Conversations - Show 1 - 2008-07-20

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In this first show, Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi are joined by Colleen King and Ginger Lewman.  Together, they discuss the issues and effects of praise in the classroom.


2008-07-20 11:35:22 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Everyone
2008-07-20 11:35:23 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: is the audio up and running?
2008-07-20 11:35:32 [Message] charlieamahoney -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Ging
2008-07-20 11:35:56 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: is in edtechtalk a
2008-07-20 11:37:19 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-07-20 11:37:43 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -Webcast Academy: still no audio for me... will check back later
2008-07-20 11:38:38 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -Webcast Academy: everyone come over to the EdTech talk by double clicking that room.
2008-07-20 11:39:20 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: hi guys. Sorry for the wrong link earlier.
2008-07-20 11:39:28 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: No aaudio yet?
2008-07-20 11:39:30 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: ...still trying to get audio..grrrr
2008-07-20 11:39:54 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: still no audio for me
2008-07-20 11:40:04 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: no audio here either
2008-07-20 11:40:05 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: My screen says Not STreaming...
2008-07-20 11:40:14 [Message] kblades -> -EdTechTalk: no audio for  me -- wondered if ti
2008-07-20 11:40:17 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Have you click on the listen button
2008-07-20 11:40:19 [Message] kblades -> -EdTechTalk: it's me
2008-07-20 11:40:54 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: try again
2008-07-20 11:41:00 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: any audio - edtechtalk A
2008-07-20 11:41:04 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Don't have Listen button anywhere on screen.
2008-07-20 11:41:20 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: tried all three, real player says feed is currupt, media player crashes, and the other one wont open with anything.....
2008-07-20 11:41:25 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: oops - not listen but real player symbol
2008-07-20 11:41:26 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: yeah- I think I got it.
2008-07-20 11:41:35 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Carol Dweck
2008-07-20 11:41:42 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Same as Scott for me.
2008-07-20 11:41:56 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: I just restarted...think I'm streaming now
2008-07-20 11:41:56 [Message] ds -> -EdTechTalk: now have audio on ETTA
2008-07-20 11:42:00 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @Kmulford you using FFor IE?
2008-07-20 11:42:03 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: good
2008-07-20 11:42:09 [Message] ds -> -EdTechTalk: you are have audio on ETTA
2008-07-20 11:42:09 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: FF
2008-07-20 11:42:15 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: FF here also
2008-07-20 11:42:30 [Message] kathy_blades -> -EdTechTalk: here and have audio
2008-07-20 11:42:36 [Message] ds -> -EdTechTalk: to listen
2008-07-20 11:42:40 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: FF and the real player button worked for me- not the first time
2008-07-20 11:43:01 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @ds what player works best t=with your link?
2008-07-20 11:43:11 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: That works. I had it open aleady, but it wasn't working... thanks.
2008-07-20 11:43:19 [Message] kathy_blades -> -EdTechTalk: Itunes
2008-07-20 11:43:25 [Message] ds -> -EdTechTalk: should launch default player
2008-07-20 11:43:30 [Message] ds -> -EdTechTalk: iTunes on this machine
2008-07-20 11:43:36 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Whose voice is that now?
2008-07-20 11:43:46 [Message] kathy_blades -> -EdTechTalk: I think it's Lisa
2008-07-20 11:43:54 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks.
2008-07-20 11:43:54 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: iTunes was not opeing it but the real player worked
2008-07-20 11:43:55 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: That's Ginger.
2008-07-20 11:44:02 [Message] kathy_blades -> -EdTechTalk: oops
2008-07-20 11:44:04 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Ah, works now....Thanks.
2008-07-20 11:44:10 [Message] kathy_blades -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
2008-07-20 11:44:17 [Message] ds -> -EdTechTalk: very good media player here for anyone who needs
2008-07-20 11:44:28 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: That's Lisa.
2008-07-20 11:44:49 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: Carol Dweck used to be at Columbia when she started this, but is now at Stanford.
2008-07-20 11:44:52 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @ds VLC is ugly- but opens most everything
2008-07-20 11:44:58 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: She's been researching this for 10 years.
2008-07-20 11:45:26 [Message] ds -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen--true, VLC not flashy, but works well
2008-07-20 11:45:41 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Blessings of a Skinned Knee
2008-07-20 11:46:11 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: had a mom from Italy a few years back- she was appalled at how we praised for everything
2008-07-20 11:46:28 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: person speaking now is a bit overdriven / distorted
2008-07-20 11:46:32 [Message] kathy_blades -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks. I'm downloading it.
2008-07-20 11:47:07 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-07-20 11:47:08 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-07-20 11:47:45 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Article by Alfie Kohn - why we should avoid praise.
2008-07-20 11:47:49 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I can do "cookbook math" give the recipe and I can follow it, but have to draw pictures to solve real problems
2008-07-20 11:48:05 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Kohn writes great stuff!
2008-07-20 11:48:12 [Message] KarenJan -> -Webcast Academy: Hi, Colleen - I mentioned that article in my comment to Lisa's post
2008-07-20 11:48:40 [Message] KarenJan -> -Webcast Academy: Colleen - we are going to love hearing Alfie Kohn next week!!!!
