Wow 2.0 Show 84, Geocaching is for you and your students!
This is the greatest show! It is about Geocaching with Shelia Adams, Deb Boisvert, Beth Goodwin as the geocachers, and Jen Wagner and Cheryl Oakes, Women of Web 2.0.
Join us for a great conversation and you might use this with your students!
The Chat:
20:44:22 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Choosing a color, getting ready. Beth, be right with you
20:51:23 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: HELLO ROOM!!!!
20:52:20 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello to all!
20:52:46 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: HELLO!!!
20:53:00 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: getting ready!!
20:56:20 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: We are live and you should hear sound soon.
20:56:29 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: How do we sound.
20:56:31 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: ??
20:57:34 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Nancy!
20:57:35 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi NancyKeane!! welcome,
20:57:44 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: I have no sound
20:58:00 nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Sheila and Cheryl!!
20:58:12 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: OK there you are
20:58:36 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Deb , cfanch, ben, misst2 welcome
20:58:57 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Misst2, where are you from?please?
20:59:07 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Savannah, GA
20:59:21 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
20:59:22 debB -> -EdTechTalk: software for determining the best time for geocaching
20:59:46 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: How many people are talking?
20:59:49 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: OUR DELICIOUS LINKS
20:59:50 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk:
21:00:38 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Hello ROOMS
21:00:41 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: ROOM!!!
21:00:43 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: :)
21:00:57 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: glad you are here tonight -- we are talking about GEOCACHING!!!!!
21:01:25 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: My husband is out now on an FTF hunt
21:01:52 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello to all
21:02:02 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: how is the sound
21:02:28 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Great now
21:02:36 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: sound is better now
21:03:29 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: hi y'all
21:03:34 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hey
21:03:52 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Cheryl's WOW is
21:04:01 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: hello all
21:04:09 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk:
21:04:24 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: all our links from tonight are at
21:04:53 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk:
21:05:50 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone
21:06:02 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: Hi
21:06:31 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello to all in the chat room
21:06:40 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: It doesn't always do it for me Cheryl!
21:06:45 nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: I only noticed it yesterday Cheryl!!
21:07:00 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I didn't know that Cheryl!
21:07:01 sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: hasn't it always
21:07:02 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: oh, thanks Maureen, thanks nancykeane you were under the rock with me.
21:07:21 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: sroseman, JW says it has for a long time, maybe it was a Mac thing
21:07:38 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk:
21:08:38 sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: testing
21:08:40 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: sure it is educational typing skills for kindergarteners
21:08:43 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk:
21:09:20 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: good idea misst2
21:09:31 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: giving commands for our younger folks
21:09:46 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk:
21:09:47 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: does it put the young people in control?
21:09:50 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Jen, are you back on Twitter?
21:09:55 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: myoats is an AWESOME SITE
21:10:02 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Donna -- Just ---- I am JenWagner --
21:10:11 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: if you wish to follow me -- I will follow you :)
21:10:30 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hi gradster1
21:10:45 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I'm DB2
21:10:56 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Ah
21:10:59 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Finally, hello
21:11:23 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: google docs forms ---
21:11:49 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Just tried the twitter 100- great little tool :)
21:12:02 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: bdtech -- isn't it interesting!?!?!
21:12:03 debB -> -EdTechTalk:
21:12:36 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: and this is kinda interesting too --
21:12:47 debB -> -EdTechTalk:
21:13:12 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: welcome Maria
21:13:44 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: From under my rock this week- I'd never heard of Flickrstorm til I listened to Shareski/Jakes ppt preso from NECC
21:13:50 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: can't listen because deb has my earphones and i'm sitting beisde her
21:13:53 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: I am under a rock, I don't even know what geocaching is
21:14:18 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Maria!
21:14:25 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: explains it all - it is a hobby where geocachers use gps devices to find hidden treasures
21:14:27 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: geocaching is a treasure hunt using GPSr
21:14:29 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Paul!
21:14:32 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk:
21:14:44 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Wazzup! Greetings to all
21:14:50 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @dgoodman Thanks
21:15:02 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: HOw do kids use it?
21:15:18 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: you're welcome
21:15:25 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: all set now - we are sharing the plug!
21:15:34 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: sharing is nice
21:15:38 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: togetherness!
21:15:47 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: They can make the finds, they can track how often someone finds their hide, etc.
21:15:57 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: who is with you Maria???
21:16:03 debB -> -EdTechTalk: Me
21:16:04 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, neat how the kids can hide something.
