EdTechWeekly #89

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EdTechWeekly #89

August 10, 2008

19:02:33  ds ->  hey gang
19:02:55  ds ->  whoa that's too bad re flooding @ your Mom's place @Jen
19:03:43  mrsdurff ->  we wnat jen
19:03:48  mrsdurff ->  89?
19:04:03  mrsdurff ->  yes
19:04:08  mrsdurff ->  you are on 89
19:04:43  mrsdurff ->  clap clap
19:04:58  mrsdurff ->  there she is miss perky
19:05:42  mrsdurff ->  everyone twitt please
19:05:45  ds ->  ty Jen, was a pleasure
19:05:47  dave ->  http://oc-co.org/?p=124
19:05:51  ds ->  done re twitter
19:06:05  mrsdurff ->  i ping'd
19:06:22  mrsdurff ->  hi Eric
19:06:28  Eric ->  Hi!
19:06:42  mrsdurff ->  within minutes
19:07:41  mrsdurff ->  audio gone
19:07:47  mrsdurff ->  and back
19:08:45  mrsdurff ->  snowclones probably too
19:09:03  ds ->  some of the branches are more rhizomatic than others :)
19:09:49  JenM ->  Dim Dim Update - now with recording (sort of): http://www.dimdim.com/products/dimdim_editions.html#pro
19:09:56  mrsdurff ->  hi james
19:10:14  mrsdurff ->  hi sue
19:10:20  James Sigler ->  Hi everybody
19:10:26  sroseman ->  hi everyone
19:10:28  ds ->  hey James
19:10:34  ds ->  and Sue
19:10:50  sroseman ->  20 minutes..what's FREE
19:11:09  JL ->  http://mikogo.com/       http://www.nbcolympics.com/video/index.html    2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games | NBC Olympics
19:11:09  mrsdurff ->  only 20 mins?
19:11:49  mrsdurff ->  is it as heavy?
19:12:28  mrsdurff ->  i continue to boycott
19:12:41  JL ->  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/10/sports/olympics/10stream.html?ref=tech...
19:13:01  minhaaj ->  hi all
19:13:11  ds ->  hi Minhaaj
19:13:12  James Sigler ->  I agree.  This is the way to watch sports
19:13:19  dave ->  http://www.pcworld.com/article/149641/2008/08/.html?tk=rss_news
19:14:04  James Sigler ->  Is OS X going buggy?
19:14:17  sheila ->  Or is it the iphone issues
19:14:41  sroseman ->  They want to keep up their reputation for being safe!!
19:14:52  JenM ->  alvin update link: http://www.monoprice.com/home/index.asp
19:15:17  sroseman ->  yes, OS X has some secret bugs that suddenly clear up with updates
19:15:21  JenM ->  http://ebooks.nypl.org/0999E2DC-DD8E-43C1-A4FB-D24A2CC21AD4/10/225/en/De...
19:17:00  JL ->  http://whiteboardchallenge.wikispaces.com/
19:17:53  James Sigler ->  Is this a whiteboard throwdown? 
19:17:56  dave ->  http://gizmodo.com/5030810/giz-explains-an-illustrated-guide-to-every-st...
19:18:36  sheila ->  pictures are good!
19:18:53  JenM ->  Google Templates: http://docs.google.com/templates?type=spreadsheets&sort=hottest&view=def...
19:19:01  James Sigler ->  I like pictures
19:19:09  ds ->  I like pics too :)
19:19:53  JL ->  http://eduscapes.com/
19:20:01  JL ->  http://42explore.com/
19:20:11  sroseman ->  love lesson plan sites
19:20:35  JL ->  http://lakeview.lethsd.ab.ca/Classrooms/grade3t/games/top100.htm
19:20:38  sheila ->  Annette Lamb right?
19:21:17  James Sigler ->  those two links didn't work for me
19:21:22  dave ->  http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/archives/2008/07/30/no-one-to-call/
19:22:08  James Sigler ->  I think the link problem is on my end
19:22:35  JenM ->  Alternate Search Engines: http://alternatesearch.blogspot.com/
19:22:53  mrsdurff ->  and Deb too?
19:23:20  JL ->  no Deb, she was getting ready for a wedding - John was hiding from the girls
19:23:30  mrsdurff ->  figures
19:24:10  JL ->  http://mathforum.org/
19:24:21  JL ->  http://www.mathopenref.com/
19:24:53  James Sigler ->  10cm
19:25:34  sheila ->  Good math application! Your math teacher would be proud!
19:25:36  James Sigler ->  20ft?
19:25:47  dave ->  http://www.e-governmentawards.co.uk/