2008-07-20 11:48:53 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Maureen...have you seen The Back of the Napkin?
2008-07-20 11:49:12 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: No, but heard about it in someone's blog
2008-07-20 11:49:19 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: "Solving Probliems and Selling Ideas with Pictures"
2008-07-20 11:49:45 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Drawing pictures to solve math problems is actually a goal I have for my students.
2008-07-20 11:49:50 [Message] KarenJan -> -Webcast Academy: where can i read the Plurk discussion?
2008-07-20 11:49:53 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: We have to not say anything- ask questions about process
2008-07-20 11:49:56 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-07-20 11:50:08 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Even at the high school level
2008-07-20 11:50:29 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: That would have helped me in hight school
2008-07-20 11:50:35 [Message] KarenJan -> -Webcast Academy: Alfie would say ask the student what they think about their work, we shouldn't add our own judgements
2008-07-20 11:50:39 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I did a few week long responsive classroom wrkshps- loved the language
2008-07-20 11:51:55 [Message] dancallahan -> -EdTechTalk: I get kids all the time who are addicted to praise like that.
2008-07-20 11:52:01 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Do you do the first six weeks of school, Maureen?
2008-07-20 11:52:43 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: preK-2 do it, but responsive classroom is a PR piece for many in my school
2008-07-20 11:53:00 [Message] KarenJan -> -Webcast Academy: ok, where are Maria, Lisa and Colleen?
2008-07-20 11:53:25 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: Right!  Fishbowl is awesome!
2008-07-20 11:53:50 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: those looking for Maria and Lisa, plse visit EdTechTalk chat room
2008-07-20 11:53:53 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: our kids do a "What I like..." and "What I wonder..." about their peers' projects.
2008-07-20 11:53:54 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I think it's important to teach expectations and how to use the tools, build community- lots of progrms tribes, RC, etc
2008-07-20 11:54:05 [Message] KarenJan -> -Webcast Academy: where is the link?
2008-07-20 11:54:17 [Message] Kevinh -> -Webcast Academy: Specific, targeted, meaningful praise that leads kids to improving
2008-07-20 11:54:18 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: right above your name here
2008-07-20 11:54:50 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: click on EdTechTalk in list above your name Karen
2008-07-20 11:54:52 [Message] Kevinh -> -Webcast Academy: In art we use the critique process to sharpen thinking and reinforce learning
2008-07-20 11:54:59 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: 'you're on the right track" is one of my fav sayings.. and then  I go on to asking what else can be done
2008-07-20 11:55:17 [Message] KarenJan -> -Webcast Academy: yes, and then what? I keep trying and end up here
2008-07-20 11:55:37 [Message] honeymic -> -Webcast Academy: We have portfolios instead of grades.
2008-07-20 11:55:51 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: We have no grades til 4th, but they use checks, or E, S, N, etc- same same
2008-07-20 11:56:02 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: All I say is "you're on the right track" or "you are so close".
2008-07-20 11:56:08 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Karen!
2008-07-20 11:56:13 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: hi, lisa
2008-07-20 11:56:19 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Karen
2008-07-20 11:56:21 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk:  i was in the wrong room for awhile
2008-07-20 11:56:24 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: hi everyone!
2008-07-20 11:56:32 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: this is a topic dear to my heart
2008-07-20 11:56:32 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: hello karen
2008-07-20 11:56:39 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: you'll need to click on EdTechTalk to join the chat with Maria and Lisa, and crew
2008-07-20 11:56:46 [Message] honeymic -> -Webcast Academy: But my last school had the 1,2,3,4.  Was no different than A,B,C.
2008-07-20 11:56:50 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: So belive in Alfie Kohn's article that Colleen mentioned
2008-07-20 11:56:54 [Message] Kevinh -> -Webcast Academy: It's messy to really do an in depth evaluation of learning.
2008-07-20 11:56:55 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: click on EdTechTalk to join Lisa and Maria
2008-07-20 11:56:57 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -Webcast Academy: If you're here for Conversations, move into edtechtalk chat room
2008-07-20 11:57:05 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Colleen, we are going to love hearing Alfie next week
2008-07-20 11:57:05 [Message] dancallahan -> -EdTechTalk: Every teacher should read Alfie Kohn's Punished by Rewards
2008-07-20 11:57:21 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: and also, Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job
2008-07-20 11:57:23 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Would have liked to have heard the end of Ginger's original thought -- before the dog issue... teachers do a great job of praise at school, but at home... ?
2008-07-20 11:57:23 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Karen, I am really looking forward to that.
2008-07-20 11:57:25 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: clikc on Puentes al Mundo to join Jose and crew
2008-07-20 11:57:31 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I use rubrics for middle school- use abcd- and tell the kids they can shoot for whatever they want
2008-07-20 11:57:50 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I have big time grade grubbers
2008-07-20 11:57:51 [Message] kathycassidy -> -Webcast Academy: Effort marks should be separate from the mark on the work.  Some kids work very hard, but don't do as well and vice vera.
2008-07-20 11:57:54 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: K- She was sayting that at home we don't always do the right thing
2008-07-20 11:57:59 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford: they tend to just go back to being praise junkies
2008-07-20 11:58:02 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: I tell my GRAD students, it will be very hard for them to NOT earn an A - different with grad students
2008-07-20 11:58:12 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Read Alfie's The Trouble With Rubrics
2008-07-20 11:58:26 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Hmmm. Interesting... have to think about that one.