21:16:15 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @jepecke our gym teacher does orienteering in the woods behind the school- she could use the geocaching with that
21:16:17 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: That's what roomies are for.
21:16:39 debB -> -EdTechTalk: They can also track items tht travel around the world
21:16:39 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: There is a log book in the treasure/ cache for finders to sign
21:16:48 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: I think I will learn a lot today. I will be able to get out from under the geocaching rock!
21:16:49 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW Debbie Boisvert
21:16:54 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: You leave it there when you leave, though
21:17:01 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: I wish it was an actual prize
21:17:04 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: :)
21:17:23 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: there are trade items (swag) in larger caches
21:17:35 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Mmm, swag
21:17:38 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk:
21:17:40 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Alright, fair enough
21:17:54 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: I've never done it, but a friend has
21:18:01 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Apparently it's rather invigorating
21:18:12 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Colette!
21:18:15 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: some caches are virtaul in that the location is a treasure itself
21:18:28 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: lots of fun
21:18:29 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Ah, true
21:18:31 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: introductions, geocache, how it is used in a classroom
21:18:42 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I wish would allow more virturals
21:18:48 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks JEn
21:18:52 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Haha
21:18:57 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Has been made aware, I believe
21:18:59 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: me too @DBRagg
21:19:08 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello kcaise!
21:19:14 kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: hi all
21:19:24 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Friend has a son in a wheelchair and they go geo-caching on a regular basis and the son loves it.
21:19:49 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: wow you started in 2001!
21:19:55 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: paulrwood, that is awesome, Beth is a special educator and has some greaat stories to tell tonight
21:20:32 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Who was the blogger that went geocaching with his kids a few months ago -- they had pictures on the blog - and went biking on their cache
21:20:35 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: anyone remember??
21:21:01 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Please remember to choose a COLOR -- far left icon -- looks like a color wheel
21:21:04 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: wes fryer started goecaching with family and campiing
21:21:06 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: on military bases they are scrambled
21:21:22 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: hmmm -- don't think it was Wes -- the blogger had 2 kids -- I think sons??
21:21:26 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: Annette Lamb has been doing it for awhile
21:21:30 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: I am purple tonight
21:21:33 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Wes has been talking about it a lot. He enjoys it.
21:21:36 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I don't want to be caching on a military base, so that's ok
21:21:41 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: I am going teal
21:21:41 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Okay, fair enough
21:21:48 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Woops, need a darker
21:22:00 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: I was purple but now I'll be salmon pink
21:22:10 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: I'll go alighter blue
21:22:13 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Wes has been talking about it a lot. He enjoys it. Try a new color
21:22:29 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Here we go
21:22:32 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: This is better
21:22:38 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Could it really be on a Military Base??? would they let you on??
21:22:42 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: No
21:22:56 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I like the cooperation piece!
21:23:00 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: No Johnny leve the cone shaped object alone!
21:23:02 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Hi -- I am here to find a treasure -- just doesn't sound like I could get on a military base
21:23:03 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: high tech treasure hunt=geocache
21:23:13 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @Jen W we are thinkgin alike tonight - I'll go baby blue
21:23:13 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: They don't let just anyone on the base here
21:23:13 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: wonder if they use Google Earth??
21:23:24 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Well yeah, but it might be more fun if it was more like a treasure hunt
21:23:28 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @dgoodman -- I will go Burnt Orange
21:23:29 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: I love Maine
21:23:40 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: google earth is good to put your coordinates of your caches in after your hunt and see your traack
21:23:43 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: jepcke , we love Maine too.
21:23:45 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- not to find it -- but to plot it when you are DONE
21:23:48 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Like searching for clues, not the actual end point first
21:23:56 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I used it once to get an FTF (first to find) when my husband had the GPSr
21:23:58 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: would be an interesting google earth if you went a lot of places
21:24:06 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Do any of you have phones with GPS????
21:24:08 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA What do you mean?
21:24:10 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: yea
21:24:17 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: you can geocache in Second Life too
21:24:23 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Is it like a race or just have as many people as possible find the 'treasure'?
21:24:27 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: Jenw - you keep changing your colors.
21:24:29 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: no way dBragg, way too cool
21:24:48 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Many people
21:24:48 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @Gradster 1 --- if you were an active geocacher -- you could use Google Earth like your journal of your caches
21:24:55 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: and what you found at each find
21:24:57 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: oh wow DBragg, I can geocache in second life
21:25:09 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Still not sure what you mean... but I will take your word for it
21:25:09 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @Maria -- I am now color content
21:25:14 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW GREAT idea
21:25:23 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: That's where you go when the weather isn't cooperating
21:25:26 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- have you used google earth where you can make a placemark??