19:26:17  DaveC ->  8.66cm
19:26:26  JL ->  That's Correct!
19:26:31  James Sigler ->  I knew that
19:26:39  James Sigler ->  ;)
19:26:43  DaveC ->  :)
19:26:48  JenM ->  American Public University System: http://www.apus.edu/index.htm
19:26:57  JL ->  Here's your T-shirt   http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3044/2602147066_eda883dbab_m.jpg
19:27:36  LucyGray ->  I agree with that observation
19:27:53  LucyGray ->  I just nominated two colleagues for things; I hope they get the recognition that they deserve!
19:27:59  JL ->  http://www.lexfn.com/
19:28:39  minhaaj ->  board of governers = KingKongs
19:28:42  James Sigler ->  Who doesn't need a good thesaurus?  :)
19:28:46  sheila ->  :)
19:28:51  JL ->  http://blogs.salon.com/0002007/2008/08/05.html#a2212
19:29:37  PeggyG ->  Loaded for me- :-)
19:29:58  mrsdurff ->  i wish classrooms would go away
19:30:12  mrsdurff ->  prefer to gather at Starbucks
19:30:24  sheila ->  :)
19:30:36  dave ->  http://www.academiccommons.org/commons/review/moodle-and-social-construc...
19:30:40  DaveC ->  oops
19:30:50  James Sigler ->  I like that idea:D
19:30:56  sheila ->  Heading out - thanks so much!
19:31:14  dave ->  http://www.chrisbrogan.com/what-social-media-does-best/
19:31:17  mrsdurff ->  hey matt
19:31:21  matt montagne ->  hey y'all
19:31:25  ds ->  hey Matt
19:31:34  matt montagne ->  hey mrs. durff, doug, et al
19:31:46  James Sigler ->  I hear constructionism and constructivism are not the same thing
19:32:00  JenM ->  Websites for Writers: http://educhoices.org/articles/50_of_the_Best_Websites_for_Writers.html
19:32:07  James Sigler ->  Medio?
19:32:42  JL ->  http://pdtogo.com/
19:32:46  mrsdurff ->  hi lorna
19:32:48  matt montagne ->  hey lorna
19:33:04  Lorna ->  hello
19:33:13  dave ->  http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/08/05/7-essential-guidelines-for-fu...
19:33:26  James Sigler ->  Yeah, Ben Hazzard!
19:33:40  ds ->  ..and Joan Badger
19:33:44  matt montagne ->  that PDTGO resource is nice...good seris of podcasts on lessons involving smartboard...
19:34:15  JenM ->  http://wikieducator.org/Facilitating_online_communities
19:34:21  James Sigler ->  They are very good about talking about the pedigogy in the lesson
19:34:50  JenM ->  http://www.livescribe.com/
19:34:59  ds ->  permaculture course sounds good for sure
19:35:25  ds ->  hi Cathy
19:35:29  James Sigler ->  Hi Cathy
19:35:31  Cathy E ->  hello all
19:35:35  minhaaj ->  I am doing FOC workshop too
19:35:36  minhaaj ->  :)
19:35:53  matt montagne ->  I believe there is another penbased device out there that digitizes notes...it is much cheaper I believe
19:35:59  DaveC ->  Saw them at Target for about $199 for the pen alone.
19:36:08  PeggyG ->  I think that was the tool that Maggie Tsai was using at NECC when she interviewed people--Livescribe :-)
19:36:10  James Sigler ->  Is this like a dictation transsciber?
19:36:18  matt montagne ->  Jeff, you could get used to it...
19:36:20  JL ->  http://www.kwippy.com/       
19:36:24  DaveC ->  It is kind of like a flypen.
19:36:38  minhaaj ->  hehe
19:36:38  minhaaj ->  y'all sick of twitter ?
19:36:39  matt montagne ->  it takes a while, but the keyboard of the eee actually is quite useable
19:36:53  JL ->  http://www.wherethehellismatt.com/
19:37:06  ds ->  agree re eeepc and keyboard, takes a while to get on to it, but does get better
19:37:17  minhaaj ->  hahaha @ JL
19:37:22  mrsdurff ->  that's hilarious
19:37:33  James Sigler ->  lol
19:37:42  Sarah S ->  I love this dancing guy - it's a riot.
19:37:44  dave ->  http://asia.cnet.com/blogs/high-on-a-hill/post.htm?id=63005687&scid=rvhm_ms