2008-07-20 11:58:33 [Message] honeymic -> -Webcast Academy: Sometimes by the rubric I had to give a B/2 at my old school, and suddenly the kid hated their work which they had been very proud of.
2008-07-20 11:58:38 [Message] plivings -> -EdTechTalk: I tell my grad students they all begin with an A when they show up.  Show up every time, do thoughtful work, contribute, they keep the A.
2008-07-20 11:58:53 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: why can't we do that with HS kids?
2008-07-20 11:59:00 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: We at TPLC are working on the LifePractice Model and try to mimic the real world.  Should we evaluate kids formally once a year? Like in a job?
2008-07-20 11:59:05 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: these chat msgs aren't being seen by Maria and Lisa, and crew
2008-07-20 11:59:09 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @plivings I have always loved teachers with that approach.
2008-07-20 11:59:20 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: need to move to EdTechTalk room to join "Conversations"
2008-07-20 11:59:26 [Message] honeymic -> -Webcast Academy: Am I in the wrong place?
2008-07-20 11:59:28 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: my comments on the reports are long and at times say "I wish that Joe worried more about learning than grades"- I get in trouble.
2008-07-20 11:59:45 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: for Lisa and Maria's show, click on EdTechTalk above
2008-07-20 11:59:47 [Message] Kevinh -> -Webcast Academy: Methods of measurement work well on products that can be standardized like model T Fords or lawn mowers. This doesn't mean there shouldn't be criteria or expectations but I think they should be much more flexible.
2008-07-20 11:59:52 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: to join that conversation
2008-07-20 11:59:53 [Message] honeymic -> -Webcast Academy: So why are people here?
2008-07-20 11:59:56 [Message] plivings -> -EdTechTalk: The grad students like it, too.  Of course K-12 isn't grad school plus all the people looking over your shoulder to see you are assessing enough.
2008-07-20 12:00:05 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: Webcastacademy starts in one hour from now
2008-07-20 12:00:23 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Methods of measurement work well on products that can be standardized like model T Fords or lawn mowers. This doesn't mean there shouldn't be criteria or expectations but I think they should be much more flexible.
2008-07-20 12:00:25 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: If we worked more collaboratively on projects, wouldn't the kids be invested in making it better for the group?
2008-07-20 12:00:33 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: when I graded my grad students final projects, i used the insert sound object feature and gave them audio feedback throughout their projects. Wish my kids teachers would do the same thing with them.
2008-07-20 12:00:41 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Honeycutts!
2008-07-20 12:00:42 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: click on EdTechTalk to join "Conversations" with Lisa and Maria
2008-07-20 12:00:46 [Message] dancallahan -> -EdTechTalk: @plivings on the other hand, that's the kind of soft stuff that leads to all of the talk about how teacher colleges are too easy on their students and don't do enough to adequately prepare them
2008-07-20 12:00:51 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Was in the wrong room
2008-07-20 12:00:54 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: : )
2008-07-20 12:00:57 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: click on EdTechTalk to join "Conversations" with Lisa and Maria
2008-07-20 12:00:59 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: sorry. bad link on my part
2008-07-20 12:01:00 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Oooh, KarenJan, that's cool.
2008-07-20 12:01:06 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Glad you are here now Kevin
2008-07-20 12:01:07 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan That is so much more effective.
2008-07-20 12:01:16 [Message] dancallahan -> -EdTechTalk: my education classes were all too easy on me and my peers, in my opinion.
2008-07-20 12:01:28 [Message] plivings -> -EdTechTalk: dancallahan I still have standards and thoughtful contribution is the part that people start not doing deeply enough, plus something not showingup
2008-07-20 12:01:29 [Message] kathycassidy -> -Webcast Academy: Do you mean click on "conversation"?  It goes nowhere for me.
2008-07-20 12:01:30 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, I've been hearing but was in the wrong room, so was bothering someone in the last room.
2008-07-20 12:01:44 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: I mean click on EdTechTalk
2008-07-20 12:01:45 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: WOnder if could make that work at the middle school level -- the audio comments. Accessibility would be my first concern.
2008-07-20 12:01:47 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: WElcome
2008-07-20 12:01:53 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @kevinh - we need to continue to conversation about stress and learning!
2008-07-20 12:01:55 [Message] carolynfoote -> -Webcast Academy: kathy--you may have to be sure you are using IE instead of firefox
2008-07-20 12:02:06 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: the conversation, sorry!
2008-07-20 12:02:11 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: But even tho publish to perfection isn't a reality- don't we want to have a high bar? There is a difference bwtn classwork and a final project
2008-07-20 12:02:16 [Message] kathycassidy -> -Webcast Academy: I don't have firefox on my computer.
2008-07-20 12:02:16 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan Yes
2008-07-20 12:02:18 [Message] carolynfoote -> -Webcast Academy: click on the little blue arrow or the real player arrow under "ed tech talk a"
2008-07-20 12:02:18 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: I was telling that poor person that we use portfolios instead of grades.