21:25:29 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: IS there something physically in the park? Or is it a virtual treasure?
21:25:33 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: or maybe not jen...we'll see...
21:25:34 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: you could even add a photo
21:25:37 debB -> -EdTechTalk: The geocaching website
21:25:39 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Plot all your geocache points in Google earth to map where you have been and geo-cached
21:25:55 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @Paulrwood -- Yep -- that is what I was trying to convey -- but guess I didn't do well
21:26:03 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, everyone!
21:26:09 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Karen Jan -- how is BOSTON???
21:26:16 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: I miss not being there!!!!
21:26:20 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Karen!
21:26:31 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: BLC is GREAT! met Sheila, Maureen
21:26:33 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: You can use google earth to track travel bugs and coins too
21:26:35 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: I'm trying a different color
21:26:46 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: met Darren & Clarence tonight - they are WONDERFUL
21:26:50 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: So is the subject tonight geocaching?
21:26:55 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Darren K and Clarence F???
21:26:55 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i have a gps but i don't know where to start to do geocache
21:26:56 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: we used GPS devices with teachers and hid animal tracks and signs around a college campus to show an educational use of gps/geocaching - they had to identify the aniaml the the traack/sign belonged to
21:26:57 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Had to decide between Alan November and Gary Stager and I chose Stager this year.
21:27:02 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: and Ewan is there too
21:27:04 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @jen YES!
21:27:06 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: yes
21:27:07 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @loonyhiker Google.
21:27:13 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Karen Jan, did you see my post at techlearning?
21:27:20 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: I thought Stager was in Tennessee at Lausanne -- but I guess I ws wrong
21:27:26 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: start with
21:27:31 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: okay.
21:27:32 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Manchester NH
21:27:33 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: KarenJan -- will you pass my HELLOS to them please
21:27:46 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: My friend Eva LaMar from Eugene OR has a great GeoCache+Education site:
21:27:46 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: HOw many GPS units are needed for a class?
21:27:49 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @paul - I'm going to stager's conference also will see there
21:28:04 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Colettec --
21:28:07 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Cool deal. When are you arriving?
21:28:11 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: @paulrwood - see you in manchester!
21:28:16 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: how many kids in a group?
21:28:23 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: what ages?
21:28:23 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: 4-5?
21:28:24 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Great. Looking forward to it
21:28:29 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: i live in MA so I'll drive up my parents live in Manchester
21:28:35 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: one unit per 3 or 4 and the rest have compasses
21:28:36 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: I'd say thjat
21:28:40 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Woops
21:28:47 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: @woscholar is also going
21:28:51 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: we also used gps devices to mark various trees - particpants had to take various measurements of dif trees- circumference, board feet, heigth, width and so on
21:28:53 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: I'd say that'd be good - I did it once, and that worked
21:29:00 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @paulrwood -- going where????
21:29:05 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: to Stager???
21:29:08 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: or BLC??
21:29:15 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Gary Stager's workshop in manchester
21:29:23 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @dgoodman Why?
21:29:24 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @paul - where are you from?
21:29:27 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: ahhhhh -- lucky you -- and please say hello to Scott F for me
21:29:27 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: What brands of GPS are easy for kids to use?
21:29:30 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Dallas
21:29:37 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk:
21:29:39 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: great - looking forward to meeting you!
21:29:59 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: I have used Garmin eTrex and Garmin H as well as Magellan eXplorist
21:30:08 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: There is still room for ayone in the Stager Conference
21:30:10 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: @wochholar and I will arrive Saturday night we are going to the museum on Sunday for that trip
21:30:11 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Please remember all the links from tonight will be at
21:30:14 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: will be asking your questions. send them along
21:30:17 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Kathy Cassidy -- HELLO!!!!
21:30:21 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster why mark trees?
21:30:34 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Kathy Cassidy are you at blc?
21:30:35 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: hey there, Kathy Cassidy.
21:30:46 kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all
21:30:50 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: KathyCassidy will be a guest on WOW in August!!!!
21:30:52 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: You have to read the description, name and maybe the hints to help you find it
21:31:04 kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: Actually I think it is September.
21:31:13 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: Kathy is my idol!
21:31:20 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: HOw many points are in a typical Geocache hunt?
21:31:21 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @dgoodman No, why take measurements and such?
