EdTechWeekly #46 - The Cream of the Crop Episode

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EdTechWeekly#46 - Cream of the Crop Episode
September 23, 2007
The 'Cream of the Crop' Show Forum Discussion

This week's Del.icio.us Links

Chat Log Below

18:59:52 JenniferWagner -> hello again!!!
18:59:53 CathyE -> I am hearing the stream
18:59:58 sharonp -> where are y'all streaming from?
19:00:08 JenniferWagner -> I am listenging on EdTechTalk A
19:00:11 dave -> ist here a stream?
19:00:25 sharonp -> and it just happened again
19:00:30 JenM -> hi, all!
19:00:42 JenM -> what fun webcasting fun!!
19:00:57 JohnSchinker -> Please confirm whether the stream is working. Should be on ETT A
19:01:04 JenniferWagner -> sharon -- are you right mouse clicking?? and open in a NEW tab
19:01:10 JenniferWagner -> and yes -- Stream A is great
19:01:10 CathyE -> stream is working
19:01:14 CathyE -> loud and clear
19:01:26 JenniferWagner -> if someone was singing -- we can hear you
19:01:29 sharonp -> just remind me how to use the right mouse on a mac, still learning
19:01:34 JenniferWagner -> ahhh sorry
19:01:41 JenniferWagner -> emmmm -- APPLE key
19:02:01 dave -> apple?
19:02:06 dave -> bah.
19:02:20 sharonp -> and this is the page it directs me to - http://worldbridges.net/listen.pls
19:02:37 sharonp -> nothing in my downloads
19:02:39 JenniferWagner -> really??
19:02:41 JenniferWagner -> hmmmm
19:02:47 jeff -> you should be able to open that in Itunes
19:02:48 JenniferWagner -> not sure -- but they are live
19:02:49 sharonp -> yup, pretty consistent - three times
19:03:04 sharonp -> oh boo hoo, looked forward to this all day
19:03:31 JenniferWagner -> don't give up yet
19:03:33 JenniferWagner -> just a sec
19:03:43 JenniferWagner -> okay
19:03:55 JenniferWagner -> do you have an external mouse??
19:03:57 Durff -> hey
19:04:01 JenniferWagner -> hey Durff
19:04:04 sharonp -> no
19:04:06 JenniferWagner -> or a USB mouse
19:04:08 JenniferWagner -> okay
19:04:14 JenniferWagner -> just a sec -- checking my mac
19:04:21 JenniferWagner -> CHERYL -- Sharon needs your help with her mac
19:04:27 sharonp -> I do elsewhere - I could get it
19:04:33 cheryloakes -> what a great intro Jen
19:04:34 JenniferWagner -> Cheryl will help you!!!
19:04:40 CathyE -> ya'll are soooo good
19:04:42 sharonp -> HI Cheryl.... http://worldbridges.net/listen.pls
19:04:46 JenniferWagner -> it sounded WONDERFUL
19:04:56 Durff -> just JenM to stop singing
19:04:57 cheryloakes -> sharon did you broadcast?
19:05:06 sharonp -> Cheryl that is what I get when I hit the little speaker icon for the Edtechtalk A
19:05:15 cheryloakes -> sweet
19:05:19 dave -> http://drupal.org
19:05:23 sharonp -> no access to the stream
19:05:27 Durff -> wonderful intro!
19:06:10 Durff -> http://worldbridges.net/listen
19:06:14 JenM -> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1730
19:06:18 Durff -> beat ya
19:06:21 JenniferWagner -> grins -- a couple of weeks if you are a TECH GURU
19:06:29 JenniferWagner -> couple of years if you are me LOL
19:06:53 jeff -> http://www.7-zip.org/
19:06:58 dave -> sharon: http://www.tailoredtime.com/images/pictures/tin_can_phone.jpg
19:07:21 jeff -> http://www.cdburnerxp.se/
19:07:39 JohnSchinker -> http://wordpress.org/
19:07:40 sharonp -> gee Dave, thanks, THAT was REALLY helpful
19:07:45 JenniferWagner -> can sharon hear??
19:07:56 dave -> bwahahahaha
19:08:06 Durff -> dtip whining
19:08:11 CathyE -> @Dave- you crack me up!