2008-07-20 12:02:20 [Message] joelzehring -> -EdTechTalk: there's a difference between perfection and excellence
2008-07-20 12:02:20 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: more dependent on java than browser
2008-07-20 12:02:27 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: shouldn't matter re browser
2008-07-20 12:02:31 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: personal excellence
2008-07-20 12:02:37 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @joel yes
2008-07-20 12:02:52 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: using Flock here, but FF should work too
2008-07-20 12:03:10 [Message] dancallahan -> -EdTechTalk: it's unfortunate that i felt i got more learning in my non-major classes than in the classes that were supposed to be preparing me for my future career
2008-07-20 12:03:15 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: I wonder, too... about "best effort" in EVERY class. DO you personally/professionally give EVERY aspect of your life your best effort?
2008-07-20 12:03:21 [Message] joelzehring -> -EdTechTalk: The "final product" is often a first edition... with a second and third to follow
2008-07-20 12:03:23 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: to listen to stream, click on black speaker icon
2008-07-20 12:03:31 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy:
2008-07-20 12:03:35 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: or that link
2008-07-20 12:03:37 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: to listen
2008-07-20 12:03:41 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: to contribute to text chat
2008-07-20 12:03:53 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: But if we build projects that have many outcomes, can we not have all kids succeed, regardless of strengths/
2008-07-20 12:03:57 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: you'lll need to move to EdTechTalk chat room
2008-07-20 12:04:11 [Message] dancallahan -> -EdTechTalk: i really hate this chat program.  every time i switch browser tabs it logs me out :(
2008-07-20 12:04:13 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: I agree that we can *practice* in school. That we have to learn the effort tools there that will carry us to good products in life.
2008-07-20 12:04:20 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: to contribute to text chat
2008-07-20 12:04:22 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: I watch my ASD and gifted kid in all AP and gifted classes -- struggle with always being at "the top of his game" all day long and then in homework too...
2008-07-20 12:04:56 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk:  My last school had the 1,2,3,4. Was no different than A,B,C.
2008-07-20 12:05:14 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: It's exhausting... and I lose him in so many other ways every semester -- his creativity as a composer, artist, writer disappears
2008-07-20 12:05:38 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: We have a whole curriculum on this in art. Critique is a normal and expected part of the process. Every unit or project ended in a critique.
2008-07-20 12:05:40 [Message] joelzehring -> -EdTechTalk: @honeymic did you find yourself explaining to parents the 1, 2, 3, 4 system?
2008-07-20 12:06:01 [Message] -> -EdTechTalk: what is the 1234 system?
2008-07-20 12:06:05 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: In the "real world" we don't have all the same strengths... should kids have to be punished if they are not "excellent" in all school subjects?
2008-07-20 12:06:19 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: I have to grade on 1 2 3 4...
2008-07-20 12:06:35 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: This having every kids xcel at every thing is probably a form of abuse.
2008-07-20 12:06:38 [Message] dancallahan -> -EdTechTalk: define "punished"
2008-07-20 12:06:45 [Message] kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: Am I finally in the right place?
2008-07-20 12:06:50 [Message] plivings -> -EdTechTalk: Interesting about the blog attack - how do communities in general deal with conflict - it will take us into so many realms to handle conflict well - is there growth without conflict? 
2008-07-20 12:06:51 [Message] -> -EdTechTalk: we grade like that too---holistically in every subject
2008-07-20 12:06:52 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Hi kathy
2008-07-20 12:06:53 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @kevin Isn't that what we ask in school?
2008-07-20 12:06:54 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: yes-
2008-07-20 12:06:59 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: yes @ kathycassidy
2008-07-20 12:07:02 [Message] joelzehring -> -EdTechTalk: we used "meeting the standards" "approaching the standards" "falling below the standards"
2008-07-20 12:07:23 [Message] -> -EdTechTalk: it was incredibly hard to get a "4" especially in reading and math
2008-07-20 12:07:29 [Message] joelzehring -> -EdTechTalk: catch you all on plurk
2008-07-20 12:07:42 [Message] kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: This is a comment from way back in the conversation, but I think effort marks should be separate from academic marks.
2008-07-20 12:08:00 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @kathy I give grade and an effort
2008-07-20 12:08:08 [Message] -> -EdTechTalk: we have one side of the report card as academic and one as behavior---effort would fall there
2008-07-20 12:08:10 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Just asked two kids in my living room who just graduated from HS what motivated them - they said motivation changes from elementary school to HS
2008-07-20 12:08:21 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: in elementary school, teachers made learning fun
2008-07-20 12:08:29 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Human need
2008-07-20 12:08:32 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: 4 is above standard, 3 is meeting standard, 2 is approaching standard, 1 is below standard
2008-07-20 12:08:35 [Message] kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: I teach grade one, so almost all of them do their best, but as they get older, this often changes.
2008-07-20 12:08:38 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: @kathycassidy, I agree that the marks should be separate. It's tough for a teacher!
2008-07-20 12:08:38 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I have kids who are talented, but don't give me the effort to be great- time, interest...
2008-07-20 12:08:47 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: to be recognised for effort
2008-07-20 12:08:51 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: I had kids who suddenly hated their work when I had to give a 3/B by the rubric.  But that was their best effort and was very good and they had loved it before the grading.