21:31:36 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: I sent photos of rocks to her blog a couple years ago@kathycassidy
21:31:59 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: usually one point, but there are multi caches that have several stages
21:32:06 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @dgoodman It sounds like grunt/bell work. Immediate turnoff for me - there's no end point, and no result.
21:32:13 kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: We loved those pics of your jewelry. My kids were so excited.
21:32:24 debB -> -EdTechTalk: @jepcke usually there are only one but some have many
21:32:26 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: it was fun to make a connection
21:32:29 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: to demonstrate how those measurments are calculated- board feet tell you how muc money a tree might bring in, or where it might hit if it fell
21:32:47 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: So the kids get the lat/long and have to figure out where that is?
21:33:21 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @dgoodman But what's the point? Is it a class on forestry or something?
21:33:27 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: we see how old the tree is and identify times of drought/ possible diesease etc
21:33:31 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: If it's a math class I don't see the purpose
21:33:42 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: The EarthCache website is great for locating local earth landforms:
21:33:55 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: my garmin 60csx has the buttons on the bottom
21:34:02 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Sorry if I'm being a bit too aggressive, it's just that I've had MANY bad experiences with teachers assigning grunt work just to get me out of the way.
21:34:06 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 --- hmmm latitude and longitude coordinates are not math options???
21:34:08 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk:
21:34:24 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: it was actually a workshop introducing them to the new Dismal Swam eucatrional classroom
21:34:25 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Jen. I'm still not being able to conceptualize this.
21:34:34 debB -> -EdTechTalk: @jepcke you go on to the geocaching website and get the lngitude and latitude
21:34:42 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Is there a diffferent kind of GPS than those in the car?
21:34:44 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: here is a movie about beth goodwin taking her students out to geocache.
21:34:47 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: I could see it being like plotting coordinates on a graph. You correct and project
21:34:57 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: No, @JenW--CA - 1. Not really, and 2. @dgoodman was talking about measuring trees and doing stuff after finding the trees et cetera.
21:34:58 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: I think as teachers -- personally as a teacher -- I could use geocaching in a bunch of ways -- math, language, science, and more!!!
21:35:14 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: ahhh @gradster1 -- sorry, I missed the full conversation.....
21:35:22 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA How Languages?
21:35:29 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: What grade do you teach @Gradster1??
21:35:31 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW I have used them in many more ways just highlighting a recent workshop
21:35:32 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Our GIS students did tree surveys for the City of Dallas with GPS and measuring because of the laws on tree removal
21:35:38 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: I can see the great curriculum connections, just not getting the procedure. The links are helping
21:35:49 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster -- language as in language skills: writing, journalling, spelling, etc
21:35:53 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: describing your experience - logging your cache hunts
21:35:59 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: here is Beth's voice thread showing how to geocache, the kids explain.
21:36:19 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Haha, I am very pleased. I am a student.
21:36:37 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA But how would you use geocaching?
21:37:07 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Anyone done this with lower grade students?
21:37:09 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- I really am not sure yet -- still new ideas here....but it sounds like it could be used in a lot of creative ways.
21:37:15 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: I work with K6
21:37:22 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: so still looking at options -- but it would not just be "
21:37:27 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: GO FIND THE TREASURE
21:37:36 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: i would make it much more than that
21:37:48 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the links cheryl
21:37:53 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: remember this will be a podcast this weekend and the chat will be availabe. I am headed to BLC at 5 AM, so not editing tomorrow.
21:37:55 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: but it could be a very fun day away from class
21:38:02 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: and learning too!!!
21:38:10 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I teach Parenting, so I describe it as a group family activity
21:38:15 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA What made you think I was an educator?
21:38:21 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I would love to use it with my middle school kids just to teach cooperation/collaboration skills- which they lack.
21:38:39 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Maureen it will be a good thing
21:38:42 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- Your name -- your comments -- your conversation -- your questions
21:38:59 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech - love how you used glogster with your wiki - it looks beautiful
21:39:08 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: team work is a must
21:39:27 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan- Thanks love to steal ideas!
21:39:27 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl The links are great. Thank you!
21:39:28 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Anyone else do GEOCACHE at NECC San Diego -- besides me??
21:39:30 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Thank you! I'm in the middle of a sort of impromptu experiment.
21:39:34 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: it is such a good cooperative activity
21:39:44 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- are we part of the experiment???
21:39:45 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: anyone listen to geocaching podcasts? is great
21:39:47 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: I saw you folks walking around but I didn't participate
21:39:52 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl yes it is
21:40:02 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Yes?