19:08:11 sharonp -> Sharon cannot hear
19:08:20 sharonp -> Sharon is wondering why she ever believes DAve
19:08:25 JenniferWagner -> hmmm -- very weird Sharon -- you are missing their BEST show :)
19:08:41 JenniferWagner -> what happens when you use the APPLE key and click on the stream??
19:08:41 CathyE -> reboot sharon and try again
19:09:16 dave -> http://ubuntu.com
19:09:17 JenniferWagner -> Hey SUE!!!
19:09:42 dave -> http://ubuntuguide.org
19:10:28 JenniferWagner -> do you need a virus program??
19:10:42 sroseman -> Hey JEN!!
19:10:54 sroseman -> for my Mac, Jen
19:11:01 JenniferWagner -> no -- for Ubuntu??
19:11:08 sroseman -> sure
19:11:14 CathyE -> Hey Doug
19:11:15 JenniferWagner -> isn't it a another Operating System
19:11:21 CathyE -> Long time no see :)
19:11:24 DS -> Hi Cathy, and all
19:11:28 JenniferWagner -> cuz I don't have it on my MAC -- a virus program
19:11:31 DS -> it has been--great to see you
19:11:44 JenniferWagner -> Hey Doug -- I lost you in SKYPE today -- sorry
19:11:58 JenniferWagner -> but we will try WIZIQ again later
19:12:06 DS -> np
19:12:12 Durff -> you're addicted
19:12:13 JenM -> http://www.flickr.com/
19:12:14 JenniferWagner -> it was GREAT fun
19:12:22 sroseman -> Hi Cheryl
19:12:31 cheryloakes -> hi susan good to see you here
19:12:37 CathyE -> @Jen- sorry I had to leave ya'll today
19:12:49 JenniferWagner -> Cathy -- it was fun -- I hear there is an ARCHIVE
19:12:57 sroseman -> just returned from a biking trip near Mont Tremblant, Quebec..Cheryl
19:13:15 cheryloakes -> OH, what fun, did you see Sharon on the streets of Montreal?
19:13:19 jeff -> http://www.dnsstuff.com/
19:13:26 sroseman -> awesome leaves
19:13:29 AliceMercer -> I don't like the limits on Flickr. They DON'T want you to use it for storage really.
19:13:34 AliceMercer -> So I'm on Picasa
19:13:35 JenniferWagner -> I love BUBBLESHARE
19:13:37 sroseman -> not that close to Montreal
19:13:40 cheryloakes -> yes it is really getting pretty
19:13:51 jeff -> http://timeanddate.com/
19:13:52 AliceMercer -> Limits on photobucket?
19:14:22 JenniferWagner -> my K6 teachers are not scared of Bubbleshare -- Flickr scared them :)
19:14:42 AliceMercer -> Should be more than 24
19:14:50 Durff -> Flickr 'filters' everything shown in Germany - I'm boycotting
19:15:01 Durff -> hi sharon
19:15:04 AliceMercer -> Cause not everyone is following the meridian based stuff.
19:15:07 JohnSchinker -> http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
19:15:08 sharonp -> PHEW! REal Player finally worked for me!
19:15:11 sroseman -> Hi Sharon
19:15:12 AliceMercer -> India is off by 30 minutes.
19:15:19 sharonp -> dnsstuff.com?
19:15:24 AliceMercer -> ANd has one time zone for the whole country.
19:15:25 sharonp -> Hi Sue
19:15:59 AliceMercer -> I love my FireFox.
19:15:59 JenniferWagner -> APPLAUSE for Firefox!!!
19:16:05 jeff -> http://dnsstuff.com
19:16:09 JenniferWagner -> can sharon hear now???
19:16:16 sharonp -> yay
19:16:17 AliceMercer -> Flexible toolbars
19:16:18 sharonp -> yes
19:16:22 JenniferWagner -> CLAPPING
19:16:27 sharonp -> Internet Explorer - what is that??
19:16:39 AliceMercer -> IE sucks
19:16:41 JenniferWagner -> ohhh Browser Wars
19:17:01 AliceMercer -> Got my sister on FireFox. She was using Netscape to avoid IE?
19:17:03 sharonp -> I love FF - just wish I could have heard the stream tonight with itunes
19:17:08 AliceMercer -> Flock?
19:17:08 sharonp -> Flock?