2008-07-20 12:09:05 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: specificity is important
2008-07-20 12:09:05 [Message] plivings -> -EdTechTalk: There is also the developmental aspect about motivation - when metacognition - thinking about thinking (age 12/13) becomes a largerfactor
2008-07-20 12:09:06 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: in HS, they were motivated by getting into college - one worked as a landscaper during the sumer and he did not want to do manual labor post HS, so he was motivated to do well.
2008-07-20 12:09:26 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: When I ask kids to grade their own work- they are tougher than I am
2008-07-20 12:09:32 [Message] kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: Our report cards require six academic performance marks and six effort marks, just for the language arts strand.
2008-07-20 12:09:36 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Also, he said that if he had a good HS teacher, he wanted to do well for that teacher, he was concerned about what that teacher thought of him
2008-07-20 12:09:53 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: I agree Maureen, kids are harder on themselves than I am
2008-07-20 12:10:28 [Message] kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen, my six year olds all think they are fabulous.  As the year goes on, they start to get the idea.
2008-07-20 12:11:20 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @honeymic - do you have to go by the rubric? how deflating for the kids who were so proud of their work and their effort.
2008-07-20 12:11:44 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Organic learning
2008-07-20 12:11:45 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: I agree with Maureen.  Over the years I have a lot of kids that always give themselves fabulous feedback for very poor work.
2008-07-20 12:11:47 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @kathy I taught preK for 5 yrs, then K for 13... Love that age, but the kids know who is good at stuff and who isn't. I always compared it to who lost teeth in K... they will all lose teeth, but in time
2008-07-20 12:11:48 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: engaging
2008-07-20 12:11:56 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: relevant
2008-07-20 12:12:03 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: realistic
2008-07-20 12:12:12 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: yes, yes, yes @kevinh
2008-07-20 12:12:22 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: feels like real life
2008-07-20 12:12:29 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Colleen's plurk conversation
2008-07-20 12:12:30 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola
2008-07-20 12:12:43 [Message] renetv -> -Puentes al Mundo: Confirmado.
2008-07-20 12:12:55 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @darrenk makes learning relevant to his kids and they rise to the challenge - he gets constant feedback as well
2008-07-20 12:13:08 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, Beth!
2008-07-20 12:13:22 [Message] -> -EdTechTalk: can you post that link again? popup blocker got me :)
2008-07-20 12:13:56 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I have a roamer in my closet- the EC/LS teachers don't want "tech" in their rooms
2008-07-20 12:14:08 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: I think in all cases we must remind ourselves how the organism would best be learning without compulsion schooling and mirroring that.
2008-07-20 12:14:22 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: I love using portfolios now.  It allows the kids to really see growth.
2008-07-20 12:14:32 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: Reinventing Project Based Learning -- Susie Boss and Jane Krauss it's an ISTE publication
2008-07-20 12:14:37 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen Send the roamer to me - need to have one in my room
2008-07-20 12:14:45 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @honeymic Remind me what you use for your portfolios?
2008-07-20 12:14:48 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen You have a roamer????
2008-07-20 12:14:49 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @LIsa I bought that book at NECC, haven't gotten to it yet
2008-07-20 12:15:36 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @colleen @maria I inherited it... and I haven't given up hope that we can use it. New head of school startted July 1
2008-07-20 12:16:12 [Message] lloydcrew -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Karen...almost forgot to listen to Maria!
2008-07-20 12:16:20 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: What's a PSA?
2008-07-20 12:16:22 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford  Right now we don't have them online.  They are just those big honking 3 inch binders.  We start a new one each year.
2008-07-20 12:16:41 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: what is a roamer?
2008-07-20 12:16:44 [Message] kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: Great conversation.  Got to run.  Thanks for this.
2008-07-20 12:16:53 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @honeymic WOW. Do they go to the next teacher, or home with the kids?
2008-07-20 12:16:55 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: PSA - Public Service Announcement
2008-07-20 12:16:55 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Bye kathy
2008-07-20 12:16:59 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan I will bring one to CMK.
2008-07-20 12:17:02 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: a little robot- looks like those vacuums
2008-07-20 12:17:10 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: OH. WHy would kids make a PSA?
2008-07-20 12:17:12 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: thanks!
2008-07-20 12:17:17 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: If we can't connect learning to life in a way the kid can understand then they are doing it for us or parents or just playing school. Whenever we can we should make learning organic.
2008-07-20 12:17:25 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Children program the roamer to move
2008-07-20 12:17:32 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: We take pics of projects and do a presentation twice a year using technology to do a reflection of learning for parents and teachers.
2008-07-20 12:17:45 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: do we give kids choices when we want them to demonstrate what they know or have learned?
2008-07-20 12:17:50 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJAn It's very tactile programming for preK-8.
2008-07-20 12:18:06 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk - cool - i don't think I've ever seen one
2008-07-20 12:18:11 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: Goal of PSA is to change someone's mind about a topic... to give them more iformation to help them make a good choice... end goal should be to make them understand when they are listening to a PSA on the radio or TV
2008-07-20 12:18:11 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @honeymic That reflection piece is, IMHO the most valuable.
2008-07-20 12:18:20 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @karenjan when I give choices- I get ppt.