21:40:14 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: @dbragg - i listen to it from time to time
21:40:18 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen - you made it distinctly yours!
21:40:18 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- smiles, that's okay. I don't mind being a guinea pig -- :)
21:40:31 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: just don't set me up !! :)
21:40:32 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: geocache rules of of the road
21:40:52 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Honestly I didn't really realize I was performing one until now.
21:40:59 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Thus the impromptu part.
21:41:04 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: ahhhhhhh
21:41:17 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: But I totally am.
21:41:18 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: so did I call you out -- and ruin the experiment??
21:41:23 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: geocachers are all about protcting the environment-many times you;ll see them with trash bags - trash in cache out
21:41:24 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I had a cache that was muggled and there was a TB in it - I feel horrible
21:41:30 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Slightly, but making me realize it is good.
21:41:46 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @dbragg - what does that mean
21:41:50 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: What's a TB?
21:41:54 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: DBragg -- please explain
21:41:58 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: thanks
21:42:10 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: I should have realized it faster and said that I'd prefer not to say, but I was slow on the uptake.
21:42:12 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: sounds like i will have to learn new vocab with this
21:42:14 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: muggles are people that don't know about Geocaching - so someone destroyed my cache
21:42:17 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: is it a terrible bug?
21:42:29 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Travel Bug, I'm assuming
21:42:40 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster yes
21:42:50 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Score :)
21:43:10 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Isn't this just the best? Such great ideas for summer then school.
21:43:16 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: actually HONESTY @gradster1 is a very admired trait :)
21:43:31 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: Yes Travel Bug, it has a unique id on it. They move from cache to cache
21:43:32 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: check out a geocache from a library!!!
21:43:38 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Well yes, but in the name of science all sorts of things are acceptable.
21:43:57 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: The Degree Confluence Project takes photos at latitude/longitude integer degree locations and then upload them to this site and people submit information about these location:
21:44:00 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 that sounds more like politics
21:44:25 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I know of pre-schools that do it with their families
21:44:29 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: here is the video from Beth's group
21:44:30 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: wow, including families that sounds so great
21:44:32 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: pre-schoolers
21:44:39 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: Geocaching is a great family activity
21:44:42 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: nah -- honesty never goes out of style :)
21:44:47 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Only now am I realizing that most of the experiment is on myself. I am indirectly seeing how mature I am.
21:44:51 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: We hav e a friend who geocaches with his 4th graders at recess.
21:44:55 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: how about an amazing race to review math skills from cache to cache
21:44:57 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: When you say "There is a geocache across from my school" What does that mean? A treasure is hidden across from your school?
21:45:34 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: So you would post a 'geocache' on the geocache website?
21:45:37 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: in the town forest across the street. A former student created it.
21:45:40 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA I seem to have gotten your attention, anyway - what is this? Durff clued me in, if you know her, but I am puzzled.
21:45:42 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: a geocache could be a container with items to trade or just a journal to sign saying you were there
21:46:10 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Or you could just do a geocache with your class and not post it?
21:46:21 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @ -- that I saw your name??? just because you asked a ???? I look for those when I watch the chat
21:46:41 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: This is so good.
21:46:56 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: I know Lisa Durff --- but what is what?? this weekly chat???
21:47:25 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @jepecke -- I think that is what she meant -- that there is a treasure box across from her school
21:47:29 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, this. This is weekly?
21:47:31 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Do you have to get permission to place your cache?
21:47:38 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Women of WEB means what?
21:47:38 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: I put postcards from the town I live in to share a litle history of my town with others - it might encourage them to visit
21:48:00 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: dgoodman, great idea!
21:48:09 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @misst2 Good question
21:48:11 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 --- pretty much for the last 80 weeks.......
21:48:14 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: hmmmm ....who is gradster1 - any friend of durff can be my friend too. do i know you?
21:48:19 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: Local history/primary source CSI Investigators WebQuest that uses GPS devices at
21:48:24 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: hey alice!
21:48:27 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hi alicebarr
21:48:38 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: HI cheryl
21:48:43 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi MAria
21:48:49 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Alice
21:48:49 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: how is blc , alice and maria
21:48:59 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Thx Jen. Ur the best
21:49:00 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Maureen
21:49:07 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: folks are also marking benchmarks - be the first to mark one in your area
21:49:11 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @Cheryl SO far so good
21:49:22 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: I loved the Scratch session!