19:17:11 JenniferWagner -> Safari
19:17:25 sharonp -> Safari is so not supported by so many apps
19:17:28 JenniferWagner -> OHMIGOSH - you didn't say IE7 is better
19:17:29 dave -> http://technorati.com/
19:17:30 AliceMercer -> Oh, well there's an improvement!?!
19:17:33 JenniferWagner -> you could NOT have said that
19:17:38 AliceMercer -> NOT!
19:17:47 JenniferWagner -> he must have hit his head to have said that
19:17:54 sharonp -> I used IE7 all last year on my Dell - because FF was blocked
19:18:02 JohnSchinker -> He said IE7 is better than IE6
19:18:17 JenniferWagner -> how could he -- it took over my computer IE7
19:18:21 JenniferWagner -> I couldn't find things anymore
19:18:21 AliceMercer -> Hey, my authority is up to 30, lol
19:18:42 JenniferWagner -> someone HAS to sit down and explain Technorati to me someday
19:19:00 sharonp -> it is annoying when nice peeps, well meaning peeps, believe that all bloggers are self-promoters who need attention
19:19:20 JenniferWagner -> OH SHARON -- I have to tell you something about Technorati later
19:19:29 JenM -> Windows uses make your movies using ... http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/moviemaker2.mspx ... and then use http://blip.tv/ to upload your masterpiece
19:19:32 sharonp -> uh oh....
19:19:52 JenniferWagner -> REALLY???
19:19:53 sharonp -> that uh oh was for Jen
19:19:59 AliceMercer -> Vanity that's true...
19:20:04 JenniferWagner -> LOL -- no just something you and I would laugh at
19:20:05 AliceMercer -> So I have A LOW #
19:20:11 jeff -> http://revver.com
19:20:14 sharonp -> gotcha
19:20:31 AliceMercer -> Win MM: It does crash a lot
19:20:37 sharonp -> Windows Movie Maker is cool - as is Photostory
19:20:49 AliceMercer -> Photostory crashes less.
19:20:52 jeff -> http://www.auditmypc.com/internet-speed-test.asp
19:20:57 sharonp -> so will it upload your Photostory movie too? same extension - .wmv ?
19:21:13 cheryloakes -> i lost the stream
19:21:17 jeff -> http://www.metal-machine.de/readerror/index.php
19:21:43 sharonp -> so if you upload to blip.tv - can you download it as same file?
19:21:43 JohnSchinker -> http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/archives/2007/09/19/jeff-lebow/
19:21:47 darkmman -> hii
19:21:53 sharonp -> Hi there
19:22:00 darkmman -> how are you??
19:22:09 cheryloakes -> FF was stalling, went to flock
19:22:18 cheryloakes -> now flock is re buffering
19:22:27 AliceMercer -> Jeff LEBOW!
19:22:29 AliceMercer -> Yeah
19:22:30 JenniferWagner -> WHO??
19:22:31 sharonp -> let's all clap!!
19:22:35 DS -> woooohooooo
19:22:36 JenM -> yeah!!
19:22:50 jeff -> http://edtechtalk.com
19:22:56 JenniferWagner -> I hear he is up for the T&L award
19:23:03 sharonp -> NO WAY!
19:23:05 dave -> oh really?
19:23:06 JenniferWagner -> yep
19:23:08 JenM -> Yeah ... EDTECHTALK!!!
19:23:12 sroseman -> CLAP CLAP
19:23:14 JenniferWagner -> grins -- but he has competition :)
19:23:25 Durff -> el jeff
19:23:32 JenniferWagner -> doing the Happy Dance for Jeff!!!
19:23:33 sroseman -> Clap:)
19:23:38 Durff -> anyone know him?
19:23:46 dave -> http://www.engadget.com/2005/11/29/how-to-stream-almost-anything-using-vlc/
19:23:59 Durff -> he made people learn gmt
19:24:02 sharonp -> yeah, the WiZiQ thing really got a lot of peeps talking today
19:24:27 DS -> lol
19:24:34 JenniferWagner -> I literallyl LAUGHED OUT LOUD
19:24:35 sharonp -> Dave is off vomiting - again
19:24:44 Durff -> ew
19:24:57 Durff -> thanks for sharing
19:24:59 JenniferWagner -> Jeff is going to take Dave to the ceremony -- right???
19:25:10 JenM -> http://www.cnet.com/
19:25:12 JenniferWagner -> I am taking Sharon -- LOL, if I win (grins)
19:25:17 Durff -> fake!