2008-07-20 12:18:27 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: bring roamer to CMK conference , colleen
2008-07-20 12:18:34 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: So a PSA assignment is essentially persuasive writing/speaking...
2008-07-20 12:18:37 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @karenjan I need to work onthat
2008-07-20 12:18:38 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech - can you guide the choices?
2008-07-20 12:18:40 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: scenario-based learning is so easy when kids are young, they are willing to suspend belief and pretend things are real. They divorce themselves from this in later grades and forget how to be easily involved.
2008-07-20 12:18:49 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @MariaK I will try to find some sensors, too.
2008-07-20 12:18:54 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan Mine can choose.  But usually do power point.  I'm trying to give them more choices.  They are 1st-4th grade.
2008-07-20 12:19:05 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @karenjan with middle school I tried to leave it open.
2008-07-20 12:19:16 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @kevinh the "forget" because there's nothing in it for them AT school
2008-07-20 12:19:22 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: they "forget"
2008-07-20 12:19:40 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @honeymic Now it makes more sense to me that you use paper so much. Grades 1-4 DO have a lot more paper-based items, by nature of curriculum.
2008-07-20 12:19:43 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford They go home after each level. 1st-4th is one level.
2008-07-20 12:19:48 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: learning how to critique art is a great bridge to thinking deeper (thank you @kevinhoneycutt)
2008-07-20 12:20:14 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: I see a division here between what school tries to do as practice, the science of behaviorism and the efforts of those who seek to involve the whole child in their learning. Give them a say.
2008-07-20 12:20:21 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech, @honeymic - do they know about tools like VoiceThread?
2008-07-20 12:20:25 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I got those "love it" comments from 7th graders. They need direction
2008-07-20 12:20:37 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: nice analogy: penny vs dollar questions.
2008-07-20 12:20:40 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @karenjan- they are learning as I learn
2008-07-20 12:20:45 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: We had conferences 6 times a year.  5 of those are usually student directed plus the 2 presentations of learning.
2008-07-20 12:20:54 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: That is a skill that has to be taught thru extensive modeling -- specific praise
2008-07-20 12:21:19 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: @honeymic Presentations of learning are very powerful.
2008-07-20 12:21:21 [Message] lloydcrew -> -EdTechTalk: I like the term penny and dollar ?s
2008-07-20 12:21:31 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Where is there more info on these "downward questions"?
2008-07-20 12:21:35 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Do you do question vs comment? i love the penny/dollar idea
2008-07-20 12:22:09 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Is there a link on the penny dollar idea?
2008-07-20 12:22:09 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: I think the long term unintended consequence of teacher management and control is we have created passive, complacent learners - becomes very difficult to motivate students who have been told you HAVE to do it this way
2008-07-20 12:22:36 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Maureen we do take turns with questions and comments.  Comments are harder.
2008-07-20 12:22:55 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Guess I was typing and not listening well at that point...
2008-07-20 12:23:06 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: K...I heard that in some place that I never paid attention to..just loved the idea
2008-07-20 12:23:09 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I used to tell K kids that they could only question sometimes- no comments
2008-07-20 12:23:12 [Message] charliemahoney -> -EdTechTalk: We need to use blogs as a tool for social/local change
2008-07-20 12:23:20 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan I agree, I think we divorce kids from their own motivation and ideas. We don't mean to but we teach them to wait to know what or how to think.
2008-07-20 12:23:23 [Message] charliemahoney -> -EdTechTalk: give the kids REAL goals
2008-07-20 12:23:31 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: So how, Charlie, do you know you've achieved the goal?
2008-07-20 12:23:39 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa You'll have to repeat it elsewhere for me...
2008-07-20 12:23:58 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola estas aqui para la academia?
2008-07-20 12:24:17 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Michael
2008-07-20 12:24:25 [Message] mrichme -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone
2008-07-20 12:24:34 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: But the "good life" goal is what they see everywhere!
2008-07-20 12:24:34 [Message] charliemahoney -> -EdTechTalk: It may go back to the longer term (yearly/quarterly) evaluation
2008-07-20 12:25:02 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @kevinh - my daughter, who is now 24, told me recently she lost interest in school in 4th grade when she had to wait for everyone else to catch up each day. there was too much "down" time and nothing differentiated
2008-07-20 12:25:16 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa :D
2008-07-20 12:25:17 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola
2008-07-20 12:25:18 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: I think you can encourage a social agenda/non-agenda but it's not part of the curriculum.
2008-07-20 12:25:33 [Message] charliemahoney -> -EdTechTalk: it's also necessary to set specific goals beforehand
2008-07-20 12:25:33 [Message] pilar -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola
2008-07-20 12:25:46 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi @mrichme!
2008-07-20 12:25:56 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan Oh so true for so many. SHe must be very bright. I spent most of my public school life bored to tears for same reasons.
2008-07-20 12:25:58 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan  That happens a lot, or else they just get used to not having to struggle.
2008-07-20 12:26:10 [Message] cheryloakes ME -> -EdTechTalk: Afternoon.
2008-07-20 12:26:10 [Message] lloydcrew -> -EdTechTalk: more to life than tangibles - so true ...Have you read Teach as if Your Hair is On Fire? (think I got the title right)
2008-07-20 12:26:16 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: @honeymic agree
2008-07-20 12:26:24 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl.
