:20 alicebarr -> -
20:25:03 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Wow, what great information!
20:28:30 sheila -> - source:life
20:31:59 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - evening scott, we are winding down!
20:32:21 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - You can hear the podcast tomorrow at, it won't be at edtechtalk until Sunday nite
20:32:24 Scott Shelhart -> - shucks...seem like I'm always an hour behind
20:32:26 sheila -> - This has been very informative! Thanks so much!
20:32:34 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - thanks Shelia
20:32:49 LisaThumann -> - Thank you everyone!!
20:32:57 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - Thanks Lisa for a great show.
20:33:31 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - facts4me
20:33:38 hello -> - hello
20:34:46 cheryloakes google certified teacher -> - what a great show, thanks!!1
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