19:25:36 JohnSchinker -> Dave's going to be Jeff's date?
19:25:46 dave -> i'm ALWAYS his date
19:25:48 JenniferWagner -> hmmmm -- not date
19:25:52 JenniferWagner -> LOL accomplice
19:26:02 sharonp -> oh I love cnet
19:26:12 jeff -> http://maps.live.com/
19:26:16 Durff -> who would do that?
19:26:25 sharonp -> I spend HOURs on cnet reviews in the weeks before Christmas - for some reason.... :-)
19:26:33 JenniferWagner -> who would do what??
19:27:22 JohnSchinker -> http://www.skype.com/
19:28:00 sharonp -> BUT, BUT, maps.live.com doesn't have traffic reports for any Canadian cities
19:28:19 sharonp -> some of us tried to break skype today
19:28:34 sharonp -> we peaked out at 9 people in a conference
19:29:00 sharonp -> oooooh google talk conferencing
19:29:04 sharonp -> what a thought
19:29:16 dave -> http://downes.ca
19:30:16 sharonp -> Stephen MIGHT object to being referred to as a tool - although his edurss feed really rocks
19:30:20 JenniferWagner -> Someone has to explain how to read Stephen's blog to me
19:30:25 JenM -> http://www.twit.tv/
19:30:29 JenniferWagner -> I don't know what is HIS and what is OTHERS
19:31:06 Durff -> hi lauren
19:31:08 AliceMercer -> I love his unrepentent hippie look
19:31:22 JenniferWagner -> I asked Leo Laporte to come on WOW2
19:31:22 Durff -> well....
19:31:23 AliceMercer -> Tell me, he must be a Dead fan?
19:31:30 CathyE -> I never miss twit
19:31:34 JenniferWagner -> LOLOL -- I will have to show you his nice rejection letter someday
19:31:57 CathyE -> I love all Leo's podcast - I even listen to Jumping Monkey
19:32:18 sharonp -> I must be out of it but I can't recall who LL is??
19:32:19 dave -> what a long... strange trip it's been
19:32:48 sharonp -> I was interrupted by some family members - did somebody say Stephen Downes will be in Charlottetwon next weekend??
19:32:50 sroseman -> along that line I like Amber Mac for news
19:32:54 jeff -> http://www.yugma.com/
19:32:56 JenniferWagner -> LOL he said NO
19:32:57 dave -> he'll be in the audience
19:32:58 JohnSchinker -> yes, sharon
19:33:08 sharonp -> WOOT!
19:33:09 JenniferWagner -> nicely -- but he said NO, but thank you
19:33:19 jeff -> http://jingproject.com/
19:33:24 sroseman -> http://ambermac.typepad.com/
19:33:24 sharonp -> he will be in WHICH audience, Dave???
19:33:41 AliceMercer -> Leo LaPorte, or Stephen Downes rejected you?
19:34:01 JohnSchinker -> http://moodle.org/
19:34:29 sharonp -> I can keep track of this thread cuz I know I will be in Charlottetown next weekend, where, apparently, SD will also be - I have no clue who this LL person is.... am I just too Canadian??
19:34:58 sharonp -> oh I love moodle - appreciate it SOOOO much more now that I am being made to use Sakai
19:35:02 jeff -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Laporte
19:35:29 dave -> http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/creamofcrop
19:35:32 JenniferWagner -> Leo Laporte
19:35:39 JohnSchinker -> Chat room: who wants to chime in with something?
19:35:40 JenniferWagner -> We had Stephen on our show already
19:35:52 AliceMercer -> Hey, we had a show on Moodle on It's Elementary
19:35:53 JenniferWagner -> and he was a great intervieweee
19:36:04 AliceMercer -> Of course none of us use it yet.
19:36:05 sharonp -> OH SD was just sooo gracious and sweet
19:36:19 AliceMercer -> It is ubiquitous though.
19:36:23 JenniferWagner -> YEP -- we like to stay on SD good side -- HUH?? :)
19:36:44 JenniferWagner -> Someone has to show me someday how to REALLY use DEL.ICIO.US
19:36:45 AliceMercer -> Diigo is my pick, and you can save to del.icio.us
19:36:46 sharonp -> am shaking in my boots - would he be at my presentation - NOW I am intimidated
19:36:48 JenM -> bluetooth mouse .... http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/mice_pointers/mice/devices/174&cl=us,en
19:36:53 Durff -> moodleacademy?