21:49:25 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: mark means to get the coordinates of that spot
21:49:28 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @Maria at BLC I doubt it. I have been completely out of it for a while. I participated in WNF one year the year David Warlick keynoted, but since the whole Students 2.0 scandal I have not been involved
21:49:44 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: I bet that was so fun, @Maria,
21:49:54 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Maria So it was better than we heard the other day?
21:49:56 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @MAria I saw you talking about it, but didn't get over to you
21:50:02 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @Maria ILOVE SCRATCH!!
21:50:13 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Actually, people tend to ignore me without even knowing I'm an educatee because they don't know me.
21:50:17 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: GPS in Education Resources:
21:50:20 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: It is hard to watch the chat -- but glad I saw your ??? @jpecke
21:50:36 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- LOL< you don't know me. I am the friendly one!! :)
21:50:50 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: travel bugs
21:50:55 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: How fun for kids! "Treasure hunts" at school!
21:51:01 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Maureen - It was great - I loved the lifelong kindergarten space-media lab.
21:51:19 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Great! Glad to have talked to you!
21:51:20 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello susan, this is geocache stories tonight
21:51:27 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- you too
21:51:30 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: are you are blogger??
21:51:36 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Maria- was there a big sandbox? Did you get to play?
21:51:43 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Are these just regular GPS units used in cars or are they different than those for cars?
21:51:46 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Bonnine louisiana, hope this has been informative for you.
21:51:48 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Let's just say yes.
21:52:11 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- LOL -- you can email me later at jenuinetech (at) gmail (dot) com if you want to share it with me :)
21:52:19 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: or not -- tis up to you!!
21:52:20 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @Jen Tonight you are doing a human 'geocache' I think
21:52:26 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: One of the caches here in PA has a video exchange
21:52:42 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @jepcke -- LOL -- perhaps!!! finding the treasures in us all
21:52:43 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: cool DBragg, that is very neat.
21:52:48 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: I found one hidden in a crevice at an ATM machine - it was in a perfume sample conatiner - very micro - just a journal to sign-should have seen the looks
21:53:05 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I have dogs that I have used as an excuse many times
21:53:07 bonnine louisiana -> -EdTechTalk: this is a great application of some real life geocaching in education.
21:53:16 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: has anyone found anything in geocahching = please share!!!!
21:53:23 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW--CA Long story: I used to be a blogger, then I stopped, then I tried to start again with more focus, then I stopped, and now I have resolved to try again - but I'm probably going to stop.
21:53:30 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: A great integration with Literature is to pick a travel bug from the geocaching website and then write the "adventures" of that travel bug and the locations it goes and what it sees along the way (fiction) and maybe track it on Google Maps
21:53:50 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: hello Wendy, welcome
21:53:51 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: Great idea colettec
21:53:56 nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: crawling out from under the rock
21:54:01 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Hello @Wendy Drexler
21:54:03 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: great story
21:54:07 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @colettec - sounds like Flat Stanley on steroids
21:54:14 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Loonyhike, this sounds so like you!
21:54:26 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: I too have conducted many trainings with educators on geocaching and comments are always the best workshop I've attended etc
21:54:30 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @nancykeane ME too!
21:54:31 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- Understood -- I just took a sabbatical from twitter, then came back ---
21:54:32 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: Same idea as Flat Stanley
21:54:34 nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: Is this what the kids were doing in the beginning of Doctorow's Little Brother?
21:54:36 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: SACRILEGE :)
21:54:37 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: There are caching events too
21:54:42 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: HA!!! Yep
21:54:44 Wendy Drexler -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl and Paul. I LOVE geocaching. Want to use in my Human Geo class next year.
21:54:59 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: that sounds great Wendy!
21:55:15 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @Wendy Human Geo class?? explain please
21:55:51 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: I download my files to a web page that tracks my numbers by difficulty and terrain
21:55:53 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @Wendy read it again and now understand - sorry
21:56:26 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: @Wendy your kids will love it
21:56:36 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: Additional curriculum piece - travel bugs.
21:56:41 Wendy Drexler -> -EdTechTalk: No Problem - Geography, sorry
21:56:43 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk:
21:56:59 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: cool idea
21:57:03 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Sounds like it would be a summer school class or after school club. That's often my 'guinea pig' way of trying things kinds of thing.
21:57:16 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: good for community awareness too
21:57:19 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: this has been fascinating - learned a great deal, love the links
21:57:36 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: QUESTION for the talking people?
21:57:41 sheila a -> -EdTechTalk: WOW2 has its own website -
21:57:48 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Has anyone ever done geochaching games?