2008-07-20 12:26:26 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Hey!
2008-07-20 12:26:26 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Kevinh the social curriculum is important, but with very pushy parents who are already looking to the ivy league- it's hard to enforce
2008-07-20 12:26:31 [Message] ferreirac -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola es esta la session de webcast academy?
2008-07-20 12:26:36 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford - yes, she is very bright, I kept telling her a big part of intelligence is using what God has given you - it was wasted in MS & HS
2008-07-20 12:26:50 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Then they get to a good college and panic...
2008-07-20 12:27:15 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, Cheryl!
2008-07-20 12:27:17 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: buscas en ingles o espanol?
2008-07-20 12:27:17 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Can't enforce social agenda but can inspire learners to see beyond a shallow existence.
2008-07-20 12:27:25 [Message] ferreirac -> -Puentes al Mundo: en
2008-07-20 12:27:31 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan  Another thing I like better about teaching at a charter.  It makes it a little easier to let kids design ways to meet standards.
2008-07-20 12:27:34 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: perfecto
2008-07-20 12:27:36 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome, Cheryl (always wanted to say that :)
2008-07-20 12:27:37 [Message] cheryloakes ME -> -EdTechTalk: Hello all, sounds like a good conversation.
2008-07-20 12:27:44 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan She will. She's got everything she needs. Life will hand her something to be passionate about and she'll be off.
2008-07-20 12:27:44 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: cual es tu nombre
2008-07-20 12:27:47 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: that's the intrinsic motivation flowing through
2008-07-20 12:27:52 [Message] cheryloakes ME -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks colleenk, that is great.
2008-07-20 12:27:59 [Message] ferreirac -> -Puentes al Mundo:   en ingles porque mi espanol...
2008-07-20 12:28:02 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl
2008-07-20 12:28:09 [Message] ferreirac -> -Puentes al Mundo: carlos
2008-07-20 12:28:13 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Cheryl
2008-07-20 12:28:16 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @collenK & @cheryloakes LOL - the roles are reversed!
2008-07-20 12:28:29 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan Exactly!
2008-07-20 12:28:34 [Message] cheryloakes ME -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Maureen, Lisa, Karen Jan, maureen, how is the garden?
2008-07-20 12:28:39 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford  That happened with my son.  He found his passion last year in debate and public speaking.
2008-07-20 12:28:40 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: I hate that "using" your education.  My mother in law once introduced me as her daughter in law who went to xxx University and didn't use it.
2008-07-20 12:28:55 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: @congerjan *OUCH*
2008-07-20 12:28:58 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl- the deer are being well fed ;)
2008-07-20 12:29:01 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @congerjam Oh, that's horrible.
2008-07-20 12:29:02 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: if people want to continue these conversations, Alfie Kohn will be at the Constructing Modern KNowledge conference next week in NH
2008-07-20 12:29:08 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Puentes al Mundo: Try clicking on Webcast Academy room.  You are starting in 30min
2008-07-20 12:29:14 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: We use our education every day!!  Even if we are stay at home moms
2008-07-20 12:29:19 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan Gary would be so proud :)
2008-07-20 12:29:25 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: Well, my district doesn't pay well.  I never went into teaching for money and am very happy.
2008-07-20 12:29:27 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @congerjan - how did you feel about that????
2008-07-20 12:29:48 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @congerjan Ironic. My mother, who didn't raise me, always intro's me as her "Ivy League kid"... like I have nothing else to offer but a high-paid education (which she didn't contrib to)...
2008-07-20 12:29:50 [Message] cheryloakes ME -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, congerjan, that just is never true. Your were incubating.
2008-07-20 12:30:06 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: But I can't say I recommend my brightest students to go into teaching.
2008-07-20 12:30:14 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk - i'm spreading the word because the opportunity to be in a smaller group with people like Alfie Kohn & Peter Reynolds and Sylvia Martinez is amazing
2008-07-20 12:30:15 [Message] ferreirac -> -Puentes al Mundo: gracias... I comprendo pero no lo sei escribir - soy de Portugal gracias  I'll do that
2008-07-20 12:30:37 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Karen Still waiting on $ to go to CMK
2008-07-20 12:30:39 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: @kmulford  The one time my dad told me he was proud was when I received an acceptance letter from a university to teach a class..addressed to Professor Parisi
2008-07-20 12:30:42 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan... I was not happy considering I was helping her grangchildren become the beautiful people they are now...
2008-07-20 12:30:53 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan Absolutely. I feel very fortunate.
2008-07-20 12:30:57 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: @karenJan - yes - invite the folks
2008-07-20 12:30:59 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Like you, I went into education. People who don't know me say "what a waste"
2008-07-20 12:31:12 [Message] cheryloakes ME -> -EdTechTalk: Smaller venues are great for deep conversations.
2008-07-20 12:31:19 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Wow, Lisa. The rest of us are proud of you all the time!
2008-07-20 12:31:21 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @congerjan - great attitude
2008-07-20 12:31:31 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: @k...thanks. :)
2008-07-20 12:31:35 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk:
2008-07-20 12:31:48 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: But for him...the title was the thing to be proud of
2008-07-20 12:31:53 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: Now that I am a school librarian... yeah... I get ""what a waste""
2008-07-20 12:32:01 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi - does your Dad realize what a profound influence you are on so many, even those beyond your classroom?