19:36:54 CathyE -> Here is something coming if a few weeks- Webslides - http://drupal.dare.k12.nc.us/?q=node/20
19:37:03 AliceMercer -> SlideShare?
19:37:04 dave -> i hope so!
19:37:06 JenniferWagner -> You guys HAVE to give http://www.bubbleshare.com
19:37:10 JohnSchinker -> Right, Alice. That was my point. There isn't a consensus.
19:37:23 Durff -> widely distributed
19:37:34 sharonp -> DAve to whom was that "i hope so" directed??
19:37:46 AliceMercer -> John, del.icio.us is ubiquitous, but I prefer diigo for usuability.
19:37:50 Durff -> i agree dave - I agree with dave? better examine my head
19:37:56 AliceMercer -> I'll talk about it fi you want?
19:38:02 jeff -> http://www.getmiro.com/
19:38:15 dave -> you sharon...
19:38:18 CathyE -> webslides is part of diigo
19:38:21 sharonp -> I have miro! it is cool - download the movies into my ipod
19:38:24 Durff -> hi
19:38:29 AliceMercer -> And slide share, but then you have to ask, why am I still using powerpoint so darn much?
19:38:31 sharonp -> Dave, was afraid of that....
19:38:45 AliceMercer -> Musicovery
19:39:05 AliceMercer -> It's short and sweet, and not blocked. Doesn't use much bandwidth.
19:39:08 JenniferWagner -> so what options are there??
19:39:27 JohnSchinker -> http://labs.google.com/
19:39:50 sharonp -> how does one get stuff on their ipod without itunes? anyone??
19:39:53 AliceMercer -> itunes is a PITA. I did use Yahoo! which shows how desperate I was.
19:40:07 JenniferWagner -> Tell us how to use our IPOD without iTUNES??
19:40:11 AliceMercer -> Hmm, there is a question. I use a non-iPod mp3
19:40:12 dave -> http://azureus.sourceforge.net/
19:40:14 Durff -> why not aggregate everything in Rss aggregator used for other stuff?
19:40:39 Durff -> one site = simplicity
19:40:40 sharonp -> yes, my love affair with all things google continues.... and love their business model
19:40:46 AliceMercer -> SO SlideShare and Diigo are my picks. And slide share is good for newbies
19:41:01 AliceMercer -> Sharon, trying to get someone mad at you?
19:41:13 Durff -> hi suzie
19:41:14 sroseman -> do check out google gap minder
19:41:20 JenniferWagner -> Sharon has to love Google -- she has Stock Options (grins)
19:41:25 JenniferWagner -> LOL
19:41:36 JenM -> http://onecare.live.com/site/en-us/center/cleanup.htm
19:41:38 sharonp -> Alice, I know some peeps think google is taking over - and yes, I would have some concerns about that
19:41:50 dave -> $#%#$% google
19:41:52 AliceMercer -> Like the man talking now?
19:41:54 AliceMercer -> Yep!
19:41:59 sharonp -> don't start rumours, Jen! I don't have stock options!
19:42:03 Durff -> YES! like sourceforge
19:42:05 JohnSchinker -> Dave, how do you find things online?
19:42:10 dave -> google
19:42:12 JenniferWagner -> you think GOOGLE is taking over -- hmmm I only have 14 gmails, plus docs, but google homepage, google reader
19:42:14 AliceMercer -> I [heart] sourceforge
19:42:14 dave -> i also use gmail
19:42:15 JenniferWagner -> LOL
19:42:20 dave -> and i eat chicken wings
19:42:24 AliceMercer -> I heart sourceforge
19:42:30 dave -> but that doesn't make them good for you
19:42:35 jeff -> http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/managing_your_ipod_without_...
19:42:44 Durff -> yuck chicken
19:42:46 sharonp -> FOURTEEN gmail accounts!!! Tell us how you are REALLY making money, Jen?
19:42:57 JenniferWagner -> Making Money -- I don't think so
19:43:23 JenniferWagner -> my favorite gmail account is [email protected] -- I use it for all online forms
19:43:29 jeff -> http://www.mightyseek.com/podpress/
19:43:39 AliceMercer -> I have a cheap MP3 player.
19:43:51 JenniferWagner -> is this show going to be available for downloads??? How many times can someone HATE something??