21:57:51 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: nearly then end of the show!
21:57:53 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: you can buy camoflaug tape at Walmart for your tuppeware containers
21:57:59 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: I can't quite remember what they're called.
21:58:19 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Durff!
21:58:23 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: BJust ask me if you're going to use it - DURFF!
21:58:25 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: hi Durff
21:58:25 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello!
21:58:27 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: @mrsdurff Where have you been?
21:58:31 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: I don't understand this 'travel bug' thing.
21:58:39 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i was in another mtg
21:58:49 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Durff- still have the wrinkles, despite putting on the new glasses
21:58:56 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: Cab
21:58:57 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: @mrsdurff I thought you could bi and tri locate
21:59:04 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Not with this
21:59:10 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: good for you, this will be a podcast but not until the weekend, I am headed to BLC in the morning.
21:59:10 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i guess not
21:59:12 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: When you move off the page, it logs you out.
21:59:28 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: CAB
21:59:54 KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl - can't wait!
21:59:54 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: FF froze - here in Safari
22:00:05 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: I have started a geocaching_for_educators group on Diigo-feel free to add links
22:00:10 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: We had a great experience with a geocache that is on our school property.
22:00:11 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @durff FF was wonky for me too
22:00:15 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: IS FF3 worth it?
22:00:18 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: @jepcke look at the geocaching web page for the dog tags. The tags have a unique "number"
22:00:20 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: please give the Diigo link.
22:00:30 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @paul I'd stay away form FF3
22:00:44 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: i have FF2
22:00:52 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: And the 'tags' move form place to place?
22:00:55 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: I may get in trouble here but have never used FF
22:01:00 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @paulrwood -- I finally went to FF3 and am 85% happy with it
22:01:04 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: @jepeck You put the travel bug in a cache and another cacher comes along, picks it up and moves it to another cache
22:01:09 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: sorry -- I lost the chat room for a bit
22:01:12 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: FF2 is much better in my opinion
22:01:23 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: couldn't type
22:01:23 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @JenW- like FF3, but not all the addins work
22:01:31 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: @dbragg got it. Like Flat Stanley
22:01:40 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech -- yep #1 thing I don't lik -- I lost a lot of add ins
22:01:41 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk:
22:01:48 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: I've had no problems with FF3
22:01:50 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: @jepeck they log the movement of the traveler so you can see it's movement
22:01:56 Wendy Drexler -> -EdTechTalk: Forgive me if someone posted this already. Good geocaching resource from Alice Christie.
22:02:06 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: Campus geocache idea - you set the coordinates for different signs on your campus and then have them go to the coordinates and find a certain letters on the sign and after they have collected all the letters they unscramble to reveal the secret message
22:02:06 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: yes, like a flat stanley
22:02:29 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: all of these great ideas!
22:02:32 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Choose a number 1-50, so y ou will be entered for a prize.
22:02:39 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: 12
22:02:49 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: 49
22:02:50 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: 29
22:02:55 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: 27
22:02:56 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for typing in your numbers
22:02:56 Wendy Drexler -> -EdTechTalk: 45
22:03:03 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: 23
22:03:05 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: we will pick a winner in just a bit for the TRAVEL BUG
22:03:06 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: 21
22:03:07 kathycassidy -> -EdTechTalk: 36
22:03:08 nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: 15
22:03:11 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: 9
22:03:16 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: 48
22:03:18 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: 76
22:03:21 colettec -> -EdTechTalk: 16
22:03:25 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: 89
22:03:26 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Durff
22:03:27 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Heaven help me if it comes to me
22:03:29 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: durff - 1 - 50
22:03:30 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Lisa -- follow directions sheesh
22:03:31 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Hahaha
22:03:35 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: :)
22:03:37 Annemarie -> -EdTechTalk: 4
22:03:38 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: 103
22:03:43 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: we have a winner!!!
22:03:48 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: WE HAVE WINNER
22:03:49 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Awww, Annemarie!
22:03:54 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: No fair!
22:03:56 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Durff, It is Misst2, the winner!
22:04:02 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: I learned so much. Have lots of links to look at!
22:04:05 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: great show-thanks
22:04:08 sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all
22:04:15 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: private chat with her
22:04:33 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: thanks y'all! this was great!!
22:04:35 nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks to everyone. I feel enlightened!
22:04:35 jepcke -> -EdTechTalk: Great show Learned something very new and something I've wanted to learn about
22:04:41 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Shelia is going to mail a travel bug to the winner, Misst2. Thanks to all the great information from the ladies, Beth, Shelia, Deb for your enthusiasm.