19:37:50  matt montagne ->  I'm not sick of twitter...I do get a little tired of the latest greates social media tools and trying to keep up with all of them...
19:38:02  matt montagne ->  hooray Dell!!!
19:38:11  mrsdurff ->  that is what ping is for matt
19:38:29  James Sigler ->  Go Green Dell!
19:38:39  matt montagne ->  funny how these tech companies all are so interested in energy now...I think it points to future challenges...
19:38:57  dave ->  @matt agreed
19:39:07 [Action] minhaaj ->  bows :)
19:39:15  matt montagne ->  what is going to happen in 5-10 years when we have even more data out there...
19:39:16  mrsdurff ->  help out a new podcaster http://theteacherslifeblog.blogspot.com/
19:39:26  James Sigler ->  Go Minhaaj!
19:39:34  minhaaj ->  thanks James. Need your support
19:39:34  matt montagne ->  imaginge the energy issues that all of the storage demand is going to cr8
19:39:55  matt montagne ->  yep, good luck minhaaj!!!
19:40:02  minhaaj ->  thanks all.
19:40:20  ds ->  yes Minhaaj, good luck and "break a leg"
19:40:50  minhaaj ->  lol
19:40:53  matt montagne ->  wow, coming up on 100...!!
19:41:11  PeggyG ->  Thanks for all of the great links tonight :-)
19:41:11  mrsdurff ->  none?
19:41:21  JenM ->  yeah! Coming up on 2 years ...
19:41:22  matt montagne ->  gotta have some type of party webcast for the 100th!!
19:41:41  ds ->  had some java issues earlier and had to restore to previous setup to get anything working
19:41:46  James Sigler ->  OOvoo looks cool
19:42:28  PeggyG ->  Seems to be some limitations on Oovoo for the Mac Beta
19:42:46  matt montagne ->  anyone playin around with cohost feature of ustream??
19:42:50  minhaaj ->  I can write a linux guideline for webcastacademy and a tutorial
19:42:59  minhaaj ->  wouldn't it be good for future interns ?
19:43:16  matt montagne ->  minjaaj...that is a great idea...webcasting from linux guide  is needed
19:43:38  minhaaj ->  great. i'll write one, once show tomorrow is done.
19:43:44  minhaaj ->  i did try ustream and it works absolutely fine
19:43:56  minhaaj ->  sure i would
19:44:03  James Sigler ->  I only found VAC is for windows
19:44:09  James Sigler ->  Go linux!
19:44:45  PeggyG ->  @minhaaj-can you tell us again when your show is airing tomorrow?
19:44:47  James Sigler ->  Good idea - 2 computers
19:45:06  mrsdurff ->  i need a diagram
19:45:13  minhaaj ->  can you hear me ?
19:45:18  James Sigler ->  no
19:45:21  minhaaj ->  strange
19:45:22  matt montagne ->  Jeff, will u elaborate on that a bit more??  How does that work with 2 computers?? Perahaps we can touch base on this at a future webcast academy session...
19:45:24  Lorna ->  bless minhaaj
19:45:35  Cathy E ->  I was late - company again
19:46:00  PeggyG ->  Thanks!  6:00pm EDT tomorrow-going to try to tune in
19:46:14  JenM ->  Long time, no see Cathy E :)
19:46:26  JenM ->  I've been off for a few weeks, too.
19:46:54  Cathy E ->  @ Jen I need to tell you some of the things that have happened to my principal- working on PHD at ODU
19:47:12  JenM ->  bad or good (see asks hoping good)
19:47:32  Cathy E ->  not so good- you need to be aware
19:47:40  JenM ->  oh, dear ...
19:48:02  minhaaj ->  sound recorder
19:48:04  minhaaj ->  on ubuntu
19:48:23  Lorna ->  sound recorder will record skype calls
19:50:57  minhaaj ->  great show
19:51:01  minhaaj ->  :)
19:51:03  PeggyG ->  See you tomorrow night
19:51:07  matt montagne ->  chow y'all
19:51:11  minhaaj ->  bye
19:51:14  PeggyG ->  Good night
19:51:20  ds ->  thanks all
19:51:26  JL ->  thanks all
19:52:11  DaveC ->  nite



Happened to be on this interesting site.
It has been a while so leave a comment here to say hello(don't have your contact somehow).

Good to know that you are well. Take care!

[email protected]