19:43:58 jeff -> http://www.slideshare.net/faqs/slidecast
19:43:58 AliceMercer -> And when I fry it, I dont' have to worry about being on hold with Apple CS
19:44:22 JohnSchinker -> http://www.tightvnc.com/
19:44:24 AliceMercer -> Thank you Jeff
19:44:33 Durff -> they are forcing you!
19:44:39 sharonp -> does anyone know anything about multi-user WordPress?
19:44:50 JenniferWagner -> Bubbleshare does not get noticed enough -- so thank you
19:44:54 Durff -> children!
19:45:04 AliceMercer -> tiny url?
19:45:05 Durff -> hi joanna
19:45:17 JenniferWagner -> did anyone mention WIKIS??
19:45:24 AliceMercer -> Oh, google reader has a search facility!
19:45:52 AliceMercer -> Hey how about a discussion about how people have to pick wikis based on what is and isn't blocked in district
19:45:56 Durff -> hi julie
19:46:06 jeff -> http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm
19:46:14 AliceMercer -> Which is a PITA. I think that was on Classroom 2.0 or Miguel's blog
19:46:17 JenniferWagner -> JOHN SCHINKER -- thank you for that LNK
19:46:19 CathyE -> John- I would like to talk to you about your vnc
19:46:32 sroseman -> yes part two
19:46:42 JenniferWagner -> Lets do our WORSE ideas of SOFTWARE
19:46:56 JenniferWagner -> Bloglines is my choice
19:47:01 JenniferWagner -> I can use THUNDERBIRD??
19:47:04 dave -> netvibes
19:47:16 Durff -> you let people use the computers? Are you crazy?
19:47:18 JenniferWagner -> LOL -- not for WORSE IDEAS -- I do LIKE Bloglines
19:47:24 JenM -> google reader :)
19:47:28 JenniferWagner -> John -- you need to show us HOW!!
19:47:46 CathyE -> yes- I second that
19:47:54 JenniferWagner -> I use THUNDERBIRD
19:47:56 JohnSchinker -> I can show you in the postshow
19:48:02 JenniferWagner -> YEAH!!!
19:48:07 CathyE -> yea
19:48:24 JenniferWagner -> WHY do you like Google Reader?? Doesn't it slow down your computer??
19:48:36 jeff -> not really
19:48:39 JenniferWagner -> don't you feel like BIG BROTHER is wattching you??
19:48:44 jeff -> skype 'worldbridges' to share your cream
19:48:53 JenniferWagner -> LOL -- this question from someone who has 14 gmail accounts
19:48:56 JenM -> nope ... no issues JW with being slow ...
19:49:05 JenM -> ... google reader
19:49:23 JohnSchinker -> Thunderbird RSS Demo in Postshow: http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=126647580
19:49:47 sroseman -> gmail
19:49:51 JenniferWagner -> sighs -- I use GMAIL
19:49:52 CathyE -> I'm using gmail
19:49:59 JenniferWagner -> is THUNDERBIRD one??
19:50:08 Durff -> oh it does!
19:50:13 JenniferWagner -> I use Thunderbird and GMAIL
19:50:39 JenniferWagner -> I dont like that GMAIL can't make folders
19:50:44 Durff -> gmail
19:50:56 JenniferWagner -> and that when you close an email -- and not GO BACK TO INBOX -- it erases the email FOREVER
19:51:04 Durff -> but one has to pay yahoo to forward emails
19:51:21 JenM -> yahoo, Inidana University & gmail accounts all aggregated into yahoo interface
19:51:21 JenniferWagner -> say that again ALICE
19:51:41 JenniferWagner -> I don't understand LABELS then
19:51:42 AliceMercer -> Say what JW?
19:51:53 JenniferWagner -> how you extend your kids email to you
19:52:22 Durff -> gaggle
19:52:22 AliceMercer -> I'm going to text this:
19:52:34 Durff -> jdub - gaggle
19:53:24 Durff -> blogs?
19:53:41 Durff -> wikis?
19:53:43 AliceMercer -> Sign up a student for a learner or edublogs with your gmail account + their name
19:53:58 AliceMercer -> like "[email protected]"
19:54:01 Durff -> or use classblogmeister
19:54:12 JenniferWagner -> thanks ALICE
19:54:23 AliceMercer -> and then the email from edublogs will be routed to your email [email protected]
19:54:37 JenniferWagner -> excellent --- THANK YOU!!