22:04:50 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: can't wait to explore this more by actually doing it
22:04:59 paulrwood -> -EdTechTalk: Enjoyed it very much. Thanks for the show.
22:04:59 bcdtech/Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Great show- lots to learn!
22:05:01 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Donna -- MissT2 -- please send your info to ME -- mailing address -- and I can get it to them!!!
22:05:03 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for a great show!
22:05:06 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Yay I won. Jen will have to come to Savannah to find it!!
22:05:08 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: or you can send it straight to them -- :)
22:05:14 loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: have a good nite y'all!
22:05:19 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @misst2 -- I am coming in NOVEMBER
22:05:24 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: Goodnight all, thanks for participating.
22:05:28 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: check out
22:05:44 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Hey guys who are running this - are we doing a geocaching two?
22:06:09 dgoodman -> -EdTechTalk: goodnight all
22:06:19 Wendy Drexler -> -EdTechTalk: Sorry I missed the beginning everyone. Have a great evening! Hi to Jen W.
22:06:29 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: goodnight deborah
22:06:41 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: what is the tracking number for that TB?
22:06:44 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Wait, question!
22:06:46 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: HELLO TO WENDY!!!
22:06:57 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes this was great. I want to go buy a gps!
22:07:00 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Are we doing this topic again?!
22:07:06 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: not to log it, but to find it
22:07:18 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: keep on caching!
22:07:21 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Someone see this please?
22:07:26 Maria at BLC -> -EdTechTalk: geocaching with headlamps in new england
22:07:27 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: We will be on vacation until August 19th
22:07:31 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: enjoy your time off until then
22:07:53 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Miss us JUST A BIT
22:07:58 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster -- yo have a ???
22:08:03 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes!
22:08:03 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: You?? not yo
22:08:05 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: LOL
22:08:06 bonnine louisiana -> -EdTechTalk: Have a good vacation.
22:08:07 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: I will miss you a lot!!!!!
22:08:09 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: yo gradster!!
22:08:12 cheryloakes wow2 -> -EdTechTalk: bye to all.
22:08:13 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: what is your question??
22:08:16 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Are we doing this topic again?
22:08:21 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: A geocaching two?
22:08:27 DBragg -> -EdTechTalk: bye all
22:08:30 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Gradster1 -- yes, we hope to repeat it with more infomation in the fall
22:08:34 mrsdurff -> -EdTechTalk: g'night
22:08:40 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: In the fall?
22:08:40 JMad -> -EdTechTalk: nite
22:08:42 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Good night!
22:08:46 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, though it was weekly
22:08:53 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1
22:09:01 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: we are off unti August 19th
22:09:04 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: It is weekly, but they are taking time off for the summer
22:09:07 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: and then we are booked solid until October
22:09:14 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: so -- smiles -- fall :)
22:09:16 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Awww, I just got into it!
22:09:19 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Darn.
22:09:22 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: smiles
22:09:28 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: should I send you a reminder email on August 19th??
22:09:28 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Well anyway I hope to see you people around!
22:09:29 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: You will have to come back.
22:09:34 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: or just follow me on twitter :)
22:09:41 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Jen I may be in contact with you!
22:09:46 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: :) gradster -- anytime
22:09:47 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: jenuinetech?
22:09:54 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: yes sir, that is me
22:09:56 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Okay, good
22:10:03 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: You'll get email shortly
22:10:03 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: Donna -- I follow you on Twitter??? right??
22:10:09 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Or a chat, if you're online
22:10:09 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes.
22:10:10 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- excellent
22:10:13 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: great
22:10:20 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: I need to get -- but Donna -- I am coming to GAETC
22:10:25 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: and will make a trip to Savannah
22:10:36 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: So not much more to say - bye, all!
22:10:40 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Yay. I hope to be at GAETC.
22:10:42 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: :) actually I will fly into savannah and then drive to atlanta and then back to savannah
22:10:49 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: you could be my travel buddy :)
22:10:56 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: good night @gradster1
22:11:06 misst2 -> -EdTechTalk: Sounds good!
22:11:08 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Are you not going to check your email tonight?
22:11:08 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: I need to go walk !!
22:11:17 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: @gradster1 -- LOL, that is a given :)
22:11:32 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Night's just started for me, but I don't know about you guys
22:11:36 gradster1 -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, okay
22:11:39 JenW--CA -> -EdTechTalk: good night all -- be back in about 1 hour :)
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great post! interesting conversation....