2008-07-20 12:32:15 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: BRB
2008-07-20 12:32:16 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: But now I know I make a difference so it doesn't matter what anyone says...
2008-07-20 12:32:19 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: Praise Junkies. Yep. That's where i live and I know it.
2008-07-20 12:32:23 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: @karenjan  Ready for this surprise...we don't really talk anymore
2008-07-20 12:32:37 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: My daughter- bright screwup finally found her passion (in teaching!) and now is getting masters- asks me "who's the good one now, mom" Son is hanging out in Alaska, quit 4 colleges
2008-07-20 12:32:52 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi - can you reconnect with him and show him all the things YOU are proud of?
2008-07-20 12:33:04 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Ya. My dad (public HS teacher) had buttons popping off his shirt over the college thing. I do think it's cool that your dad said he was proud of you -- at least once. SOme ppl don't have that, even...
2008-07-20 12:33:17 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I quit 4 universities before I found my calling - Elementary teaching.
2008-07-20 12:33:43 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: great to hear all this - my son just graduated from HS and still isn't sure what he will do in the fall
2008-07-20 12:33:59 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: We're all stronger for considering together!
2008-07-20 12:34:01 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott Good thing you found it! How many students' lives have you impacted...
2008-07-20 12:34:06 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi - definitely reread Five Reasons To Stop Saying Good Job!
2008-07-20 12:34:24 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @scott hoping to see son come back and finish forestry degree in sept- then he can go back to Alaska- which is his real passion
2008-07-20 12:34:26 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: I did, Karen, for this show...we added the link earlier.  Thanks for that
2008-07-20 12:34:39 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: great show
2008-07-20 12:34:49 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks
2008-07-20 12:34:53 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: too back Chris Craft couldn't be here
2008-07-20 12:34:53 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: wow- great show- good conversations
2008-07-20 12:34:59 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: too bad
2008-07-20 12:35:03 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: many typos today
2008-07-20 12:35:10 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @BCDTech nothing better than getting paid for what you love.  It took me until the age of 40 to figure it out!
2008-07-20 12:35:11 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: I still have that FatBoySlim song stuck in my head: I want to praise you...
2008-07-20 12:35:12 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: I agree Karen...He goes to church
2008-07-20 12:35:14 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Lisa and everyone else!
2008-07-20 12:35:25 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: : )
2008-07-20 12:35:27 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: Wow this was great!  Thanks everyone for a great conversation.
2008-07-20 12:35:38 [Message] kathy_blades -> -EdTechTalk: Great Show
2008-07-20 12:35:49 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: :)
2008-07-20 12:36:04 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: This wasa great show.  I gleaned much that I can use. 
2008-07-20 12:36:07 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Excellent inaugural show!
2008-07-20 12:36:13 [Message] mrichme -> -EdTechTalk: I'm sorry I missed most of it.
2008-07-20 12:36:17 [Message] GingerTPLC -> -EdTechTalk: yay @kevinh
2008-07-20 12:36:18 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: In plurk!
2008-07-20 12:36:30 [Message] kmulford -> -EdTechTalk: Not in TWitter only, in PLURK!
2008-07-20 12:36:31 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Yes Plurk!
2008-07-20 12:36:39 [Message] honeymic -> -EdTechTalk: Hope all this praise doesn't ruin you guys, lol.  But great show!
2008-07-20 12:36:46 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: Still here
2008-07-20 12:37:05 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: is this a definite time? would love it a little later for those of us who go to church
2008-07-20 12:37:08 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: @Kevinh are you still streaming?
2008-07-20 12:37:18 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: yes, but why would you not use tools?
2008-07-20 12:37:23 [Message] cheryloakes ME -> -EdTechTalk: Yes great show for a first of many!! Congratulations.
2008-07-20 12:37:30 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Same here.... later would be better
2008-07-20 12:37:34 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: I can
2008-07-20 12:37:36 [Message] Kevinh -> -EdTechTalk: cya
2008-07-20 12:37:39 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: thanks everybody!
2008-07-20 12:37:42 [Message] bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: bye all
2008-07-20 12:37:42 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: David Truss gave a session at BLC entitled something like - Can you be a good teacher without technology? Yes, but why would you want to be?
2008-07-20 12:38:01 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Time went by quickly - we had fun
2008-07-20 12:38:03 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Check out for Colleen K
2008-07-20 12:38:12 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you all for coming to our first show.
2008-07-20 12:38:24 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Lisa - wouldn't miss it!
2008-07-20 12:38:24 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Let us know if you want to be part of the conversation next week.
2008-07-20 12:38:27 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: I want to get in touch with david - think he has some great things to say
2008-07-20 12:38:36 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: yes, please include him
2008-07-20 12:38:49 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: David?
2008-07-20 12:38:51 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: Cool sow Lisa... love it!
2008-07-20 12:38:56 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: show that is
2008-07-20 12:38:56 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: David Truss
2008-07-20 12:39:04 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Thank was fun
2008-07-20 12:39:08 [Message] congerjan -> -EdTechTalk: bye all