19:54:39 AliceMercer -> but they will have a unique account on edublogs
19:54:52 AliceMercer -> There. I've also documented this in Classroom2.0 ning
19:54:53 JenniferWagner -> does it work without edublogs ---
19:54:55 Durff -> Go alice!!!
19:54:59 JenniferWagner -> I mean it works regardless???
19:55:09 AliceMercer -> Yes, others have used it.
19:55:18 AliceMercer -> And I have had it work on ning
19:55:21 JenniferWagner -> so I can add students to my gmails wihtout any problem
19:55:34 AliceMercer -> Your not adding them to gmail.
19:55:42 JenniferWagner -> I am using both PBWiki and Wikispaces -- but my preference is WIKISPACES
19:55:49 JenniferWagner -> ahhhhh okay
19:56:16 Durff -> there's a limit?
19:56:19 AliceMercer -> They aren't getting an email account, they are able to get an edublog or ning or other account, and anything sent to their "email addy" will go to your gmail addy
19:56:26 jeff -> http://ustream.tv/
19:56:36 AliceMercer -> I prefer PBWikik but JW, I don't like my choice made by filtering,
19:56:49 JenniferWagner -> thanks
19:56:52 AliceMercer -> just as I wouldn't want your choice limited to pbwiki based on filtering.
19:56:55 JenniferWagner -> for the show
19:57:12 JenniferWagner -> Alice -- I just like Wikispaces mainly because I learned it first
19:57:19 jeff -> http://livingarchives.ca/
19:57:19 JenniferWagner -> and love the free ADFREE for teachers
19:57:20 AliceMercer -> JW, does my explanation of how the gmail append make sense?
19:57:24 AliceMercer -> and what it gets you?
19:57:24 JenniferWagner -> YES
19:57:26 JenniferWagner -> thank you
19:57:29 AliceMercer -> Good.
19:57:40 JenniferWagner -> see you all later!!!!
19:57:40 DS -> yes, thanks for a great show--looking fwd to next wk's extravaganza!
19:57:41 AliceMercer -> And no one heard my typing?
19:57:47 AliceMercer -> excellent.
19:57:50 JenniferWagner -> I heard you type -- but no biggie
19:57:58 AliceMercer -> Oh oh, I'm supposed to be muted
19:58:04 JenniferWagner -> are you guys going to host the K12 online confernce 24 hour
19:58:09 JenM -> ARVIND!!!!!
19:58:16 arvind -> hello!
19:58:17 JenniferWagner -> When Night Falls??
19:58:21 arvind -> guess i'm a bit tardy
19:58:23 AliceMercer -> When will ETW move to Monday?
19:58:29 arvind -> like 3 months tardy i'd say
19:58:31 JenniferWagner -> Sharon Peters??? you didn't mention this!?!?!?!
19:58:50 dave -> :)
19:59:05 JenniferWagner -> cell phones can call SKYPE
19:59:16 JenniferWagner -> good night -- chat soon!!!
19:59:20 JohnSchinker -> he's saying he won't have cell coverage
19:59:38 AliceMercer -> Dave gave me the brush off!
19:59:43 arvind -> Jeff, we've seen you wear stranger things than a satellite dish on your head
19:59:45 AliceMercer -> I dont' think he liked my point
20:00:08 AliceMercer -> Woo hoo, You go girl!
20:00:35 arvind -> our graduation was rescinded?!
20:00:38 arvind -> ouch
20:00:49 sharonp -> hi Jen - yes, I will be in PEI next weekend - am JUST NOW looking at schedule
20:00:53 AliceMercer -> I'm so glad I graduated without the new policy.
20:00:58 arvind -> i edited the wiki page to say that we met all requirements. don't you love wikis?
20:01:02 AliceMercer -> Who says speed doesn't pay?
20:01:17 sharonp -> and discovering I am going up against Will R and Jeff L on the schedule - PHEW! nobody is coming to mine!!
20:01:20 AliceMercer -> Arvind, that is like hacking a grade change
20:01:43 arvind -> but I thought wikis were open to any interpretation :)
20:01:59 arvind -> should we move over to the webcast academy chatroom?
20:02:16 AliceMercer -> THat isn't ed tech?
20:02:20 AliceMercer -> Although interesting?
20:02:23 CathyE -> I am hearing both streams